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Turkish Industry, Science and Technology

I want to let people know of a breakthrough technology which has been disclosed on the 16th of this month. It has the potential to revolutionize the world. It is not Turkish, it is about a tech that creates perfectly usable 3D parts in a fraction of the time of previous technologies and will possibly open the path to using 3D printers for mass production of printable goods.

Check out Carbon3D | CLIP Technology - Breakthrough technology centered on tunable photochemical process for layerless 3D printing
SSM R&D strategy 2011-2016
Technology Gains

http://www.ssm.gov.tr/anasayfa/hizl...ar/Documents/Teknoloji Yonetim Stratejisi.pdf

  • Metal Alloys Used in Aviation ( Carbon and Alloy Steel, Nickel Alloys, Titanium Alloys , Stainless Steels, Magnesium and aluminum alloys )
  • Composite Materials and Components Used in Aviation (polymer , metal or ceramic matrix - carbon resins, boron, or combination of ceramic fibers , carbon nanotubes , etc.).
  • RF / IR and Acoustic Signature Reduction / Enhancer Materials
  • Composite Solid Fuel Supplies
  • Armor Metal Alloys and Composites Based Materials
  • Coating Technologies
  • Meta - Materials
  • Modular Satellite Development
  • Satellite Guidance and Control Technology
  • Satellite Navigation Systems
  • RF and Electro-Optics
  • Satellite Power Systems
  • Satellite Communication Systems
  • Aircraft Engine (turbojet engine and Derivatives)
  • Engine Technology for Land and Sea Platforms
  • Main and Auxiliary Power Fuel Cell for Military Ships and Submarines
  • Aircraft Fuel Cell Technologies
  • Composite Fuels for Rocket and Missile
  • Battery Technology
  • Underwater Acoustic Materials and Sensors
  • Acoustic Threat Detection and Classification Technology
  • High Definition Electro-optical and SAR sensors
  • AESA and Passive Radar Technology
  • High Frequency RF Sensors
  • New Generation Laser Systems Technologies
  • Hybrid Sensors
  • Inertial Measurement Unit Technology
  • Behavioral Modeling and Artificial Intelligence Applications
  • Distributed Simulation
  • Combat Modeling
  • Sensors, Electronic Warfare, and Defense Systems
  • Performance Modeling
  • Combat Management System
  • Target Trace Modeling and Estimation
  • War Games
  • New Generation Semiconductor Technology
  • Directed Energy Weapons Technology
  • RF / IR / Laser / EO and acoustic deception System Technologies
  • RF / IR and Acoustic Signature Mitigation / Enhancing Material Technologies
  • Protection Against Directed Energy Weapons
  • New Generation Energetic Materials (explosives)
  • New Generation Warhead Technology
  • Kinetic Energy Technology
  • Plugs and Ignition Mechanisms of Various Types
İTÜ Güneş arabası ekibi presents ; Turkey's first family sized solar powered car design, to proceed toward prototype with cutting edge installments;



Güneş Enerjisi ile Çalışan Türkiye’nin ilk Aile Otomobili Aruna | İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Güneş Arabası Ekibi | 2015
I always loved HQ building of TÜBİTAK... But i think we should have a new superb building maybe a campus would be better... This building is not enough and a bit old IMO...

Last edited:
A Zoo director (I am not kidding!) was appointed to a senior position in TÜBİTAK last year!...

Over 1,000 scientists, including many leading researchers and academics who have worked in TÜBİTAK were fired. So called the top science body that is supposed to be an independent agency for supporting technology, research and innovation in Turkey...

It is now many AKP partizans and supporters who are no eligible nor has the knowledge and experience were appointed to critical positions in TÜBİTAK.

And now TÜBİTAK president resigned amide massive purges at the institution.

And the impact is being felt Turkey’s top scientific body has no digital analysts left amid ‘political’ layoffs - LOCAL

I expect worse, many important TÜBİTAK based will be postponed or failed. Mark my words and just wait and see...
A Zoo director (I am not kidding!) was appointed to a senior position in TÜBİTAK last year!...

Over 1,000 scientists, including many leading researchers and academics who have worked in TÜBİTAK were fired. So called the top science body that is supposed to be an independent agency for supporting technology, research and innovation in Turkey...

It is now many AKP partizans and supporters who are no eligible nor has the knowledge and experience were appointed to critical positions in TÜBİTAK.

And now TÜBİTAK president resigned amide massive purges at the institution.

And the impact is being felt Turkey’s top scientific body has no digital analysts left amid ‘political’ layoffs - LOCAL

I expect worse, many important TÜBİTAK based will be postponed or failed. Mark my words and just wait and see...
Why would such a thing happen?
What i dont get is why would such a educated person prefer to be a Zoo Director?
Well at least he didnt waste too much time and returned to a job that fits his capabilities better.
Find the differences between two CVs

View attachment 214057

View attachment 214058


1) Başkan, Ağustos 2011-halen TÜBİTAK, Ankara 2) Rektör, Temmuz 2009–Ağustos 2011 TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi, Ankara 3) Profesör, Temmuz 2009–halen Elektrik–Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi, Ankara 4) Profesör, Mart 2009–Temmuz 2009 Elektrik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü Georgia Teknoloji Enstitüsü, Atlanta, Georgia 5) Doçent Doktor, Ağustos 2004–Mart 2009 Elektrik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü Georgia Teknoloji Enstitüsü, Atlanta, Georgia 6) Danışman, Mart 2005–Mart 2008 Vestel, Manisa, Türkiye 7) Ağ (Network) Öğretim Üyesi, 2003–2007 yaz dönemleri Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi Sabancı Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Türkiye 8) Kıdemli danışman ve şirket ortağı (hissedar), Haziran 2001–Ocak 2004 EGT Inc., Atlanta, Georgia, özel bir teknoloji şirketi 9) Yardımcı Doçent Doktor, Ağustos 1999–Ağustos 2004 Elektrik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü Georgia Teknoloji Enstitüsü, Atlanta, Georgia 10) Teknik grup üyesi, Temmuz 1996–Ağustos 1999 Hewlett–Packard Laboratuvarları, Palo Alto, Kaliforniya 11) Yardımcı Doçent (Danışman), 1998–1999 Elektrik Mühendisliği Bölümü, Stanford Üniversitesi, Palo Alto, Kaliforniya 12) Yarı–zamanlı eğitmen, 1998–1999 Elektrik Mühendisliği Bölümü, San Jose Devlet Üniversitesi, San Jose, Kaliforniya 13) Araştırma Görevlisi, Eylül 1993–Haziran 1996 Rochester Üniversitesi, Rochester, New York 14) Öğretim asistanı, Eylül 1992–Ağustos 1993 Rochester Üniversitesi, Rochester, New York 15) Yaz stajı, 1990 ve 1991 Türk Telekom, Kayseri, Türkiye


Doktora, Elektrik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği, Rochester Üniversitesi, Rochester, New York, 1996 Yüksek Lisans, Elektrik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği, Rochester Üniversitesi, Rochester, New York, 1993 Lisans, Elektrik Mühendisliği, Bilkent Üniversitesi, Ankara, Türkiye, 1992 Lise, İzmir Fen Lisesi, İzmir, Türkiye, 1987


