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Turkish Naval Programs

Don't know if they have it all figured out,but why do you worry about Cyprus "arming"? it's already armed.

b/c there are some Malakas that have aspirations to try to dissolve northern Cypus, and they are expecting their foreign daddies to enforce their will. They wan to jump into the quagmire, then expect daddy France and Bob Menendez to come to their rescue.
Keep dreaming with useless paper map

reality : nobody can enter Turkish EEZ
French,Italian,Greek,İsraeli Drilling and research can not enter Turkish EEZ
They tried but Turkish Navy kicked all them out off Turkish EEZ
Useless paper map? Then you admit that you're against international law and legitimacy. You push away any official decision that doesn't suit you and demand your "share",even if you're not entitled to a share.

That's the policy the AKP party has been following and that's the one you,as a simpleton and ultranationalist follow as well.

As for who kicked whom...let's not analyze that again,because in your mind you have already conquered the entire world and Erdogan is Caliph.
Useless paper map? Then you admit that you're against international law and legitimacy. You push away any official decision that doesn't suit you and demand your "share",even if you're not entitled to a share.

play music by yourself and dance by yourself

As for who kicked whom...let's not analyze that again,because in your mind you have already conquered the entire world and Erdogan is Caliph.

We dont need conquer the entire world

We kicked bandit thieves out of Turkish EEZ ... that was enough for us
b/c there are some Malakas that have aspirations to try to dissolve northern Cypus, and they are expecting their foreign daddies to enforce their will. They wan to jump into the quagmire, then expect daddy France and Bob Menendez to come to their rescue.
That's impossible with such small strength. Cyprus itself can't do anything about it and involving Greece would mean war. There's no "aspiration" to dissolve northern Cyprus,just a futile and vague hope to unite the island again. De facto it's seperated and it's pretty hard to unite it again.

play music by yourself and dance by yourself

We dont need conquer the entire world

We kicked bandit thieves out of Turkish EEZ ... that was enough for us
How many per day? 5? 10? Stop it. Your brain's not functioning.

Then you admit that you're against international law and legitimacy.

Turkey nor the United States is a party to the document from 1994. The US maintains this, as it relies on free movement through waters Canada designates as its territory. It doesn't mean that either party is against "international law" not to mention, we have seen EEZ negotiations between states that don't exercise the maximum distances that could theoretically be allowed under the agreement, so its not outside of norms.
How many per day? 5? 10? Stop it. Your brain's not functioning.

Turkish navy forces back Italian drillship: Cyprus

Turkish navy intercepts Greek vessel violating continental shelf

Turkish warship warns Greek ship not to enter its waters

Turkish navy orders Israeli ship out of Cyprus’s waters

go and dream with your useless paper map
Turkey nor the United States is a party to the document from 1994. The US maintains this, as it relies on free movement through waters Canada designates as its territory. It doesn't mean that either party is against "international law" not to mention, we have seen EEZ negotiations between states that don't exercise the maximum distances that could theoretically be allowed under the agreement, so its not outside of norms.
Well if Turkey wants to negotiate and settle this matter,they are free to do it. However,they really don't. They prefer to claim the entire area and bully us with war. Turkey insists on not signing UNCLOS. That would have solved a lot of problems.

go and dream with your useless paper map
Sure buddy,you won everywhere. Turkey strong. Erdogan great Sultan.
There's no "aspiration" to dissolve northern Cyprus

Oh its definitely there, I've talked to some Greeks, not all of them are as realistic as you in perceiving matters, and the "Plan" is for Daddy France, and Daddy Menendez to enforce it.
Oh its definitely there, I've talked to some Greeks, not all of them are as realistic as you in perceiving matters, and the "Plan" is for Daddy France, and Daddy Menendez to enforce it.
If they wait for the French and the Americans to retake Cyprus,they're deluded. If they expect them to give us weapons and some help,yeah. But reuniting the island,I think that's almost impossible now.
They prefer to claim the entire area and bully us with war.

Turkey isn't going to get the whole of their claims, nor do I expect they expect they will get all of claims, its a negotiation tactic, like in bargaining where one side says ok this price, and then one says no this price, and then they agree on somewhere in the middle. The Problem is Mitsotakis thinks there is no need to bargain(i.e. "final price" no negotiation), and that he has leverage where he can enforce via Daddy Macron and Daddy Menendez. And that all he has to do is carry on with the projects, and it will be fiat accompli and Turkey will be forced to accept, but this is a dangerous calculation.

If they wait for the French and the Americans to retake Cyprus,they're deluded.

