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Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

Ephone you say that you don't dislike Muslims but yet when Raja Pakistani criticizes Aeriel Sharon...You talk through your rectum by ranting "
Don't like Ariel Sharon? He kicked your axx really hard during those mid-east wars, right?
...Who is "your" here? Your tiny little state didn't do **** against us (Pakistan) as it was ARAB-israeli conflict..Why you wrote "your"? Care to explain ...

Sorry for being personal but you didn't tell me ....Are you a Christian? Or a Chinese that is/was converted to Christianity? Don't take it personally ..I'm just asking ......
Anyway, I need have a rest for tomorrow's work. Good luck with those potential want-to-be terrorists/jihadists/israel-haters and etc. It is better to have a name tag with you if you decide to take up those suicide bomber role or jihad nut jobs against Israel.

I suggest you should use at least stainless steel or even better materials. Otherwise, after you get blown into pieces, how do your mom find you???
Thanks man. :D

Let the Indians bet on the Israelis while China bets on the resource-rich Islamic world.

Good luck with that. Key to the Islamic world is Saudi Arabia, major US ally. And giving nukes to Iran is only going to antagonize them.

I hope China gets shut out, like it did in Libya. :enjoy:
Good luck with that. Key to the Islamic world is Saudi Arabia, major US ally. And giving nukes to Iran is only going to antagonize them.

LOL yeah they are all selling to us, and the USA is buying from us. :lol:

There are only so many resources to go around, let's see if India can reach "developed" status before they start running out.

I hope China gets shut out, like it did in Libya.

Now remind me, did India vote for the Liyba resolution or abstain like China did? :azn:

As for you "hoping" for bad things to happen to China, I hope India gets humiliated again like when they boasted about responding in 2008, yet ended up crying like babies. More boasting please.
Anyway, I need have a rest for tomorrow's work. Good luck with those potential want-to-be terrorists/jihadists/israel-haters and etc. It is better to have a name tag with you if you decide to take up those suicide bomber role or jihad nut jobs against Israel.

I suggest you should use at least stainless steel or even better materials. Otherwise, after you get blown into pieces, how do your mom find you???

True colour of ephone :D thanks man for entertainment lol

sleep well :) see you tomorrow
Thanks man. :D

Let the Indians bet on the Israelis, while China bets on the resource-rich Islamic world.

Though to be fair, India doesn't consume nearly as many resources as China does, due to our focus on large-scale industry and manufacturing.

Best of luck with that,Chinese Dragon ! The mods in this forum are LITERALLY crying babies.I was a member there and they blocked me just because I didn't accept what they were saying...and guess what they were saying? "If anything Pakistanis can enlighten us about--it's suicide bombing" :lol: I disagreed and said that they know nothing of Pakistanis etc and there you go ..all jumped upon me and eventually I was banned for ever :laugh:
Let's see how much the Israelis like China then. :rofl: Especially after Iran ends up developing nuclear weapons, with help from Chinese oil funding and technology transfers too.
Didn't china vote against iran in U.N?Also why did china abstain from voting when it could have easily vetoed many u.n action against iran?
Anyway, I need have a rest for tomorrow's work. Good luck with those potential want-to-be terrorists/jihadists/israel-haters and etc. It is better to have a name tag with you if you decide to take up those suicide bomber role or jihad nut jobs against Israel.

I suggest you should use at least stainless steel or even better materials. Otherwise, after you get blown into pieces, how do your mom find you???

I NEVER thought that a Chinese can be THIS retarded. :lol: Do answer my question is post 364 ;)
Also why did china abstain from voting when it could have easily vetoed many u.n action against iran?

UNSC is just a means to an end. America and Israel come to China asking us to stop doing business with Iran. Iran comes back and says not to listen to them, and offers Iranian oil at lower prices.

At the end, we get concessions from America (they consistently refuse to label us currency manipulators), while we get large amounts of cheap oil from Iran. I can't see any downside, apart from the 7 million or so Israelis not being happy. Compared to the 1.5 billion Muslims out there.