Lisanslanan Patentler
A. M. Tekalp, Y. Altunbaşak ve G. Bozdağı, “Video compression system using a dense motion vector field and a triangular patch mesh overlay model”, 8 Ağustos 1997 tarihinde 5,654,771 no’lu Amerika Patent numarası ile patentlenmiştir. Rochester Üniversitesi tarafından lisanslanmıştır.
Y. Altunbaşak, B. Güntürk ve R. M. Mersereau, “Resolution enhancement and artifact reduction for MPEG video”, Patent Ofisi tarafindan Nisan 26, 2002’de dosyalandı. Georgia Tech Teknoloji Lisanslama Ofisi tarafından EGT Inc.’ye lisanslanmıştır.
Y. Altunbaşak ve H. Kim, “Very low complexity rate–distortion optimal macroblock mode selection and motion estimation for MPEG–like encoders”, USPTO tarafından Kasım 12, 2003’de dosyalandı. Georgia Tech Teknoloji Lisanslama Ofisi tarafından EGT Inc.’ye lisanslanmıştır.
Patentler A. M. Tekalp, Y. Altunbaşak ve G. Bozdağı, “Video compression system using a dense motion vector field and a triangular patch mesh overlay model”, karar tarihi Ağustos 8, 1997, Patent no. 5,654,771.
Y. Altunbaşak ve A. J. Patti, “Correcting distortion in an imaging system”, Patent no. 99308405.2–1241, karar tarihi Ocak 11, 2000 (EU patent).
M. Elad, Y. Altunbaşak, A. J. Patti, D. Shaked, Y. Hel–Or ve D. Taubman, “Apparatus and method of increasing scanner resolution”, Patent no. 99308489.6–2002, karar tarihi Şubat 8, 2000 (AB patenti).
A. Patti ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Method for generated resolution enhanced still images from compressed video data”, karar tarihi Ekim 16, 2001, Patent no. 6,304,682.
Y. Altunbaşak ve H. Zhang, “Object–based parsing and indexing of compressed video streams”, karar tarihi Mayıs 5, 2002, Patent no. 6,389,168.
Y. Altunbaşak ve H. Zhang, “System and method for automatically detecting shot boundary and key frame from a compressed video data”, karar tarihi Mayıs 21, 2002, Patent no. 6,393,054.
P. Lopez, J. Williamson ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Image scanner with optical wave–guide and enhanced optical sampling rate”, karar tarihi Temmuz 2, 2002, Patent no. 6,414,760.
Y. Altunbaşak ve D. Taubman, “Apparatus and method of increasing scanner resolution”, karar tarihi Ekim 1, 2002, Patent no. 6,459,823.
Y. Altunbaşak ve A. J. Patti, “Correcting distortion in an imaging system using parametric motion estimation”, karar tarihi Temmuz 22, 2003, Patent no. 6,597,816.
Y. Altunbaşak ve A. Drukarev, “Image mosaicing system and method adapted to mass–market hand–held digital cameras”, karar tarihi Aralık 21, 2004, Patent no. 6,834,128.
J. Kim, R. M. Mersereau ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Methods and systems for multiple substream unequal error protection and error concealment”, karar tarihi Ekim 3, 2006, Patent no. 7,117,423.
A. Patti ve Y. Altunbaşak “System and method for estimating motion between images”, karar tarihi Ekim 10, 2006, Patent no. 7,120,195.
T. Akgün, B. Uyar ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Methods and apparatus for processing of a digital image”, karar tarihi Haziran 5, 2007, Patent no. 07251410.2–1522.
Y. Altunbaşak, B. Güntürk ve R. M. Mersereau, “Video enhancement using multiple frame techniques”, karar tarihi Mayıs 8, 2007, Patent no. 7215831.
N. Kamacı, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “Cauchy–distribution based coding system and method”, karar tarihi Ağustos 26, 2008, Patent no. 7418147.
Y. Altunbaşak ve H. Kim, “Signal processing system”, karar tarihi Ekim 21, 2008, Patent no. 7440502.
T. Arıcı ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Methods and apparatus for adjusting a chrominance signal”, karar tarihi Haziran 15, 2010, Patent no. 7738044
Y. Altunbaşak, T. Akgün, ve T. Arıcı, “Method and apparatus for adjusting the resolution of a digital image”, karar tarihi Haziran 15, 2010, Patent no. 7738739.
Y. Altunbaşak, T. Arıcı, ve T. Akgün, “Method and apparatus for adjusting the contrast of an image (global contrast enhancement)”, karar tarihi Haziran 15, 2010, Patent no. 7738698.
T. Arıcı, T. Akgün, ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Method and apparatus for adjusting the contrast of an input image (local contrast enhancement)”, karar tarihi Ekim 13, 2009, Patent no. 7602447.
T. Akgün, B. Uyar, ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Methods and apparatus for processing of a digital image”,karar tarihi Aralık 13, 2011, Patent no. 8077987.
N. Jayant, C. Ith, J. Monaco, Y. Altunbaşak, J. Hartung, R. Sivakumar, S. Krishnamachari, ve S. John, “Efficient compression and transport of video over a network”, karar tarihi Mayıs 3, 2011, Patent no. 7936818.
H. Özdemir ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Method of and apparatus for detecting and adjusting colour values of skin tone pixels’’, karar tarihi Haziran 5, 2012, Patent no. 8194978.
T. Arıcı ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Method and apparatus for adjusting the contrast of an input image’’, karar tarihi Mart 6, 2012, Patent no. 8131104.

Süreci Devam Eden Patentler

T. Arıcı ve Y. Altunbaşak, “A method and apparatus for digital image compression artifact reduction”, Ocak 26, 2006 tarihinde Amerika ve Avrupa Patent Ofisleri tarafından dosyalandı. Y. Altunbaşak ve M. U. Demircin, “Switching and simultaneous usage of 802.11a and 802.11g technologies for video streaming”, Ekim 5, 2006 tarihinde Patent Ofisi tarafından dosyalandı. T. Akgün, O. G. Sezer ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Training–based resolution enhancement for digital images”, Ocak 29, 2007 tarihinde Amerika ve Avrupa Patent Ofisleri tarafından dosyalandı. H. Özdemir ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Method for skin color reproduction on rg–chromaticity plane”, Nisan 12, 2007 tarihinde Amerika ve Avrupa Patent Ofisleri tarafından dosyalandı. H. Özdemir ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Method of and apparatus for detecting and adjusting colour values of skin tone pixels’’, Aralık 4, 2008 tarihinde Amerika Patent Ofisi tarafından dosyalandı. Y. Altunbaşak ve F. Fekri, “Systems and Methods for providing information services’’, Nisan 28, 2009 tarihinde Amerika Patent Ofisi tarafından dosyalandı.

Patent Ön Başvuruları

Y. Altunbaşak ve A. J. Patti, “A video codec which maximizes both compression efficiency and still frame print quality”, icat ifşaa belgesi HP ile dosyalandı, Temmuz 1997. Y. Altunbaşak ve A. J. Patti, “A fast method of combining low–resolution images to create a higher resolution image via motion compensated filtering”, icat ifşaa belgesi HP ile dosyalandı, Kasım 1997. Y. Altunbaşak, “Object–Oriented Content–Creation Tools for Electronic Publishing and Multimedia Applications”, invention disclosure filed with HP, Ekim 1997. Y. Altunbaşak, “Edge adaptive demosaicing methods”, icat ifşaa belgesi HP ile dosyalandı, Mayıs 1999. Y. Altunbaşak, “Improved image demosaicing method for digital cameras”, icat ifşaa belgesi HP ile dosyalandı, Mayıs 1999. Y. Altunbaşak ve Y. C. Lee, “Multi–frame error concealment methods for transform–coded video”, (GTRC ID 2509), USPTO ile Haziran 27, 2001’de dosyalandı. B. Güntürk ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Wavelet–based color plane interpolation for digital cameras”, (GTRC ID 2508), USPTO ile Haziran 27, 2001’de dosyalandı. B. K. Güntürk, A. U. Batur, Y. Altunbaşak, M. H. Hayes III ve R. M. Mersereau, “Super–resolution for face recognition”, (GTRC ID 2653), USPTO ile Mayıs 3, 2002’de dosyalandı. Y. C. Lee ve Y. Altunbaşak, “A MDC–aware congestion control for multimedia communications using path diversity scheme over packet networks”, (GTRC ID 2678), USPTO ile Mayıs 14, 2002’de dosyalandı. Y. C. Lee ve Y. Altunbaşak , “Error protection and transport schemes for layered and multiple description coded video streaming over error–prone networks”, (GTRC ID 2738), USPTO ile Ağustos 26, 2002’de dosyalandı. Y. Altunbaşak, Ö. Ergun ve A. C. Begen, “Multimedia transport protocol: Optimal multi–path selection for multiple description encoded streaming”, (GTRC ID 2739), USPTO ile Ağustos 27, 2002’de dosyalandı. A. C. Begen ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Rate–distortion optimized packet scheduling for media streaming in media delivery networks with server diversity”, (GTRC ID 2846), USPTO ile Şubat 14, 2003’te dosyalandı. H. Kim ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Fast coding mode selection for digital video coding”, (GTRC ID 3098), USPTO ile Nisan 12, 2004’te dosyalandı. A. C. Begen ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Proxy support for interactive audiovisual communication over networks with large delays”, (GTRC ID 3169), USPTO ile Mayıs 3, 2004’te dosyalandı. A. C. Begen ve Y. Altunbaşak, “An efficient methodology for forecasting packet arrival times in real–time streaming applications”, (GTRC ID 3319), USPTO ile Kasım 22, 2004’te dosyalandı. T. Akgün ve Y. Altunbaşak, “A technique for extracting and utilizing side information optimized for multi–frame video processing”, (GTRC ID 4022), USPTO ile Kasım 15, 2006’da dosyalandı. Y. Altunbaşak ve F. Fekri, “Online information services architecture”, (GTRC ID 4397), USPTO ile Ocak 15, 2008’de dosyalandı.


Uluslararası Danışma Kurulu Üyesi (IAB), King Abdulaziz University, Cidde, Suudi Arabistan, 2012-halen Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi, ROKETSAN, Ankara, Türkiye, 2011-halen Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi, KOSGEB, Ankara, Türkiye, 2011-halen Kurulu Üyesi, Üniversiteler Arası Kurul Başkanlığı (ÜAK), Ankara, Türkiye, 2009-2011 TÜBİTAK Bilim Kurulu Üyesi ve Başkanı, TÜBİTAK, Ankara, Türkiye, 2011-halen Kurul Üyesi, Mesleki Yeterlilik Kurumu, Ankara, Türkiye, 2011-2012 Danışma Kurulu, Elektrik Mühendisliği Bölümü, Bilkent Üniversitesi, Ankara, Türkiye, 2003–2011


Teknik Program Başkanı, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'06), Atlanta, Georgia, 2006 “Advanced Signal Processing for Communications” Sempozyum eş–başkanı, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’03), Mayıs 11–15, 2003 Çoğul–ortam Ağları Teknik Danışma Başkanı, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME’04), Haziran 27–30, 2004 Çoğul–ortam Ağları Teknik Danışma Başkanı, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME’03), Temmuz 6–9, 2003 Panel Oturum Başkanı, International Conference on Information Technology: Research and Education (ITRE’03), Ağustos 10–13, 2003 Özel Oturum Başkanı, Video Ağları, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP’04), Ekim 10, 2004 Oturum Başkanı, Süperçözünürlük, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP’08), Ekim 13, 2008 Oturum Başkanı, Çoğul–ortam analizi, IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech Sign. Proc. (ICASSP’08), Mart 30–Nisan 4, 2008 Oturum Başkanı, Interpolasyon ve süperçözünürlük III, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP’07), Eylül 19, 2007 Oturum Başkanı, Video kodlama, IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech Sign. Proc. (ICASSP’05), Mart 18–23, 2005 Oturum Başkanı, Video kodlama, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP’04), Ekim 10, 2004 Oturum Başkanı, Çoğul–ortam duraksız işlemleri, IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications (ICC’04), Haziran 15, 2004 Oturum Başkanı, Video kodlama, IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech Sign. Proc. (ICASSP’04), Mayıs 17–22, 2004 Oturum Başkanı, Video kod çevrimi, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP’03), Eylül 15, 2003 Oturum Başkanı, Kablosuz çoğul–ortam, IEEE Int. Conf. Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Baltimore, Maryland, Temmuz 7, 2003 Oturum Başkanı, Çoğul–ortam, IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications (ICC’03), Mayıs 12, 2003 Oturum Başkanı, Kablosuz ağlar, IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications (ICC’03), Mayıs 14, 2003 Oturum Başkanı, Hata kamuflaji, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP’02), Eylül 22–25, 2002 Oturum Başkanı, Imge/Video kodlama, IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech Sign. Proc. (ICASSP’02), Mayıs 10–14, 2002 Oturum Başkanı, Dijital Video İşeleme, 32nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Kasım 1–4, 1998


