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Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

Are you serious? Israel has been a large contributors to medicine and electronic, you and the Israeli haters on this forum have likely reaped the benefits of Israeli achievements.

Oh please, Russia is the Neo-Nazi capital of the world. Half of the world's Neo-Nazis live in Russia, despite Russia only having a tiny fraction of the world's population.

"They're young men, predominantly," said Putzel. "They come from families that are not necessarily very well off. Their futures are very uncertain. They're not very well educated. And this is something for them to believe in."

In a country that lost more people defeating the Nazis than any other country, there are now an estimated 50,000 to 70,000 neo-Nazis, half of the world's total. They even have supporters in parliament.

Violence 'in the Name of the Nation' - ABC News

Don't tell us about treating Jewish people right, there has not been a single pogrom in China against Jewish people in our entire history.
India was opposing NATO action in Libya. You're in the exact same boat as us. :rofl:

The big prize though is Venuzuela, if recent reports are to be believed, their oil reserves are bigger than that of Saudi Arabia.

Oil. It's a curse to humanity.

"Ten years from now, twenty years from now, you will see, oil will bring us ruin … Oil is the Devil’s excrement."
—Venezuelan politician Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo, one of the founders of OPEC

I pray to God that someone finds a solution for oil-replacement hence ending this mad obsession the world has for natural resources.
So China can keep giving weapons to dictators, "revolutions" will come, topple the dictatorship, China looses out both on the oil andthe weapons market. Loose loose situation.

Luckily we won't have to compete with India then, India's growth is slowing down to 7%.

Everyone sells us resources. We've got the money to pay for them you see. :azn:
Luckily we won't have to compete with India then, India's growth is slowing down to 7%.

Everyone sells us resources. We've got the money to pay for them you see. :azn:

Well whats the point of giving Nukes to Iran then. I thought China wanted to get close to resource rich Muslim world, whats the point when they are selling to you anyways?
People on this forum have a amazingly high opinion of their nations. Neither Indians or Pakistanis, or even Chinese have any relevance to the Israelis or the Palestinians. The parties that have much at stake and, hence, are actually in a position to make a difference are only the middle east nations, and America due to its preeminent status in global politics. Unfortunately, recent history has shown us, none of the relevant parties will risk their political and economic standing for the sake of Palestinians; on the contrary, the Israelis can rely on support from the Americans through thick and thin. That status quo is responsible for the lack of balance between the Israeli and Palestinian relationship.
Oil. It's a curse to humanity.

"Ten years from now, twenty years from now, you will see, oil will bring us ruin … Oil is the Devil’s excrement."
—Venezuelan politician Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo, one of the founders of OPEC

I pray to God that someone finds a solution for oil-replacement hence ending this mad obsession the world has for natural resources.

Oh yes that would be the ultimate goal.

But what do we do until then? We need the oil to power our economy, for transport, for getting the food to the people who need it.
Your intelligence is really that low???

I clearly indicated many times it is mid-east wars. Do I need you to remind me who were on the opposing side???

OK, let me tell you: "You" mean those whose feeling got hurt and whose spirit got humiliated by those mid-east wars failure against Israel, those who want to erase Israel from earth day in and day out, those who still believe their god will help them wipe out Israel but it seems he is nowhere to be found each time he is desperately needed, of course, it also includes a retard like you who asked me to even explain this.

BTW, what does it have anything to do with my religion? Did not you say I am a jew? What is the chance that a jew can be christian? In addition, aren't the Christians the ones who historically persecuted Jewish people the most???

Furthermore, aren't there people who say I am really an indian? If I am an indian, shouldn't they suspect I am a hindu first???

Well, have fun guessing though. I have mentioned many times where I come from (province position in china, university I went to in China and etc). Retards like you just won't pay attention.

Ephone you say that you don't dislike Muslims but yet when Raja Pakistani criticizes Aeriel Sharon...You talk through your rectum by ranting " ...Who is "your" here? Your tiny little state didn't do **** against us (Pakistan) as it was ARAB-israeli conflict..Why you wrote "your"? Care to explain ...

Sorry for being personal but you didn't tell me ....Are you a Christian? Or a Chinese that is/was converted to Christianity? Don't take it personally ..I'm just asking ......
Well whats the point of giving Nukes to Iran then. I thought China wanted to get close to resource rich Muslim world, whats the point when they are selling to you anyways?

Not nukes, but nuclear and missile tech, read the Washington Times article.

It's not the same as handing over a nuke. But definitely not friendly.

And the Iranian people all love their nuclear programme, even if they dislike the Government. Check out some of the posted articles here.
Oh please, Russia is the Neo-Nazi capital of the world. Half of the world's Neo-Nazis live in Russia, despite Russia only having a tiny fraction of the world's population.

Violence 'in the Name of the Nation' - ABC News

Don't tell us about treating Jewish people right, there has not been a single pogrom in China against Jewish people in our entire history.

