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Turkey jets chase Israel plane from Cyprus

a result of trouble-making at its best.
In 1948 we were attacked by 5 Arab countries.
In 1967 it was 3
In 1973 - 2
In 1982 - 1

Since then for 30 years (nearly half of Israel's history) we dont have wars with Arab countries.

you guys have a small navy , only 3 corvettes , 4 submarines and 10 missile boats
For Mediterranean sea its more then enough. Big ships are needed for oceans.
you guys have a small navy , only 3 corvettes , 4 submarines and 10 missile boats

They have Dolphin Submarines which can carry SRBMs possibly with Nuclear warheads. This only makes it a lethel opponent for the Turkish navy. They countered there weak navy with an Powerfull Airforce, Its quit shocking to see that such a small nation is able to handle such huge quantity of Fighter jets, It would be impressive if only it was not used against Palestinians civilians.

However if i am not wrong 107 Old A/B Versions which are really on of the first so these will start falling out of the sky soon enough. The rest of the F16 is rather impressive especcialy the F16I Sufa, Apparently its so pimped and filled with new advanced equipment the price tag of one is about 70 Million.
We need like 150 turkish modified F15s

Direct procure some 100 more latest variants of F16 and upgrade the rest in inventory to block 50+ to be on par with them..

You see, im not getting old or anything. This happens when you counter so many basterds you mix the greco to israeli... anyway, you might have an edge now but we are far from defenseless, I wouldn't count on extra hardware, history have shown us bigger gaps between forces can be closed in the blink of an eye in war

Soon the peace eagle will enter service and we'll have better means of coordinating our forces, so unless you plan to use all your planes in an air-raid or whatever reason you have to violate our air space we will know exactly how many planes should be scrambled and we deal with this kind of situations almost since greece came to exist we can handle you too in a quite familiar way. :coffee:

For Mediterranean sea its more then enough. Big ships are needed for oceans.
A fair excuse, I'd say "we don't have required manpower and naval tradition for such thing" but yours is OK too

Finally @axa i see you are a very eager one, but I can guarantee you, Turkey will never, ever buy F15 so stop babbling

-Well, we will never buy any 4th generation fighter jet from another country to be percise but i think you got the point-
You see, im not getting old or anything. This happens when you counter so many basterds you mix the greco to israeli... anyway, you might have an edge now but we are far from defenseless, I wouldn't count on extra hardware, history have shown us bigger gaps between forces can be closed in the blink of an eye in war

Soon the peace eagle will enter service and we'll have better means of coordinating our forces, so unless you plan to use all your planes in an air-raid or whatever reason you have to violate our air space we will know exactly how many planes should be scrambled and we deal with this kind of situations almost since greece came to exist we can handle you too in a quite familiar way. :coffee:

A fair excuse, I'd say "we don't have required manpower and naval tradition for such thing" but yours is OK too

Finally @axa i see you are a very eager one, but I can guarantee you, Turkey will never, ever buy F15 so stop babbling

-Well, we will never buy any 4th generation fighter jet from another country to be percise but i think you got the point-

i find this post offensive
Wtf is wrong with you? I was thanking your posts and this is the **** i get in return? And btw who the fck are u? Mann fck off ur talking as if ur in charge of the Airforce :lol:

I didnt even say that we are going to buy f15 u drunk or what? it thats what u made up thats all
1) Last time Israel shot two mig-29s in september 2001.
2) Experience is not going anywhere. Israelis had hundreds of air to air victories and this combat experience is passed.
3) MiG-21Bis, MiG-23ML and MiG-25 were pretty good aircrafts for 1982.


1) TuAF has zero experience vs. SAMs. IAF has very rich experience vs. strong echeloned air defences.
2) TuAF has zero deep striking experience. IAF carried stikes thousands kms away.
3) TuAF has zero intense striking experience. IAF carred over hundred sorties a day for long period several times.
4) TuAF has very little UAV coordination experience. IAF is a pioneer in this field.


Actually experience gones if its not continuous. Turkish Air Force has a strict order of training, exercises, air to ground missions through Northern Iraq is done many times and still continues, they're constantly tangling with Greek jets, just not engaging even though they had the advantage in many cases, what makes you to think that they would be inferior to Israeli pilots ?
i find this post offensive
well, sorry it was supposed to show confidence rather than offending anyone but i guess i wasn't in mood for this :/

Wtf is wrong with you? I was thanking your posts and this is the **** i get in return? And btw who the fck are u? Mann fck off ur talking as if ur in charge of the Airforce :lol:

I didnt even say that we are going to buy f15 u drunk or what? it thats what u made up thats all
We need like 150 turkish modified F15s .

Whatever, it's not important. I just can't believe you guys feel so insecure so easily. Those F15s could give them an edge yes. But other than that two airforces are almost identical. So coming up with "we need one zillion of these" is pointless because airforce won't pay money for another 4th generation aircraft that requires different spare parts and different training of technical personnel etc.
Actually experience gones if its not continuous. Turkish Air Force has a strict order of training, exercises, air to ground missions through Northern Iraq is done many times and still continues, they're constantly tangling with Greek jets, just not engaging even though they had the advantage in many cases, what makes you to think that they would be inferior to Israeli pilots ?

Again? EXPERIENCE! Israel have more, much more, much much more of EXPERIENCE. Israeli Air force Also regularly, dont remember where i red that IAF have approximately the same amount of flight hours as France/Germany
Whatever, it's not important. I just can't believe you guys feel so insecure so easily. Those F15s could give them an edge yes. But other than that two airforces are almost identical. So coming up with "we need one zillion of these" is pointless because airforce won't pay money for another 4th generation aircraft that requires a different spare parts and different training of technical personnel etc.

I dont think that IAF advantage over Turkish is just in slightly more aircrafts, but in technology within and on these platforms
I'm repeating myself, experience of older generations gives no more experience then a ordinary exercise to today's pilots, your new generation pilots didn't lived them, what you have today is mostly air to ground strikes, what kind of much much much much more experience are you talking about ?

Also, check the flight hours(not an official document but at least gives an idea)


9 Israeli pilots have over 1000 flight hours
129 Turkish pilots have over 1000 flight hours(many of them have over 2000, 3000, 4000)

Turkey's military says two of its warplanes chased an Israeli aircraft that allegedly violated the airspace of the breakaway Turkish Cypriot state, where Turkey is exploring for oil and gas.

A military statement late on Wednesday said the Israeli plane violated the airspace five times on Monday until the two Turkish F-16 jets forced it to leave the area over the Turkish Cypriot north of the divided island.

The statement didn't identify the type of Israeli aircraft and there was no immediate comment from Israeli officials.

Ties between Turkey and Israel have been strained by Israel's treatment of Palestinians and the discovery by Israel and Cyprus of huge offshore natural gas deposits.

Turkey opposes any energy search by Greek Cypriots, has dismissed a Cypriot-Israeli deal demarcating their maritime borders, and retaliated by signing exploration deals with the Turkish Cypriots.
Turkey jets chase Israel plane from Cyprus | News | Business Spectator
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