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Turkey In Talks With 10 Nations Including Pakistan To Sell Its Most-Powerful Drone – Bayraktar TB2 UCAV?

Do you think today UAV Drones are a practical replacement of jet fighters at low cost ??

1- I have found that Pakistan got 12 of CH4-UAV , Win Long 2, from China.
2- Pakistan Acquires Rights To Anka Drone From Turkey, Joint Production & Technology Transfer
3- Did Pakistan got
Bayraktar Tactical UAS (UAV) from Turkey or ??
Yes, proven by Armenia/Azerbaijan conflict. Not only useful for COIN but also conventional warfare. UCAVs are the reason why dedicated CAS aircraft like A-10 are not being developed now and have reduced reliance on Gunship helicopters to a extent too. Propeller driven CAS aircraft like Super Tacano are for those airforces that don't have access to UCAV capability.

Modern combat arena is now too risky for manned fighters to loiter around and engage small targets up close so UCAVs are more feasible.

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