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TURKEY break dependence on Foreign Military Technology ( all projects with details )

I am talking about 250km EL/M-2248 MF-STAR Radar which use by KOLKATA class Destroyer of the Indian Navy

450km Radar is new variant
which platform is using 450km Radar variant ?
dont know
If they can make a jet engine that is equiv to thier American and European counterpart

That'll be huge achievement!
Will the turkish economy be strong enough?

It's ok,don't worry. He just wants to build 2 more mansions,a canal and a nuclear energy facility 😂

Edit: Sorry,I c/ped the wrong video earlier
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A swiss site say it will cost 100$ billions !!! :

Will the turkish economy be strong enough?

not $100 billion but $45 - 50 billion in 20 years
Turkiye spent even $100 billion for humanitarian aid to muslim countries in the last 10 years

and Turkiye will not spend $30 billion for F-35s in 20 years ( buying , maintenance , operation cost , etc )

Turkish Economy is one of the fastest growing economy in OECD
but since 2013 Turkiye and Turkish economy under attack by The US , FETO , PKK/YPG
and 1 USD has risen to 8,5 TL from 1.8 TL since 2013

if we are talking about purchasing power parity for military power

then Turkiye has bigger GDP PPP than Greece+Egypt+İsrael+UAE combined

9. France $3.231 trillion
10 . UK $3.174 trillion
11 Turkiye $2.749 trillion

21. Egypt $1.346 trillion
34 . United Arab Emirates $683 billion
50 . İsrael $399 billion
55 Greece $325 billion


False flagger your mission on PDF is to deflect the facts

Everything I mentioned in the above is True

-- Turkiye has the 11th biggest GDP PPP in the World ( $2.749 trillion )

Turkiye has bigger GDP PPP than Greece+Egypt+İsrael+UAE combined

-- Turkish Economy is one of the fastest growing economy in OECD

even Turkey was among the world's fastest-growing economies in 2010 and 2011, with 9.2 and 8.5 percent annual growth

2019 Q4 to 2021 Q1 ( China 1 and Turkiye 2 )

but since 2013 Turkiye and Turkish economy under attack by The US , FETO , PKK/YPG
and 1 USD has risen to 8,5 TL from 1.8 TL since 2013

-- 2013 Gezi Park rebellion
-- 2013 FETO's judical coup attemp
-- 2015 PKK's big rebellion in 22 cities
-- 2015-17 ISIS's 14 major terror attacks in Turkey
-- 2016 FETO's military coup attempt
-- 2017-2018 TRUMP's attack on Turkish Economy

-- Turkiye spent even $100 billion for humanitarian aid to muslim countries in the last 10 years

even Turkey has spent as much as $50 billion on 3,6 million Syrian Refugees since 2011

Turkey ranks second after US in global donor countries index
In 2020, Turkey accounted for 26% of global humanitarian aid – $8.04 billion of $30.9 billion

Turkey ranked third on the DI report in 2013, 2014 and 2015, second in 2016 and first in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

not $100 billion but $45 - 50 billion in 20 years
Turkiye spent even $100 billion for humanitarian aid to muslim countries in the last 10 years

and Turkiye will not spend $30 billion for F-35s in 20 years ( buying , maintenance , operation cost , etc )

Turkish Economy is one of the fastest growing economy in OECD
but since 2013 Turkiye and Turkish economy under attack by The US , FETO , PKK/YPG
and 1 USD has risen to 8,5 TL from 1.8 TL since 2013

if we are talking about purchasing power parity for military power

then Turkiye has bigger GDP PPP than Greece+Egypt+İsrael+UAE combined

9. France $3.231 trillion
10 . UK $3.174 trillion
11 Turkiye $2.749 trillion

21. Egypt $1.346 trillion
34 . United Arab Emirates $683 billion
50 . İsrael $399 billion
55 Greece $325 billion
GDP is one thing.
The state accounts benefit or deficit another. The parity of the local money another also. The demography another...

This is another quite different source for GDP :

source : https://www.journaldunet.com/patrimoine/guide-des-finances-personnelles/1209268-classement-pib/ with data from the International Monetary Fund

=> France : 5th, Turkey : 21st.