This is the lowest of the low. My response was to your claim that Israel has nothing to offer but when I dropped a bomb on you. Your best comeback was to bring up Neo-Nazi's? Wow, I’m in shock at your sheer childish and racist behavior. Are you suggesting that I become a skin head?

And a news flash, I never said anything about how to treat 'Jewish people right', my response was to your claim that Israel has nothing to offer, so do you have a reading comprehension problem or are you on drugs and incapable of processing what I have written? Either way you bringing Neo-Nazis into this conversation is inapropriate and cheap.
And a news flash, I never said anything about how to treat 'Jewish people right', my response was to your claim that Israel has nothing to offer, so do you have a reading comprehension problem or are you on drugs and incapable of processing what I have written? Either was your you bringing in Neo-Nazis into this conversation is inapropriate.

We both know who the greatest enemy of the Russian Neo-Nazis are. The Jews.

China on the other hand, has never historically had any anti-semitism at all.

But go ahead and humour me, tell me what Israel has to offer us now, that is above and beyond what the oil-rich Muslim countries can offer? They can't give us military tech anymore because the USA shuts it down. So what can they do?
We both know who the greatest enemy of the Russian Neo-Nazis are. The Jews.

China on the other hand, has never historically had any anti-semitism at all.

Again when did Russian Neo-Nazi's come in to the picture? The conversation was about what Israel has to offer. And stop suggesting that i am a Neo-Nazi, you will not sway me.

But go ahead and humour me, tell me what Israel has to offer us now, that is above and beyond what the oil-rich Muslim countries can offer? They can't give us military tech anymore because the USA shuts it down. So what can they do?

China Israel Bilateral Trade | Israel's Trade Mission to China

China and Israel began their trade relations long before the actual establishment of the diplomatic relations in 1992. Though the initial figures were quite modest, due to the constant and rapid growth in trade throughout the years, the bilateral trade between the two countries has already reached 6.7 billion US$ in 2010.

In light of these economic developments and trends between the two countries, China was defined by the Israeli Ministry of Industry, Trade, and labor as an "Israeli Export Target Country". The main goal of this program is to encourage Israeli exports, especially in the fields of Telecommunication and High-Tech, Agro-technology, Security, Environment and Infrastructures to the Chinese market.

Each year, business delegations in various fields are conducted to different provinces to expose the local industries to Israeli companies in their field. Delegations were already successfully conducted in provinces such as Guangdong, Sichuan, Yunnan, Hainan, Heilongjiang etc.

The Israeli Economic activity in China is also expanding – Trade Representative offices were established in southern China in the cities of Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and in southwest China in the city of Chengdu. A office in northeast China, in the city of Dalian will soon be opened as well.

Israel and China - Exports and Imports
Israeli export to China reflects its relevant advantages: Agro-technology such as drip irrigation, seeds, green houses, has been one of the first fields, where Israeli companies have managed to use their unique technologies and know-how. In other fields such as telecommunication, software and medical equipment, Israeli companies have managed to penetrate and even dominate some niches. The Israeli companies usually offer advanced though simple products and technologies which are much more suitable for the Chinese market.

While Israel and China's trade relations reached their hights in 2007, the relations coudn't avoid the down turns of the financial crisis. In 2009, bilateral trade have sunk by 17% yoy to levels of US$4.56 billion. Israel's trade deficit has shrank as well by 16% to US$2.47 billion. Exports reached US$1.04 billion while imports narrowed to US$3.52 billion.

However, Israel and China's trade relations have experienced a tremendous recovery in 2010 as trade levels reached US$6.7 at year end, a 44% growth yoy. Israel's Trade deficit to China at the end of 2010 stands on US$2.6 billion as imports reached US$4.7 billion and export reached US$2.1 billion.

Major Exports

Israel – China, 2010

Percent out of Total Exports

Electrical machinery and equipment, sound and TV recorders and repruducers; parts

Pearls, precious stones, precious metals imitation jewellery and coins



Optical, photographic, measuring and medical instruments


Machinery and mechanical appliances and computer equipment

Organic chemicals

(Source: Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics)

Major Imports from China

Israel – China, 2010

Percent out of Total Imports

Electrical machinery and equipment, sound and TV recorders and repruducers; parts

Machinery and mechanical appliances and computer equipment


Organic chemicals


Articles of apparel, and clothing accessories knitted or crocheted

Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted

Furniture; bedding; lamps; medical furniture; prefabricated buildings


Your intelligence is really that low???

I clearly indicated many times it is mid-east wars. Do I need you to remind me who were on the opposing side???

OK, let me tell you: "You" mean those whose feeling got hurt and whose spirit got humiliated by those mid-east wars failure against Israel, those who want to erase Israel from earth day in and day out, those who still believe their god will help them wipe out Israel but it seems he is nowhere to be found each time he is desperately needed, of course, it also includes a retard like you who asked me to even explain this.

BTW, what does it have anything to do with my religion? Did not you say I am a jew? What is the chance that a jew can be christian? In addition, aren't the Christians the ones who historically persecuted Jewish people the most???