Ortak Editör, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 6/1/2002–6/1/2005 Ortak Editör, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 7/31/2003–7/31/2005 Alan Editörü, Signal Processing: Image Communications, 1/1/2001–1/1/2007 Ortak Editör, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 6/21/2000–5/1/2007 Konuk Editör, EURASIP Image Communications Special Issue on “Recent Advances in Wireless Video”, 2004 Konuk Editör, EURASIP Image Communications Special Issue on “Video Networking”, 2005 Konuk Editör, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing special issue on “Network–Aware Multimedia Processing and Communications”, 2007 Konuk Editör, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine special issue on “Realizing the Vision of Immersive Communications”, 2011 Panelist and proposal reviewer for NSF (June 2001, Feb. 2003, May 2003, Nov. 2004, Sept. 2006, January 2007, May 2008) Panelist and proposal reviewer for ARO (March 2001, April 2004, May 2004, March 2006) Çeşitli dergiler için düzenli teknik eleştirmen NSF için panelist ve teklif eleştirmeni (Haziran 2001, Şubat 2003, Mayıs 2003 ve Kasım 2004) ARO için panelist ve eleştirmen Önerisi (Mart 2001, Nisan 2004, Mayıs 2004, Mart 2006) VII.


Başkan yardımcısı - Kuzey Amerika, IEEE Communications Society Multimedia Communications Technical Society, 1/2004–12/2006 Seçilmis üye, IEEE Signal Processing Society Image and Multi–dimensional Signal Processing (IMDSP) Technical Committee, 5/2002–5/2008 Kurucu seçilmiş üye, IEEE Signal Processing Society Bio–Imaging and Signal Processing Technical Committee, 5/2004–halen Seçilmis üye, IEEE Signal Processing Society Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP) Technical Committee, 1/2006–1/2009 Yönetim kurulu üyesi, the 16th International Packet Video Workshop, 2007 Kıdemli üye, IEEE, 2002 Üye, Uluslararası Standartlar Organizasyonu (ISO), X3L3.1 (MPEG), 1995–1998. ISO/ X3L3.1’de HP adına baş temsilci olarak görev yaptı. MPEG–4’e iki temel–deney tanımı ve ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11’e üç MPEG–4 dökümanı önerdi. Bazı algorithmalar Ekim 1997’de MPEG–4 Görsel İş Tasarımına (SNHC’nin bir kismi olarak) dahil edilmesi kabul edildi. Alan başkanı, ICIP’08, San Diego, Kaliforniya, Ekim 2008 Teknik program heyet üyesi, MMSP’08, Cairns, Queensland, Avustralya, Ekim 2008 Teknik program heyet üyesi, ICIP’08, San Diego, Kaliforniya, Ekim 2008 Teknik program heyet üyesi, ICASSP'08, Las Vegas, Nevada, Mart 2008 Teknik program heyet üyesi, ACM Workshop on Mobile Video, Augsburg, Almanya, Eylül 2007 Teknik program heyet üyesi, MMSP'07, Girit, Yunanistan, Ekim 2007 Teknik program heyet üyesi, ICASSP'07, Honolulu, Hawaii, Nisan 2007 Teknik program heyet üyesi, ICIP'07, San Antonio, Teksas, Eylül 2007 Teknik program heyet üyesi, VCIP'07, San Jose, Kaliforniya, Ocak 2007 Teknik program heyet üyesi, CCNC'07, Las Vegas, Nevada, Ocak 2007 Teknik program heyet üyesi, ICASSP'06, Toulouse, Fransa, Mayıs 2006 Teknik program heyet üyesi, MobiMedia’06, Alghero, Sardinia, İtalya, Eylül 2006 Teknik program heyet üyesi, MMSP'06, Victoria, Kanada, Ekim 2006 Teknik program heyet üyesi, ICIP'05, Cenova, İtalya 2005 Teknik program heyet üyesi, ITRE'05,Hsinchu, Tayvan 2005 Teknik program heyet üyesi, EUSIPCO'05, Antalya, Türkiye 2005 Teknik program heyet üyesi, Wirelesscom 2005, Hawai, 2005 Teknik program heyet üyesi, ICASSP'05, Philadelphia, Pensilvanya, Mart 2005 Teknik program heyet üyesi, ICIP'04, Singapur, Ekim 2004 Teknik program heyet üyesi, ICME'04, Taipei, Tayvan, Haziran 2004 Teknik program heyet üyesi, ITRE'04, Londra, İngiltere, Haziran 2004 Teknik program heyet üyesi, ICASSP'04, Montreal, Kanada, Mayıs 2004 Teknik program heyet üyesi, ICC'04, Paris, Fransa, Haziran 2004 Teknik program heyet üyesi, ICIP'03, Barselona, İspanya, Eylül 2003 Teknik program heyet üyesi, ICME'03, Baltimore, Maryland, Temmuz 2003 Teknik program heyet üyesi, ICASSP'03, Hong Kong, Çin, Nisan 2003 Teknik program heyet üyesi, Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC'02), Honolulu, Hawaii, Ekim 2002 Teknik program heyet üyesi, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'02), Rochester, New York, Eylül, 2002 Teknik program heyet üyesi, ICIP'01, Selanik, Yunanistan, Ekim 2001 Teknik program heyet üyesi, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS’02), Scottsdale, Arizona, Mayıs 2002 Teknik program heyet üyesi, ICASSP’01, Salt Lake City, Utah, Mayıs 2001 VIII.


1) Başlık: “CAREER: Error correction and concealment for wireless video: An integrated and adaptive approach” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: NSF CAREER Kontrat Dönemi: 08/02–08/07 Fon Miktarı: $347,820

2) Başlık: “An adaptive protocol suite for the next generation wireless Internet” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): I. F. Akyıldız, Y. Altunbaşak, R. Sivakumar ve F. Fekri Organizasyon: NSF Kontrat Dönemi: 08/01–08/05 Fon Miktarı: $1,355,070

3) Başlık: “Multiple description coding for wireless systems with multiple transmit and receive antennas” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak and R. M. Mersereau Organizasyon: NSF Kontrat Dönemi: 07/01–07/04 Fon Miktarı: $416,789

4) Başlık: “Super–resolution still and video reconstruction from MPEG coded video” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: ONR Kontrat Dönemi: 06/01–05/04 Fon Miktarı: $294,069

5) Başlık: “ITR/SI(SPS)+AP+SY: High precision video with applications to visual communications and image enhancement” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: NSF–ITR Kontrat Dönemi: 08/01–08/04 Fon Miktarı: $210,000

6) Başlık: “Error–resilient video streaming” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: Yamacraw Initiative, State of Georgia Kontrat Dönemi: 07/03–07/04 Fon Miktarı: $35,000 7) Başlık: “Image and video transport protocols” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: Yamacraw Initiative, State of Georgia Kontrat Dönemi: 07/03–07/04 Fon Miktarı: $23,000 8) Başlık: “Error–resilient video streaming” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: Yamacraw Initiative, State of Georgia Kontrat Dönemi: 07/02–07/03 Fon Miktarı: $35,000

9) Başlık: “Protocols and algorithms for error–resilient, JPEG–2000–coded image transmission” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: Yamacraw Initiative, State of Georgia Kontrat Dönemi: 07/02–07/03 Fon Miktarı: $35,000 10) Başlık: “Rate–distortion optimal MPEG–2 video coding” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: Georgia Tech Broadband Institute and EGT, Inc. Kontrat Dönemi: 05/02–08/02 Fon Miktarı: $5,000 11) Başlık: “A real–time multimedia transport protocol” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: Georgia Tech Broadband Institute Kontrat Dönemi: 07/01–07/02 Fon Miktarı: $26,000 12) Başlık: “Error–resilient video streaming” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: Yamacraw Initiative, State of Georgia Kontrat Dönemi: 07/01–07/02 Fon Miktarı: $55,000 13) Başlık: “Protocols and algorithms for error–resilient, JPEG–2000–coded image transmission” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: Yamacraw Initiative, State of Georgia and Barco Kontrat Dönemi: 07/01–07/02 Fon Miktarı: $55,000 14) Başlık: “Home video portal design” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: Georgia Tech Broadband Institute Kontrat Dönemi: 07/00–07/01 Fon Miktarı: $35,000 15) Başlık: “Error–resilient video streaming” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: Yamacraw Initiative, State of Georgia Kontrat Dönemi: 07/00–07/01 Fon Miktarı: $55,000 16) Başlık: “US–Turkey Collaborative Research” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: NSF–INT Kontrat Dönemi: 07/04–07/07 Fon Miktarı: $25,500 17) Başlık: “Rate Distortion Optimized On–Demand Media Streaming in Multipoint–to–point Networks” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: Georgia Tech Broadband Institute Kontrat Dönemi: 07/04–07/05 Fon Miktarı: $30,000 18) Başlık: “Enhancing the multimedia experience in emerging networks” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: NSF–SPS Kontrat Dönemi: 08/04–08/07 Fon Miktarı: $180,000 19) Başlık: “Robust video communication over home networks” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: Sharp Labs of America Kontrat Dönemi: 08/04–08/07 Fon Miktarı: $35,000 (Ödül) 20) Başlık: “Understanding the Book of Life: Bayesian Protein Secondary Structure Analysis and its Application to Protein Function Prediction” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: NSF Kontrat Dönemi: 08/05–08/08 Fon Miktarı: $375000 21) Başlık: “Video quality enhancement” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: Vestel Kontrat Dönemi: 05/05–05/06 Fon Miktarı: $70,000 (Ödül) 22) Başlık: “Video delivery over cable networks” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: Comcast Kontrat Dönemi: 01/06–07/06 Fon Miktarı: $30,000 23) Başlık: “Robust video communication over home networks” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: Sharp Labs of America Kontrat Dönemi: 01/06–07/06 Fon Miktarı: $18,000 (Ödül) 24) Başlık: “Quality–of–Service and Security of Voice–over IP (VoIP): An End–to–End Approach for Multi–Network Environments” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak (with Mustaque Ahamad, Douglas M. Blough, Mary Ann Ingram, Chuanyi Ji, Wenke Lee, Henry Owen, Ragupathy Sivakumar; Mary Ann Ingram is the PI) Organizasyon: Georgia Tech Broadband Institute Kontrat Dönemi: 01/06–01/07 Fon Miktarı: $175,000 (Dr. Altunbaşak’ın payı $29,377) 25) Başlık: “Video quality enhancement” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: Vestel Kontrat Dönemi: 05/06–05/07 Fon Miktarı: $105,000 (Ödül) 26) Başlık: “Video quality enhancement” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: Vestel Kontrat Dönemi: 05/07–05/08 Fon Miktarı: $105,000 (Ödül) 27) Başlık: “Understanding the book of life: Bayesian protein secondary structure analysis and its application to protein function prediction” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: NSF Fon Miktarı: $198,000 Kontrat Dönemi: 01/08–01/11 28) Başlık: “Next–generation video coding” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak (PI: Jim McClellan) Organizasyon: TI University Leadership Program Fon Miktarı: 1 GRA + 1–month summer salary Kontrat Dönemi: 08/08–01/09 29) Başlık: “An analytical framework for real–time IPTV error recovery policy” Baş ve yardımcı araştırmacı(lar): Y. Altunbaşak Organizasyon: Cisco University Research Program Fund Fon Miktarı: $86,641 Kontrat Dönemi: 01/08–01/09


