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Turkey's $2.3b worth naval export to India

Turkey never had a problem with India. Let alone export of ships; Until recent times, Even the India's oil import payments were brokered by Turkish banks in the field of trade with Iran.

Today, our companies still maintain strong trade relations with Indian businessmans. We did not impose sanctions on a single Indian company, we did not declare a boycott decision in any way. Our state is opposed to such things in principle anyway.

So what happened recently?

Turkey declared as usual that "continue to stand behind" the UN's Jammu-Kashmir resolutions. Then India's some of politicians and some think-tank-ish media peoples or orgs got huff like an adolescent boy. During this time, Indian public opinion entered a strange mood for itself. Numerous anti-TR articles based on false accusations have appeared in your media.

However, you could not insist on this policy for a long time and you returned to your classical foreign policy. "Distribute money between foreign countries and use it as a foreign policy tool."

But at the end of day, Turkey will not change its stance on Pakistan and Kashmir. This is a supra-governmental issue. As in the past, it will continue in the future.

In short, this is only about milking the cow. Not the national interests.


The present indian government thinks at the level of maturity of an average exponent of tweeting. So it is not surprising to have had to live through its obsession, and the obsession of its off-budget social media ancillary facilities, with Turkey's harmless anodyne statements. The Urquharts and the Keiths of Scotland, their Marshals for centuries, had a relevant slogan for their noble house:

"They say;
What say they?
Let them say."

Do continue to give us your valuable inputs on Kashmir, but please keep building tankers for the Navy.
@Turcici Imperium : Do you have any other source for this news? Something from a newspaper or press release? For certain reasons (completely unrelated to Kashmir or other troll-worthy issues being bandied about here), I have my doubts about this.

It is true that the Indian Navy is shopping around for vessels of this class, but as far as I'm aware, India decided not to purchase from Turkey some time ago. (Again, the reasons are unrelated to Kashmir. Also, I could be wrong.)
Sure if that makes you feel better :lol:
Not that your blood brothers are helping out your arch rivals or anything :D

So basically it means that the Kashmir pandering is for the ummah votebank and supporters, the people in charge are after business and don't want relations to sour.

Not that every subtlety has to be brought up and examined in broad daylight, or every platitude meant for the consumption of gullible allies has to be parsed in quite so abrasive a manner.
So? We're giving them money. Now they will do as we say. If they didn't give us the guarantee up front, you thik India will give them the contract? Have you ever heard of Turkey as 'best shipbuilder' or 'best fleet tanker builder'? There are many that are beter. But we give them the cash so Erdogan can show some money to his people and keep quiet.

Is India planning on buying Milgem corvettes from Turkey also?
So? We're giving them money. Now they will do as we say. If they didn't give us the guarantee up front, you thik India will give them the contract? Have you ever heard of Turkey as 'best shipbuilder' or 'best fleet tanker builder'? There are many that are beter. But we give them the cash so Erdogan can show some money to his people and keep quiet.

Only Indians and their love of money can think in these terms. Going by your logic and the trade deficit with China, China should of abondoned Pakistan years ago? Or Saudi? Or Italy? Yet all still supply Pakistan

Time to stop the BS on this forum now, you have no idea what you are talking about. India cannot even stop Russia selling us MI-35s, so good luck with Turkey who are standing up to US
Is India planning on buying Milgem corvettes from Turkey also?

Most Indian warships now are designed and built in house. I'm actually irritated with this deal. We can build them here (we can build 45K carriers, we can build this too). But I guess under the circumstances, this is 'baksheesh' to make Erdogan stop annoying us.
You really underestimate Turkish nation, leadership and people. Turkey did not bow down to the US and lost billions simply by following it's own course. Do you think India can make them change course? You live in a fantasy land.

Here is piece from one of your very own beloved Indian sites.

Psychological damage? What damage? No one in Pak or Turkey is even talking about this deal. You talk of "psychological" damage, Turkish upgraded F-16 shot down your jets and their AESEL pods helped guide REK bombs onto Indian territory. Turks do not do "psychological" damage, they help Pak do REAL damage to India
Yeah why would you be talking? The average Pakistani wants to believe the ottoman empire will come to their aid, and the media does their part to keep that image.
Too bad at the end it's all just business, no blood brother bs will change that.
Turks know Pakistanis worship them, so the occasional kashmir banter to keep a good image and keep selling to the Pakistan market.
Only Indians and their love of money can think in these terms. Going by your logic and the trade deficit with China, China should of abondoned Pakistan years ago? Or Saudi? Or Italy? Yet all still supply Pakistan

Time to stop the BS on this forum now, you have no idea what you are talking about. India cannot even stop Russia selling us MI-35s, so good luck with Turkey who are standing up to US

China will denifinitely abandon any country that it has no diplomatic or strategic use for. O did you actually start beliving they 'love' you? Hell they throw money around way more than we do.
Most Indian warships now are designed and built in house. I'm actually irritated with this deal. We can build them here (we can build 45K carriers, we can build this too). But I guess under the circumstances, this is 'baksheesh' to make Erdogan stop annoying us.

Erdogan cannot be bought, Saudis and US tried and last time I checked they have more spending power.

He did not get your memo, maybe you need to order more ships? :-)

My friend, if I had to choose neighbours I would choose a Greek over an Indian anytime!

I don't think British Asian people get to choose neighbours any more; they have already chosen. They have chosen the Irish, the French, the Dutch, the Danes, and perhaps, stretching a point, Spain.

All the rest is huffing and puffing in fora that are heritage lucky dip barrels.
Yeah why would you be talking? The average Pakistani wants to believe the ottoman empire will come to their aid, and the media does their part to keep that image.
Too bad at the end it's all just business, no blood brother bs will change that.
Turks know Pakistanis worship them, so the occasional kashmir banter to keep a good image and keep selling to the Pakistan market.

Supplying Pakistan with lethal kit, aiding us on international forums, buying our trainer aircraft.

Yes, totally happy with this relationship, and hopefully you keep buying more Turkish products. It all helps Pakistan too.
Most Indian warships now are designed and built in house. I'm actually irritated with this deal. We can build them here (we can build 45K carriers, we can build this too). But I guess under the circumstances, this is 'baksheesh' to make Erdogan stop annoying us.

You might want to look up the meaning of "bakshish". It came from the Sanskrit "Bhiksha", and does not mean bribe.
And the Indian Navy is not going to spend its tiny Capex to placate heads of state.
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