Furthermore, aren't there people who say I am really an indian? If I am an indian, shouldn't they suspect I am a hindu first???

Well, have fun guessing though. I have mentioned many times where I come from (province position in china, university I went to in China and etc). Retards like you just won't pay attention.

The ONLY retarded kid here is YOU,dumbo ! Ask anyone here..they would agree with me on this (not including some Indians :lol: ) Your way of writing tells alot about your upbringing though.You aren't a Chinese for sure because 1) Chinese are generally not stupid and 2) their parents teach them manners..

BTW, what does it have anything to do with my religion? Did not you say I am a jew?

Never !..stupid care to read..I never said you're a Jew.You're probably a Christian evangelical (Thats what I think/thought) because I've seem many poor Christians like you who are so effin insecure of Islam and want to "revenge the destruction of one Arm of Christianity (The Church of East) by Islam" :lol: They are still stuck in 7th/8th century...Your contempt of Muslims made me think that you're one such stupid evangelical extremist Christian

Do I need you to remind me who were on the opposing side???

Yes you little goon..tell me who were on the opposing sides? "ARABS" ! And you said that Aerial Sharon kicked "your axxes" even after knowing that Raja was a PAKISTANI and NOT AN ARAB ! Why you mixing up PAKISTAN with Arab-Israeli govt.? How your boyfriend (Israel) kicked our axxes (PAKISTANIS)? Care to explain...

those who want to erase Israel from earth day in and day out.......it also includes a retard like you

You little bulk of retardness,Who told you that I want to erase Israel from the Earth? You're ignorance is annoying,seriously!

You're embarrassing yourself ....Grow up and STOP acting like a little crying baby.
The bilateral trade between the two countries has already reached 6.7 billion US$ in 2010.

WOW!!! I never thought it was that low. :lol: Even the trade between the small island of Hong Kong and the mainland is nearly $200 billion every year. Even Singapore manages $50 billion, Thailand $40 billion.

Can you calculate how many times bigger the annual trade between China-Thailand is, compared to China-Israel trade?

sound and TV recorders and repruducers; parts

Pearls, precious stones, precious metals imitation jewellery and coins


Organic chemicals

Wow, where else will we get pearls and fertilizers from??? :P

Your post just verifies that fact that Israel really has nothing to offer China, that any other country couldn't replace in a heartbeat. The only thing they can really offer, is military tech and they refuse to sell it to us.

On the other hand, the oil-rich Islamic nations can fuel our massive economic boom for as long as we need it. Add in Africa, for all sorts of other raw materials.
WOW!!! I never thought it was that low. :lol: Even the trade between the small island of Hong Kong and the mainland is nearly $200 billion every year. Even Singapore manages $50 billion, Thailand $40 billion.

Wow, where else will we get pearls and fertilizers from???

And again, you fail to grasp the importance of what I stated earlier. Israel is highly regarded in the scientific community for their great contributions. They are considered leaders in many fields, 6.7 billion may seem low compared to other countries but you have to remember much of the technology that Israel exports is considered world class. I would rather import top notch products from Israel than cheap products form Hong Kong.

And with China's overpopulation and demand for food you should be thankful that Israel is sharing it agricultural technology with China. Also read the source I posted Israel also exports telecommunications, electronics, and medical equipment. Israel is highly regarded in all field, so while you can always choose not to trade with Israel or disregard their relevance the fact remains that Israeli exports to China is of great importance, and very few countries can fill the void if China stops trade relations with Israel. Look at it this way, would you rather have a 6.7 billion dollar trade with Israel for top end technology that can save lives in China and help feed Chinese citizens or would you rather have 20 billion in trades with a another country that offers the import of Cheap shoes? The answer is obvious.
And again, you fail to grasp the importance of what I stated earlier. Israel is highly regarded in the scientific community for their great contributions. They are considered leaders in many fields, 6.7 billion may seem low compared to other countries but you have to remember much of the technology that Israel exports is considered world class. I would rather import top notch products from Israel than cheap products form Hong Kong.

And with China's overpopulation and demand for food you should be thankful that Israel is sharing it agricultural technology with China. Also read the source I posted Israel also exports telecommunications, electronics, and medical equipment. Israel is highly regarded in all field, so while you can always choose not to trade with Israel or disregard their relevance the fact remains that Israeli exports to China is of great importance, and very few countries can fill the void if China stops trade relations with Israel. Look at it this way, would you rather have a 6.7 billion dollar trade with Israel for top end technology that can save lives in China and help feed Chinese citizens or would you rather have 20 billion in trades with a another country that offers the import of Cheap shoes? The answer is obvious.

You haven't answered my question, what does Israel provide to China that can't be replaced easily by another country. :lol:

I would rather import top notch products from Israel than cheap products form Hong Kong.

Yet Hong Kong has a higher GDP per capita than Israel does.

Something must have gone wrong there.
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