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Turkey In Talks With 10 Nations Including Pakistan To Sell Its Most-Powerful Drone – Bayraktar TB2 UCAV?

Turkey would sell absolutely everything to Pakistan. I would go one step further. I would like to see joint ventures between Pakistan and Turkey.

@Hakikat ve Hikmet
TB3 is better since it has satellite based secured links. And, they’re quite affordable…

Ukraine has procured TB2s and put them under severe EW tests. TB2s have come out successful….
Drones can be used for route surveillance. They can also be used to detect terrorists grouping up to launch an attack, or to provide cover to posts under attack for 8 hours....
And, take them out using cheap micro ammunition like Roketsan’s MML/C….
Pakistan should go for indigenously replicating the ecosystem of the UAVs of all sorts….
Tbh we should've done this during Zarb e Azb or earlier. Yet we pissed away money on everything but drones.
Should've retired old F-7 or A-5 squadrons and replaced them entirely with UCAVs.
And, take them out using cheap micro ammunition like Roketsan’s MML/C
On a side note, how much does a MML/C cost? Aren't guided munitions inherently more expensive?
Turkey will make sure that the one who pays more operates the better military Hardware assembled or made by Turkey.
Don't get emotional, Turkey has no obligation to anyone except bunch of complements with naive muzzies.
Pakistan is receiving MILGEMs, at same time India is receiving one of the most advanced logistical ships of Turkey. Given the fact that Turkish made naval platforms are good if not one of the bests, i must admit. Mostly because of the access of Turkey to open markets of European made hardwares.
Its business
It’s almost like we have two projects in the works, mirroring the Turkish strategy, with a tb2 analogue inducted in the PAF And soon, an Anka analogue.
Eurasiantimes is a stupid source, we have no reason to buy Turks drones.
Turkey will make sure that the one who pays more operates the better military Hardware assembled or made by Turkey.
Don't get emotional, Turkey has no obligation to anyone except bunch of complements with naive muzzies.
Pakistan is receiving MILGEMs, at same time India is receiving one of the most advanced logistical ships of Turkey. Given the fact that Turkish made naval platforms are good if not one of the bests, i must admit. Mostly because of the access of Turkey to open markets of European made hardwares.

This is not entirely accurate. Some Turkish companies flat out do not deal with India and will stick with Pakistan, irrespective of the states policy, for now, large arms sales to India are limited to certain firms.
Pakistan needs TB2S, akinci, TB3S and MIUS.. I assure you with MIUS Pakistan will have air-superiority in the area for the next 30 years there is not much India could do to counter that for decades

Are you trying to establish your opinion, weak as it may be, as fact?

You are betting on Turkish Drones against drones being manufactured in all the other countries of the world from where India can buy Drones including the Pioneer in Drone Technology? That's some big statement and unreasonable boast.
Are you trying to establish your opinion, weak as it may be, as fact?

You are betting on Turkish Drones against drones being manufactured in all the other countries of the world from where India can buy Drones including the Pioneer in Drone Technology? That's some big statement and unreasonable boast.

MIUS is a 5th generation stealth umanned fighter jet with AI is not just merely a drone
Drones can be used for route surveillance. They can also be used to detect terrorists grouping up to launch an attack, or to provide cover to posts under attack for 8 hours....
Yes you can but even for that you need huge number of drone pilots. Pakistan doesn't have that much number of drone pilots yet.
Yes you can but even for that you need huge number of drone pilots. Pakistan doesn't have that much number of drone pilots yet.
I guess you're right, but it's easier to train drone pilots rather than actual pilots.
Well they'll probably end up looking shiny and new in hangers. The current Wing Loong 2's haven't done much whilst the FC was getting attacked night and day.
Sir, using thousand dollars missiles on a bunch of terrorists is not economically feasible.
Sir, using thousand dollars missiles on a bunch of terrorists is not economically feasible.

Brother the amount of damage they do is far greater than a few thousand dollars.
Sir WING LONG II came in last few months. If you think Drone can come and will be operational in two days then sorry it doesn't happen that way. It would take few months for it at least to be fully integrated and become operational.

Plus you have to train your pilots for it. You right now have very very few people who could fully operate UAV

Pakistani personal have had significant training on it before it arrived.
They are underused let's admit it.
Pakistan needs TB2S, akinci, TB3S and MIUS.. I assure you with MIUS Pakistan will have air-superiority in the area for the next 30 years there is not much India could do to counter that for decades

I think the drone warfare will become obsolete in front of EM weapons. So in that context, Pakistan should focus on EM weapons and count in the fact that their opponent will have some EM weapons that would negate electric systems of any remotely piloted vehicle / drone.
So buy / build advanced drones that can be used for Strike & AD like the Akinci (include heavy BVR loadout). Additionally, Pakistan should focus on autonomous LR-ABM. Just my two cents.
Plus you have to train your pilots for it. You right now have very very few people who could fully operate UAV.
Pakistan seems to lack methodology to employ drones. For base or battalions level area of operations (AO) security, small drones can be operated by battalion or regimental level soldiers. These drones are launched from catapult and stay in air for hours. It’s doesn’t take long to train soldiers on small drones. Larger drones that require airfield can be operated by Airforce and requires lot more skill.

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