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Turkey's $2.3b worth naval export to India

So they be opposing us(only words) and supporting us(actual naval vessels) at the same time. Who really is losing here? I know, Pakistan!
Lol. You are getting desperate. What has Pakistan got to do in a business deal between two sovereign countries. Its like saying a man having loose motion on the bank on Ganges river will affect Pakistan negatively.

BTW Turkey is still earning hefty $$$$ from Indians even after pissing them off seriously.
Greeks are worse than that... You can not believe that what they talking about on the news TVs.

My friend, if I had to choose neighbours I would choose a Greek over an Indian anytime!
I see a lot of members in denial. This is India buying influence from Turkey - the same way they did with France.

With multi billion deals like this, India can and will hinder any tech transfer or smaller military deals that Turkey has in the pipeline with Pakistan.
If it is only words then why did the Indian MEA and media lose their collective shit over Erdagon's UN address? Why not ignore it?

If it is just words then assume you are happy with more UN speeches on Kashmir by world leaders? Please clarify.

India spending $2.3 Billion on vessels it should be making itself but now aiding Turkey's naval programme is somehow "Pakistan losing"!? Are you sane?
Okay we are not happy but words don't get things done a slight irritant maybe, but actually aiding in building naval ships does. They are transferring their technical know how to India and aiding in our make in India program for our navy. The same Turkey that Pakistanis consider their blood brothers against the Indian threat.
Now I don't understand why Pakistanis are acting like it's nothing, I know for a fact that if there is one country Pakistan trusts as a brother country it's Turkey. The same country aiding our naval program doesn't bother you? What message does this send to anyone hoping Turkish Support against Indian military, seeing them aiding us in naval ship building? This one news breaks their dream that ummah brothers are coming to help.
Excellent ! Earn money from those ships , spend it on R&D for the much needed engine of T130 😂
Okay we are not happy but words don't get things done a slight irritant maybe, but actually aiding in building naval ships does. They are transferring their technical know how to India and aiding in our make in India program for our navy. The same Turkey that Pakistanis consider their blood brothers against the Indian threat.
Now I don't understand why Pakistanis are acting like it's nothing, I know for a fact that if there is one country Pakistan trusts as a brother country it's Turkey. The same country aiding our naval program doesn't bother you? What message does this send to anyone hoping Turkish Support against Indian military, seeing them aiding us in naval ship building? This one news breaks their dream that ummah brothers are coming to help.

What sort of partner would Pakistan be if we asked Turkey to stop making money? Does this harm the stratehic balance in South Asia? No. India would of bought those ships elsewhere. Russia selling Pakistan MI-35 is same thing. No major issue for India either. I think you know very little about global trade and politics.

If on the other hand Turkey was selling India Gunships, SOM missiles or similar then you may have a point.

You spending $2.3 Billion with Turkey helps them more then it helps you. Likewise shall Pakistan cut of it's relationship with China as they sell Indian some advanced telecoms equipment?

Read a bit more on the world.
Turkey never had a problem with India. Let alone export of ships; Until recent times, Even the India's oil import payments were brokered by Turkish banks in the field of trade with Iran.

Today, our companies still maintain strong trade relations with Indian businessmans. We did not impose sanctions on a single Indian company, we did not declare a boycott decision in any way. Our state is opposed to such things in principle anyway.

So what happened recently?

Turkey declared as usual that "continue to stand behind" the UN's Jammu-Kashmir resolutions. Then India's some of politicians and some think-tank-ish media peoples or orgs got huff like an adolescent boy. During this time, Indian public opinion entered a strange mood for itself. Numerous anti-TR articles based on false accusations have appeared in your media.

However, you could not insist on this policy for a long time and you returned to your classical foreign policy. "Distribute money between foreign countries and use it as a foreign policy tool."

But at the end of day, Turkey will not change its stance on Pakistan and Kashmir. This is a supra-governmental issue. As in the past, it will continue in the future.

In short, this is only about milking the cow. Not the national interests.

Actually we're giving you this money as ab incentive to change your stand, This deal shows that Turkey has decided to keep its mouth shut on Kashmir. No money, no honey.
What sort of partner would Pakistan be if we asked Turkey to stop making money? Does this harm the stratehic balance in South Asia? No. India would of bought those ships elsewhere. Russia selling Pakistan MI-35 is same thing. No major issue for India either. I think you know very little about global trade and politics.

If on the other hand Turkey was selling India Gunships, SOM missiles or similar then you may have a point.

You spending $2.3 Billion with Turkey helps them more then it helps you. Likewise shall Pakistan cut of it's relationship with China as they sell Indian some advanced telecoms equipment?

Read a bit more on the world.

