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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

Considering the fact that a nutjob called Erdogan is sending every kind of dickhead terrorist to Syria to help establish a Muslim Brotherhood terror gang in Damascus, plus sending all kinds of weapons there. So if I were you, I wouldn't want to fight for someone like that either.

If it's a Russian jet, hopefully Russia will teach Erdogan and his gangs in Syria a lesson he never forgets.

Iran under no circumstances can preach the doctrine of morality and righteousness in Syria, because you have supported a tyrant dictator who has murdered his own civilian population in the pursuit of controlling the throne of Damascus. Therefore, in comparison the ruling regime in Iran is no different to Erdogan, since the financing of militants such as Hezbollah and the role of the Revolutionary Guards in Syria has destabilized the whole region.
Russia can just handover some Kornet/Katyousha and Verba manpad to the Kurds inside Turkey which will keep Turkey busy for the next decade or so. :)
And they will NUKE Turkey than NATO after that all the Human kind.....things in real life doesn't work like they do in your mind. :rolleyes:

When I said this kind of things !?
why you are acting like a 5 year old spoiled girl !?
Russia can just handover some Kornet/Katyousha and Verba manpad to the Kurds inside Turkey which will keep Turkey busy for the next decade or so. :)
No not agreed the simply do once carpet bombing and RIP to Russia Kurds.
I guess none of us really know the facts! If Turks are saying the truth then they have rights to shoot down intruders. If Russians are telling the truth then Turkey would be retaliated without mercy. I don't think the US of A or Nato would move their fingers if ther Turkish pilots did that stupid shot.
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