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Turkish Industry, Science and Technology

Turkish company develops chopper software for foggy weather conditions - Good Morning Turkey Good Morning Turkey

PiriReis Informatics Technologies, which operates at the Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) techno-city in Ankara, has developed software enabling chopper captains to see the geographical obstacles in 3D on a screen even when visibility is close to zero.

The software is most remarkable for showing electricity poles and wires that are not visible to the naked eye when seen from the helicopter’s cockpit.

Gökhan Dağgez, an engineer working in the development of the software, said the standard systems in helicopters show only the horizontal and vertical situation, and the altitude of the chopper, whereas the newly developed software presents all the geographical obstacles in 3D format in every weather condition.

“Around the world, only U.S. and Israel are manufacturing these systems. We have developed this [system] all on national terms,” Dağgez said, adding that they had obtained the map details and locations of the electric wires from the relevant institutions.

The engineer said they had developed a warning system that alerted the captain 20 seconds prior to hitting an obstacle that was before the helicopter. The alarm’s audible and visual warnings become stronger once the chopper is 10 seconds away from the obstacle.

The systems main element was the GPS/INS device that sent the aircraft’s location to a computer via satellite.

“The software we developed collects this data [provided by the GPS/INS device] and the map details, processes it and warns the pilot,” Dağgez said.

The software is a complementary air navigation device that needs to be placed in all choppers. He said they had presented the details of the software to all the institutions that would need to use it.

Recalling helicopter accidents in Turkey due to thick fog, Dağgez said the software would come in handy when there is almost no visibility for flight.

“According to the investigations, the accident with the chopper carrying Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu occurred as a result of the plane hitting a mountain in foggy weather,” said Dağgez, also noting the latest helicopter accident in the northwestern province of Kocaeli that led to the death of four officers on Oct. 12.

The helicopter carrying the head of the Great Union Party (BBP), Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu, crashed in a mountainous region in the southern province of Kahramanmaraş while it was traveling from an election rally on March 25, 2009. All five passengers on the helicopter were found dead when the wreckage was located 47 hours later, including journalist İsmail Güneş, who called for help before succumbing to injuries he sustained in the accident.

“The system needs to also be used in firefighting aircraft that fly in thick smoke, as well as with ambulance helicopters,” Dağgez said.
New university, Gebze Technical University is on the way... It will be close to TÜBİTAK...

Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan yeni YÖK kanununu onayladı - En son haber

According to the law university will consist of, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Business Administration, Institute of Energy Technology, Biotechnology Institute, Nanotechnology Institute, School of Earth and Marine Sciences, Institute of Transport Technology, Institute of Defense Technology, Institute of Information Technology Institute of Social & Natural Sciences...

It looks something serious...
ASELSAN & Bilkent University establishes a company to produce gallium nitrate transistors and integrated circuits...

İlk defa Galyum Nitrat transistör ve entegre devre üretimi Türkiye'de yapılacak

Türkiye 5 ülkeden biri konumunda

Company Establishment

Material Event(s) to be Disclosed:

The company titled “ASELSAN BİLKENT MİKRO NANO TEKNOLOJİLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ” was established in order to produce micro and nano sized devices consisting of all kinds of semiconductor and related technological materials. 50% of the new company belongs to ASELSAN A.S. and 50% belongs to İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi. The company’s capital is TL 18.000.000,- and the establishment has been registered on November 11, 2014.

Company Establishment | BIST Disclosure | Investor Relations | ASELSAN

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Turkish company Nanokomp produced prepreg wovens.


Prepregs used in various applications in defense industry.

Karbon-Epoksi Prepregler
Karbon-epoksi prepregler başta havacılık olmak üzere savunma, enerji ve gemi-inşaat gibi değişik sektörlerde, füze ve uçak parçaları, yarış tekneleri, türbin bıçakları ve spor malzemeleri gibi yüksek performans, yüksek dayanım ve uzun kullanım ömrü gerektiren birçok kompozit esaslı parçanın imalatında kullanılmaktadır.

Silika-Fenolik Prepregler
Silika-fenolik prepregler, füze ve roketlerin yüksek ısı akılarına ve ısıl yüklere maruz kalan nozül yollukları, çekiş ve ateşleme odaları gibi parçalarının korunmasını sağlayan ablatif ısı kalkanlarının üretiminde kullanılmaktadır. Silika-fenolik prepregler ayrıca yüksek mekanik özellik ve alev dayanımı gerektiren tren/metro yolcu kabinlerinin ve uçak cam kılıflarının imalatında da kullanılmaktadır.

ASELSAN & Bilkent University establishes a company to produce gallium nitrate transistors and integrated circuits...

İlk defa Galyum Nitrat transistör ve entegre devre üretimi Türkiye'de yapılacak

Türkiye 5 ülkeden biri konumunda

Company Establishment

Material Event(s) to be Disclosed:

The company titled “ASELSAN BİLKENT MİKRO NANO TEKNOLOJİLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ” was established in order to produce micro and nano sized devices consisting of all kinds of semiconductor and related technological materials. 50% of the new company belongs to ASELSAN A.S. and 50% belongs to İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi. The company’s capital is TL 18.000.000,- and the establishment has been registered on November 11, 2014.

Company Establishment | BIST Disclosure | Investor Relations | ASELSAN

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Good, those 4G masts will work excellently :D

Note: Davutoğlu's speech video is not about politics... It's about science, technology, universities, industry etc... BTW video finishes before Davutoğlu's speech...

There was a very good news today... Not talked much...

Groundbreaking ceremony of Composite Materials Center of Excellence

Sabancı Kompozit Malzeme Mükemmeliyet Merkezi'nin Temeli Atıldı

Some newspaper reported that we will soon have our own permanent research station in antarctica.
We should join ESA and Large Hardon Collider too. And also stop replacing University personell with religious people.
I think it's about time we start making space probes

Some newspaper reported that we will soon have our own permanent research station in antarctica.
We should join ESA and Large Hardon Collider too. And also stop replacing University personell with religious people.

Bu iyi haber.
Some newspaper reported that we will soon have our own permanent research station in antarctica.
We should join ESA and Large Hardon Collider too. And also stop replacing University personell with religious people.
Turkey is already observer state in Cern, there was a article that stated that Turkish universities gained much from activitys in Cern the recent years, hopefully a full membership will follow.

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