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Turkish Industry, Science and Technology

This is very good news...

Bakan Işık, Eskişehir’in avantajlı bir olduğunu da anlatarak, şöyle devam etti:
“Eskişehir biliyorsunuz 1. bölge illerimizden. Burada temel hedefimiz de Eskişehir’in yüksek teknolojide Türkiye’nin önemli merkezlerinden biri olmasıdır. Hükümet olarak yürüttüğümüz bir çalışma teşvik sistemimizi yeniden ele alıyoruz ve yüksek teknolojili ürünlerde 1. bölgenin dahi 5. bölge desteklerinden yararlanmasını hedefliyoruz. Bu açıdan da Eskişehir önümüzdeki süreçte en avantajlı illerden bir tanesi olacak. Hem teknoloji seviyesi daha da yükselecek hem teşviklerden daha fazla yararlanacak hem de istihdam açısından Eskişehir’de çok daha güzel gelişmeleri göreceğiz.”

BAKAN IŞIK’TAN VALİ TUNA’YA ZİYARET - Eskişehir Haberleri - Milliyet Eskişehir
Uçak motorlarındaki buzlanmalar önlenecek!

Cyber security system aims to reach whole world

The domestic cyber security systems developed by Comodo, which gained fame for the online security solutions they built for U.S. President Barack Obama's election campaign websites, will be exported to the world, according to Comodo's founder Melih Abdulhayaoğlu.

"We have 13,000 business partners in the world. Our new product, Korugan, is currently being exported to Germany. We are planning to reach out to the rest of the world as well," Abdulhayaoğlu said in an interview with Turkish magazine Ekonomist.

Comodo, founded in 1998, provides various online security solutions and has more than 1,200 employees and eight research and development (R&D) centers around the world. The company currently operates in the U.S., but the company has also invested in Turkey.

In April 2013, Abdulhayaoğlu said that while Turkey currently has a very small market for electronic goods, industry, government and labor in Turkey are finally ready for domestic products to be manufactured and exported.

Abdulhayaoğlu further said that with a team of 167 Turkish engineers, they were able to create a product and export Turkish technology to Germany. Stating that although he does not have any plans to sell the goods created in Turkey, he has more business and investment plans for Turkey along with the cyber security systems such as online marketing and smart home systems.

Abdulhayaoğlu has already established a Cyber Security R&D Center at Middle East Technical University in Ankara along with an investment of around $6 to $7 million, and he is planning on investing $12 to $13 million more next year. Comodo's share in the global security software market is around 30 percent and its market is around $5 billion with offices in the U.S., U.K., Ukraine, India and China.

Cyber security system aims to reach whole world - Daily Sabah

English agabey

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Turkey and Malaysia cooperate on chip production - Daily Sabah

Science, Industry and Technology Minister Fikri Işık announced that the Ministry has initiated attempts to produce local chips. After the start of the construction of Turkey's first gallium nitrate-based chip production factory with the partnership of ASELSAN and Bilkent University, the Ministry is taking steps to open up the first silicon-based chip production factory with a mass production capacity.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency (AA) in Malaysia, Işık noted that while chip designs have been made in Turkey and chips have been produced in labs of Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), there was no facility to perform mass production of chips. Işık is in Malaysia to cooperate for chip production and has already visited Silterra and MIMOS. He said that they are very determined, carrying out intense research and therefore, they have visited the facilities in Malaysia to have a better understanding about the right scale for the factory. Işık said that during the preparation stage, they will decide on the best technology for the silicon-based chip factory. The Chairman of Marmara Research Center of TÜBİTAK, Bahadır Tunaboylu said that there are three materials used for chip production in the world and silicon is the most widely used one out of them. While gallium nitrate is used for LED lamps and sensor chips, silicon is used for chips in computers, mobile phones, memories, etc. He underlined that there is an integrated circuit, packaging and electronics industry in Malaysia and the Malaysian company Silterra is one of the top global players. "Silicon is the most common, developed and economic technology in the world for chip production and about 90 percent of the chips, processors, memories and devices are produced by silicon-based technologies. Turkey wants to take steps for local production," Tunaboylu said. Chip Factory Silterra was founded in 1995 and has now become the 15th biggest producer of silicon integrated circuits. In 2012-2013 its exports were around $2billion. The factory exports 99 percent of its production to the U.S., Europe, China, Taiwan and Korea. It started producing silicon sheets in 2001, and now is producing 30,000 silicon sheets each month.
@FutureMe @Soul

Let's debate on this stuff.... what do you think ?

I am in for a good debate anytime..

