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Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

^^^ well , asking the blind faced haters to be educated about their points of contention is too much to ask. It is crystal clear that many who have posted here- had not an iota of an idea of what the Hamas charter is or historical facts of the region --- ignorance is bliss.
Ignorance is an unfortunate bliss, i`d say.Someone should amend that phrase, makes ignorance too appealing for the ignorant.
^^^ well , asking the blind faced haters to be educated about their points of contention is too much to ask. It is crystal clear that many who have posted here- had not an iota of an idea of what the Hamas charter is or historical facts of the region --- ignorance is bliss.

Firstly, as I said above, Turkey should not be escorting any vessels to Gaza; we are too close to some kind of 'peace' in the region to risk it all. Secondly, I think Hamas should revise its 'charter' to accept Israel along 1967 lines. Actually, according to Carter, Hamas can do so except it would be giving away too much without getting anything in return. Be as it may, I think Hamas should change it Charter.

And to you Zionist-apologists/gullible folks/hypocrites now: WHAT is the Charter of Likud or other right wing Israeli parties? Just because YOU have bought into the idea of 'Hamas Charter' does not mean the rest of the world is blind to the Israeli-right and its not-so-hidden agenda: Grab as much land, as quickly as possibly. After all, Europeans did it to the American Indians. So can we. We Do have the 'God Given' right. Kiss goodbye to E. Jerusalam. It is the 'undivided capital' of Israel. End of the argument. Even if the Charters of Israeli right does not say it explicitly their actions 'on the ground' speaks volume about their Charters. What are the Settlements for?!!

Not so. Not by a long shot.

PS. @Fauji-Historian: You are the @Ephone of Pakistanis. A superficial, gullible person. You offer no solution except mouthing of Zionist-inspired sound-bytes which could only lead to millions of Palestinians either being forced out or to live in some kind of Bantustan; and a Bantustan is the Pals' fate if the Settlements continue like that.
Firstly, as I said above, Turkey should not be escorting any vessels to Gaza; we are too close to some kind of 'peace' in the region to risk it all. Secondly, I think Hamas should revise its 'charter' to accept Israel along 1967 lines. Actually, according to Carter, Hamas can do so except it would be giving away too much without getting anything in return. Be as it may, I think Hamas should change it Charter.

And to you Zionist-apologists/gullible folks/hypocrites now: WHAT is the Charter of Likud or other right wing Israeli parties? Just because YOU have bought into the idea of 'Hamas Charter' does not mean the rest of the world is blind to the Israeli-right and its not-so-hidden agenda: Grab as much land, as quickly as possibly. After all, Europeans did it to the American Indians. So can we. We Do have the 'God Given' right. Kiss goodbye to E. Jerusalam. It is the 'undivided capital' of Israel. End of the argument. Even if the Charters of Israeli right does not say it explicitly their actions 'on the ground' speaks volume about their Charters. What are the Settlements for?!!

Not so. Not by a long shot.

PS. @Fauji-Historian: You are the @Ephone of Pakistanis. A superficial, gullible person. You offer no solution except mouthing of Zionist-inspired sound-bytes which could only lead to millions of Palestinians either being forced out or to live in some kind of Bantustan; and a Bantustan is the Pals' fate if the Settlements continue like that.

My dear poster.

I like what you said about Turkey not escalating tensions, and Hamas accepting Israel.

You could have done well without personal accusations. They cheapened your otherwise a good post.

Lekud may have a charter, but they are willing to move away in favor of world recognition.

Lekud said Gaza is theirs. But they didn't start an armed uprising against Israeli government when it left Gaza.

Gaza was given to Palestinians free and clear.

I think PLO was making a steady progress towards peace, but Pali militants didn't want peace. And now we have rocket firings from Gaza.

This is utterly wrong because Israel will use its weapons against Gaza + blockade.

No need to level accusations if you let your emotions aside.

Too many Pakistanis are using too much Islamism to view this world in a bad way.

It is time for Pakistan to have peace within and peace without.
Mr. FaujiHistorian,
Have you looked at Gaza vs W. Bank? Have your considered that even in 2005 it was widely reported that Israel was going to withdraw from the relatively insignificant land of Gaza and focus on the much LARGER, richer, and strategically important land of W. Bank. Tell me: If Israelis are really so nice and magnanimous then why did they not withdraw from the W. Bank? What are those Settlements for? Tell me what is the future of Palestinians in a Bantustan? Do you want me to refer you to Yuri Avnery--one of Israel's own greatest sons--who will lay bare the Zionists plan against the Palestinians?

