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Turkish Naval Programs

Absolutely not, but we need to work with Greece and EU to reach an agreement and we need to make it absolutely clear that no drilling, not even fishing will be allowed until the negotiations are over.

You didn't answer the question, I asked what happens if Greece unilaterally goes ahead with plans that it has already laid out. you say "absolutely not", then you say something else with regards to action. which one is it? say greece starts drilling tomorrow? what should turkey do? you completely sidestepped it with a non answer.

then you dodged the Cyprus issue question, saying simply "they can't afford it", the embargo is already lifted and Cyprus is arming, and I would not be surprised in the least bit if it received French weaponry from Macron. its a very coy response, with nothing of substance. so let me repeat my questions in case you didn't get it the first time, I'll go line by line to make it easier to digest.

Question #1 What are your opinion on Blue Homeland policy and the EEZ in the Aegean? Support or Oppose?

#2 and what do you think Turkey's response should be, if Greece decides to have maximalist expansions of its territorial waters, to the point where freedom of navigation for Turkish vessels in the Aegean is finishes?

#3And regarding the EEZ, what should Turkey do if Greece decides to unilaterally exploit the territorial waters for drilling and pipelines, without any consultation and agreement with Turkey?

#4Also what are your opinions on Northern Cyprus?

#5 If Steps are taken by Greek Cyprus to change the dynamics on the island with arming it, or trying to change the boundaries and trying to dissolve Northern Cyprus and then seeking support for it from France, Netherlands, and the anti Turkey forces in the EU? Or trying to Weaponize Bob Menendez type people in the US for support.
So funny
Anti-Erdogan user and a Greek are babbling
Your butthurt feeling wont change anything

How many UCAVs in the World like AKINCI ? Zero

American REAPER carry only 12-20 km laser guided missiles/bombs

AKINCI carry everything from 22 kg MAM-L to 840 kg NEB Bomb

12-16-30-40-60-150-180-200-280 km Cruise Missiles/guided munitions/kamikaze drones
also soon AESA Radar and 25-100+ km GOKDOGAN-BOZDOGAN air to air missiles

AKINCI is the best heavy armed UCAV in the World
Relax Rambo.
we're not looking for a war. It would be crazy

Tell that to Mitsotakis and the clowns in Elliniki Lisi. Their policy seems to be make Maximalist claims, act on said claims through different venues, and then wait and Daddy Macron and Daddy Menendez will enforce my claims.
if Greece unilaterally goes ahead with plans that it has already laid out.
What are the "plans laid out"?

#2 and what do you think Turkey's response should be, if Greece decides to have maximalist expansions of its territorial waters, to the point where freedom of navigation for Turkish vessels in the Aegean is finishes?
Why do you repeat official AKP media propaganda? Greece has the right to expand to 12 nm according to the Law of the Sea.
We most probably won't expand to 12 nm in eastern Aegean,but why would Turkey have a problem with Crete?

The narration of "freedom of navigation" has been already been debunked:

Screenshot_2022-12-19 The Aegean dispute and the Turkish strategic doctrine of the “Mavi Vatan...png

Screenshot_2022-12-19 The Aegean dispute and the Turkish strategic doctrine of the “Mavi Vatan...png

Tell that to Mitsotakis and the clowns in Elliniki Lisi. Their policy seems to be make Maximalist claims, act on said claims through different venues, and then wait and Daddy Macron and Daddy Menendez will enforce my claims.
What exactly are the "maximalist claims"? Btw,maximalist is a word used by the Turkish government. You often hear it by Akar and Cavusoglu. That shows,you follow the pro-government media and narration.

Do you honestly think the US Senate would approve F-35 Sales to Turkey if Turkey launched the intervention into Syria? If you had to pick between allowing a PKK state in Syria that would eventually be used as a launchbed for similar ambitions inside Turkey and to launch a full scale insurgency inside Turkey but you get to allegedly keep the F-35, or lose the F-35 but have Turkey intervene in Syria against the PKK, which poison would you pick? answer honestly.
#5 If Steps are taken by Greek Cyprus to change the dynamics on the island with arming it, or trying to change the boundaries and trying to dissolve Northern Cyprus and then seeking support for it from France, Netherlands, and the anti Turkey forces in the EU? Or trying to Weaponize Bob Menendez type people in the US for support.
You do know that the Turkish forces on Cyprus are far larger,right? And that Turkey is just a few miles away.
What are the "plans laid out"?