I'm interesting in the detail of these 100 billion humanitarian help.
Turkey ranks second after US in global donor countries index
In 2020, Turkey accounted for 26% of global humanitarian aid – $8.04 billion of $30.9 billion

Turkey ranked third on the DI report in 2013, 2014 and 2015, second in 2016 and first in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

IF TRUE, CONGRATS !!!! really. But honnestly i would have prefered a non turkish source.
France : 5th, Turkey : 21st.

Turkish Economy is faster growing Economy than French Economy in the last 10 years

but Turkiye is not in the EU and France is in the EU which is using Euro ( € )
and Nobody attack EU Countries

The US used USD ( $ ) as a weapon against Turkiye since 2013 and Turkish currency dropped by 472% since 2013

1 USD has risen to 1.86 TL from 1.34 TL between 2003 and 2013
1 USD has risen to 8.54 TL from 1.86 TL between 2013 and 2021

can you see the extraordinary difference ?

even in 2013 Turkiye had $957 billion of GDP Nominal
If there were no economic and asymmetrical attacks on Turkiye since 2013 , now Turkiye would have minimum $1,6 trillion of GDP Nominal instead of $794 billion .... ( Turkiye would be ranked 11th or 12th in the world by GDP Nominal )

IMF by 2021 ( GDP Nominal )

7 France $2.938 trillion
20 Turkiye $794 billion

IMF by 2021 ( GDP PPP )

9 France $3.231 trillion
11 Turkiye $2.749 trillion

GDP comparisons using PPP are more useful than those using Nominal GDP when assessing a nation's domestic market because PPP takes into account the relative cost of local goods, services and inflation rates of the country, rather than using international market exchange rates, which may distort the real differences

PPP is often used by the United Nations in constructing the human development index
The problem here is development of IIR sensor which is semiconductor intensive. Without any advanced semiconductor, it will always be dependent on imported warhead seeker. Or Turkey will have to resort to older generation and more jamprone seekers as countries in 1980-1990s used.

I'm shocked. Indian folks are usually very smart. Why do I just see either denial or refusal to accept the fact that some other nation in India's category, can make advance weapons? I used to read similar comments about the Pakistani JFT and missile tech on here too and how none of it would ever fly?

I think in your response, you mentioned about 6 times "Semiconductor tech". I know what that is and I am sure the scientists working on these projects already know they need to program the advanced chips. Instead of sounding like an approver, how about if we ask these guys these questions? May be a more productive discussion can be had.

Lastly, without making this a pissing context, I would tell you there are plenty of nations who have and can build advance jets without 30 years of experience. Taiwan, South Korea and Japan are 3 of them.
IF TRUE, CONGRATS !!!! really. But honnestly i would have prefered a non turkish source.

Ok lets go .... from non Turkish source

Turkey hosts nearly 3.6 million Syrian refugees

even Turkiye has spent $14 billion for humanitarian aid in 2 years between 2016 and 2017

Turkey ranked third on the DI report in 2013, 2014 and 2015, second in 2016 and first in 2017, 2018 and 2019

Turkey ranked second after US in global donor countries index In 2020,
Turkey accounted for 26% of global humanitarian aid – $8.04 billion of $30.9 billion


1 .. USA $6.3 billion
2 .. Turkiye $6 billion
3 .. UK $2,7 billion
4 .. Germany $2,6 billion

Global Humanitarian Assistance report 2017


1 Turkiye $8.07 billion
2 USA $6.68 billion
3 Germany $2.99 billion
4 UK $2.52 billion

Turkey topped the 2017 list of countries delivering humanitarian assistance with $8.07 billion, according to the report by the Global Humanitarian Assistance Programme of “Development Initiatives” of London

Global Humanitarian Assistance report 2018
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Lastly, without making this a pissing context, I would tell you there are plenty of nations who have and can build advance jets without 30 years of experience. Taiwan, South Korea and Japan are 3 of them.
Yes,three of the world's top nations with long-time expertise in technology and electronics though.

Whatever he says,just say "yes". He won't stop until he convinces everyone that Turkey is a world superpower with an economy stronger than the U.S. and all of the EU together. He will keep repeating the same stuff again and again.

-What flavor dodurma should I get?
-Turkey has AKINCI,TB2,MIUS,TFX,BORA,KASIRGA,ATACM,ISTANBUL CLASS FRIGATES that will destroy any bandit country!
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