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Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

This is why we love china. Fair just and want peace for everyone. Americans can learn from chinese

Mate its too late for America to learn.
BTW this issue regarding Tukey escorting ships could be resolved in 5 minutes if the USA wanted. They normally are so quick to stick their nose into other peoples business but on this they keep quiet.
Unfortunately Israel some times do not realize it's foot print on this planet. If they had restrained them selves from killing nine turks that day when they attacked Flotilla, then today it would not have make Turks to take equal measures. Turkey's escorting decision is very sincere, suggests to me that they are not thinking about other things against Israel.
Trust me, Pakistani people in general are not interested in destruction of Israel. We want a fair and balanced settlement to the Israel-palestine issue.

After this is achieved. Pakistan will be among the first of Islamic nations to recognize Israel.

However, you guys are doing everything that provokes anti-Israeli sentiments. And add to this the unprecedented favors your state gets from USA. Do the math now.

Peoples would resist the theft of their land, the humiliation and despair which has been the lot of the unfortunate Palestinians. Most Palestinians also wish to co-exist with Israel but on the basis of a fair settlement with mutual respect. Israel don't care to improve the lives of the Palestinian people or peace process and they would rather build walls around them and force the Palestinian population in to a small strip of land and would launch more air strikes.

How can you justify constantly shelling a mass of people who have held virtually captive in a small area who have no national military or security force or a defense mechanism to safeguard its people. The whole world knows Palestinians are not capable of standing up to Israels military might. And still Israel used its full force to crush the people who are living as refugees in their own land. Isreal has no right terrorizing and killing a group of people because of the misdeeds of some organizations that exist in their midst.
How can you justify constantly shelling a mass of people who have held virtually captive in a small area ...

From Islamist pov

Hamas and others firing rockets into Israel -- Fully justified
Israel's response via planes and tanks -- Not justified

And thus killing and blood letting continues.

From Islamist pov

Hamas and others firing rockets into Israel -- Fully justified
Israel's response via planes and tanks -- Not justified

And thus killing and blood letting continues.


Keep your personal Islamic point of views to yourself

and no killing of innocent(boht jews and Palestinians) is not justified but Israeli oppression and injustice was the reason behind the existence of Hamas. Hamas will cease to operate if Israel would stop oppressing the rights of Palestinians.
Keep your personal Islamic point of views to yourself

and no killing of innocent(boht jews and Palestinians) is not justified but Israeli oppression and injustice was the reason behind the existence of Hamas. Hamas will cease to operate if Israel would stop oppressing the rights of Palestinians.

(see highlighted) You perhaps need to read the Hamas charter... It's for complete removal of Israel from the land period... Only way hamas will cease is when there is no state of isreal anymore. which we all know ( reality based thinkers)- won't happen! partly thankful for countries such as yours and mine that will never allow it to happen...rightfully so from my POV.
(see highlighted) You perhaps need to read the Hamas charter... It's for complete removal of Israel from the land period... Only way hamas will cease is when there is no state of isreal anymore. which we all know ( reality based thinkers)- won't happen! partly thankful for countries such as yours and mine that will never allow it to happen...rightfully so from my POV.

Sad to see many of my fellow Paks have gone paghal as they no not the reality and neither history.

Hamas could have a revolutionary charter and still be a good neighbor to Israel. They did not.

It was not too long ago that Isarel vacated Gaza.

This was an excellent opportunity for Palestinians to prove that they can run a clean, peaceful, and tolerant government.

Sadly! This was not in the blood of Hamasis to live peacefully.

Not too long after getting a free Gaza, they violently overthrew PLO gov, while lobbing rockets into Israel.

when Israel responded in kind bunch of Jihadi sympathizers forget all the terror and moan and groan about blockade.

Oh Bhai Sahib, Don't throw rocket $hite at your neighbor if you don't want them to throw $hite back at ya!

This is such a simple principle of "live and let live", but Hamasis and their petty toadies won't understand.

Sad to see many of my fellow Paks have gone paghal as they no not the reality and neither history.

Hamas could have a revolutionary charter and still be a good neighbor to Israel. They did not.

It was not too long ago that Isarel vacated Gaza.

This was an excellent opportunity for Palestinians to prove that they can run a clean, peaceful, and tolerant government.

Sadly! This was not in the blood of Hamasis to live peacefully.

Not too long after getting a free Gaza, they violently overthrew PLO gov, while lobbing rockets into Israel.

when Israel responded in kind bunch of Jihadi sympathizers forget all the terror and moan and groan about blockade.

Oh Bhai Sahib, Don't throw rocket $hite at your neighbor if you don't want them to throw $hite back at ya!

This is such a simple principle of "live and let live", but Hamasis and their petty toadies won't understand.

its their massage that they dont want any jews in their country. and please bring that hamas excuse as we know they were founded in early 1980s and that the palestinians have been killed by the israelis far before that.

you see the jews think they are the chosen people and that they have been promised the land by GOD. its all about their religion
We done lot of talk here, what are the updates Is still Turkey on his mission or waiting for any further instruction.
its their massage that they dont want any jews in their country.....

Their country? What the heck are you saying dear poster.

Don't you know that in the 1930s and 1940s you could get the best oranges in Haifa?

Who was growing those oranges? Hamasis? hhahahah

My dear poster, those wonderful gardens and farms and orchids were the owned and operated by Jewish people. They were living there like Arabs were living there.

How come then you spew the Hamas venom here and say they don't want Jews in their country. What country are you talking about. What was their passport like? Where was their parliament? their army? their judiciary?

What was the building where the leader of Hamas conducted his meetings with his cabinet?

.... please bring that hamas excuse as we know they were founded in early 1980s and that the palestinians have been killed by the israelis far before that....

Hamas is just a newer version of a long line of Palestinian lead militant groups who know nothing about nation building and diplomacy.

And yes Israel did defend against militant attacks long before Hamas as a new name showed up at the scene.

But perhaps you will not understand. You haven't read the history my dear poster. You have not!

... what are the updates Is still Turkey on his mission or waiting for any further instruction.

Hope this doesn't happen and it remains as empty talk by Turkish Islamists.

Because such a clash will be bad for Israel, but it will most terrible for Turkey.

^^^ well , asking the blind faced haters to be educated about their points of contention is too much to ask. It is crystal clear that many who have posted here- had not an iota of an idea of what the Hamas charter is or historical facts of the region --- ignorance is bliss.
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