Doktora Sonrası Araştırmacıları ve Misafir Bilimadamları 1) Dr Mustafa Parlak, Sabancı Üniversitesi Araştırma Alanı: Sosyal ağ Süre: 8/08-8/09 2) Prof Sangho Ahn, Inje Üniversitesi Araştırma Alanı: FPGA tabanlı video kare hızı dönüştürme Süre: 8/08-8/09 Doktora Öğrencileri 1) Ghassan Ibrahim Al–Regib Tez Başlığı: Delay–constrained 3–d graphics streaming over lossy networks Doktora savunmasını yaptığı tarih: Haziran 27, 2003 Pozisyonu ve ilk işe başladığı yer: Yardımcı Doçent, Georgia Teknoloji Enstitüsü Bölgesel Mühendislik ve Elektrik & Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü 2) Joohee H. Kim (Prof. Russell M. Mersereau ile ortak danışman) Tez Başlığı: Error–resilient video streaming overlossy channels Doktora savunmasını yaptığı tarih: Temmuz 2, 2003 İlk işe başladığı yer: Samsung, Kore Pozisyonu ve şu andaki işi: Yardımcı Doçent, Inha Üniversitesi, Güney Kore 3) Bahadır K. Güntürk Tez Başlığı: Multi–frame information fusion for image and video enhancement Doktora savunmasını yaptığı tarih: Ağustos 15, 2003 Pozisyonu ve ilk işe başladığı yer: Yardımcı Doçent, Louisiana Devlet Üniversitesi 4) Yen–Chi Lee Tez Başlığı: Error–resilient video streaming over lossy networks Doktora savunmasını yaptığı tarih: Eylül 29, 2003 İlk işe başladığı yer: Nokia Araştırma Merkezi, Teksas Şu andaki işi: Qualcomm, Kaliforniya 5) Taehyun Kim (Dr. Mustafa Ammar ile ortak danışman) Tez Başlığı: Scalable Video Streaming over the Internet Doktora savunmasını yaptığı tarih: Kasım 10, 2004 İlk işe başladığı yer: Freescale, Teksas 6) İsrafil Bahçeci Tez Başlığı: Multiple–input multiple–output wireless systems: Coding, distributed detection and antenna selection Doktora savunmasını yaptığı tarih: Ağustos 24, 2005 Şu andaki işi: Nortel, Ottawa, Kanada 7) Ali Cengiz Begen Tez Başlığı: Enhancing the multimedia experience in emerging networks Doktora savunmasını yaptığı tarih: Kasım 10, 2006 İlk işe başladığı yer: Cisco, San Jose, Kaliforniya 8) Hyung–Joon Kim Tez Başlığı: Low–complexity mode selection for rate–distortion optimal video coding Doktora savunmasını yaptığı tarih: Mart 28, 2007 İlk işe başladığı yer: Texas Instruments DSP Araştırma Merkezi, Dallas, Teksas 9) Toygar Akgün Tez Başlığı: Resolution enhancement using natural image statistics and multiple aliased observations Doktora savunmasını yaptığı tarih: Aralık 5, 2007 İlk işe başladığı yer: NVIDIA, San Jose, Kaliforniya 10) Mehmet Umut Demircin Tez Başlığı: Robust video streaming over time–varying wireless networks Doktora savunmasını yaptığı tarih: Mayıs 29, 2008 İlk işe başladığı yer: Texas Instruments DSP Araştırma Merkezi, Dallas, Teksas 11) Zafer Aydın Tez Başlığı: Bayesian modeling of non–local interactions for protein beta–sheets Doktora savunmasını yaptığı tarih: Eylül 3, 2008 İlk işe başladığı yer: U. of Washington, Seattle, Washington 12) Tarik Arıcı Tez Başlığı: Single and multi–frame video quality enhancement Doktora savunmasını yaptığı tarih: Mart 26, 2009 İlk işe başladığı yer: NVIDIA, San Jose, Kaliforniya 13) Seydou Nourou BA (Dr. G. T. Xhou ile ortak danışman) Tez Başlığı: Efficient digital baseband distortion linearization for 3G wireless handsets Doktora savunmasını yaptığı tarih: Mart 2010 İlk işe başladığı yer: Texas Instruments, Dallas, Teksas 14) Salih Dikbaş Tez Başlığı: Video frame rate conversion Doktora savunmasını yaptığı tarih: Ağustos 10, 2011. İlk işe başladığı yer: Texas Instruments, Dallas, Teksas 15) İbrahim Pekküçükşen Tez Başlığı: Video signal processing Doktora savunmasını yaptığı tarih: Ağustos 9, 2011 İlk işe başladığı yer: Texas Instruments, Dallas, Teksas 16) Osman Gökhan Sezer Tez Başlığı: Next generation video coding Doktora savunmasını yaptığı tarih: Ağustos 15, 2011 İlk işe başladığı yer: Texas Instruments, Dallas, Teksas 17) Aytaç Azgın Tez Başlığı: Error control and transport protocols for IPTV Doktora savunmasını yaptığı tarih: Haziran, 2013 18) Michael Santoro Tez Başlığı: Valid motion estimation for super-resolution image reconstruction Doktora savunmasını yaptığı tarih: Ağustos 14, 2012 Lk işe başladığı yer: Pontificia Universidad, Católica, Chile


1) Üye, Sinyal ve Görüntü İşleme Merkezi, 1999–2009 2) Üye, Georgia Tech Genişbant Enstitüsü, 2001–2009 3) Üye, Elektrik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Öğrenci Fakülte Heyeti, 1999–2000 4) Üye, Elektrik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Lisansüstü Öğrenci İşe Alma Heyeti, 2000–2002 5) Üye, Elektrik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Seminer Heyeti, 2002–2004 6) Doktora yeterlilik sınavı kurulda görev aldı: Apurva N. Mody, Kasım 16, 2000 / Jung Won Kang, Eylül 2000 7) Doktora tez teklifi savunma kurulda görev aldı: Ravi Sivasankaran, Haziran 14, 2000 Suparna Datta, Ağustos 25, 2000 Mustafa Türkboyları, Şubat 27, 2002 Ghassan Al Regib, Ağustos 13, 2002 Joohee Kim, Ağustos 29, 2002 Yen–Chi Lee, Eylül 12, 2002 Sangkeun Lee, Ekim 29, 2002 Jung Won Kang, Kasım 13, 2002 Kyunghun Jung, Aralık 4, 2002 Bahadır Güntürk, Aralık 17, 2002 John Glotzbach, Nisan 30, 2003 Zakaria Ajmal, Nisan 22, 2003 David Robie, Ekim 6, 2003 Taehyun Kim, Ocak 28, 2004 Antonios Argyriou, Kasım 4, 2004 Pouyan Mohajerani, Şubat 7, 2005 Ali C. Begen, Mart 3, 2005 Hyungjoon Kim, Mayıs 3, 2005 Dihong Tian, Aralık 2, 2005 Sourabh Ravindran, Ocak 18, 2006 Nitin Suresh, Nisan 24, 2006 Arash Karbaschi, Eylül 29, 2006 Lu Dong, Aralık 4, 2006 Muhammad Haris, Aralık 8, 2006 Zafer Aydın, Ocak 24, 2007 Umut Demircin, Nisan 24, 2007 Toygar Akgün, Nisan 30, 2007 Tarik Arıcı, Nisan 30, 2007 Zhensheng Jia, Aralık 5, 2007 Seydou Ba, Mayıs 15, 2008 8) Doktora tezi savunma kurulda görev aldı: Suparna Datta, Kasım 20, 2000 Subrato Kumar De, Nisan 12, 2002 Mustafa Türkboyları, Kasım 15, 2002 Muhammed Çoban, Mart 26, 2003 Aziz U. Batur, Haziran 27, 2003 Ghassan Al Regib, Haziran 27, 2003 Joohee Kim, Temmuz 2, 2003 Jung Won Kang, Temmuz 3, 2003 Bahadır K. Güntürk, Ağustos 15, 2003 Kyunghun Jung, Ağustos 19, 2003 Yen–Chi Lee, Eylül 29, 2003 Sangkeun Lee, Ekim 29, 2003 John Glotzbach, Ağustos 20, 2004 Taehyun Kim, Kasım 10, 2004 Antonios Argyriou, Ağustos 17, 2005 İsrafil Bahçeci, Ağustos 24, 2005 Sourabh Ravindran, Ekim 31, 2006 Dihong Tian, Kasım 10, 2006 Ali C. Begen, Kasım 10, 2006 Nitin Suresh, Mayıs 23, 2007 Ma Lin, Ekim. 15, 2007 (NTU, Singapur, external committee member) Lu Dong, Kasım 9, 2007 Toygar Akgün, Aralık 5, 2007 Samuel Dambreville, Şubat 29, 2008 Arash Karbaschi, Nisan 22, 2008 Muhammad Haris, Nisan 23, 2008 Umut Demircin, Mayıs 29, 2008 Zafer Aydın, Eylül 3, 2008


