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Trump says 'Iran made a very big mistake' after US military confirms it shot down American drone

I think if they deployed Patriotic missile systems then they can intercept any incoming ballistic missile and also can make a no fly zone so that they operate through Afghanistan....
I think tomhawks will be a major threat for Iranian air force runways .....

Its not just Tomahawks. Sure its the most well known missile system. But the world doesn't really think of other long range missiles that the carrier aircraft can launch from.
An f22 still needs an airbase to operate from,and when its sitting on the ground in its shelter its very,very vulnerable...especially to something like a maneuvering terminally guided warhead[MaRV]

Or its quasi-ballistic little brothers like the dezful and zulfiqar.


Potentially very risky to attempt to operate aircraft out of bases within range of these sorts of weapons.....one big missile strike and bang goes your airbase,your aircraft,your personnel...
Its called area denial.
You kidding right?

Ever seen a massive military base up close? Particularly American? You need a lot more than these to blow one apart in full because lot of defensive arrangements in there and too much space to cover. But you will not have much time and window if US come in force.
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I think the have universal Soldier Type programme....View attachment 566063 View attachment 566062
Oh sh!t,the unichumps.....I hadnt thought about them...maybe they`ll all have bone spurs or something[lol!]
Still theres always the Wolverines,I mean if they can take down the commie blocs us invasion force then they can probably handle iran

Its not just Tomahawks. Sure its the most well known missile system. But the world doesn't really think of other long range missiles that the carrier aircraft can launch from.
Harpoon missile also very lethal against ships
3-A2G against missile launchers.
4-Air raids on nuclear facilities.
5-Air raids on industrial complexes.
6-SoF action/Air raids against supply chain(depots,dumps etc).
7-SoF raids against higher command of IRI.
Nothing is going to happen on Irani Soil, This is the game for middle east and Iran is the partner.
You kidding right?

Even seen a massive military base in real life? Particularly American? You need a lot more than these to blow one apart in full. But you will not have much time and window if US come in force.
You dont need to demolish a base completely.The main thing is to destroy or heavily degrade its ability to deploy any air power from,destroying the shelters with their aircraft inside of course along with cratering the runways and taxiways and scattering the ramps with submunitions should do a pretty good job for starters at rendering it pretty much unusable for a period,tho it will probably need follow up strikes to destroy anything else of value and perhaps periodic recratering of the runways just to be on the safe side.Ultimately tho both the destruction of the stationed aircraft and the loss of the critical associated infrastructure and personnel would likely be enough in military terms to either compromise the facilities value completely or to reduce it to a very minor level.Now with enough time you could fix it of course,but I think its likely that any conflict would probably be of a fairly short duration,I would think weeks rather than months and likely due to external pressures as anything else....,but I could be totally wrong on that.
Trump suggests 'loose and stupid' Iranian officer attacked US drone

President stopped short of escalating standoff, saying if a person was in the drone ‘it would have made a big, big difference’
Donald Trump has stopped short of escalating the worsening standoff with Iran in the Persian Gulf, suggesting that the shooting down of a US dronecould have been carried out by a “loose and stupid” Iranian officer without authorisation from Tehran, and emphasising that the aircraft was unmanned.

After meeting with his top national security officials to discuss Wednesday night’s downing of a Global Hawk spy drone, the president declared: “I would imagine it was a general or somebody that made a mistake in shooting that drone down.

“I find it hard to believe it was intentional if you want to know the truth. I think it could have been somebody who was loose and stupid that did it,” Trump told journalists. “It was a very foolish move.”

Trump reinforced the administration’s red line that it would respond militarily if Iranian forces or proxies harm Americans – but stressed that was not the case on this occasion.

“We didn’t have a man of woman in the drone. It would have made a big, big difference,” Trump said. Asked how the US would respond, he said: “You’ll find out.”

Political support from the administration’s Middle East policies is shaky. On Thursday, the Senate voted against the White House’s use of an emergency declaration to sell $8bn to its allies in the Gulf without congressional approval. His critics are unlikely to muster enough senators to overturn the expected presidential veto, but Thursday’s vote was a measure of unease over Trump’s close relationship with the Saudi monarchy.


