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Turkey to block access to anti-Islam film

I personally thing this is a wrong move... Seriously, I personally didn't watch it, my brother and his wife (both muslims) didn't watch it nor any person I know watched this ridiculus video. Why should people watch something this ridiculus? As I have told before, muslims are doing the wrong thing. They are giving attention to this global troll rather than ignoring it. This guy might win the award for most successful troll in history of man kind and our ''dear'' goverment being what they are, ''attention seekers'', they decided to prevent access to this video which is ridiculus as there are thausands of links of this video.

P.S: I was out for a dinner aaaaanndd our subforum got trolled... :D

lets just assume, some low life makes mockery of holocaust in youtube dont you think that jews agitation will be blown out of proportion esp knowing there is a jewish community in turkey as well, will turkey not block that content to safeguard the feelings of the turkish jews?
also i have heard that turkey blocks access to the anti turkish contents regularly in the internet, why do the turks like you support the blockade of the anti turkey content while agitate if government bans the anti islam content, and say that its against the freedom of speech

you say that muslims gave so much popularity to the low life video, but since its famous now, dont you think that the popular anti islam content should be banned to reserve muslims feelings?

i mean if you follow the guidlines of the western countries, then you shouldnt censor internet ffrom anti turkish content in any way because its against the freedom of speech dont you think? and let people speak their minds in anyway?

i have heard that youtube isnt assessable in turkey, or wasnt for some time in the past
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3452600 said:
also i have heard that turkey blocks access to the anti turkish contents regularly in the internet, why do the turks like you support the blockade of the anti turkey content while agitate if government bans the anti islam content, and say that its against the freedom of speech

Who is supporting the censorship of anti-Turkey contents? Hell, there is dozens of Youtube channels dedicated to insult Turkey.

you say that muslims gave so much popularity to the low life video, but since its famous now, dont you think that the popular anti islam content should be banned to reserve muslims feelings?

What she saying is, this over-reaction of Muslims is the reason of its popularity. Banning the movie will not change anything other than making it even more popular.
Who is supporting the censorship of anti-Turkey contents? Hell, there is dozens of Youtube channels dedicated to insult Turkey.

What she saying is, this over-reaction of Muslims is the reason of its popularity. Banning the movie will not change anything other than making it even more popular.

banning it will atleast make people not see the hate content thus the people who dont see it wont protest dont you think

as i said youtube was banned in turkey in the past for a while because of the anti turkish hateful content, so censorship isnt something new to turkey or is it?
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3452626 said:
banning it will atleast make people not see the hate content thus the people who dont see it wont protest dont you think

as i said youtube was banned in turkey in the past for a while because of the anti turkish hateful content, so censorship isnt something new to turkey or is it?

Yes, it is not something new to Turkey. That's just one of the many reason why i dislike current Turkish government.

It is not solution. If you think people can not reach it because of a ban, you are mistaken.
It will attract even more attention to it.

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