B. Güntürk ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Video demosaicking filters”, The Circuits and Filters Handbook, Third Edition, CRC Press, 2008. Y. Altunbaşak, “Interpolation”, The Digital Signal ProcessingHandbook, Second Edition, CRC Press, 2009. O. G. Sezer ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Super–resolution Reconstruction of Multichannel Images”, Super–Resolution Imaging, CRC Press, 2010.


A. M. Tekalp, Y. Altunbaşak ve G. Bozdağı, “3–D versus 2–D knowledge based coding”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 391–397, Nisan 1997 Y. Altunbaşak ve A. M. Tekalp, “Closed–form connectivity–preserving solutions for motion compensation using 2–D meshes”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 6, no. 9, pp. 1255–1269, Eylül 1997 Y. Altunbaşak ve A. M. Tekalp, “Occlusion–adaptive, content–based 2–D mesh design and tracking for object–based video coding”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 6, no. 9, pp. 1270–1280, Eylül 1997 D. Borshukov, G. Bozdağı, Y. Altunbaşak ve A. M. Tekalp, “Improved motion segmentation by multi–stage affine parameter clustering”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 6, no. 11, pp. 1591–1594, Kasım 1997 Y. Altunbaşak, P. E. Eren ve A. M. Tekalp, “Region–based affine motion segmentation using color information”, Journal of Graphical Models and Image Processing, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 13–23, Ocak 1998 Y. Altunbaşak ve A. M. Tekalp, “A hybrid video codec with block–based and mesh–based motion compensation modes”, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 248–256, Ağustos 1998 A. J. Patti ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Artifact reduction for POCS–based super–resolution with edge adaptive regularization and higher–order interpolants”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 179–186, Ocak 2001 Y. Altunbaşak, A. J. Patti ve R. M. Mersereau, “Super–resolution still and video reconstruction from MPEG coded video”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 217–227, Nisan 2002 B. Güntürk, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “A multi–frame blocking artifact reduction method for transform coded video”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 269–276, Nisan 2002 B. Güntürk, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “Multiframe resolution–enhancement methods for compressed video”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 170–174, Haziran 2002 B. Güntürk, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “Color plane interpolation using alternating projections”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 997–1013, Eylül 2002 Y. C. Lee, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “Multi–frame error concealment for MPEG–coded video delivery over error–prone networks”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 11, no. 11, pp. 1314–1331, Kasım 2002 J. Kim, R. M. Mersereau ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Error–resilient image and video transmission over the Internet using unequal error protection”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 121–131, Şubat 2003 Y. Altunbaşak, R. M. Mersereau ve A. J. Patti, “A fast parametric motion estimation algorithm with illumination and lens distortion correction”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 395–409, Nisan 2003 B. K. Güntürk, A. U. Batur, Y. Altunbaşak, M. H. Hayes III ve R. M. Mersereau, “Eigenface–domain super–resolution for face recognition”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 597–607, Mayıs 2003 Y. C. Lee, J. Kim, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “Layered coding vs. multiple description coding for video over error–prone networks”, Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 18 (2003), pp. 337–356, Mayıs 2003 G. Al Regib, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “Hierarchical motion estimation with content–based meshes”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Ekim 2003 İ. Bahçeci, T. M. Duman ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Antenna selection for multiple–antenna transmission systems: performance analysis and code construction”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (Special Issue on Space–Time Transmission, Reception, Coding and Signal Design), vol. 49, no. 10, pp. 2669–2681, Ekim 2003 Y. C. Lee, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “An integrated application of multiple description transform coding and error concealment for error–resilient video streaming”, Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 18 (2003), no. 10, pp. 957–970, Kasım 2003 Y. C. Lee, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “An enhanced two–stage multiple description video coder with drift reduction”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 122–128, Ocak 2004 B. Güntürk, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “A DCT–domain bayesian resolution enhancement framework for MPEG video”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 33–43, Ocak 2004 I. Akyıldız, Y. Altunbaşak, F. Fekri ve R. Sivakumar, “AdaptNet: An Adaptive protocol suite for the next generation wireless internet”, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 128–136, Mart 2004 J. Kim, R. M. Mersereau ve Y. Altunbaşak, “A multiple–substream unequal error protection and error concealment algorithm for SPIHT–coded video bitstreams”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 13, no. 12, Aralık 2004 Y. Altunbaşak ve H. Ateş, “Understanding the future of video coding”, IEEE Multimedia, vol. 12, no. 1, Ocak–Mart 2005 A. C. Begen, Y. Altunbaşak, Ö. Ergun ve M. H. Ammar, “Multi–path selection for multiple description encoded video streaming over overlay networks”, Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 20/1, pp. 39–60, Ocak 2005. (En çok atıf alan makale ödülü) B. K. Güntürk, J. Glotzbach, Y. Altunbaşak, R. W. Schafer ve R. M. Mersereau, “Demosaicking: Color filter array interpolation”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Special Issue on Color Image Processing, vol. 22, issue 1, pp. 44–54, Ocak 2005 G. Al Regib, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “Bit allocation for joint source and channel coding of progressively compressed 3–D models”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 256–268, Şubat 2005 G. Al Regib, Y. Altunbaşak ve J. Rossignac, “Error–resilient transmission of 3D models”, ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol. 24(2), pp. 182–208, Nisan 2005 Y. C. Lee, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “A coordinated application of multiple description scalar quantization and error concealment for error resilient MPEG video streaming”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 15, issue 4, pp. 457–468, Nisan 2005 H. Kim, N. Kamacı ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Low complexity rate–distortion optimal macroblock mode selection and motion estimation for MPEG–like encoders”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 15, issue 7, pp. 823–834, Temmuz 2005 J. Kim, R. M. Mersereau ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Distributed video streaming using multiple description coding and unequal error protection”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, volume 14, issue 7, pp. 849–861, Temmuz 2005 G. Al Regib, Y. Altunbaşak ve J. Rossignac, “An unequal error protection method for progressively transmitted 3–D models”, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 7, issue 4, pp. 766–776, Ağustos 2005 N. Kamacı, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “Frame bit allocation for the H.264/AVC video coder via Cauchy–density–based rate and distortion models”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 15, issue 8, pp. 994–1006, Ağustos 2005 A. C. Begen ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Proxy–assisted interactive–video services over networks with large delays”, EURASIP Signal Processing: Image Communication, Special Issue on Video Networking, vol. 20/8, pp. 755–772, Eylül 2005 T. Akgün, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “Super–resolution reconstruction of hyperspectral images”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 14, issue 11, pp. 1860–1875, Kasım 2005 G. Al Regib ve Y. Altunbaşak, “3TP: An application–layer protocol for streaming 3–D models”, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 7, issue 6, pp. 1149–1156, Aralık 2005 İ. Bahçeci, Y. Altunbaşak ve T. M. Duman, “Space–time coding over correlated fading channels with antenna selection”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 5, issue 1, pp. 34–39, Ocak 2006 İ. Bahçeci, Y. Altunbaşak ve T. M. Duman, “A turbo coded multiple description system for multiple antennas”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 54, issue 2, pp. 187–191, Şubat 2006 Z. Aydın, Y. Altunbaşak ve M. Borodovsky, “Protein secondary structure prediction for a single–sequence using hidden semi–Markov models”, BMC Bioinformatics 2006, 7:178 (30 Mart 2006) Z. Aydın ve Y. Altunbaşak, “A signal processing application in genomic research: protein secondary structure prediction”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, volume 23, issue 4, pp. 128–131, Temmuz 2006 T. Arıcı, T. Akgün ve Y. Altunbaşak, “A prediction error based hypothesis testing method for sensor data acquisition”, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 529–556, Kasım 2006 A. C. Begen ve Y. Altunbaşak, “An adaptive media–aware retransmission timeout estimation method for low–delay packet video”, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 9, issue 2, pp. 332–347, Şubat 2007 Z. Aydın, H. Erdoğan ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Bayesian protein secondary structure prediction with near–optimal segmentations”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, volume 55, issue 7, pp. 3512–3525, Temmuz 2007 H. Seferoğlu, Ö. Gürbüz, Ö. Erçetin ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Rate-distortion based real-time wireless video streaming’’, Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 22, issue 6, pp. 529-542, Temmuz 2007 H. Seferoğlu, Ö. Gürbüz, Ö. Erçetin ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Wireless transport algorithms for real–time video streaming”, EURASIP Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 22–6, pp. 529–542, Temmuz 2007 M. Gevrekçi, B. K. Güntürk ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Restoration of Bayer–sampled image sequences”, Oxford the Computer Journal 2007; doi: 10.1093/comjnl/bxm041 (Restoration of Bayer-sampled Image Sequences H. F. Ateş ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Rate–Distortion and complexity optimized motion estimation for H.264 video coding”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 18, issue 2, pp. 159–171, Şubat 2008. M. U. Demircin, P. Beek ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Delay–constrained and R–D optimized transrating for high–definition video streaming over WLANs”, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol.10, no.6, pp.1155–1168, Ekim 2008 T. Arıcı, S. Dikbaş ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Global A Histogram Modification Framework and Its Application for Image Contrast Enhancement”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 18, issue 9, pp. 1921–1935, Eylül 2009 S. Dikbaş, T.Arıcı ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Fast Motion Estimation With Interpolation–Free Sub–Sample Accuracy”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 20, issue 7, pp. 1047–1051, Temmuz 2010 Z. Aydın, Y. Altunbaşak, ve H. Erdoğan, “Bayesian models and algorithms for protein beta-Sheet prediction’’, IEEE-ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, vol. 8, issue 2, pp. 395-409, Mart-Nisan 2011 İ. Pekküçükşen ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Edge strength filter based color filter array interpolation’’, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 21, issue 1, pp. 393-397, Ocak 2012 S. Dikbaş ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Novel true-motion estimation algorithm and its application to motion-compensated temporal frame interpolation’’, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 22, issue 8, pp. 2931-45, Ağustos 2013 (Epub. Ekim 04, 2012) İ. Pekküçükşen ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Multiscale gradients-based color filter array interpolation’’, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 22, issue 1, pp. 157-165, Nisan 2013 M. Santaro, G. AlRegib, ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Joint framework for motion validity and estimation using block overlap’’, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 22, issue 4, pp. 1608-1617, Nisan 2013 XIII. YAYINLANAN HAKEMLİ ULUSLARARASI KONFERANS MAKALELERİ A. M. Tekalp, M. İ. Sezan ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Evaluation of 3-D motion and structure estimation algortihms for model based video compression’’, 47th Annual Conference (ICPS) The Physics and Chemistry of Imaging Systems of the Society –for-Imaging-Science-and-Technology, Rochester, NY, Mayıs 15-20, 1994. Y. Altunbaşak, A. M. Tekalp ve G. Bozdağı, “Simultaneous motion–disparity estimation and segmentation from stereo”, IEEE Int. Conf. Image Proc., vol. 3, pp. 73–77, Austin, Teksas, Kasım 1994 Y. Altunbaşak, A. M. Tekalp ve G. Bozdağı, “Simultaneous stereo–motion fusion and 3–D motion tracking”, IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech Sign. Proc., vol. 4, pp. 2277–2280, Detroit, Michigan, Mayıs 1995 A. M. Tekalp, Y. Altunbaşak ve G. Bozdağı, “Three–dimensional versus two–dimensional knowledge based coding”, SPIE Visual Comm. and Image Proc. Conf., vol. 2501, pt. 1, pp. 250–255, Taipei, Taiwan, Mayıs 1995 Y. Altunbaşak, A. M. Tekalp ve G. Bozdağı, “Two–dimensional object–based coding using a content–based mesh and affine motion parameterization”, IEEE Int. Conf. Image Proc., vol. 2, pp. 394–397, Washington, Kolumbiya Bölgesi, Ekim 1995 Y. Altunbaşak ve A. M. Tekalp, “Content–based mesh generation for very low bit–rate video coding”, Symposium on Multimedia Communications and Video Coding, New York, Ekim 1995 G. Borshukov, G. Bozdağı, Y. Altunbaşak ve A. M. Tekalp, “Multi–stage affine parameter clustering for improved motion segmentation”, SPIE/IS&T Symp. Electronic Imaging Sci. & Tech., vol. 2666, pp. 146–153, San Jose, Kaliforniya, Ocak 1996 Y. Altunbaşak ve A. M. Tekalp, “Very low bit–rate video coding using object–based mesh design and tracking”, SPIE/IS&T Symp. Electronic Imaging Sci. & Tech., vol. 2668, pp. 28–35, San Jose, Kaliforniya, Ocak 1996 Y. Altunbaşak ve A. M. Tekalp, “Closed–form solution for polygon based node motion estimation with 2–D meshes”, Visual Comm. Image Proc., vol. 2727, pt. 1, pp. 356–367, Orlando, Florida, 17–20 Mart 1996 Y. Altunbaşak ve A. M. Tekalp, (abstract only) “Scene adaptive bit–rate control for object–based coding”, IEEE Signal Proc. Soc. Ninth Workshop on Image and Multidim. Sign. Proc. Workshop, Belize City, Belize, Mart 1996 Y. Altunbaşak ve A. M. Tekalp, “A complete system for video coding based on triangular mesh”, Picture Coding Symposium '96, Melbourne, Avustralya, Mart 1996 Y. Altunbaşak ve A. M. Tekalp, “Occlusion adaptive 2–D mesh tracking”, IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech Sign. Proc., vol. 4, pp. 2108–2111, Atlanta, Georgia, Mayıs 199 A. M. Tekalp ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Object-scalable content-based 2-D mesh design for object-based video coding”, Symposium on Multimedia Communications and Video Coding, Brooklyn, Newyork, Ekim 11-13, 1996 Ö. N. Gerek ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Key frame selection from MPEG video data”, Visual Comm. Image Proc., vol. 3024, pt. 2, pp. 920–925, San Jose, Kaliforniya, 12–14 Şubat 1997 Y. Altunbaşak ve A. M. Tekalp, “Scalable mesh–based interpolative coding of synthetic and natural image objects”, Visual Comm. Image Proc., vol. 3024, pt. 2, pp. 1004–1012, San Jose, Kaliforniya, 12–14 Şubat 1997 P. Eren, Y. Altunbaşak ve A. M. Tekalp, “Region–based affine motion segmentation using color information”, IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech Sign. Proc., vol. 4, pp. 3005–3008, Münih, Almanya, 21–24 Nisan 1997 H. J. Zhang, J. Y. A. Wang ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Content–based video compression and browsing: Developing a unified solution”, IEEE Int. Conf. Image Proc., vol. 1, pp. 13–16, Santa Barbara, Kaliforniya, 26–29 Ekim 1997 Y. Altunbaşak, “Spatial and object–scalable interpolative coding of image objects”, IEEE Int. Conf. Image Proc., vol. 3, pp. 94–97, Santa Barbara, Kaliforniya, 26–29 Ekim 1997 R. Oten, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. J. P. de Figueiredo, “Mesh–based occlusion–adaptive multiple object tracking”, IEEE Int. Conf. Image Proc., vol. 1, pp. 69–72, Santa Barbara, Kaliforniya, 26–29 Ekim 1997 A. J. Patti ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Artifact reduction for POCS–based super–resolution with edge adaptive regularization and higher–order interpolants”, IEEE Int. Conf. Image Proc., vol. 3, pp. 217–221, Şikago, Illinois, 4–7 Ekim 1998 Y. Altunbaşak ve A.J. Patti, “Camera pan detection from compressed video with application to creating stills from MPEG”, 32nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, Kaliforniya, Kasım 1998 Y. Altunbaşak ve A.J. Patti, “A fast method of reconstructing high–resolution panoramic stills from MPEG–compressed video”, IEEE Signal Processing Society 1998 Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, pp. 99–104, Los Angeles, Kaliforniya, Aralık 1998 A.J. Patti ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Super–resolution image estimation for transform coded video with application to MPEG”, IEEE Int. Conf. Image Proc., vol. 3, pp. 179–183, Kobe, Japonya, Ekim 1999 Y. Altunbaşak, A. J. Patti ve O. King, “On the global parametric motion estimation with illumination and geometric lens distortion correction”, IEEE Int. Conf. Image Proc., vol. 3, pp. 686–690, Kobe, Japonya, Ekim 1999 Y. Altunbaşak, “A statistical approach to threshold selection in temporal video segmentation algorithms”, IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech Sign. Proc., vol. 6, pp. 2421–2424, İstanbul, Türkiye, Haziran 2000 Y. Altunbaşak ve A. J. Patti, “A maximum a posteriori estimator for high resolution video reconstruction from MPEG video”, IEEE Int. Conf. Image Proc., vol. 2, pp. 649–652, Vancouver, Kanada, Eylül 2000 B. Güntürk, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “A multi–frame blocking artifact reduction method for transform coded video”, IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech Sign. Proc., vol. 3, pp. 1789–1792, Salt Lake City, Utah, Mayıs 2001 G. Al Regib ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Two–dimensional hierarchical content–based mesh motion estimation”, IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech Sign. Proc., vol. 3, pp. 1621–1624, Salt Lake City, Utah, Mayıs 2001 G. Al Regib ve Y. Altunbaşak, “A system–level framework for streaming 3–D meshes over packet networks”, Int. Conf. on Networking, vol. 2094, pp. 745–753, Colmar, Fransa, Temmuz 2001 M. Kim ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Optimal dynamic rate shaping for compressed video streaming”, Int. Conf. on Networking, vol. 2094, pp.786–794, Colmar, Fransa, Temmuz 2001 B. Güntürk, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “A bayesian resolution enhancement framework for transform coded video”, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Proc., vol. 2, pp. 41–44, Selanik, Yunanistan, Ekim 2001 Y. C. Lee ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Spatial error concealment using multi–frame recovery principle for MPEG coded video delivery over error–prone networks”, 3rd International Conference on Information, Communications, and Signal Processing, Singapur, Ekim 2001 Y. C. Lee, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “A temporal error concealment method for MPEG coded video using a multi–frame boundary matching algorithm”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, vol. 1, pp. 990–993, Selanik, Yunanistan, Ekim 2001 B. Güntürk, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “Gray–scale resolution enhancement”, IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, pp. 155–160, Cannes, Fransa, Ekim 2001 N. Kamacı, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “Multiple description codes with multiple transmit and receive antennas for wireless channels: The case of digital modulation”, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom), vol. 6, pp. 3272–3276, San Antonio, Teksas, Kasım 2001 N. At ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Multiple description coding for wireless channels with multiple antennas”, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom), vol. 3, pp. 2040–2044, San Antonio, Teksas, Kasım 2001 Y. C. Lee, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “A coordinated multiple description coding and error concealment algorithm for error resilient video streaming over lossy channels”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, vol. 1, pp. 99–103, New York, Nisan 2002 J. H. Kim, R. M. Mersereau ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Bit–plane–wise unequal error protection for Internet video applications”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, vol. 4, pp. 2508–2512, New York, Nisan 2002 B. Güntürk, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “Color plane interpolation using alternating projections”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, vol. 4, pp. 3333–3336, Orlando, Florida, Mayıs 2002 Y. C. Lee