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Turkey In Talks With 10 Nations Including Pakistan To Sell Its Most-Powerful Drone – Bayraktar TB2 UCAV?

But why is the Pakistani flag in there?

Because Pakistan was part of the Ottoman Empire ;)
Green half-moon below the sultan's seal (Tughra) symbolizes that the Ottoman state is the guard of the all Muslims of the World.
If I’m not mistake Mohajer-2 was used effectively during the Iran-Iraq War. It shows the knowledge library between Pak Officers compared to others, even Iran is ahead of us in adoption of tactics on UAVs. The Mohajer family of drones is the most mature version of Iranian UAVs could’ve joined this project with ToT as you said.

The hats of you the Iranians.
thanks , we are far from being done with Mohajer family its a good drone extremely cheap with high quality easy to maintain easy to work with, man when i look at Pakistan - Iran drone section let's say it's a wasted opportunity, Shahed -129 was a operational long range drone ( hitting ISIS all over Iraq and Syria ) loooooog before middle east knew what a male drone is ( except for Israel ), now Iran is operating stealth drones for 8 years and not even Israel has them yet you see the trend again, in air defense section its been 2 years sense Bavar-373 and again its only Iran and Israel that has them we already working on its next generation with 400 km range these are the projects that are in dark ( meaning no one will care if Pakistan important them secretly ) and Pakistan can jump on these projects only to get ahead of its enemies for 20 years at least, remember what US said back in 2012 " the technology on our RQ-170 will push Iran drone program up 50 years from rest of the world" if Pakistan get not 50 but 10 years in technology transfer that will be a huge lead over let say Indian drone program,
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List of UAV/Drones in Pakistan Army, on WIKIPEDIA is very old.
Can you please load the list of UAV Drones that Pakistan own are have place an order ??
Do you think today UAV Drones are a practical replacement of jet fighters at low cost ??

1- I have found that Pakistan got 12 of CH4-UAV , Win Long 2, from China.
2- Pakistan Acquires Rights To Anka Drone From Turkey, Joint Production & Technology Transfer
3- Did Pakistan got
Bayraktar Tactical UAS (UAV) from Turkey or ??
Pak should also go for Alpagu kamikaze drones or make something similar.
We are in dire need of UCAVs for our fight against BLA terrorists in particular, our FC soldiers need aerial support.
its a proven platform

it defeated armies in Syria, Libya and Azerbaijan

Well done !
I will only buy a drone from Turkey if its called " Ertuğrul " :)
Do you think today UAV Drones are a practical replacement of jet fighters at low cost ??

1- I have found that Pakistan got 12 of CH4-UAV , Win Long 2, from China.
2- Pakistan Acquires Rights To Anka Drone From Turkey, Joint Production & Technology Transfer
3- Did Pakistan got
Bayraktar Tactical UAS (UAV) from Turkey or ??

There was a news about Paksitan and China to co-producing 48 WING LONG II for Pakistan airforce. I am not sure how many we have in the inventory.

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