And please don't 'cheapen' the discourse by calling it an 'Islamist' issue! About 130 of the UNGA countries are supposed to vote for the Pal State--a vast majority of them are not Muslims. Even in Israel there are enough brave and noble souls to refute your shallow propaganda. I think you should check out what many Israelis themselves are saying by going to Haaretz.com.
Turkiye's cause is a purely humanitarian one. For that reason, all Pakistanis should support --and if possible --- assist this initiative (despite, of course, our own internal needs) in any way we can.

providing medicine, clothes, blankets, cement, toys and educational materials to a strangulated country is not terrorism or assisting ''terrrorists''

the navy escort is a reaction to the attack on the Mavi Marmara in international waters. More power to Turkiye for protecting and standing up for the honour of its people.

i support freedom and end to atrocities in Palestine the same way i support end to rocket attacks on israeli cities
Turkiye's cause is a purely humanitarian one. For that reason, all Pakistanis should support --and if possible --- assist this initiative (despite, of course, our own internal needs) in any way we can.

providing medicine, clothes, blankets, cement, toys and educational materials to a strangulated country is not terrorism or assisting ''terrrorists''

the navy escort is a reaction to the attack on the Mavi Marmara in international waters. More power to Turkiye for protecting and standing up for the honour of its people.

i support freedom and end to atrocities in Palestine the same way i support end to rocket attacks on israeli cities
1) Palestinians in Gaza live far better than majority of Muslims in the world.
2) All the aid in that flotilla was less than daily aid comming from Israel to Gaza. 2/3 of medicines were expired.
3) There is no any problem to provide as much aid as they wish through Israeli Ashdod or Egyptian El Arish ports. The only reason for that flotilla was to create provocation and provide political support to Hamas child mudrerers.
4) Turkish navy is not going to excort anything. Erdogan has very big mouth but tiny balls.
(see highlighted) You perhaps need to read the Hamas charter... It's for complete removal of Israel from the land period... Only way hamas will cease is when there is no state of isreal anymore. which we all know ( reality based thinkers)- won't happen! partly thankful for countries such as yours and mine that will never allow it to happen...rightfully so from my POV.

Dude don't try to be a spokesman of Hamas and don't spread lies . Read and listen to this interview

Hamas Foreign Minister: We Accept Two-State Solution With '67 Borders
Categories: Foreign News



Is Hamas opposed to a “two-state solution”?

Israel and its allies say repeatedly that Hamas is committed to the destruction of Israel and opposed to a “two-state solution”, that is, to Israel continuing to exist, but within 1967 borders, and a Palestinian state coming into existence in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza.
On recognising Israel
It is true that Hamas refuses to recognise Israel, but that is understandable since Israel has never defined its borders.
Israel’s history is one of territorial expansion, accompanied by the expulsion of Arabs in order to maintain an effective Jewish majority within the expanded territory. The 56% of mandate Palestine awarded to Israel by resolution 181 of the UN General Assembly in November 1947 (in which around 45% of the population was Arab) was expanded to 78% of Palestine by Israeli military force in 1947/8 and over 750,000 Arabs were driven out, in order to make the Arab minority manageable.
In 1967, the rest of Palestine was taken over, plus a large bit of Egypt (the Sinai) and a small bit of Syria (the Golan Heights). East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights were annexed, and are still annexed. Over 40 years later, the West Bank and Gaza are still under Israeli military occupation and Israel has transferred around 500,000 Jewish settlers to the West Bank, contrary to Article 49(6) of the 4th Geneva Convention, which forbids the colonisation of occupied territory.

Is Hamas supposed to recognise the 56% entity? Or is it the 78% entity? Or is it a future entity of as yet undetermined territorial extent, but certainly greater than 78% of mandate Palestine, perhaps including the Jewish colonies on the West Bank, perhaps 100% of mandate Palestine? After all, Prime Minister Netanyahu was elected on a platform that “not an inch” of territory would be given up [1].
Recognising Israel while its borders are not determined is the political equivalent of buying a pig in a poke.(*)

There is little doubt that, if a state of Israel existed within its 1967 borders, then Hamas would accept its existence. For years, Hamas spokesmen have emphasised that they are seeking a long-term truce with Israel, the price being Israeli withdrawal to its 1967 borders and the creation of a Palestinian state in the rest of mandate Palestine.

