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Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

In the end, aren't bush your daddy??? He basically abused you since 2001 and up to his retirement for eight years. Now obama is your daddy now. There are no U.S. airforce, navy as well as army stationed in China. I do not see a single U.S. bomb nowadays dropped in China. There is no advanced helicopter either. Of course, we did not harbor OBL since he was scared to death to be near Chinese border.

What a ridiculous post. :rofl:

Everyone with a brain, knows that China's closest ally is Pakistan.

Israel on the other hand, is some tiny country in the middle of the desert with no significance to us.
on one side he accept that usa made mess in other countries by abusing his power and one other side he blame Muslims for their reactions..thats why i said he is a confuse soul..
Even Israel itself supports those two-state solutions. BTW, China is not the only showing such supports. China's position is quite clear long time ago.

The only difference is that who will represent the Palestinian side. There is no way Israel will have negotiation with hamas. Well, China just plays her lip service as usual. Nothing major though. It seems most countries in the world play their lip services as well.

About those posts that show angry towards China, well, nothing surprising. In Israel, there are also those ultra-nationalists who do not support two-state solutions at all and are angry with whoever support such proposal. I bet they are angry at U.S. as well since U.S. also declares such support.

LOL yeah right, what about this? :rofl:

China announces support for Palestinian UN statehood bid - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Or this? :lol:

Iran's link to China includes missiles and nuclear tech - Washington Times

I bet you Israelis will be really happy with this, right?

There is not even a question. His loyalty is always to Israel, he even calls the Chinese members here "dick-men" when we say anything against it.

He doesn't even try to "pretend" to favour China over Israel.

---------- Post added at 09:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 PM ----------

where exactly I accept those???

on one side he accept that usa made mess in other countries by abusing his power and one other side he blame Muslims for their reactions..thats why i said he is a confuse soul..

---------- Post added at 09:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 PM ----------

This is probably not a good example. Even India supports Palestinian bid for statehood. Doesn't make India anti-Israel.

To be honest, those are just some lip-service. I bet India just does the same as everybody else.

---------- Post added at 09:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ----------

A brain-dead nutcase like you do not read what my reply is for???

What a ridiculous post. :rofl:

Everyone with a brain, knows that China's closest ally is Pakistan.

Israel on the other hand, is some tiny country in the middle of the desert with no significance to us.
Even Israel itself supports those two-state solutions. BTW, China is not the only showing such supports.

Did you even read the article? :lol:

The Netanyahu government adamantly opposes the Palestinian efforts to seek UN membership.

And you still haven't answered this one. :lol:

Iran's link to China includes missiles and nuclear tech - Washington Times

Not just missile and nuclear tech, but also oil revenues as well. No one provides Iran with more oil revenues than China does.
He did not abused me but he abused his power and thats why i hate him but i don't understand your love for him.It seem you are more loyal to him than your own daddy :)

Why don't you show me where my posts have shown love for bush or my loyalty to bush???

My reply simply is to point out your mistake. You try to put bush as my daddy. However, the reality is that you are the one that gets consistently humiliated and abused by him for eight years. So he should be your daddy, not mine.

Too hard for you, including that cxx-dragon, to understand my post??? :)

---------- Post added at 09:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 PM ----------

what abuse you were talking about?

You lost your senses ephone

Is it really that hard to understand???

I thought for the past 10 years, the most abused one by U.S. is AF, with you as close 2nd.
Hey ephone, let me post those articles on an "Israeli" internet forum.

The ones about China supporting Iran in terms of missile and nuclear technology. And about China supporting the Palestinian state.

Let's see how much the Israelis like China then. :rofl: Especially after Iran ends up developing nuclear weapons, with help from Chinese oil funding and technology transfers too.
Why don't you show me where my posts have shown love for bush or my loyalty to bush???

My reply simply is to point out your mistake. You try to put bush as my daddy. However, the reality is that you are the one that gets consistently humiliated and abused by him for eight years. So he should be your daddy, not mine.

Too hard for you, including that cxx-dragon, to understand my post??? :)

according to you i am the one who is consistently getting humiliated and abused by him for eight years :D lol

Is this reason not enough to justify the hate for bush or for american policies?

Thats why i said that your daddy killed more innocent peoples than anyone else so he is also a terrorist by definition of terrorism and you said that you dislike terrorist . I guess you only dislike those terrorist who claim to be Muslims although we reject them as much as we reject your daddy..I called him your daddy because you always defend him :)

Your posts are hard to understand because they don't make any sense.
Israel opposes it since it does not recognize hamas as part of palestinian side for future country. It believes that Israel can never reach peace deal with a party that writes 'erasing Israel from earth' in its charter.

Other countries, including China, support the principle of two-state solutions. However, the detail part is for both Israel and Palestinian side to negotiate through.

So far, by including hamas in the palestinian side, it indeed gives Israel reasons and excuses to block such progress. Palestinian side need get rid of hamas or hamas removes those anti-Israel items from its charters.

Otherwise, a palestinian state, whether sanctioned by U.N. or not, really does not matter.

Did you even read the article? :lol:

And you still haven't answered this one. :lol:

Iran's link to China includes missiles and nuclear tech - Washington Times

Not just missile and nuclear tech, but also oil revenues as well. No one provides Iran with more oil revenues than China does.

---------- Post added at 10:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 PM ----------

idiot like you does not even understand the meaning daddy here? who is your daddy then for the past 10 years??? :)

according to you i am the one who is consistently getting humiliated and abused by him for eight years :D lol

Is this reason not enough to justify the hate for bush or for american policies?

Thats why i said that your daddy killed more innocent peoples than anyone else so he is also a terrorist by definition of terrorism and you said that you dislike terrorist . I guess you only dislike those terrorist who claim to be Muslims although we reject them as much as we reject your daddy..I called him your daddy because you always defend him :)

Your posts are hard to understand because they don't make any sense.
The mutual feeling between China and Israel cannot be simply decided by several posts. There will always be misunderstanding. However, I believe we will not have any major conflicts with jewish people and Israel. That is the reality.

Saying something is one thing and doing something is the other. We harbored them during world war II and before that. We helped them even we are dirty poor. We never had any anti-simitic campaign against them. More and more communications and bi-lateral visits are much common. The understanding between the two will be better and better.

Hey ephone, let me post those articles on an "Israeli" internet forum.

The ones about China supporting Iran in terms of missile and nuclear technology. And about China supporting the Palestinian state.

Let's see how much the Israelis like China then. :rofl: Especially after Iran ends up developing nuclear weapons, with help from Chinese oil funding and technology transfers too.

---------- Post added at 10:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:09 PM ----------

run out of words and excuses again? :)

leave debate and have a cold glass of water :D you will feel much better
The mutual feeling between China and Israel cannot be simply decided by several posts. There will always be misunderstanding. However, I believe we will not have any major conflicts with jewish people and Israel. That is the reality.

Yep, we just provide nuclear and missile technology to Iran, which they are most likely going to use on Israel. How friendly.

Let's see if the other Israelis out there think so. :lol:
Whether such rumor is true or not is debatable. Remember, people used to believe Sadam has nukes from China. I bet some U.S. intelligence and newspaper believed that as well. :)

Yep, we just provide nuclear and missile technology to Iran, which they are most likely going to use on Israel. How friendly.

Let's see if the other Israelis out there think so. :lol:
Anyone here know of any good Israeli forums where I can post these articles, to "enlighten" them about China?

I guess the Israeli newspaper comment sections are a good place to start.

Maybe it will stop all those whiners.
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