ve Y. Altunbaşak, “A collaborative multiple description transform coding and statistical error concealment method for error resilient video streaming over noisy channels”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, vol. 2, pp. 2077–2080, Orlando, Florida, Mayıs 2002 G. Al–Regib, Y. Altunbaşak ve J. Rossignac, “An unequal error protection method for progressively compressed 3–D models”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, vol. 2, pp. 2041–2044, Orlando, Florida, Mayıs 2002 G. Al–Regib ve Y. Altunbaşak, “An unequal error protection method for packet loss resilient 3–D mesh transmission”, IEEE INFOCOM, vol. 2, pp. 743–752, New York, Haziran 2002 G. Al–Regib, Y. Altunbaşak ve J. Rossignac, “A joint source and channel coding approach for progressively compressed 3–D mesh transmission”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, vol. 2, pp. 161–164, Rochester, New York, Eylül 2002 B. Güntürk, A. Batur, Y. Altunbaşak, M. H. Hayes III ve R. M. Mersereau, “Eigenface–based super–resolution for face recognition”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, vol. 2, pp. 845–848, Rochester, New York, Eylül 2002 J. H. Kim, R. M. Mersereau ve Y. Altunbaşak, “A coordinated multiple stream SPIHT coder and error concealment for error resilient Internet video streaming”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, vol. 3, pp. 693–696, Rochester, New York, Eylül 2002 Y. C. Lee, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “A two–stage multiple description coding for wireless video”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, vol. 3, pp. 557–560, Rochester, New York, Eylül 2002 G. Al–Regib, Y. Altunbaşak, J. Rossignac ve R. Mersereau, “Protocol for streaming compressed 3–D animations over lossy channels”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo, vol. 1, pp. 353–356, Lozan, İsviçre, Ağustos 2002 Y.C. Lee, J. Kim, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “Performance comparisons of layered and multiple description coded video streaming over error–prone networks”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, Anchorage, Alaska, Mayıs 2003 A. C. Begen, Y. Altunbaşak ve Ö. Ergun, “Multi–path selection for multiple description encoded video streaming”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, Anchorage, Alaska, Mayıs 2003 J. Kim, R. M. Mersereau ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Network–adaptive video streaming using multiple–substream coding and path diversity”, IEEE Int. Conf. Multimedia and Expo, Baltimore, Maryland, Temmuz 2003 A. C. Begen, Y. Altunbaşak ve Ö. Ergun, “Fast heuristics for multi–path selection for multiple description encoded video streaming”, IEEE Int. Conf. Multimedia and Expo, Baltimore, Maryland, Temmuz 2003 H. Kim ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Low–complexity rate–distortion optimal macroblock mode selection for MPEG–like video coders”, IEEE Int. Conf. Multimedia and Expo, Baltimore, Maryland, Temmuz 2003 Y. C. Lee, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “A drift–free motion–compensated predictive encoding technique for multiple description coding”, IEEE Int. Conf. Multimedia and Expo, Baltimore, Maryland, Temmuz 2003 G. Al–Regib ve Y. Altunbaşak, “3TP: An application–layer protocol for streaming 3–D graphics”, IEEE Int. Conf. Multimedia and Expo, Baltimore, Maryland, Temmuz 2003 N. Kamacı ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Performance comparison of the emerging H.264 video coding standard with the existing standards”, IEEE Int. Conf. Multimedia and Expo, vol. 1, pp. 345–348, Baltimore, Maryland, Temmuz 2003 A. C. Begen, Y. Altunbaşak, Ö. Ergun ve M. A. Begen, “Real–time multiple description and layered encoded video streaming with optimal diverse routing”, IEEE Int. Symp. Computers and Communications, Antalya, Türkiye, Temmuz 2003 İ. Bahçeci, T. M. Duman ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Antenna selection for multiple antenna systems: performance analysis and code construction”, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Yokohama, Japonya, Temmuz 2003 A. C. Begen, Y. Altunbaşak ve M. A. Begen, “Rate–distortion optimized on–demand media streaming with server diversity”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Barselona, İspanya, Eylül 2003 B. K. Güntürk, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “Multi–frame information fusion for gray–scale and spatial enhancement of images”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Barselona, İspanya, Eylül 2003 J. Kim, R. M. Mersereau ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Distributed video streaming using unbalanced multiple description coding and forward error correction”, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom), San Francisco, Kaliforniya, Aralık 2003 Y. Lee, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Mersereau, “Optimal packet scheduling for multiple description coded video transmissions over lossy networks”, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom), San Francisco, Kaliforniya, Aralık 2003 İ. Bahçeci, Y. Altunbaşak ve T. M. Duman, “A turbo coded multiple description system for multiple antennas”, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom), San Francisco, Kaliforniya, Aralık 2003 T. Arıcı, B. Gedik, Y. Altunbaşak ve L. Liu, "PINCO: a pipelined in–network compression scheme for data collection in wireless sensor networks”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Communications and Networks, pp. 539–544, Dallas, Teksas, Ekim 2003 M. U. Demircin ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Finite–Horizon FEC–Rate Adaptation for Realtime Wireless Multimedia”, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf., vol. 3, pp. 1770–1775, Atlanta, Georgia, 21–25 Mart 2004 T. Arıcı ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Adaptive sensing for energy efficient monitoring in wireless sensor networks”, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf., Vol. 4, pp. 2347–2352 Atlanta, Georgia, Mart 2004 İ. Bahçeci, T. M. Duman ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Performance of MIMO antenna selection for space–time coded OFDM systems”, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf., Atlanta, Georgia, Mart 2004 D. Tian, X. Li, G. Al–Regib, Y. Altunbaşak ve J. R. Jackson, “Optimal packet scheduling for wireless video streaming with error–prone feedback”, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conf., Atlanta, Georgia, Mart 2004 Ghassan AlRegib ve Yücel Altunbasak, “3TP: 3–D Models Transport Protocol”, Proceedings of the 9th Inter. Conf. on 3D Web Technology, Monterey, Kaliforniya, Nisan 2004 Z. Aydın, Y. Altunbaşak ve M. Borodovsky, “Protein Secondary Structure Prediction with semi–Hidden Markov Models”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, Montreal, Kanada,, Mayıs 2004. N. Kamacı ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Rho–domain rate–distortion optimal rate control for DCT–based video coders”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, vol. 3, pp. 149–152, Montreal, Kanada, Mayıs 2004 T. Akgün, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. M. Merserau, “Super–resolution reconstruction of hyperspectral images”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, Montreal, Kanada, Mayıs 2004 N. Kamacı ve Y. Altunbaşak, “An analysis of the DCT coefficient distribution with the H.264 video coder”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, vol. 3, pp. 177–180, Montreal, Kanada, Mayıs 2004 İ. Bahçeci, Y. Altunbaşak ve T. M. Duman, “Space–time coding over correlated fading channels with antenna selection”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, Paris, Fransa, Haziran 2004 A. C. Begen, M. U. Demircin ve Y. Altunbaşak, "Packet scheduling for multiple description video streaming in multipoint–to–point networks”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, vol. 3, pp. 1340–1344, Paris, Fransa, 20–24 Haziran 2004 D. Tian, Y. C. Lee, G. AlRegib ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Packetized media streaming over multiple wireless channels”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, Paris, Fransa, Haziran 2004 H. Kim ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Low–complexity macroblock mode selection for the H.264/AVC encoders”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Suntec City, Singapur, Ekim 2004 H. Kim ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Rate–distortion optimal joint macroblock mode selection and motion estimation for MPEG–like video coders”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Suntec City, Singapur, Ekim 2004 Ali C. Beğen ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Videoconferencing over an intermediate–proxy”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Suntec City, Singapur, Ekim 2004 Z. Aydın, Y. Altunbaşak ve M. Borodovsky, "Protein secondary structure prediction with semi Markov HMMs", in Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Francisco, Kaliforniya, Eylül 2004 Ali C. Begen ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Timely inference of late/lost packets in real–time streaming applications”, Picture Coding Symposium, San Francisco, Kaliforniya, USA, Aralık 2004 H. Ateş ve Y. Altunbaşak, “SAD reuse in hierarchical motion estimation for the H.264 encoder”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, Philadelphia, Pensilvanya, ABD Montreal, Kanada, Mart 2005 N. Kamacı ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Frame bit allocation for H.264 using Cauchy–distribution based source modelling”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, Philadelphia, Pensilvanya, ABD Montreal, Kanada, Mart 2005 Z. Aydın, T. Akgün ve Y. Altunbaşak, “A modified stack decoder for protein secondary structure prediction”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, Philadelphia, Pensilvanya, Mart 2005 H. Seferoğlu, Y. Altunbaşak, Ö. Gürbüz ve Ö. Erçetin, “Rate Distortion Optimized Joint ARQ–FEC for Real–Time Wireless Multimedia”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, Güney Kore, Mayıs 2005 A. C. Begen ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Estimating packet arrival times in bursty video applications”, IEEE International Conf. Multimedia and Expo, pp. 767–770, Amsterdam, Hollanda, 6–8 Temmuz 2005 A. C. Begen, Y. Altunbaşak, G. Gorbil ve M. R. Civanlar, “High–resolution video streaming in mesh–networked homes”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, vol. 1, pp. 181–184, Cenova, İtalya, 11–14 Eylül 2005 İ. Bahçeci, Y. Altunbaşak ve G. AlRegib, “Serial distributed detection for wireless sensor networks”, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, pp. 830–834, Adelaide, Avustralya, 4–9 Eylül 2005 A. Azgın, Y. Altunbaşak ve G. AlRegib “Cooperative MAC and routing protocols for wireless ad–hoc networks”, IEEE GLOBECOM Conference, volume 5, pp. 2854–2859, St. Louis, Missouri, 28 Kasım–2 Aralık 200 İ. Bahçeci, Y. Altunbaşak ve G. AlRegib, “Parallel distributed detection for wireless sensor networks: performance analysis and design”, IEEE GLOBECOM Conference, vol. 4, pp. 2420–2424, St. Louis, Missouri, 28 Kasım–2 Aralık 2005 O. G. Sezer, Y. Altunbaşak ve A. Erçil, “Face recognition with independent component based super–resolution”, SPIE Visual Comm. and Image Proc. Conf., San Jose, Kaliforniya, 15–19 Ocak 2006. (En iyi öğrenci makalesi ödülü) H. Seferoğlu, Ö. Gürbüz, Ö. Erçetin ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Multi–client video streaming over wireless local area networks”, IEEE 14th Signal Processing and Communications Applications, Antalya, Türkiye, 17–19 Nisan 2006 O. G. Sezer, Y. Altunbaşak ve A. Erçil, “Subspace–based super–resolution for face recognition from video”, IEEE 14th Signal Processing and Communications Applications, Antalya, Türkiye, 17–19 Nisan 2006 A. C. Begen ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Redundancy–controllable adaptive retransmission timeout estimation for packet video”, in Proc. ACM Int. Wksp. Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), Newport Kulesi, Rhode Island, Mayıs 2006 A. C. Begen, M. Begen, Y. Altunbaşak ve R. Civanlar, “Proxy selection for interactive video”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, volume 2, pp. 878–883, İstanbul, Türkiye, Haziran 200 A. Azgın, Y. Altunbaşak ve G. AlRegib, “Mobility support for cooperative wireless networks”, Fall 2006 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, pp. 1–5, Montreal, Kanada, Eylül 200 T. Arıcı, S. Dikbaş ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Local contrast enhancement using 2–dimensional recursive filters”, IEEE 8th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, pp. 329–333, Victoria, Kanada, Ekim 2006 T. Arıcı ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Image local contrast enhancement using adaptive non–linear filters”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, pp. 2881–2884, Atlanta, Georgia, Ekim 2006 H. Ateş, B. Kanberoğlu ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Rate–distortion and complexity joint optimization for fast motion estimation in H.264 video coding”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, pp. 37–40, Atlanta, Georgia, Ekim 2006 S. Ba, H. Ateş ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Low complexity inter–mode selection for H.264”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, pp. 1349–1352, Atlanta, Georgia, Ekim 2006 A. C. Begen, M. A. Begen ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Predictive modeling of video packet delay in IP networks”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, pp. 1325–1328 Atlanta, Georgia, Ekim 2006 H. Seferoğlu, Ö. Gürbüz, Ö. Erçetin ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Video streaming to multiple clients over wireless local area networks”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, pp. 1680–1684, Atlanta, Georgia, Ekim 2006 A. C. Begen ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Media–aware retransmission timeout estimation”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, Volume 2, pp. 797–800, Honolulu, Hawaii, Nisan 2007 M. Gevrekçi, B. K. Güntürk ve Y. Altunbaşak, “POCS–based restoration of Bayer–sampled image sequences”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, volume 1, pp. 753–756, Honolulu, Hawaii, Nisan 2007 Z. Aydın, H. Erdoğan ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Protein fold recognition using residue–based alignments of sequence and secondary structure”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, volume 1, pp. 349–352, Honolulu, Hawaii, Nisan 2007 H. Ateş ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Frame–level complexity control in H.264 video coding”, IEEE 15th Signal Processing and Communications Applications, Eskişehir, Türkiye, 11–13 Haziran 2007 İ. K. Pakatcı, Z. Aydın, H. Erdoğan ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Training set reduction methods for protein secondary structure prediction in single sequence condition”, IEEE 15th Signal Processing and Communications Applications, Eskişehir, Türkiye, 11–13 Haziran 2007 Z. Aydın, Y. Altunbaşak, İ. Pakatcı ve H. Erdoğan, “Training Set Reduction Methods for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction in Single–Sequence Condition”, 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2007 (EMBS 2007), pp. 5025–5028, Lyon, Fransa, 22–26 Ağustos 2007 T. Akgün ve Y. Altunbaşak”,A coupled feature–filter clustering scheme for resolution synthesis”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, volume 5, pp. 405–408, San Antonio, Teksas, Eylül 16 2007–Ekim 19 2007 S. Dikbaş, T. Arıcı ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Chrominance edge preserving grayscale transformation with approximate first principal component for color edge detection”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, volume 2, pp. 261–264, San Antonio, Teksas, Eylül 16 2007–Ekim 19 2007 B. Uyar, M. Sayınta, T. Akgün, B. Örencik ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Spatial feature based video scaling scheme and its FPGA implementation for video standards conversion”, Proceedings of the IEEE 2007 Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS 2007), pp. 267–272, Şanghay, Çin, Ekim 17–19, 2007 T. Akgün ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Material specific multiple observation resolution enhancement of hyperspectral imagery”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 845–848, Las Vegas, Nevada, Mart 31 2008–Nisan 4 2008 T. Arıcı, E. Albuz ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Using non–spatial prior information in block–matching based motion estimation”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 801–804, Las Vegas, Nevada, Mart 31 2008–Nisan 4 2008 O. G. Sezer, J. L. Mundy ve Y. Altunbaşak, David B. Cooper "Normal: Non–compact Markovian likelihood for change detection", in Proc. of International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR, Tampa, Florida, 8–11 Aralık 2008 O. G. Sezer ve Y. Altunbaşak, "Adaptive boxcar/wavelet transform", in Proc. of SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing Conference, VCIP, San Jose, Kaliforniya, 20–22 Ocak 2009 O. G. Sezer ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Weighted average denoising with sparse orthonormal transforms”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Kahire, Mısır, Kasım 7–10, 2009 O. G. Sezer, Y. Altunbaşak ve O. G. Güleryüz, “A sparsity-distortion-optimized multiscale representation of geometry”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP, Hong Kong, Çin, Eylül 26–29, 201 İ. Pekküçükşen ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Gradient based threshold free color filter array interpolation”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Hong Kong, Çin, Eylül 26–29, 2010 A. Azgın ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Error Recovery Framework Design for the IPTV Networks”, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Miami, Florida, Aralık 6–10, 2010 A. Y. Yazıcıoğlu, M. Xiaoli ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Evolution of mixed strategies for social dilemmas on structured Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC), Delft, Hollanda, Nisan 11–13, 2011 A. Azgın ve Y. Altunbaşak, “A unified fast channel change framework for IPTV Networks”, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, Nevada, Ocak 9–12, 2011 A. Azgın ve Y. Altunbaşak, “A cooperative error recovery framework for IPTV over WiMAX”, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, Nevada, Ocak 9–12, 2011 A. Azgın ve Y. Altunbaşak, “A peer-assisted server-based error recovery approach for IPTV Networks”, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, Nevada, Ocak 9–12, 2011 A. Azgın ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Server-assisted peer-based error recovery protocol for the IPTV networks”, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, Nevada, Ocak 9–12, 2011 A. Y. Yazıcıoğlu, M. Xiaoli ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Analyzing the Dynamics of Evolutionary Prisoner's Dilemma on Structured Networks”, International ICST Conference on Game Theory for Networks, Şanghay, Çin, Nisan 16–18, 2011 İ. Pekküçükşen ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Directional Color Filter Array Interpolation Based On Multiscale Color Gradients”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Prag, Çek Cumhuriyeti, Mayıs 22–27, 2011 İ. Pekküçükşen ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Edge Orıented Dırectıonal Color Fılter Array Interpolatıon”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Prag, Çek Cumhuriyeti, Mayıs 22–27, 2011 A. Azgın ve Y. Altunbaşak, “A semi-distributed fast channel change framework for IPTV networks’’, 20th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), HI, Temmuz 31-August 04, 2011 A. Azgın ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Multicast vs. Unicast error recovery tradeoffs for group correlated IPTV Networks’’, 54th Annual IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Houston, Teksas, Aralık 05-09, 2011 A. Azgın ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Exploiting unicast vs. multicast delivery tradeoffs to improve the latency performance for IPTV channel change’’, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, Nevada, Ocak 14-17, 201 A. Azgın ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Analyzing performance tradeoffs for the delivery of concurrent channel change streams to enable fast channel change in IPTV Networks’’, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, Nevada, Ocak 14-17, 201 M. Santaro, G. AlRegib, ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Motion estimation using block overlap minimization’’, 14th IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Banf, Kanada, Eylül 17-19, 2012 M. Santaro, G. AlRegib, ve Y. Altunbaşak, “Misalignment correction for depth estimation using stereoscopic 3-D cameras’’, 14th IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Banf, Kanada, Eylül 17-19, 2012 XIV. TEKNİK RAPORLAR M. Elad, Y. Hel–Or ve Y. Altunbaşak, “SURE: Super–resolution enhancements for scanners: Implementation issues”, HPL Technical Report, Şubat 1998 Y. Altunbaşak, A. J. Patti ve O. King, “On the global parametric motion estimation with illumination and geometric lens distortion correction”, HPL Technical Report, Ekim 1998 Y. Altunbaşak, “CAST: Camera scanning technology”, HPL Technical Report, Temmuz 1999 Y. Altunbaşak, A. Azgın, ve G. AlRegib, “Studying the Performance of Cooperative Delivery Techniques to Support Video-on-Demand Service in IPTV Networks’’, MSL Technical Report, Mayıs 2013

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