Wind power has ben in my technology radar for some time. I haven't seen details of the work TUBİTAK did but looks like it is a funneling device that reduces the cros-section of the windflow into a smaller one while increasing the speed proportionally. It says that they built a smaller structure which makes me think that this method of getting a stronger wind is inherently limited to smaller structures as large structures are harder to build and actually inefficient overall. There maybe some use to this but will be limited to under 25kW or so. As I have reviewed the matter just a couple days ago and have given a little briefing about this to my brother you caught me well prepared on this matter dude

There maybe some other method of accesing wind power where average ground level windspeed is insufficient. Which is.. make a guess...
As I have reviewed the matter just a couple days ago and have given a little briefing about this to my brother you caught me well prepared on this matter dude
And i have built a small wind turbine for "bitirme projesi". :)
Wind power has ben in my technology radar for some time. I haven't seen details of the work TUBİTAK did but looks like it is a funneling device that reduces the cros-section of the windflow into a smaller one while increasing the speed proportionally.
Yeap, that cone thingy works like a nozzle. but decreases energy of the wind at the same time.
. It says that they built a smaller structure which makes me think that this method of getting a stronger wind is inherently limited to smaller structures as large structures are harder to build and actually inefficient overall.
There maybe some use to this but will be limited to under 25kW or
A 25kw wind turbine has a rotor diameter of 16m....something like this.

If they can produce 100W with that thing they could be proud. :D
There maybe some other method of accesing wind power where average ground level windspeed is insufficient. Which is.. make a guess...
To place rotor in a higher altitute, like the pic above. Blade design is also a factor.

Anyways, what the guys did has no practical use but they had a interesting idea (funneling wind to increase it's speed) maybe that idea will be used in a different application in the future.
And i have built a small wind turbine for "bitirme projesi". :)

Yeap, that cone thingy works like a nozzle. but decreases energy of the wind at the same time.


A 25kw wind turbine has a rotor diameter of 16m....something like this.

If they can produce 100W with that thing they could be proud. :D

To place rotor in a higher altitute, like the pic above. Blade design is also a factor.

Anyways, what the guys did has no practical use but they had a interesting idea (funneling wind to increase it's speed) maybe that idea will be used in a different application in the future.

Now that you did your dissertation on a small wind turbine I can take the gaunlet and disclose that in my recent reflections on how an efficient wind turbine that can work almost anywhere should be I have designed and actually have sketched up my own windturbine system. It is still missing some elements but I have hopes of perfecting it and perhaps patenting it one day, therefore I won't share it just yet.

Doing a little search about wind turbines I found out that a turbine that delivers 50kW is 15 meters in diameter. Scaling down from that I calculated that for 25kW I need a diameter of 10,65 meters. I need a product that is small enough to deploy and manage anywhere hence the 25kW target.

We know that wind speed goes up with the altitude. That maybe an information an engineer learns easly at school but I am no engineer. Maybe just a self taught one if I will do justice to myself, and I learned that little piece of information the hard way. It was when I offered to be a photo consession to the baloon that gives the name to the baloon cafe in Kadıköy borough of the city of Istanbul and engaged in talks with the owner. When the talks got serious and the owner asked me what amount of money I will pay to the business I started to conduct a research about how many flights the baloon makes each week. To my surprise the baloon made far less flights than what I was thinking it would. Then I had to go to the pilot of the baloon and made my first flight and asked him questions. I asked why they didn't fly the baloon more often thinking that they were just being negligent not doing so. Again to my surprise the pilot said he followed the weather reports and was actually on stand by everyday to fly the baloon but even when there were no wind at the ground level there usually is wind strong enough to make the flight risky over just 70 meters of altitude.

To be continued
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Doing a little search about wind turbines I found out that a turbine that delivers 50kW is 15 meters in diameter.
Yeap my bad..

Scaling down from that I calculated that for 25kW I need a diameter of 10,65 meters. I need a product that is small enough to deploy and manage anywhere hence the 25kW target.
25kW Wind Turbines | Agricultural, Light Industrial, Remote Villages
SUREnergy | Your source for Sustainable Use of Renewable Energy

Scaling down Turbo machinery is difficult stuff... i will look for the formula in the evening.

Are you thinking about making a wind turbine ?
We know that wind speed goes up with the altitude. That maybe an information an engineer learns easly at school but I am no engineer. Maybe just a self taught one if I will do justice to myself, and I learned that little piece of information the hard way. It was when I offered to be a photo consession to the baloon that gives the name to the baloon cafe in Kadıköy borough of the city of Istanbul and engaged in talks with the owner. When the talks got serious and the owner asked me what amount of money I will pay to the business I started to conduct a research about how many flights the baloon makes each week. To my surprise the baloon made far less flights than what I was thinking it would. Then I had to go to the pilot of the baloon and made my first flight and asked him questions. I asked why they didn't fly the baloon more often thinking that they were just being negligent not doing so. Again to my surprise the pilot said he followed the weather reports and was actually on stand by everyday to fly the baloon but even when there were no wind at the ground level there usually is wind strong enough to make the flight risky over just 70 meters of altitude.

I liked the story the story very much. Learning things from experiences :)

To be continued
On we go.