Why do you repeat official AKP media propaganda? Greece has the right to expand to 12 nm according to the Law of the Sea.
We most probably won't expand to 12 nm in eastern Aegean,but why would Turkey have a problem with Crete?

The narration of "freedom of navigation" has been already been debunked:

View attachment 910707

View attachment 910708

What exactly are the "maximalist claims"? Btw,maximalist is a word used by the Turkish government. You often hear it by Akar and Cavusoglu. That shows,you follow the pro-government media and narration.

Those questions weren't posed for you Foinikas but for your buddy LegionnairE. Kindly stick to the replies I posed to you.

What are the "plans laid out"?

Eastern Mediterranean drilling and pipeline projects, with Greece specifically trying to exclude Turkey. But again, these questions were posed to someone else, not you, don't interfere. If I reply to you and ask you questions, then answer those questions.

master in Pennsylvania salafist piece of shit

Gulen isn't Salafi, he is a Hanafi. You are a Turk and you don't know this?
Eastern Mediterranean drilling and pipeline projects, with Greece specifically trying to exclude Turkey. But again, these questions were posed to someone else, not you, don't interfere. If I reply to you and ask you questions, then answer those questions.
But why would Turkey be included in a project that concerns Egypt and Israel? A project that runs through Egyptian,Israel and Greek EEZs? This is the problem of the current Turkish government,they act like they child that nobody "plays" with. In return,there's threats of war and more "gimme,it's mine!"
You do know that the Turkish forces on Cyprus are far larger,right? And that Turkey is just a few miles away.

Don't worry, Genius Mitsotakis and Anastasiades have got to all figured out, Pateroulis Macron and Pateroulis Menendez will come to the rescue. :-)
Why do you repeat official AKP media propaganda? Greece has the right to expand to 12 nm according to the Law of the Sea.

Greece can do anything
We dont care about UNCLOS

1923 Lausanne Peace Treaty established a delicate balance between Türkiye and Greece by harmonizing the vital interests and legitimate rights of both countries in the Aegean

if you want a war , then ok
Don't worry, Genius Mitsotakis and Anastasiades have got to all figured out, Pateroulis Macron and Pateroulis Menendez will come to the rescue. :-)
Don't know if they have it all figured out,but why do you worry about Cyprus "arming"? it's already armed. So is the TRNC.
But why would Turkey be included in a project that concerns Egypt and Israel? A project that runs through Egyptian,Israel and Greek EEZs? This is the problem of the current Turkish government,they act like they child that nobody "plays" with. In return,there's threats of war and more "gimme,it's mine!"

Those questions aren't for you boo boo, I already told you this, those questions are for your buddy Legionaire(who on paper (allegedly) also doesn't agree with Greek delimitations)), I've explained it to you before, those questions are for someone else, why do you keep butting heads, you doing this purposely to derail the conversation and prevent him from having to answer?
through Turkish EEZ
EEZs in Europe and the Mediterranean. I don't see why the pipeline would pass through "Turkish" EEZ.


Those questions aren't for you boo boo, I already told you this, those questions are for your buddy Legionaire(who on paper (allegedly) also doesn't agree with Greek delimitations)), I've explained it to you before, those questions are for someone else, why do you keep butting heads, you doing this purposely to derail the conversation and prevent him from having to answer?
You raise some questions that imply stuff. But if you insist that you only want your compatriot to reply,well ok then. Let's hear him.
EEZs in Europe and the Mediterranean. I don't see why the pipeline would pass through "Turkish" EEZ.

Keep dreaming with useless paper map

reality : nobody can enter Turkish EEZ
French,Italian,Greek,İsraeli drilling and research Ships tried to do it but Turkish Navy kicked all them out off Turkish EEZ
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