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Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

You haven't answered my question, what does Israel provide to China that can't be replaced easily by another country. :lol:


Are you really going to go there? I can post countless links but i will start with one regarding medicine since that is one of the areas China and Israel do bussiness in.

From the Embassy: Israeli Medical Breakthrough | J-Wire

Israel is renowned for its bio-medical technology and outstanding research and development facilities, and in September, the country’s research teams have developed promising new treatments for fatal diseases. Aids Therapy and Research Study

Israeli researchers have developed a new treatment for HIV which kills the infected human cells, and which could lead to a breakthrough in treating AIDS
. The study, co-authored by a team of four, was published in the peer reviewed British journal AIDS Research and Therapy.

The process makes use of peptides, or short protein segments, which vastly increase the replications of the virus once it enters a cell, causing the cell’s self-destruction, Haaretz said, citing one of the researchers.

“The usual medications kill the virus that has entered the body during infection and the (peptide) treatment allows cells infected with the genetic load of the virus to be killed,” Abraham Loyter, who carried out the study, was quoted as saying.

33.4 million people suffer from the HIV virus, the vast majority living in low and middle income countries, according to the World Health Organisation.

See a link to the study abstract here: http://www.aidstherapy.com/content/7/1/31

Treating AAT Deficiency, with inhalable drugs

Kamada, an Israeli bio-pharmaceutical company has developed an innovative way to deliver protein replacement drugs to treat Alpha-1 Antirypsin (AAT) deficiency. It is a genetic disorder affecting the liver and lungs and is always fatal. AAT starts in the liver, and results in chronic lung inflammation, which suffocates the patient.

The disorder affects one of every 2 500 people in the world, and it plays a role in cystic fibrosis, brochiesctasis, and even Type-1 diabetes. There are currently only two treatments: A lung and liver transplant, or a lifetime of receiving AAT intravenously.

This is where Kamada comes in. For most patients, transplants are not an option, and intravenous AAT delivery requires weekly hospitalization and medical support. However, Kamada’s inhalable liquid version can be used at home, and because the drugs are delivered directly to the lungs, it makes more therapeutic sense.

In partnership with PARI, a German-based firm, Kamada expects the product to be on the market in 2012, but VP of Business Development Yaron Cherny says initial reports are good. “Inhalable AAT has already succeeded in five clinical trials, with no adverse effects. The safety is almost perfect.”

Kamada was founded by Argentinean Jewish immigrant Ralf Hahn, and the company employs 250 people, including members of Kibbutz Beit Kama.

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Egyptian Scientist Ahmed Moustafa’s spent a summer in Israel. Read his account the science and development industry of the Jewish state.

“For many in the Arab world, the word Israel elicits political thoughts only. However, it is important to appreciate Israel’s advanced science infrastructure and to recognize that, whatever one’s political views, scientific collaboration with Israel is not only possible but also potentially beneficial for Egypt and other Arab countries.”.

So yes, Israel can offer China life saving medicine and treatments not found any where else. Search Israeli medical achievements
Are you really going to go there? I can post countless links but i will start with one regarding medicine since that is one of the areas China and Israel do bussiness in.

Am I going to go there? I've been asking this same question for pages now. :lol:

And still you are yet to show me one thing that Israel provides for China which can't be replaced by anyone else.

There is absolutely no mention of China in the article you posted, you must try harder next time.

And even then, it is not a cure. Read the sentence you highlighted yourself: "which could lead to a breakthrough in treating AIDS." The same promise has been made for several decades now, I'll believe it when it actually happens.
I would rather import top notch products from Israel than cheap products form Hong Kong.
Yet Hong Kong has a higher GDP per capita than Israel does.

Something must have gone wrong there.
Bad argument. We in the semicon manufacturing industry actually know it is the opposite: That low quality products contributed to higher GDP.


A bank robber can raise his standards of living QDQ. So can refurbished semicon products fraudulently sold as new contribute to the Hong Kong's GDP. Note: We in the semicon industry is using the word 'refurbished' extremely generously here. I have taken apart customer returned packaged memory that turned out to contain failed/rejected competitors' products disguised as ours. Further investigation revealed our customers bought them from uncertified Chinese third party vendors. We were under no obligations, legally or morally, to compensate our customers but we did it at our cost anyway out of good customers relations policy.
Oh so having Britain, France, Russia and China and nearly 85% of all world countries voting in constant favor for the Palestinians and against Israel is a unfair?

How dare Israel have 5 friends amongst hundreds who are in favor of Palestinians.

Trust me, they are not Palestinian friends because they care what happens to these lovely people, it is for one reason and one reason only, natural resources(Oil and Gas).
If Israel had the amount of natural resources that Arab and Muslim nations have, there would be no conflict between Israel and Arabs, there would be no one who knew what "Arabs" were.
The whole Arab world would be one big Somalia, out of mind out of sight.
A counter-reaction to unfair advantage given to Isreal by Uncle Sam.

Rights comes with responsibilities. Yes, Turkey does have the right and responsibility to protect Turkish citizens, but only if those citizens are not violating other countries territories or legitimate actions. The UN judged the naval blockade is legal under international laws. That mean any violators of that blockade loses their rights and protections of the law.

Let me rephrase this; UN is just a tool of Uncle Sam to legalize its wrongdoings and that of its allies. Nothing else. UN is not a nuetral entity.
Let me rephrase this; UN is just a tool of Uncle Sam to legalize its wrongdoings and that of its allies. Nothing else. UN is not a nuetral entity.
You can 'rephrase' anything you said as you see fit. That still does not negate the fact that IF Turkey is going to intervene on Turkish citizens' behalf REGARDLESS of circumstances, then not only Turkey but the entire world will be constantly at war. Citizens do not always behave responsibly when they are outside their countries' borders. State protection is necessary when citizens are being unjustly prosecuted but not when they violated other countries' laws and actions. Neither you nor I need the UN to see this.
Hitler had won the elections in germany as well. We all know what had happened.

