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Turkish Air Defence Programs

65km range of Air to air missile doesnt come from active seeker.
Initial course is driven by aircraft .

As i said Raytheon had supported software for further development including illuminating radars for ESSM.

What you suggest ( replacement of seeker)is transforming semi-active SM1 missile into active guided SAM and it needs a load of complexity. I don't think ,patching some software upgrades you would have integral SAM system.

Anyway if it were possible , Aselsan would do it.
Or if connecting SM1 missiles to alternative radar is possible , Aselsan has already done it. We just need patience.
Edit: i always thought: our SM1s were ER:extended range models(60miles range) what if ours were basic model SM1-MR (rim66b) which had just 25 miles range. So they might not be capable of upgrading with limited range? Who knows?

According to a thesis from 1984
Perry class frigates arent in the list The US ships fitted the Standard SM1-ER .

Perry class ships had just SM1-MR

Fck...our SM1s appear to be MR which has just 25miles range!!!

I would appreciate if somebody explain us, Which type of SM1 missiles do Turkish frigates have? Are they upgraded to use alternative radars such as Smart-s?
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sound logical! but downing either fighter plane will to lead to all-out war. That's why Putin feels empowered because he has nukes and we don't. It's simple as that! Putin won't dare to misbehave with tiny Israel because they possess nukes
They don't want to misbehave with Israel because they don't want war with the Jewish state. There are a lot of Jewish power players in Russian power hierarchy and a lot of important Jewish Russian businessmen get Israel citizenship.
65km range of Air to air missile doesnt come from active seeker.
Initial course is driven by aircraft .

As i said Raytheon had supported software for further development including illuminating radars for ESSM.

What you suggest ( replacement of seeker)is transforming semi-active SM1 missile into active guided SAM and it needs a load of complexity. I don't think ,patching some software upgrades you would have integral SAM system.

Anyway if it were possible , Aselsan would do it.
Or if connecting SM1 missiles to alternative radar is possible , Aselsan has already done it. We just need patience.
Edit: i always thought: our SM1s were ER:extended range models(60miles range) what if ours were basic model SM1-MR (rim66b) which had just 25 miles range. So they might not be capable of upgrading with limited range? Who knows?

According to a thesis from 1984
Perry class frigates arent in the list The US ships fitted the Standard SM1-ER .

Perry class ships had just SM1-MR

Fck...our SM1s appear to be MR which has just 25miles range!!!

I would appreciate if somebody explain us, Which type of SM1 missiles do Turkish frigates have? Are they upgraded to use alternative radars such as Smart-s?

First our göktuğ missiles have fire and forget mode so they can done his jobs without help of any other radar only on 65 km range with help of active radar seeker. And of course you must be guide him before the launch about target.

Second we have sm-1 Mr. I'm just saying just intagrate to gökdoğan 65 km active radar seeker to sm-1 and also rf data link for semi active guidance. we have all of them. For booster just add one of the fourth nike hercules booster to sm-1 mr. He can reach easily .

And detect target with truck based smart-s mk2 track him truck based mar-d and guide the missile until the midcourse with akr-d series truck based radar. And after that he can easily shut down target with own radar seeker.

I think we can be try .
Ok let's not derail the thread, but I would love to continue this discussion, shall I make another thread: 'Turkish options in Idlib Feb 2020'?
No you rather be frank. 'For how long Turkey is going to ignore Nukes?'
No you rather be frank. 'For how long Turkey is going to ignore Nukes?'

Obviously once Iran has them Turkey will follow. We are already hardly tolerate russia in the north, israel in the south and france in the west.
nukes... but we also need biological weapons such kind wich could destroy the whole world..
First our göktuğ missiles have fire and forget mode so they can done his jobs without help of any other radar only on 65 km range with help of active radar seeker. And of course you must be guide him before the launch about target.

Second we have sm-1 Mr. I'm just saying just intagrate to gökdoğan 65 km active radar seeker to sm-1 and also rf data link for semi active guidance. we have all of them. For booster just add one of the fourth nike hercules booster to sm-1 mr. He can reach easily .

And detect target with truck based smart-s mk2 track him truck based mar-d and guide the missile until the midcourse with akr-d series truck based radar. And after that he can easily shut down target with own radar seeker.

I think we can be try .
Size of SM1 MR is huge comparing with ESSM. Adding a booster and etc.A new missile platform is smarter.
Thats Why Turkey has HİSAR-U or SİPER project. Believe me producing SİPER is easier and more simple.
No offense bro but bi kilo sirkeyle bir kilo balı karıştırırsan iki kilo tatlı elde edemezsin.

The AMRAAM missile can be a "fire and forget" weapon since it has an active seeker, however it is preferred that post-launch targeting is maintained at least to the point where the missile seeker has transitioned to and active phase.With 65km range producing little active radar for missiles is not easy.
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I'm curious to see how the Hisar systems will perform. I've seen videos of the Hisar O firing and it looks so strange. I don't know much about rockets but it moves and burns like nothing I've seen. I've seen other AA systems firing and they all have a huge trail of smoke from the start. The Hisar has very little smoke and has an insane looking jet of blue flames coming out that flickers.. it just looks so much more futuristic.

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