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Trump says 'Iran made a very big mistake' after US military confirms it shot down American drone

Yeah when escorted by F-22 F-35 F/A-18
F-16 and F-15s....
I think they will use that stealthy monster....View attachment 566037 View attachment 566038
Considering that most of the regional air bases that those f-22,f-35,f-15 and f-16s will have to use are well within iranian missile range...,well thats likely going to pose some real problems for us and gulfie air power.The carrier based f/a-18s will likely face similar problems from irans sea denial/anti ship capabilities.
Considering that most of the regional air bases that those f-22,f-35,f-15 and f-16s will have to use are well within iranian missile range...,well thats likely going to pose some real problems for us and gulfie air power.The carrier based f/a-18s will likely face similar problems from irans sea denial/anti ship capabilities.

Although the U.S is a superpower it has significant problems with iran

First U.S personnel are still in Afghanistan and in open war they would be targeted

The U.S mid east fleet is well within iranian strike range

Although not happy with iran a number of arab states just want iran to bow as opposed to war which could bring wide scale destruction

The real push for war comes from the jews as always who have got their claws deep into the U.S currently backed up by dumb arabs
have to love trump... if this was hillary... boots would be on the ground by now....
this guy is all about expanding his business and having a fine time with the press
That's a risky move and Iran should be prepared to face the wrath of US. Instead of shooting down, they should've jammed it's electrical systems which sends a message of Iran's technological capabilities
Yeah when escorted by F-22 F-35 F/A-18
F-16 and F-15s....
I think they will use that stealthy monster....View attachment 566037 View attachment 566038
thats B-2 not B-52
reminds me of
Peoples running for lives won't care about it.Iraq=war,Afghanistan=war,Pakistan=only place in peace.
Yeah after 27 feb there is some peace
Just try making our nutjobs stay home.Otherwise with hordes of Pakistanis fighting in Iran it won't take long when US would knock on our door.
Yeah ....there are humongous amount of Iran supporters in Pakistan....

Should openly support Arabs and USA
F-22 is stealthy I don't think even China has officially claimed that they are able to shoot down stealth aircraft....
And US carrier fleet are nearly unsinkable....

But our economy can not allow us to feed free a Million people .....

If war started what should Pakistan do?
Try to save ownself
That's a risky move and Iran should be prepared to face the wrath of US. Instead of shooting down, they should've jammed it's electrical systems which sends a message of Iran's technological capabilities
Iran were well within their rights to shoot it down if it was in their air space. Self defence is not an act of war or aggression.
Iran is a mountainous country.
The fight there would be extremely difficult, unlike Iraq whose the south is plains and the north is Kurd who is against Saddam.
If the US attacks Iran, it would be their end.
Iran tried to make the deal, they voted another president to do so. Then the US betrayed them.
Under extreme pressure, the Iranian knows this.
Iran is a mountainous country.
The fight there would be extremely difficult, unlike Iraq whose the south is plains and the north is Kurd who is against Saddam.
If the US attacks Iran, it would be their end.
They can simply attack from distance,without risking lives.

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