As long as hamas is in control of gaza, there won't be a two-state solution. The palestinian state is just a dream. Israel will not have any peace deal with hamas unless hamas dramatically changes its positions and remove all of those anti-israel items in its "constitution".
Hamas is just an excuse for Isreal to further its unfair ambitions. Israel had ample time to resolve this issue prior to rise of Hamas to prominence.

You can 'rephrase' anything you said as you see fit. That still does not negate the fact that IF Turkey is going to intervene on Turkish citizens' behalf REGARDLESS of circumstances, then not only Turkey but the entire world will be constantly at war. Citizens do not always behave responsibly when they are outside their countries' borders. State protection is necessary when citizens are being unjustly prosecuted but not when they violated other countries' laws and actions. Neither you nor I need the UN to see this.
My point is in regard to the blockade of Gaza, which US wanted to legalize at the behest of Isreal.
Being Pro-Israeli obviously means that you do not like those Muslims that want to destroy Israel, in which many Pakistanis take joy pointing out their hatred towards Israel.
Trust me, Pakistani people in general are not interested in destruction of Israel. We want a fair and balanced settlement to the Israel-palestine issue.

After this is achieved. Pakistan will be among the first of Islamic nations to recognize Israel.

However, you guys are doing everything that provokes anti-Israeli sentiments. And add to this the unprecedented favors your state gets from USA. Do the math now.
Israel and Greece vs turkey and Egypt.....interesting.....
Jews and Israel, which are two different things, although the Chinese have a different impression of the Jews, but generally, all positive impression of the upper hand, Israel is different, and I think most Chinese people do not have good impression on some practices of Israel, of course, this does not mean we support terrorism, we oppose all terrorist actions against civilians, but we just are not like some of the practices of Israel, for example, too outrageous and obsession use of force.And the past 20 years, what Israel has done? you have a good chance to get peace, but you are too greedy, you want all, then prepare to lose all that is fair in any case, Israel still has a chance to get peace, and then only chance to become a "reality" in the Middle East and the world, and moves faster. That is all.
By the way, Israel's agriculture and water-saving technology is good, just need too much energy. So, you know.
China has always supported the Palestinian people's liberation from the 1950s, is certainly biased towards the Palestinians, but we began a reform and opening up, and more flexible in the diplomatic and I hope that China and Israel to develop a normal relationship, whether trade or diplomacy. but the Palestinian issue can not be avoided, it is also related to the relationship between China and the Muslim world, So, really, it is time for Israel's actions in peace, then you can get more friends.
Some more on this; this time from Erdogan's own mouth.

PM Erdoan decries Israel as ‘spoiled boy’ - Hurriyet Daily News
Turkish Navy ships will “show up” more frequently in the East Mediterranean as part of measures against Israel, Turkey’s prime minister has said, slamming the Jewish state as the “spoiled boy” of the region.

“The eastern Mediterranean Sea is not a region unfamiliar to us,” Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Tuesday in his first public comments on measures that Turkey was taking over Israel’s failure to apologize for killing nine Turks on a Gaza-bound aid ship last year.

Turkish forces stationed at naval bases in Aksaz and İskenderun are capable of patrolling regional waters and escorting civilian ships in the Mediterranean, Erdoğan told reporters.

“Certainly, our ships will show up more frequently in these waters. We will see them [there] very frequently,” he said. “So far, Israel has always played the role of a spoiled boy in the face of U.N. resolutions concerning Israel, thinking that it would carry on with this role.”

Erdi sahib needs to put up or shut up.

As I said earlier, Turkey army is just waiting in the wings to avenge the disrespect and jailing of so many high ranking officers.

Once the Islamists in Turkey lose their EU support, Turkish army can easily take over with no repercussions internally. Off course Arabs will be spinning more conspiracy theories about yet another defeat of Islamists.

This is so sad.

Turkey has nothing to gain economically by messing up in the long running "Arab-Israeli Love affair".

Oh well, perhaps brother Erdi should keep the hashar nashar of Bhatto, the Sadda-Saddam, and the Gadha Gadhafi who all aspired to the be puny leaders of the so-called Islamist world.

When will people learn? when?

peace (the only way to live in this world).
Your post just verifies that fact that Israel really has nothing to offer China, that any other country couldn't replace in a heartbeat. The only thing they can really offer, is military tech and they refuse to sell it to us.

On the other hand, the oil-rich Islamic nations can fuel our massive economic boom for as long as we need it. Add in Africa, for all sorts of other raw materials.
If someone thinks that attacking Israel improves relationships with oil rich Arab countries he is very wrong.

Check which countries get most contracts from oil rich Arabs: US, UK, France, Germany. All these countries have great relatinships with Israel. On the other hand Iran, which attacks Israel the most is considered as biggest threat by oil rich Arabs.

What China needs in Middle East is peace and stability in order to lower oil prices. Turkish hysteria and sabre rattling does not contribute to stability at all.
China has always supported the Palestinian people's liberation from the 1950s, is certainly biased towards the Palestinians, but we began a reform and opening up, and more flexible in the diplomatic and I hope that China and Israel to develop a normal relationship, whether trade or diplomacy. but the Palestinian issue can not be avoided, it is also related to the relationship between China and the Muslim world, So, really, it is time for Israel's actions in peace, then you can get more friends.

This is why we love china. Fair just and want peace for everyone. Americans can learn from chinese
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