The ones I spoke to, seem to think it will be like Ukraine's operation in the Donbass, and their calculation seems to be France will send troops like Gallipoli or some BS, but "this time they will win". and b/c "Turkey isn't nuclear like Russia", so "no real risk". you just have to convince Bob Menendez and Neocons to Bomb Turkey like its Iraq or something. And then Turkey will back down, and Greece will take blah blah blah, and then Enosis. Idk these people are nutbags if you ask me, and making horrible miscalculations.
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Turkey isn't going to get the whole of their claims, nor do I expect them to think they will get all of claims, its a negotiation tactic, like in bargaining where one side says ok this price, and then one says no this price, and then they agree on somewhere in the middle. The Problem is Mitsotakis thinks there is no need to bargain(i.e. "final price" no negotiation), and that he has leverage where he can enforce via Daddy Macron and Daddy Menendez. And that all he has to do is carry on with the projects, and it will be fiat accompli and Turkey will be forced to accept, but this is a dangerous calculation.
I know it's a Turkish tactic,but Mitsotakis can't negotiate on that. It would be a scandal here. And I doubt Kilicdaroglu and Aksener will forget the subject,if they win the elections and take power.

Almost all greeks and I think the politicians as well,know that we can't depend on the foreigners to help us. We know that they might not do anything if a war starts,but even if they just give us weapons,ammunition and other support...it's ok.

Only if their interests were severely threatened,would they intervene militarily.
but Mitsotakis can't negotiate on that. It would be a scandal here.

Well there you go, it seems we are on the same page now. lol

thats the issue. the "maximalist" claims, i.e there is no possibility of accepting anything in the middle or less. Like for example the EEZ claims around Megisti being withdrawn, in exchange for other areas in the Aegean being accepted by Turkey, with some carveouts for freedom of navigation, etc etc..

From the outside it looks like the negotiations are going something like this,

Turkey: this is what I claim, but I'm willing to negotiate and work something out in the middle. In the meantime can we agree to not carry on projects until there is an agreement?

Mitsotakis: Yes, the negotiation is we agree that this is my territory and you drop your claims and I will carry on with my projects as I please.

To this Turkey think well shit, this guy is going to carry out projects, and if I do nothing, it will be fiat accompli, so some drilling ship gets sent out to do "exploratory research", then there is the usual drama for a few weeks with military vessels of either side confronting "trespassing" boats doing exploration, outside intervention some in telling people to calm down, the research vessel is withdrawn, then both sides agree to "negotiate", and then rinse and repeat.
thats the issue. the "maximalist" claims, i.e there is no possibility of accepting anything in the middle or less. Like for example the EEZ claims around Megisti being withdrawn, in exchange for other areas in the Aegean being accepted by Turkey, with some carveouts for freedom of navigation, etc etc..
Wait a minute,it's not a maximalist claim if you have the right to it. UNCLOS gives us all that area. Now,concerning Kastelorizo,they could possibly find a solution TO AVOID WAR. But having Akar,Cavusoglu,Oktay and Kalin demand that the islands be "demilitarized" and without even police or saying half the Aegean should be Turkish,that Greece can't drill south of Crete,that Greek Cypriots can't drill in their own EEZ or that Greek officials can't visit Kastelorizo and other islands close to Turkey...that's ridiculous. These are the maximalist policies.

The islands our in our sovereignty,Akar can't tell us that it's a "provocation" if the President of Democracy or the Prime Minister or the Chief of Staff visit them. They can't tell us "hey,don't fly military aircraft over muslim villages in Thrace". Wtf?

Freedom of navigations exists already and there is no way we would prohibit Turkish merchant ships from going through Greek waters,even if we expanded to 12 nm. We are not allowed to do so, by UNCLOS anyway. What will not be allowed to pass without permission,would be military ships. The Turkish Navy and Coast Guard.

You didn't answer the question, I asked what happens if Greece unilaterally goes ahead with plans that it has already laid out. you say "absolutely not", then you say something else with regards to action. which one is it? say greece starts drilling tomorrow? what should turkey do? you completely sidestepped it with a non answer.
Turkish navy is already patrolling the area and will not let something like that happen in Turkish EEZ as they should.

Oil rigs move very slowly, they aren't going to sneak something like that overnight. Why do you want answer to something that can't happen? What if PKK takes over Ankara? What if India captures Islamabad?

Rather dumb questions hyperman I'm sorry.

Regarding N. Cyprus the chance for a united island was squandered by Eoka-B and Nikos Sampson. It's been 40 years, obviously a united Cyprus is a pipe dream at this point. Greeks should just recognize TRNC. Whatever similiarities betwen Turkish and Greek cultures may be, history showed that we can't live together peacefully.

Just recognize TRNC.

There you go, that's my answer.
Half of Agean belongs to Turkiye
Greece can not militerize the Islands by international Agreements
10 km2 Kostellarizo Island can not block 783.000 km2 Turkish Mainland

If Greece do it then the War will start

-- to increase territorial Water in the Aegean

what a dream .. 95% to Greece only 5% to Turkiye ( trash Seville Map which has no any value )

because 165 km coastline of the Islands and 10 km2 Kostellarizo Island ....
on the other hand Turkish mainland and 1700+ km coastline
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