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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

Why don't we condemn Mubarak for holding Gaza blockade from Egyptian side?

Nothing good is expected from Israel as its enemy of humanity let alone Islam.

But we should hold Egypt accountable first and firemost before pursuing the Israelis.

Much of the burden could be lifted if Egypt opens its border to Gaza.

Yes, that was puzzling to me as to why Egypt is behaving that way. I read several accounts of that and I used to believe that Egypt was afraid that its own 'Muslim Brotherhood' movement will get a boost from Hamas. That may be possible but then I say an article by Juan Cole recently (juancole.com) which enlisted several reasons for Egypt's betrayal; one of the most compelling was that Egypt, not only dependent (addicted, actually) on American aid but also fears that a free-flow of goods through the Rafah crossing will cause an Israeli attack on the crossing itself. Egypt, being militarily weak, does not want to look weak.

But if Egypt had leaders with people's backing like Turks and Iranians have then I think Egypt would have been bolder. But that is not so.
sure , i dont visit this forum frequently.
so u may go through all my posts and then reply to them.
ill reply to them when ill come next. :wave: :lazy:

so how can it be a funny picture, you can find whole lot of Info how Israel expanded its territories my mass murdering innocent Palestine, just need to open your eyes and your mind
is their only Navy??..... can u please put Army, Airforce and Most impotently All type of SAMs in comparison

Sir if u go through the thread carefully i have also posted the comparison of Air forces of both countries
can u plz share history of TAF Combat experience And IAF combat history . And which air force have superiour pilots.

Well i dun thnk turkey have to worry about their pilot skills they can call upon PAF pilots anytime n without any hesitancy they would agree to go n fight as you know we have a history of sending our pilots in the past to help muslim countries in case of war and every one knows that

PAF is the only airforce in the world who have shoot down israeli aircrafts without loosing any of their's
Dude stop boasting..it's embarrassing.Turkish Air Force Pilots have far more hours on F-16's and they are experienced enough to handle Israelis.They don't need Pakistanis like Arabs.

he is my hero..... may Allah bless him but for some reason he might end up as jfk ...

agreed that he is indeed a true hero, may Allah bless him with a long and blessed life, Ameen!

but hopefully he doesn't end up like JFK (RIP JFK).
Its not Pakistan's problem best we stay out of it we have of or own issues ... yes Turkey is doing something cause it was there ship that got attacked :cheesy::disagree:

Man thats the poor perception that resulted our downfall we have stop thinking like an UMAH, people like you n me after reading to books of start thinking differently but the ground reality is we are one, no matter where ever in world a muslim is in problem its our duty to help him out n you are saying Palestinian issue is not our problem and these were turkish ships blah blah suppose you are a citizen of Palestine thn will you not call all muslim countries to help you out n if they think like you n u got no response from them how the hell will it feel

Western countries have made unity , if you attack on one country the others will kick your arse look at NATO , EU there are so many examples then why cant we make union when we are of same UMAH, Pathetic thinking
Peace activist U.S. citizen Rachel Corrie in Israel


Her info:
Rachel Corrie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The aftermath


Allah bless Turkey, very brave people, and Rest In Peace Rachel Corrie!
☪☪☪☪;910355 said:
Dude stop boasting..it's embarrassing.Turkish Air Force Pilots have far more hours on F-16's and they are experienced enough to handle Israelis.They don't need Pakistanis like Arabs.

So Mr. analyst let me tell you a thing having flying hours and having a real war experience is a hell of a difference dont compare them both and we PAF have a number of war experiences , um not saying that turkish air force is not good but um saying the airforce with more war experience can have an edge our her enemy

If you are not done with that let me tell you an intresting fact

When israel threatsto iran were increasing and Saudi Arabia allowed israel to use her airspace to attack Iran at that time israel also asked Turkey to allow her to use its airspace but turkey refused and in those days turkish airforce was on high alert and their Prime minister or defence minister ( i dont remember exactly ) asked PAF pilots to give theri services in case of mishap

i dont have any source for that ryt now but if you have any freind or relative in airforce or in any defence related field you can go and ask him

Denying the false is good but at the same time you have to admit the goods that you have, neither b optimistic nor b pasimistic stay in between
so how can it be a funny picture, you can find whole lot of Info how Israel expanded its territories my mass murdering innocent Palestine, just need to open your eyes and your mind

israel has not massmurdered any palestinian. its jews who were massmurdered allover the arabia throughout the history.

plz tell me who were the actual inhibitants of arabia before islam came..??
khaibar , bani quraiza , bani juan etc etc etc... they all were jewish towns , who were massmurdered .

n ure crying about palestine..???

by the way who are these palestinians at the first place..??
who are the Palestinians? Palestinians are partly Egyptians and partly Jordanians. They are not people of the land. Most of them are recent migrants. Palestine is a region. There has never been a country called Palestine for you to say Israelis have stolen our lands. And the Palestinians have enough land to build their country and live happily.
If the Palestinians cannot tolerate Jews, they can go back to where they came from. They actually did that but once in Jordan they plotted to overthrow the government of King Hussein until he buchered them by thousands and kicked them out of his country. You people can’t live in peace with anyone, not even with yourselves. You are a warrior people, or to put it bluntly, savages.
Zardari should go too, his citizens were taken hostage as well!

lol he will only go if israel will promiss him to provide dollars without dollars he dont do anythng, that person dont have guts n uncle sam is backing him up dun you think any worker can stand up against his BOSS's friend?
Ah I am in love with this turkish govt. First their sincere support to Pakistan in different issues including defence and now this bold step by the Turkish PM. The turkish govt is really great.

Great work Turkish brothers.


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