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Turkey's Missile Deployment undermines Muslim Unity: Iranian Lawmaker

Syria Russia and now Iran don't want turkey to get patriot missiles :hitwall: Turkey has every right to protect itself from Syrian misguided missiles which keeps falling well beyond Turkey's borders, killing civilians. Instead, Iran should warn bashar to stop killing protesters..bashar is a mass murderer n should be hanged
Ḥashshāshīn;3665159 said:
@Soheil, Mate you have to agree this was a stupid statement by Iran. It's Turkey's decision as it's their internal matter. Iran can't say anything. Also Iran was supporting PKK, so this talk of Muslim Unity is BS.

supporting PKK !?

protecting turkey or Zionists ???
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Any chance to see what the article says?

Edit: Never mind, it is not published yet.
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Good fanboyism at its best. Uncle sam has many alternate sources on oil, this isnt 1973 anymore.
Oil embargo helped none and arabs will lose big time as they cant do anything with all that oil.
ok my bad,but tell me what to do?sit like loosers and wait for uncle alligator to come and eat us??:sick:
supporting PKK !?

protecting turkey or Zionists ???
Listening too much Turkish media eh? they think AN/TPY-2 protects Israel while the same fvcking radar system is present in Israel

Ok, I understand that they are morons but how come anyone without a serious brain deficiency think that patriot systems in Turkey can possibly protect "zionists"

Israel is 600 kilometers away from Şanlıurfa you idiot even S400s doesn't have such range

Turkey just got you by the balls, get over it
Turkey is anti-islam? You CANT be serious...

There are two anti-islamic countries in ME, they are Iran and Israel. Both of them in debt of existence each other.

They are feeding each other and harming Islam.
thats impossible!how is it possible man???:sick:
Defensive technology alarms Iran? Tells you quite a bit of what they themselves think of "Muslim unity".

thats why i never blamed israel or india or U.S.A for anything,thats why!thats why i always called you guys as GOD'S VECTOR.
As you guys see Iran is no longer Turkey's or even Pakistan's ally. PS: Under the NATO Nuclear sharing policy, according to a statement, %40 of these nukes are belonged to (The Netherlands,Italy,Turkey and IDK the other one).
^I ran never was Turkey's ally, but relations were better. We understand middle-east, All US war on Iraq has achieved is dividing Iraq and turning it into a terrorists' hell hole. We just didn't want the same happening to Iran. Well maybe Erdogan had other things in his delusional mind but from what i see it the negative outcome of second gulf war pretty much shaped Turkey's over-protective policies towards iran. They were shelling PKK positions back then while US invasion force not moving a muscle, leaving room for terrorists to operate. And of course this didn't help Turkey-US relations: Hood event - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But now that Iran's obvious support to PKK left Turkey without a choice. Slowly we'll take away their toys in Middle East. We can't trust them with Syria much less with nuclear weapons.
Oh common Dude. Non Muslims countries are also arguing with each other.
See Amreeka and China, Amreeka and Russia . India and China.
So don't worry. If Muslim countries are not united, then non Muslim countries are also not united.

amreeka is strong,china is strong,yes india is strong,atleast you are not threatened by us or israel..they are in attcking position!on the other hand these countires....are endangered species:(so do we still have time to argue???:help:
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