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Turkey blocks Twitter, after Erdoğan vowed 'eradication'


You can continue living in your medieval sh.thole, every sane person is aware of that west has surpassed east at everything and you ask why ?

Of course becoming a democratic, fair country that respects everyone's rights is the dream, that doesn't means we will remove all of our cultural values.

LOL so everything about Turkey that is not Western standard is a medieval shithole according to you?
What an identity-crisis. Begging to join the EU and be accepted as Europeans.
You have absolutely no self-respect for your own culture and traditional Turkish values.

News-flash, the West will always look down on you because they think you are Muslim donkeys anyway.

Turkey can and should be so much more than a West outpost. It can be its own great major power with its own values.

Btw, I have no problem wih West standards. But every country has its own roots and values that ought to be given respect.

Turkey is an ancient civilization yet you act like an ungreatful little bitch and dismiss everything that makes Turkey. Pack your bags and get the hell out of Turkey you little scumbag. lol
ain't gonna waste time writing a long reply for you
eat shit and die...

Thank you for Proving my point.

When people are short on Logic this is exactly how they behave.

I am glad to expose the UNCIVILIZED AND UNCOUTH People like yourself.

So this is the Culture of Whisky Drinking , Erdogan-hating Psuedo Intellectuals of Istanbul - using fowl and profane language.
Nice to see your real opinnion about us behind you smile...
Im just saying that they think we are a joke no matter what we do. I have experienced it my self. They will always see us as different. That doesn't mean though that we cant take some stuff from them. Besides I dont agree with his first part of his sentence. I dont even know what you guys think of yourselves and i dont care how people see themselves thats not my problem.

Besides I dont care what anyone thinks about me this is the damn internet.

You're repeating same stupid sh.t again.

I told you getting western standarts in certain aspects like the ones I mentioned does not means we want to be Europeans or remove all our cultural values.

Your dividing middle eastern mentality which şs not able to straightly think and conclude what is better and what is worse is basically what we battle, your mentality is basically what should be destroyed in Turkey.
Besides I dont give a shit what anyone thinks about me this is the damn internet.
His words was directed at me but i agree with you, i will probably never see you in my life so think whatever you want.
Your dividing middle eastern mentality which şs not able to straightly think and conclude what is better and what is worse is basically what we battle, your mentality is basically what should be destroyed in Turkey.

Like....whaaaaat? :rofl:

You have no clue what you're talking about. You're going completely off tangent and all over the place.
Its a shame that I have more respect for you than you have for yourself.
His words was directed at me but i agree with you, i will probably never see you in my life so think whatevery you want.
ooh shit he quoted you? My bad.

Besides I dont think anyone on this forum is trying to act like they are from another culture. Theres a reason why we have Turkish Tea House, there is a reason why we have turkic world news discussion thread. There is a reason why people have turkish avatars.
What the hell are you talking about. Turkey and Iran have many political disputes. This has nothing to do with Iran. This has to do with that you're an ungreatful little bastard.

Dont meddle in our affairs you cunt.. and if you like him so much, call him to iran you can have that bastard.
I probably should have avoided this thread all together.:hitwall:
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