Trump said he was sticking to his promise to extract the US from wars in the Middle East, adding: “But this is a new wrinkle, a new fly in the ointment what happened, shooting down a drone. And this country will not stand for it, that I can tell you.”

Iranian officials have said that the shooting down was a deliberate act and a success of the country’s security forces, but claimed that the aircraft was over Iranian territory.

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) news website said the drone “was shot down when it entered Iran’s airspace near the Kouhmobarak district in the south”, referring to the area of Iranian coast facing the strait of Hormuz.

“The downing of the American drone was a clear message to America … our borders are Iran’s red line and we will react strongly against any aggression … Iran is not seeking war with any country, but we are fully prepared to defend Iran,” the IRGC commander, Hossein Salami, said, according to Iranian media. Iran has announced its intention to take the matter to the UN security council.

Trump insisted that the Global Hawk drone was over international waters, saying: “We have it all documented scientifically, not just words.”

The US military said the use of a high-powered anti-aircraft missile against a target in international airspace was a danger to commercial airliners in the region.

“This was an unprovoked attack on a US surveillance asset that had not violated Iranian airspace at any time during its mission,” Gen Joseph Guastella, US Central Command’s top air force commander, told reporters.

“This attack is an attempt to disrupt our ability to monitor the area following recent threats to international shipping and the free flow of commerce,” Guastella said. “The aircraft was over the strait of Hormuz and fell into international waters.”

US officials confirmed the downed aircraft was a US navy Global Hawk surveillance drone, which had been hit by an Iranian surface-to-air missile over the strait of Hormuz at 11.35pm GMT.

The $130m (£102m) Global Hawk is the world’s largest surveillance drone, packed with sophisticated electronics and the size of a small commercial airliner. Iranian forces and allied militias had previously fired at and brought down US Reaper drones, but this is the biggest US target Iran has hit to date, as tensions in the region escalate.

Close to the same time as the drone was shot down, Houthi rebels in Yemen, who are backed by Iran, hit a Saudi desalination plant with an apparently sophisticated missile, and there have been a string of rocket and mortar attacks on or close to US facilities in Iraq.

On Wednesday the Pentagon confirmed it was sending an additional 1,000 troops to the Gulf in response to two attacks on commercial tankers on 13 June which the US has blamed on Iran’s IRGC.

Trump downplayed the tanker attacks as “very minor” but US officials have made clear to Iran that it would view an attack on its forces by Iran or proxy militias as a threshold for a military response.

Iran said the US drone was shot down by the “3rd Khordad” air defence system, which is an Iranian equivalent to the Russian Buk system that downed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over Ukraine in 2014. The use of such weapons in an area of crowded skies has underlined the dangers of the standoff in the Gulf spinning out of control.

The secretary of Iran’s supreme national security council, Ali Shamkhani, had said on Wednesday that Tehran would respond to any intrusion into its airspace or waters.

Shamkhani emphasised that Iran robustly protects its aerial and maritime borders, describing its airspace as the country’s “red line”. “No matter whose plane trespasses into it, we have always given and will give a harsh response to intruders.”

Speaking in London, the Saudi foreign minister, Adel al-Jubeir, said: “The international community is determined to push back against Iran’s aggressive behaviour.”

Saying steps were being prepared to protect shipping in the Gulf, he added: “Freedom of navigation is essential to global security and the world economy. Any attempt to close the strait of Hormuz will provoke a very strong reaction.”
Nothing is going to happen on Irani Soil, This is the game for middle east and Iran is the partner.
I second that.

You mean evacuate all of the american personnel from the me?.The potential political costs of such an act would likely be enormous,many in the region would see it as a us retreat even if it was only claimed to be temporary.
Why evacute? just spread them.
I think irran should avoid warand escalation as they cannot fight u.s
my dear fellow no matter what but iran war will be a big problem for us Pakistanis . please pray for no war man we are already in deep mess from east and west
Its a problem because as Muslim brothers, you are obligated to help your fellow Muslim brother...but i honestly expect you to give Iran the same treatment you give Palestinians,which is the super hypocrite way - "sorry, i dont know who you are".

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