I NEVER thought that a Chinese can be THIS retarded. :lol:

Buddy, ephone is an Israeli. :wave:
Now remind me, did India vote for the Liyba resolution or abstain like China did? :azn:

As for you "hoping" for bad things to happen to China, I hope India gets humiliated again like when they boasted about responding in 2008, yet ended up crying like babies. More boasting please.

I am not hoping for bad things for China. China got shut out in Libya due to its policies, a bit too short sighted maybe. India will do just fine in Libya, wait and watch.

China on the other hand, wants to give nukes to Iran, which will potentially kill millions and destabilize all of Muslim Arab world. Once again playing the wrong cards.
India will do just fine in Libya, wait and watch.

India was opposing NATO action in Libya. You're in the exact same boat as us. :rofl:

The big prize though is Venuzuela, if recent reports are to be believed, their oil reserves are bigger than that of Saudi Arabia.
So you've given up pretending to care about Chinese interests? :lol:

Tell me, what better serves China's national interests. Being friendly with the most resource-rich regions in the world (Middle East and Central Asia), most of whom are made up of Islamic countries.

Or being friendly with Israel, a country with no resources, no big consumer markets, nothing at all except military technology which they refuse to sell to us. 7 million Israelis or 1.5 billion Muslims?

It's obvious which choice serves China's national interests the most. And for your information, the Chinese government is ALREADY giving massive oil revenues to Iran, as well as helping them with nuclear and missile technology. Too late, it's already done.

LOL, that is the only thing you really care about.

I don't give two shits about Israel, and I have no problem with China funding and helping the current Iranian regime with missile technology, as long as we get oil in return.

Are you serious? Israel has been a large contributors to medicine and electronic, you and the Israeli haters on this forum have likely reaped the benefits of Israeli achievements.

An idiot like you even can tell the definition about terrorism???

Don't like Ariel Sharon? He kicked your axx really hard during those mid-east wars, right? Well, he did exactly what Israel need him to do: to defend Israel and destroy those invading arabs.

Don't like Bush? Well, why don't you get a time machine to tell Sadam not to invade Kuwait, tell OBL not to take up those terrorist activities including 9/11, and tell taliban not to harbor OBL and its associates???

You are just so stupid as not to see those above.

As they always say god willing, but god never seems to help, the Israeli infidels always embarrass their enemies, all that these chums can do is talk tough but when push comes to shove Israel takes the trash out and the remaining trash that is too cowardly to fight continues to blow hot air over the internet.

ephone Are you some evangelical Christian? Or a Chinese who is converted to Christianity by some missionaries :lol: ? Why do you dislike Muslims so much? I am amazed that how a Chinese is speaking with so much contempt when it comes to Muslims.Heck! forget Muslims--you're even calling your FELLOW CHINESE with names in order to defend Israel? :disagree: Any particular reason for this? Why a CHINESE is so much concerned about Israel and Hamas and blah blah ....weird !!!!

That wasn't at all racist....

Which Chinese person, would insult their fellow Chinese, in order to defend a FOREIGN country? Ephone clearly has only one country in his heart, and that is Israel, this is clear from his posts. That is where his true loyalty lies.

Normally I would stay out of this thread, but ephone made me choose a side. And I'll side with China's true ally, Pakistan.

This double-game is really disgusting.

This is laughable, what you are saying is preposterous. So Chinese people do not insult one another? Does every Chinese person have to have the same opinions as you on foreign relations? Does every Chinese person have to be a hard core suck up to Pakistan? And the ones that are not are apparently not Chinese?
India was opposing NATO action in Libya. You're in the exact same boat as us. :rofl:

The big prize though is Venuzuela, if recent reports are to be believed, their oil reserves are bigger than that of Saudi Arabia.

:lol: Not exactly. Indians weren't getting ready to send in ship loads of weapons to Gaddaffi regime, it was your country.

So China can keep giving weapons to dictators, "revolutions" will come, topple the dictatorship, China looses out both on the oil andthe weapons market. Loose loose situation.
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