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Turkey In Talks With 10 Nations Including Pakistan To Sell Its Most-Powerful Drone – Bayraktar TB2 UCAV?

Brother the amount of damage they do is far greater than a few thousand dollars.

Pakistani personal have had significant training on it before it arrived.
They are underused let's admit it.
How do you even know they are under used ? I really want to know your genius way of knowing that they are under used. And no Sir you don't have enough pilots yet. Very few were trained in China. Pakistan has set up a training center here in Pakistan but producing people in big numbers will take time. Wing Long II arrived two or three months ago. No they are not operational yet because no drones gets operational in three to four months.

@PanzerKiel @Blacklight
Brother the amount of damage they do is far greater than a few thousand dollars.

Pakistani personal have had significant training on it before it arrived.
They are underused let's admit it.

I don't we can use drones on the sudden rampage by terrorists on FC check post or vehicles they can be used to bomb their hideouts etc
I don't we can use drones on the sudden rampage by terrorists on FC check post or vehicles they can be used to bomb their hideouts etc
Integrating a Drone and utilizing it fully takes time. They arrived in February it would take few more months for them to get fully integrated as well utilized. Also we lack pilots to operate them. We don't have them in enough numbers to keep them in Air all the time. Things are being speeded up but it would take time. Plus using drones in our own areas against those dumbos who are hiding among our own population is also not easy job.
Because Pakistan don’t seems to know how to properly employ drones. From small to large.

There is no established doctrine. I mentioned in another thread after the Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict militaries worth their salt sent officers to learn from Turkey and Azerbaijan and how they deployed drones and utilized them to the effects they did. Not a single soul was sent and even if it was sent was just a token photo shoot opportunity.

We do not have an evolving military culture as my relatives in Pak Army also say.
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How do you even know they are under used ? I really want to know your genius way of knowing that they are under used. And no Sir you don't have enough pilots yet. Very few were trained in China. Pakistan has set up a training center here in Pakistan but producing people in big numbers will take time. Wing Long II arrived two or three months ago. No they are not operational yet because no drones gets operational in three to four months.

@PanzerKiel @Blacklight

The type wrote about are underused unless you can show me where and how they have been used. My genius way? How about counting the sheer level of dead troops from the FC, that's a good starting point.
How do you know only a "few" trained in China? I very much doubt that the forces would buy a system and then train the bulk of its pilots whilst it just sits there.
Damm sounds nice , by the way my nation Bangladesh needs some lol :rolleyes:
This source is an Indian PR company that gets posted here like the gospel truth, the guy behind the site is an SEO professional. It's funny what gets posted as news. He's been able to literally get into Google News based on backlinks generated via forums such as this. This is quite literally the funniest thing ever.
Sir WING LONG II came in last few months. If you think Drone can come and will be operational in two days then sorry it doesn't happen that way. It would take few months for it at least to be fully integrated and become operational.

Plus you have to train your pilots for it. You right now have very very few people who could fully operate UAV.

Drones are being used. But IED attacks can't be detected through Drones. We are loosing soldiers in IED attacks these days. They are becoming main headache. We are using Drones but the Drones which we recently got are not fully integrated yet. Drones also take months to become integrated in your force. It doesn't work like you get the drone on one Monday and by next Monday it would be fully operational.
These are just excuses. What about Buraaq? Our so called indigenous UCAV? I literally have never seen it after its announcement video.
Sir, using thousand dollars missiles on a bunch of terrorists is not economically feasible.
Yeah, lets use F-16s with sniper pods instead. Wow, amazing cost saving.
Our military has zero common sense when it comes to drone warfare. Desi style warfare going on. Drones are a cheap and effective way to deal with the ambush menance in balochistan.
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Drones are being used. But IED attacks can't be detected through Drones. We are loosing soldiers in IED attacks these days. They are becoming main headache. We are using Drones but the Drones which we recently got are not fully integrated yet. Drones also take months to become integrated in your force. It doesn't work like you get the drone on one Monday and by next Monday it would be fully operational.

