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Turkey's $2.3b worth naval export to India

Oh, I have long stopped posting here. I am amazed that someone like you still visits this place. You must have the patience of a saint. I miss the days when issues could be discussed on their merits, even with some trolling. As far as I can see, only haters from both sides frequent the Indian section anymore - which is why I'm surprised to see you here.
Sentiment. Some of the moderators are very dear to me. I can't bring myself to walk away. At the same time, I have people I genuinely respect, like Indus Pakistan (to name only one of a half a dozen).
Nowadays I spend most of my time in a small Indo-Pakistan forum, where everyone knows everyone, and there is great freedom to say what one thinks, without fear of giving offence (one or two of them are right-wing, and I would normally cut them into shreds; in that milieu, I find it possible to listen quietly).
I am not well and spend less and less time on line. That is another, lesser reason to spend less time here. I miss the old days.
he is backing you, you Einstein. his ummat is limited to some Iranis and the afghani hazaras
to be fair my ummat is limited to my unit and patriot Pakistanis.

you are right about this deal. I am not salty, if Turkey has substantial trade with india then its suggestions to resolve issues like Kashmir wont be seen with such hostility
@Turcici Imperium : Do you have any other source for this news? Something from a newspaper or press release? For certain reasons (completely unrelated to Kashmir or other troll-worthy issues being bandied about here), I have my doubts about this.

It is true that the Indian Navy is shopping around for vessels of this class, but as far as I'm aware, India decided not to purchase from Turkey some time ago. (Again, the reasons are unrelated to Kashmir. Also, I could be wrong.)

This is good deal though, the ships look like will be built entirely in India with Turkish assistance
I suppose the engines are imported either from Germany or America considering Turkey don't make ship engine?
I don't understand how things came to this prediction. Pakistan is the eastern walls of our civilization, and Turkey is the western walls of our civilization. If one falls, other one may or may not fall, but would definitely face very very hard times, as we saw during Turkish Indepenence War. Of course muslims from the region sent some help, but i would rather prefer to see independent strong Pakistan during worst times to lay our back there, same goes for Turkey for Pakistan. If we fall, our civilization won't have anyone that will defend them in between us.

Regarding this project; it doesn't matter what people would speculate here, at the end, Indian navy officials have checked our design, and prefered & trusted into our products and our engineering. We cannot know better than what they need, we can only respect their good decisions that will benefit everyone.

@ayesha.a source is CEO of TAIS (the shipyard that won the project) himself, tweet just quoted what he said yesterday. This project is legit as you see in other sources:

The last argument that Indian members trying to hold: ""We're buying Turkey's stance on Pakistan by bribe" However, there are no concrete examples in this regard. Just imaginary assumptions and the effort to keep the tail up.

There not any slightest indication that Turkey changes its stance on Jammu Kashmir and Pakistan. There is not even a crumb.

There is no change in public opinion. On the contrary, there is a growing awareness. Especially news about Kashmir is made daily now. A large number of articles are published every week. Panels and forums on this subject were not held in the past. However, it is not like that anymore. Many think tanks are continuing their activities that raise awareness on this issue.

The majority of Turkish people, see the matter in terms of being Muslim solidarity and history anyway. But those who remain are now better understanding the strategic value of the relations between the two countries. In other words, there is no opposite indicator in the popular opinion of the Public that will change the political climate.

Is there a change in the government wing? No. Even ministers express their support to Pakistan on this issue whenever they find the opportunity. This is not just a matter of discourse but a practice of action. Here are some Indians who don't wanna see even occurs more comprehensive dialog and deep perspective between Pakistan and Turkey, than before.

Turkey sees Pakistan as the pivot country in terms of almost all political issues throughout Asia. This relationship has passed much more difficult tests, and we are glad if Indian friends think they can change it for a few hundred million dollars. Because this shows how incompetent they are at understanding matters.

At one point, India pissed off at us and muttered something. Then it came again. Our door is always open to Hindistan people. We have no problem with them. We just think that India is unfair party in its problems with Pakistan, that's all.

For to write a diplomatic success story from here, Indian forum members should stop writing with their imagination and need to come up with concrete pieces of evidence. This agreement didn't made today. There is a process that has been going on for months.

In addition, the company concerned is not even a government cooparation. One of the approximately 200 shipyards in Turkey.

However, the arguments of Indian members here are entirely based on abstract possibilities. It is difficult to cope with this effort. So let them keep bury their heads in the sand.
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Indian troops use explosives to blast a civilian house during fighting in which three suspected rebels were killed, locals of southern Pulwama district say.

The Indian "social media" armies and Indian media need to leave their Turkish obsession behind and focus more own problems.

you look to be more pakistani than pakistanis :enjoy:
just saying
Wow man reading this thread made me realize that indians are way too stupid to argue with. I mean its like arguing with a parrot or dog or monkey, even that might result in something but not with an indian. Anyways, its no wonder they are happy doing nagan dance after becoming supa powa...
Wow man reading this thread made me realize that indians are way too stupid to argue with. I mean its like arguing with a parrot or dog or monkey, even that might result in something but not with an indian. Anyways, its no wonder they are happy doing nagan dance after becoming supa powa...

They try and perfect the art of any backward step as a victory for them, now they are successfully insulting Turkish members of the forum yet in their twisted minds think they are influencing people on this forum. Every time most of them post it is another dent in India's image, as now Turks can see with their own eyes the twisted Bahkt mentality.
you look to be more pakistani than pakistanis :enjoy:
just saying

You seem more retarded then the retards.
Turki Hindi bhai bhai? :P
I guess for Turkey national interest and country's profit comes first. :angel:
I'm surprised to see that India isn't trying to use the same tactics here as it did with Malaysia and their palm oil...considering that Turkey took the same stance as Malaysia about Kashmir.
I'm surprised to see that India isn't trying to use the same tactics here as it did with Malaysia and their palm oil...considering that Turkey took the same stance as Malaysia about Kashmir.

As far as Turkey relationships goes post the figures for India's and Pakistan's exports to Turkey
Turkey purchases 10 times more Indian goods than Pakistani goods. I am looking at 2018-2019 numbers. Pakistan exports 200-300 million to Turkey. India's exports are $4 billion.
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