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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

Good for Syria
Good for Iran :D
Bad for Turkey
And Russia is a loser if she doesnt respond properly.no one should expect Russia to escalate an all out war though.I guess Turks should stay away from Syrian airspace for quite some times.

R.I.P to the fallen pilot anyway.
I guess none of us really know the facts! If Turks are saying the truth then they have rights to shoot down intruders. If Russians are telling the truth then Turkey would be retaliated without mercy. I don't think the US of A or Nato would move their fingers if ther Turkish pilots did that stupid shot.

Wait for Russia to saddle up. Russia gets on the horse slow,but rides it very fast.
I'm surprise no one mention PKK. They will most likely get new funding and weapons from Russia because of this.

That will not happen. Turkey does not support the Chechen rebels and Russia does not support the PKK in return. In addition, the Russians have borrowed the Turks a loan of 20 billion dollars for the construction of a nuclear power plant. One should not forget that Turkey does not participate in the Western sanctions. The Crimea is partially supplied via Turkey and Ankara is right after Germany the most important gas customer of Moscow.
The relationship between Russia and Turkey is one of the most interesting in Eurasia. The ruling elites of both countries hate each other. They block and betray each other. But they never - never! - argue in public.

It's funny.
Rebels killed the pilots

Breaking'One of Russian pilots dead on landing'
Posted at12:14
A Syrian rebel group says one of the Russian pilots who ejected from his downed warplane was dead on landing.

AP quotes Jahed Ahmad of the 10th Brigade in the Coast as saying the two Russian crew members had tried to parachute into a government-held area after they ejected, but came under fire from members of his group.

Earlier, Reuters reported it had seen video from a rebel group that appeared to show one of the pilots immobile and badly wounded on the ground.
I guess none of us really know the facts! If Turks are saying the truth then they have rights to shoot down intruders. If Russians are telling the truth then Turkey would be retaliated without mercy. I don't think the US of A or Nato would move their fingers if ther Turkish pilots did that stupid shot.
If Russians are telling the truth why they are not sharing their radar signatures like we did ?
Good for Syria
Good for Iran :D
Bad for Turkey
And Russia is a loser if she doesnt respond properly.no one should expect Russia to escalate an all out war though.I guess Turks should stay away from Syrian airspace for quite some times.

R.I.P to the fallen pilot anyway.

The pilots are not yet dead, bro!
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