And that spelled death to my dreams of becoming a photography king. All the while I had thought of all other aspects of that project including a long distance wifi connection to a nearby photo print shop.

@Sinan Thank you for the link that you gave. All I was finding were 3 bladed turbines, good to find a two blade one as my design is based on one like that.

Press Releases | Sheerwind
I hope TUBITAK dudes are not causing infringement of any patent rights.

Altaeros Energies - Home
This is pretty much what I am talking about. But better.

The technology – Makani – Google
Google backed up with $15mn and then acquired this company in 2013 that is working towards airborn wind power generation through kites. I don't like this technology, it is a violently moving object in the air, takes a lot of space, I can imagine villagers fighting over wind rights after fights over water rights.

This video covers much of the technology.

I am talking about heights between 300-600 meters depending on power requirements and wind conditions of locations. This tech can be used to power small villages, farms and ranches, offshoot plants and military bases, yachts and ships as well as power grids at utility scale.

I am working towards making it cheaper and more convenient to operate. Also our previous calculations of the turbine diameter depens one whether it is a 2 blade or 3 blade one, blade form and the most the tower or tether height that is the height the turbine will operate. So I believe the 10,65m diameter will come down to like 7 meters or less at heigher altitudes for a 25kw turbine.

While I do have the design it takes money to experiment, develope and realize it. Those government guys shoveling the money into less likely projects should look more carefully to spot a real prospect as has never happened with my other projects. But truthfully people should be able to design and patent their ideas more easily and then we can pitch our ideas without fear of losing them to sharks.
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ekin Patrol is the world's first intelligent Patrol in its own concept, designed specifically for the police vehicles. System continuously reads the number plates, detects the vehicle speeds and types in addition to GPS data while on the move!

ekin Patrol has a compact design, offering a cost-effective solution by combining many different types of surveillance operations and applying them to moving or parked vehicles.

Locations of fixed surveillance systems are learned by drivers in the course of time. In these cases, safety of traffic can be ensured only in such limited areas that are being actively monitored. Providing patrol-based solutions, ekin Patrol increases efficiency, and provides dynamism to surveillance activities. This allows expansion of traffic surveillance and safety to large areas.

Functions Of Patrol

Speed Detection

• Speeds of all vehicles within the angle of view are automatically detected by ekin Patrol.

• Speeds can be detected while the vehicles are moving or parked.

• Different speed limits can be set for each lane of the road, allowing automatic detection of violations in case of violation of speed limits specified for each lane.

• In case of speed violations, the system is capable of automatically issuing a fine or a report containing the required details.

• In addition to license plate details, the speed values, coordinates, high-resolution violation photographs, video images of the violating vehicles are also recorded.

Automatic Number Plate Recognition

• License plates of all vehicles in sight, moving or parked, are automatically recognized by ekin Patrol.

• Recognition can be performed for all vehicles when the vehicle equiped with ekin Patrol is moving or parked.

• License plate data obtained can be used for identification of wanted, stolen, or seized vehicles, using specific databanks. The system also generates alarms in case of suspicious situations (with optional 3G/4G connection).

Face Recognition

Instantly detects the human faces within the angle of view, detects, analyzes and identifies human faces.

The system can optionally check the identity of people using the databanks.

Emission Measurement

Emission values in various locations can be determined by measuring air pollution.


Automatic Number Plate Recognition in Park Mode

The license plates of all parked vehicles are recognized.

Recognition process is performed on both sides of the law enforcement vehicle.

License plate data can be instantly queried from the database.

Speed Detection and License Plate Recognition in Patrol Mode

ekin Patrol, using its patrol mode, detects speeds and license plates of vehicles while on the move.

The entire patrol process is recorded by way for general surveillance cameras.

Allows application of traffic surveillance, safety, and security over large geograpgical areas.


• ekin Patrol and other ekin Intelligent Traffic Systems communicate with each other using the wireless communication infrastructure through a dynamic network.

• ekin Technology product (through a broad communication network) are capable of expanding control, safety and security to very large areas.

• Vehicles equipped with the ekin Patrol system can be tracked from the control center by way of digital map integration.

• All vehicles equipped with ekin Patrol system are always in communication with each other as well as the control center.

• The environment and incidents can be continuously recorded by means of front super high resolution camera.

• Real-time video image transmission to the control center (with optional 3G/4G connection).

ekin Patrol

World’s first smart police patrol system developed by Turkish engineers - Daily Sabah
We shouldn't miss the train and we should start 3D printer projects as soon as possible...

This jet engine is produced by 3D printer by Australian scientists..

Teknolojinin geldiği son nokta! - TEKNOLOJİ Haberleri

View attachment 200468
The problem with 3D printing is that metal powder is being used to form the shame and later being ''backed'' in the oven, the strenght of material might be a problem, smaller engines might be possible but larger engines will still be a problem.

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