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Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

Gaza was given to Palistnians for whatever reasons. PA had a golden chance to show to the world that 2 state solution will work. Arabs and Israelis can live side by side.

"Whatever reasons"? Do you really think the Zionists who started a move to have a state would give up W. Bank?
I am sorry to say but you are more Israeli than many Israelis are. You have swallowed the propaganda fully. Israelis claimed and many still claim they had the full and exclusive 'right' to the 'God-Given' land. It did not matter as to who may have been living in that land for centuries before the Balfour Declaration. That is the Israeli land. Everything else can be seen in that perspective.

Again, even if the Pals had made a Dubai in Gaza Israelis were not and still not give up W. Bank which is much larger land. Quit fooling others with a line of thinking which is discredited by most of humanity now.
The following news report is sort of related to Pakistan's nuclear posture viz a viz Turkey. AGAIN! I don't think spreading nukes is a good idea at all but elements in Pakistan are not going to sit on their a$$es if they see their brother Turkey being blackmailed by nukes.
In face of Iran threat, Saudi Arabia mulls nuclear cooperation with Pakistan - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Saudi Arabia reportedly funded Pakistan's nuclear weapons program in return for Pakistan's promise to aid the monarchy in this area if need be. According to a 2004 report, the Saudi deputy defense minister visited the Pakistani nuclear center in Kahuta, which produces bombs.
The world is finally trying to liberate itself from the freemasonry illimunati.
1) Palestinians in Gaza live far better than majority of Muslims in the world.
Don't fool yourself on the basis of some pictures in the internet.

People of Gaza live under constant threat of Israeli military assaults. They are also facing blockade. The opening of border from Egypt has provided some relief to them.

2) All the aid in that flotilla was less than daily aid comming from Israel to Gaza. 2/3 of medicines were expired.
More Israeli propaganda. Initially the flotilla was claimed to be filled with weapons and now this. :rolleyes:

3) There is no any problem to provide as much aid as they wish through Israeli Ashdod or Egyptian El Arish ports. The only reason for that flotilla was to create provocation and provide political support to Hamas child mudrerers.
No, the purpose of flotilla was to get international support to end blockage of Gaza by Israel. And Israeli are very picky on what things should be given to people of Gaza.

4) Turkish navy is not going to excort anything. Erdogan has very big mouth but tiny balls.
Depends upon Israeli responses in the future.
Don't fool yourself on the basis of some pictures in the internet.

People of Gaza live under constant threat of Israeli military assaults. They are also facing blockade. The opening of border from Egypt has provided some relief to them.

More Israeli propaganda. Initially the flotilla was claimed to be filled with weapons and now this. :rolleyes:

No, the purpose of flotilla was to get international support to end blockage of Gaza by Israel. And Israeli are very picky on what things should be given to people of Gaza.

Depends upon Israeli responses in the future.

I think the israelis even banned( or still banned??) the import of speghati(or another food item), and when Joe Biden asked the israelis why they have done that, they told him that the Gazans dont need to eat spagheti, they have got rice and bread. I dont remember teh full story, but it was something like this.

And believe me i feel really sorry for myself as an Afghan, for my people and country, BUT when i see the palestinians, i think we are not as bad as them.
Israel don't have balls to attack fully-armed NAVY ship. They can only kill civilians.

I am with you Turkey, finish this Zionist order in the ME.
1) Palestinians in Gaza live far better than majority of Muslims in the world.
2) All the aid in that flotilla was less than daily aid comming from Israel to Gaza. 2/3 of medicines were expired.
3) There is no any problem to provide as much aid as they wish through Israeli Ashdod or Egyptian El Arish ports. The only reason for that flotilla was to create provocation and provide political support to Hamas child mudrerers.
4) Turkish navy is not going to excort anything. Erdogan has very big mouth but tiny balls.

If you thing living in the world biggest jail is like living in haven then certainly they are fortunate .:angry:
you are just a example of hypocrite and cunning Zionist who where always hated i the history and will be hated .:tdown:
Israel don't have balls to attack fully-armed NAVY ship. They can only kill civilians.

I am with you Turkey, finish this Zionist order in the ME.

My friend Israel is just a nothing for us !! We are able to wipe it from maps within 10 hours but its sisters will not let do it us even others !!

i think you understand what i mean?
Israel don't have balls to attack fully-armed NAVY ship. They can only kill civilians.

I am with you Turkey, finish this Zionist order in the ME.

this bastard should be wipe our of world for the peace and stability in the world . every peace loving country should united to form the independent state of palatine :welcome:
TrhmmT, Israel is going to the **** already. America too.

monitor, I don't understand
TrhmmT, Israel is going to the **** already. America too.

monitor, I don't understand

Dude i meant, Sister USA,FRench,German and Uk will not let anyone of us to beat this silly and spoiled bastard Israel !! coz israel is the key which opens the gate of petrol.. This region must not be stable for feeding their oil hunger !!!

Thats why they always abide silly behaviors of Israel!!
Yeah, but anyway, you can fight Israel by other way. Sell Hamas good weapons, then enjoy. Erdogan isn't stupid, and despite he is hated here in Bulgaria, I like him.
Don't fool yourself on the basis of some pictures in the internet.

People of Gaza live under constant threat of Israeli military assaults. They are also facing blockade.
I served in Gaza and seen it with my own eyes. Besides there are statistical facts: infant mortality, life expectancy, average wages etc. They all are significally better than average Muslim world (for example neighbor Egypt).

The opening of border from Egypt has provided some relief to them.
So called border opening changed absolutelly nothing. All suplies still come from Israel.

More Israeli propaganda. Initially the flotilla was claimed to be filled with weapons and now this. :rolleyes:
These are facts. No one claimed that flotilla is filled with weapons.

No, the purpose of flotilla was to get international support to end blockage of Gaza by Israel. And Israeli are very picky on what things should be given to people of Gaza.
As I said u can supply Gaza as much as u wish through Ashdod and El Arish ports. All Israel wants is to check before delievering.

Depends upon Israeli responses in the future.
Israeli response wont change: we will not let ships into Gaza without checking.
500, what have you been smoking recently? Dzhozhden?

I know your supplies: long-range missiles to kill children. We are not stupid here, Freemasonry Zionist bullshits can't prove anything in the debate, ask your freemasonry master for advices.
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