Sad to see many of my fellow Paks have gone paghal as they no not the reality and neither history.
Hamas could have a revolutionary charter and still be a good neighbor to Israel. They did not.
It was not too long ago that Isarel vacated Gaza.
This was an excellent opportunity for Palestinians to prove that they can run a clean, peaceful, and tolerant government.
Sadly! This was not in the blood of Hamasis to live peacefully.
Not too long after getting a free Gaza, they violently overthrew PLO gov, while lobbing rockets into Israel.
when Israel responded in kind bunch of Jihadi sympathizers forget all the terror and moan and groan about blockade.
Oh Bhai Sahib, Don't throw rocket $hite at your neighbor if you don't want them to throw $hite back at ya!
This is such a simple principle of "live and let live", but Hamasis and their petty toadies won't understand.