Read the full articles with statements from hamas laeaders before fabricating lies

Is Hamas opposed to a
If true, this will be a major escalation. Israel is also preparing itself. A conflict even of minuscule scale will be very unfortunate for the region.

diplomatic spat may ensue (as is unfolding) but i see no military hostilities of any kind taking place.....the implications for both sides are quite severe
PS. @Fauji-Historian: You are the @Ephone of Pakistanis. A superficial, gullible person. You offer no solution except mouthing of Zionist-inspired sound-bytes which could only lead to millions of Palestinians either being forced out or to live in some kind of Bantustan; and a Bantustan is the Pals' fate if the Settlements continue like that.

You are right dude faujhistorian and his allies spreading lies here..any way its internet and peoples can pretend to be pakistani :)
.... If Israelis are really so nice and magnanimous then why did they not withdraw from the W. Bank? What are those Settlements for? Tell me what is the future of Palestinians in a Bantustan?....

No body is nice or magnanimous neither Arabs nor Israelis.

Gaza was given to Palistnians for whatever reasons. PA had a golden chance to show to the world that 2 state solution will work. Arabs and Israelis can live side by side.

Unfortunately the militants among Arabs made the mockery of the self government in Gaza. There was and there is no need and in fact it is counterproductive to lob rockets or shoot Israeli soldiers or civilians.

However what I am saying is going to fall on the def ears as those ears only listen to one sided story.

Before anyone demands W. Bank, he must show that Gaza runs as a peaceful and tolerant place.

That's all.
No body is nice or magnanimous neither Arabs nor Israelis.

Gaza was given to Palistnians for whatever reasons. PA had a golden chance to show to the world that 2 state solution will work. Arabs and Israelis can live side by side.

Unfortunately the militants among Arabs made the mockery of the self government in Gaza. There was and there is no need and in fact it is counterproductive to lob rockets or shoot Israeli soldiers or civilians.

However what I am saying is going to fall on the def ears as those ears only listen to one sided story.

Before anyone demands W. Bank, he must show that Gaza runs as a peaceful and tolerant place.

That's all.

You need to refine your position big time...

Archived-Articles: Triple Cross: How Britain Created the Arab-Israel Conflict

Desperate? My dear poster?

Palestinians got some land in 1948, and so did Jewish people.

One party accepted the decision and moved on. The other party got stuck and refused. And that party was my dear poster! Arabs.

They wanted the whole pie and as result lost much of their share. Greed as they say is no good.

Let me give an example from our own neck of the woods.

Jinnah on the other hand was wise. He got a "moth-eaten" Pakistan and moved on. Secured the state and formed a country.

Palestinians OTOH did not. They did not secure their borders, never formed a government and instead used militancy as the main tool.

Worst then. They got to make Commies as their god. While Israelis had USA as their god.

Out of the two gods we know who won.

In summary:

1. Pick your god carefully
2. Quickly get the land and setup borders. Do not be greedy.
3. Sharing a pie is better than trying to snatch the whole pie.

Desperate? My dear poster?

Palestinians got some land in 1948, and so did Jewish people.

One party accepted the decision and moved on. The other party got stuck and refused. And that party was my dear poster! Arabs.

They wanted the whole pie and as result lost much of their share. Greed as they say is no good.

Let me give an example from our own neck of the woods.

Jinnah on the other hand was wise. He got a "moth-eaten" Pakistan and moved on. Secured the state and formed a country.

Palestinians OTOH did not. They did not secure their borders, never formed a government and instead used militancy as the main tool.

Worst then. They got to make Commies as their god. While Israelis had USA as their god.

Out of the two gods we know who won.

In summary:

1. Pick your god carefully
2. Quickly get the land and setup borders. Do not be greedy.
3. Sharing a pie is better than trying to snatch the whole pie.


My dearest Friend!

It is you who is showing desperation here not me. The bolded part of your post explains where you are missing the point.

Good Luck with your posting...
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