India is giving them money to keep quiet on Kashmir.
I see a lot of members in denial. This is India buying influence from Turkey - the same way they did with France.

With multi billion deals like this, India can and will hinder any tech transfer or smaller military deals that Turkey has in the pipeline with Pakistan.

I would say you maybe right most of the time but Erdagon has pinned his poltical stance firmly with Kashmir and Palestine. It's gonna take a lot to change that.

Secondly India simply cannot afford to buy influence everywhere with arms deals and at the same tine bolster it's domestic industry. Simply not enough cash. Yes they can do that with say Russia, France and US, but not the whole world. Currently Pak has spent around $15 Billion over the last 10 years with Turkey according to my estimates,
Turki Hindi bhai bhai? :P
I guess for Turkey national interest and country's profit comes first. :angel:

Money matters.

Why do you think Putin is rotating his hips in front of the Pakistanis? Not because they have the money to buy even Russian pins, but because he would like a slice of the international debt funds that come into the country.
I would say you maybe right most of the time but Erdagon has pinned his poltical stance firmly with Kashmir and Palestine. It's gonna take a lot to change that.

Secondly India simply cannot afford to buy influence everywhere with arms deals and at the same tine bolster it's domestic industry. Simply not enough cash. Yes they can do that with say Russia, France and US, but not the whole world. Currently Pak has spent around $15 Billion over the last 10 years with Turkey according to my estimates,

We have better shipbuilder from US to France to England to Russia that can get these contracts. If Turkey is getting it, then we're definitely bribing them.
Great work by Turkey, and shows strength of Turkish naval industry. Indian money being spent on Turkish equipment and R&D will actually benefit Pakistan too in the long run. A win win win for all three countries.
Of course. An indirect gain for Pakistan's mammoth armaments industry.
What sort of partner would Pakistan be if we asked Turkey to stop making money? Does this harm the stratehic balance in South Asia? No. India would of bought those ships elsewhere. Russia selling Pakistan MI-35 is same thing. No major issue for India either. I think you know very little about global trade and politics.

If on the other hand Turkey was selling India Gunships, SOM missiles or similar then you may have a point.

You spending $2.3 Billion with Turkey helps them more then it helps you. Likewise shall Pakistan cut of it's relationship with China as they sell Indian some advanced telecoms equipment?

Read a bit more on the world.
Did I say anything about cutting off trade? Ofcourse not that's not how nations operate. It's more of the psychological damage done, your blood brothers aren't coming for you. That's why this deal matters. Point being every country just looks for their own interests and profit, that was my first point. Your Russian point validates that. How much average Pakistanis might want it Turks aren't coming to their aid, unless it's their own foot in the fire.
Great news. I hope the billions earned are invested into Turkish engine and electro-optical programs. :cheers:


Sure, if that makes you feel better about yourselves? Bunch of tanker ships will really threaten us...meanwhile Turkey helped us break sanctions on F-16s during 90's and Turkish companies actually did the MLU upgrade work on F-16s that bombed indian military sites on 27th Feb, 2019 and shot down your jets....resulting in worldwide mockery and humiliation for india (as usual).

Nice to see that fungus, like cancer and runaway nationalism, grows at a steady pace.
Actually we're giving you this money as ab incentive to change your stand, This deal shows that Turkey has decided to keep its mouth shut on Kashmir. No money, no honey.

India is giving them money to keep quiet on Kashmir.

You really underestimate Turkish nation, leadership and people. Turkey did not bow down to the US and lost billions simply by following it's own course. Do you think India can make them change course? You live in a fantasy land.

Here is piece from one of your very own beloved Indian sites.

Did I say anything about cutting off trade? Ofcourse not that's not how nations operate. It's more of the psychological damage done, your blood brothers aren't coming for you. That's why this deal matters. Point being every country just looks for their own interests and profit, that was my first point. Your Russian point validates that. How much average Pakistanis might want it Turks aren't coming to their aid, unless it's their own foot in the fire.

Psychological damage? What damage? No one in Pak or Turkey is even talking about this deal. You talk of "psychological" damage, Turkish upgraded F-16 shot down your jets and their AESEL pods helped guide REK bombs onto Indian territory. Turks do not do "psychological" damage, they help Pak do REAL damage to India
You really underestimate Turkish nation, leadership and people. Turkey did not bow down to the US and lost billions simply by following it's own course. Do you think India can make them change course? You live in a fantasy land.

Here is piece from one of your very own beloved Indian sites.

So? We're giving them money. Now they will do as we say. If they didn't give us the guarantee up front, you thik India will give them the contract? Have you ever heard of Turkey as 'best shipbuilder' or 'best fleet tanker builder'? There are many that are beter. But we give them the cash so Erdogan can show some money to his people and keep quiet.
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