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Turkey's Missile Deployment undermines Muslim Unity: Iranian Lawmaker

yes every country should follow in Iran Step to integrate ummah

As oppose to Training and financing terrorist all over the world to be used against Ummah nations like yours beloved do it.
Iran would soon have the Capability to Nuke Istanbul and Ankara.

Even after Saddam backed by all middle eastern nations used chemical weapons against Iran Iranians never retaliated against any nation with the same as mass murder is prohibited in Islam.

First Iranian aren't making any nukes and even if they were they would never nuke and mass murder any body its proven during the wars with Iraq.
Then why your ministers barking so much? Don't worry no balls to shoot them.

A regional peace initiative launched by Egypt's president, Mohamed Morsi, in August, involving Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran, foundered on Saudi objections to Iranian involvement. Both Egypt and Turkey, however, believe that Iran has to be engaged in the search for a peace deal as it is Assad's only regional ally and an important source of weapons.
Launch Codes are in the Nuclear Case Bag of Obama.

And It's Americans who Control and Safeguard it on Turkish Soil.

Nope it'd there ready in case of aggression, it could be useful to clean slums hahaha
Launch Codes are in the Nuclear Case Bag of Obama.

And It's Americans who Control and Safeguard it on Turkish Soil.

Yes, And we would gladly receive them if Iran ever dares to attack us, Simple...
If praying got Iran where it is today, Then please dont bother...

To be honest mate, it got them quite far. They had a revolution, and then a war that lasted 8 years along, where the majority of Arab countries united and used biological weapons against them, and still they stand and are doing quite good.

OT: I have to agree that is a stupid statement by Iran. Iran themselves are supplying weapons to the Kurdish rebels so can't say anything to Turkey about this matter.

Lol today iran people are begging for food in Iran the desert lol.
That's because of US sanctions.
I rather have homo or transsexual in my country, then you or any other moron. Your kind of human is not welcome in Turkey.
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