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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

More info revealing.

As far as i understood. Russian aircraft violated Turkish airspace 2 times.

It violated, circled and violated again despite warnings.


Missile fired by Turkish F-16 at "HH036-180" when it entered the Turkish airspace for the second time, missile hit the Russian aircraft at "HH037-203"

Good Job..
Lol at all the fucking OBVIOUS bots/government trolls on here with Chinese flags, this isnt that "serious" an issue, as in nothing will come from it. Its either a rebel force taking out a Russian jet or Russian invasion of airspace.

This is not considered article 5 of NATO as there is no "aggressor", Russia has most likely lost aircraft in Ukraine aswell, you dont nuke someone over a jet in a dubious position no way near your OWN border, nothing will come off this, its not that uncommon for a jet to go down and wars certainly wont stem from it.

A bunch of people commenting who have zero understanding of geopolitics.
I don't think it will escalate, no one would want it to. If it did how NATO allies would react.

They will rush to aid Turkey of course.

NATO succeeds or fails together.

Hence why Russian response has been very guarded unlike any similar events w.r.t Ukraine.
Yeh, after all the Turks are considered as ''brown islamists'' by the whites.

and eyranians are considered afghanistan 2.0.. calling turks brown that is rich to come from an eyranian.. wait for your turn be patient USA is coming for you soon.
nuclear warfare is ruled out in the 21th century, kid.
for your knowledge , a small nuclear encounter can damage all of ME environment ....

I don't want a war because we have some economic interests in turkey but , someone should stop Erdogan ... Turks are becoming Overconfident
To My Chinese & Russian Friends here

calm down, this is not that big of an incident at this level of battleground, it was bound to happened sooner or later, this is not going to start WW3 neither is Russia going to take any drastic steps or invade turkey, at most from this point onward Russian bombers will have an escort .. that's it.

To my Turk friends

If this incident could have been avoided it would have been best, we are all fighting the common enemy, which in this case is ISIL/ISIS, truth of the matter is that they were created by US invasion of Iraq simple as that, US has done nothing to Stop them they are indirectly the largest beneficiaries of this fiasco, you have simply been roped in to fight the serpent while the US is simply cheering you on ( just like us and we are still paying the price for that mistake )

US and NATO are not trustworthy they will leave you when you need them the most, we haev learned that the hard way , I pray you don't.

To all others

Stop playing Rumba on someone else's dance floor.
So the turkish claiming that they warned for 10 minutes before firing was a bluff.....

View attachment 274416
View attachment 274417

This image, right, claims to show one of the Russian pilots found dead by Turkmen rebels

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Smoke billowing from the wreckage of a Russian Sukhoi Su-24 jet was shot down by Turkish F-16 fighter planes on Tuesday morning and crashed in Syria's Turkoman Mountains

View attachment 274422
This image released by the Turkish Army reportedly shows the flight radar tracking the movement of the downed Russian Sukhoi Su-24 jet, showing where it entered Turkish air space and where it went down
article 5 son.
nuclear weapons is not mortar shells you fool. no one is going to use nukes man unless someone has an death wish

you should calm down , I said no country would enter a nuclear war for sake of other country ... alliance or not ... I'm sure people in Italy , Germany , France , England and USA don't want to enter a nuclear war with Russia for sake of Erdogan and his blind love for Terrorist scums ...
If chinese govt had any balls like what the chinese losers seems to portray they would have voiced some concern against NATO.
"Daesh’s smuggled oil is exported to Turkey by BMZ, a shipping company controlled by none other than Bilal Erdogan, son of “Sultan” Erdogan. At a minimum, this violates UN Security Council resolution 2170. Under the light of Putin’s message of going after anyone or any entity engaged in facilitating Daesh’s operations, Erdogan’s clan better come up with some really good excuses."
...pffff, ok..keep on that
mate, you asked the purpose of a WMD..... :meeting:

its has no value , because you are one side of this problem ...
certainly , they didn't violated your sky seriously and they didn't penetrat in deep of your Airspace ... so even it is true , it can't justify your action ...
How do you know are you operating your own radar system in Syria ?

And it is true and it exactly justifies our action if you don't have a clue about international law, it's not my problem.
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