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Turkey In Talks With 10 Nations Including Pakistan To Sell Its Most-Powerful Drone – Bayraktar TB2 UCAV?

There is no established doctrine. I mentioned in another thread after the Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict militaries worth their salt sent officers to learn from Turkey and Azerbaijan and how they deployed drones and utilized them to the effects they did. Not a single soul was sent and even if it was sent was just a token photo shoot opportunity.

We do not have an evolving military culture as my relatives in Pak Army also say.
Everything Comes down to useless education system. Pakistani society and education system are the killer of young curious minds. Plus most of these guys come from middle or lower middle class and to them, title of Kaptan or Generaaaal Saab is enough. They don’t have thirst to think proactive. In general Pakistanis think reactively.
Everything Comes down to useless education system. Pakistani society and education system are the killer of young curious minds. Plus most of these guys come from middle or lower middle class and to them, title of Kaptan or Generaaaal Saab is enough. They don’t have thirst to think proactive. In general Pakistanis think reactively.
people who question or reason are thrashed and threatened excessively. people fear for their lives lynch mob that is hair trigger away to evoke blasphemy without bothering to fact check or verify the accusation and then in the institutions insecure leadership that will snub and suppress the bright and creative people and promote arse lickers.
Eurasian times is an Indian propaganda outlet. It could not be considered a credible source of news. I have been following their work for a year now. Its link to the Srivastava group should be probed. Highly suspicious site.
i told them Pakistan should go for a Mohajer-6 with TOT and work its way up it simply easier because 95% of parts are built by one nation, Pakistan needs the technology not just the product.

If I’m not mistake Mohajer-2 was used effectively during the Iran-Iraq War. It shows the knowledge library between Pak Officers compared to others, even Iran is ahead of us in adoption of tactics on UAVs. The Mohajer family of drones is the most mature version of Iranian UAVs could’ve joined this project with ToT as you said.

The hats of you the Iranians.
people who question or reason are thrashed and threatened excessively. people fear for their lives lynch mob that is hair trigger away to evoke blasphemy without bothering to fact check or verify the accusation and then in the institutions insecure leadership that will snub and suppress the bright and creative people and promote arse lickers.

Bhai you might remember few years back a documentary in regards to madrassa students who were questioned on various topics — they never made eye contact and kept repeating what their Mullahs taught them word for word. General knowledge questions were asked and they froze and couldn’t function. If questions outside a certain frame was presented to independently think they always referred back to the Mullah. The school system isn’t any different master said this and that’s it’s —

I read a report from a US Military Officer awhile back who during the 70s-80s was sent to PMA and interviewed Pakistani officers and American officers along with Pakistanis who were trained at US schools and returned back. They felt let down as they couldn’t fully utilize their new found knowledge and restricted by the higher ups, and relied on outdated material to teach. A purposefully dumbing down of knowledge.

The Quetta Experience
By David O. Smith

I thank God for my fortune my family back home are major landowners and really well of and could afford education and send their kids outside and we migrated to the US. Hence overseas Pakistanis think differently than our counter parts back home and when we see certain things it blows us out the water to actually think this is still going on.
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50 Units would be helpful around Afghanistan / Pakistan Borders
> 25 PK-Afghhanistan
> 25 Balochistan - Afghanisan/Iran Border
I hope talks fail with Pakistan

Pakistan would most probably use these drones to give them sunbath every year on 23 March. So they are a clear waste of money.
Integrating a Drone and utilizing it fully takes time. They arrived in February it would take few more months for them to get fully integrated as well utilized. Also we lack pilots to operate them. We don't have them in enough numbers to keep them in Air all the time. Things are being speeded up but it would take time. Plus using drones in our own areas against those dumbos who are hiding among our own population is also not easy job.

Wait till February 2025

These drones won't be used against BLA even then while BLA would be killing fc troops like always

You just need to wait and watch
Pakistan has no need for TB2 after it unveiled Shahpar 2. Pakistan will look for some HALE options but not any time soon.
Of course PA will not buy them, cause they might help the foot soldiers from dying and being sitting ducks in Ambushes, Of course drones can only used as immediate support for pinned down soldiers in cases of Ambushes which would if not save lives at least it will make sure that the terrorists then don't loot the bodies and escape. I have full confidence in PA procurement teams, they will make the Wro-ght decision.
From the onset of WoT PA realized serious holes in our COIN capability and after a lot of painful losses we broke the C&C of terrorists in Pakistan. After 2014 there was a need to upgrade our COIN assets and training to ensure that insurgents don't regroup and launch another insurgency against Pakistan. 2014 was the year to induct UCAV in pakistan military however we hearing about drones just now. It seems that people at the helm of affairs lack vision to foresee the upcoming threats. Excluding certain examples, our purchases and our reactions have largely been reactive instead of proactive. Terrible situation overall.
From the onset of WoT PA realized serious holes in our COIN capability and after a lot of painful losses we broke the C&C of terrorists in Pakistan. After 2014 there was a need to upgrade our COIN assets and training to ensure that insurgents don't regroup and launch another insurgency against Pakistan. 2014 was the year to induct UCAV in pakistan military however we hearing about drones just now. It seems that people at the helm of affairs lack vision to foresee the upcoming threats. Excluding certain examples, our purchases and our reactions have largely been reactive instead of proactive. Terrible situation overall.
Well I don't know if you know about this but the culture within Pakistani military is yes sir.. right sir...ok sir... no one is thinking critically about what is needed when and where and why? When a soldier or a young officer goes to 2IC for giving some suggestions he is told to f*** off why? Because CO saab would get angry...... in Pakistan army a soldier is not supposed to think he must obey... I have seen a few assets in some place where they are just sitting and getting rusted but well who are we to question? Even now army fails to realise they are about to get their butt's kicked by terrorists in balochistan and FATA if they don't get drones for COIN and CAS roles... our soldiers are suffering casualties without air support while the commander goes to his home after tea break... they are cold hard facts... Drones are needed and now.. or we will loose way too many troops once taliban take control of afg the situation might get even worse the leadership remains unaware somehow.... and the list of excuses keeps getting longer.. we are fighting expect losses etc.. if you are fighting then better arm your soldiers instead of crying about it how much will 30 drones cost? Not too much even if it is $200 million it's worth it .. why? For peace and stability in the region and most importantly saving the lives of our troops nothing else should matter.
50 Units would be helpful around Afghanistan / Pakistan Borders
> 25 PK-Afghhanistan
> 25 Balochistan - Afghanisan/Iran Border

Pakistan needs every single bit of tool that can grant it advantage forget about this pride or what not.. Buy anything that has advantage in it and this will not cause interference with your local productions go both ways and go for high products in both ways.. They say if you want peace prepare for war and it has to be a constant exercise
Well they'll probably end up looking shiny and new in hangers. The current Wing Loong 2's haven't done much whilst the FC was getting attacked night and day.
Integration and training take time.

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