Americans deployed Drones with sensor and thermal imaging that could detect IED much quickly and safely by detecting recent deformations and out of place filling up of soils besides the road sides and pathways suggesting suspicious digging. though ground penetrating imaging, even the non metalic concealed objects can stand out.

I did see a news report on it about 6 or 7 years ago. I dont have details about the extent of the technology and details about drones but this seems very fast and effective way of sanitizing and securing usual routes used by forces and general public against hidden IEDs and mines etc.

. the Drone uses GPR sensors and IR cameras to compare the live feed with the prior recorded feed of the area and looks for anomalies or changes and marks out patches or blocks on the local topography or features ,, animals, bushes rubble, holes trenches recently deposited mile of dirt etc stands out by removing the clutter and imaging the concealed objects like landmines or IEDs.

this essentially reduces the time and places needed to watch out for or deactivate anything concealed to harm civilians or public. GPR stands for ground penetrating radar. currently I am only aware of Americans having such technology.

it will be a miracle if our military leadership realizes the need for these drones and tries all willing suppliers in east or west to to procure these drones as they will be cost effective in the long run for CPEC route and beyond. to me it seems that the current number of deaths caused by these IEDs is not sufficient for the leadership to spend time and potentially money on feasibility and benefits of such drones.

we can make a case to west that using such drones is in support of American war on terror and they are purely defensive. if we are prevented by West to get those drones then we can try Turkey, Russia or China to see if they have something similar.
This source is an Indian PR company that gets posted here like the gospel truth, the guy behind the site is an SEO professional. It's funny what gets posted as news. He's been able to literally get into Google News based on backlinks generated via forums such as this. This is quite literally the funniest thing ever.
@WebMaster You should make the links posted on the forum No-Follows.
Pakistan should go for indigenously replicating the ecosystem of the UAVs of all sorts….
i told them Pakistan should go for a Mohajer-6 with TOT and work its way up it simply easier because 95% of parts are built by one nation, Pakistan needs the technology not just the product.
Americans deployed Drones with sensor and thermal imaging that could detect IED much quickly and safely by detecting recent deformations and out of place filling up of soils besides the road sides and pathways suggesting suspicious digging. though ground penetrating imaging, even the non metalic concealed objects can stand out.

I did see a news report on it about 6 or 7 years ago. I dont have details about the extent of the technology and details about drones but this seems very fast and effective way of sanitizing and securing usual routes used by forces and general public against hidden IEDs and mines etc.

. the Drone uses GPR sensors and IR cameras to compare the live feed with the prior recorded feed of the area and looks for anomalies or changes and marks out patches or blocks on the local topography or features ,, animals, bushes rubble, holes trenches recently deposited mile of dirt etc stands out by removing the clutter and imaging the concealed objects like landmines or IEDs.

this essentially reduces the time and places needed to watch out for or deactivate anything concealed to harm civilians or public. GPR stands for ground penetrating radar. currently I am only aware of Americans having such technology.

it will be a miracle if our military leadership realizes the need for these drones and tries all willing suppliers in east or west to to procure these drones as they will be cost effective in the long run for CPEC route and beyond. to me it seems that the current number of deaths caused by these IEDs is not sufficient for the leadership to spend time and potentially money on feasibility and benefits of such drones.

we can make a case to west that using such drones is in support of American war on terror and they are purely defensive. if we are prevented by West to get those drones then we can try Turkey, Russia or China to see if they have something similar.
Once you have recording. You can also use software to analyze traffic pattern. Computer will generate it over the map with colors coded lines in a split second. let suppose in hr 1 to 4 there was average traffic, hr 5 unusually human moment on a certain spot on the road. Than traffic resumed as normal. Go back and review recording from hr 5. Either it’s an accident or some one was sitting their digging hole for IED. Similarly if drone video s capturing from top, you might be able to see where terrorist came from and which way he left.

What Pakistan needs is massive data stores facilities like US have. To store 30 days, constant surveillance data from the field for analyst to work on.

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