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Trump: Pakistan is a safe haven for terrorists

i think Pakistan will bow down to u.s and will do more.our army generals and politicians have not enough courage to stand against u.s because of their financial interest and most of their children get education in u.s and europe and also for medical treatments
But, the question is how much leverage do the Pak establishment really have over the Taliban folks???? These Afghans have been playing these games for thousands of years and masters of it!!!! Do you think they have forgotten to diversify their support bases by putting all eggs in one basket? And, don't they know how to fully leverage OBOR vs anti-OBOR games where Afghanistan plays a crucial role? Don't you think Kremlin and CPC know the value of this treasury near their soft bellies? Given these facts IMO the Pak role has diminished as far as safeguarding the US interests are concerned, and these skeletons in the closet may be the real causes of embarrassment for the Pindi boys!!!! Anyway, the DC boys are even more spectacular failures in this regard!!!!!!
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No way US can put sanctions on Pakistan and still have transit route to Afghanistan. We are not as weak as we were back in 2001 when we were dragged into this war at gunpoint. Pakistan is not Iraq or Afghanistan, we're a nuclear armed power with a capacity and capability to defend and strike at any point.
US has spent $805 billion in Iraq and another $783 billion in Afghanistan sofar with no result. A war with Pakistan will be 4-5 times costlier and will bankrupt USA.

And cripple the US military in Afghanistan.
First of all, what makes you think the EU will follow suit?

Trump has worsened relations with Germany, and even threatened to leave NATO. There is no legal obligation between these states to follow sanctions and I dont see why they would.

Secondly Pakistan is far from an export driven economy, in fact exports have dropped from 21 billion to around 18 billion and nothing has happened. The US are not stupid enough to add sanctions, and even if they did thee would be little effect.

There will be no economic sanctions/embargo against Pakistan. But, if the US did decide to impose sanctions - European nations would absolutely go along with them. Not because they agree with them - they might or might not. But, American sanctions tend to punish not only American companies from doing business with states they deem to be 'undesirable', but also companies/banks/institutions based in other nations.

It is essentially blackmail - but, it is effective.
I think the corrupt Pakistani politicians will cave in to sell out the nation... expect Drone attacks, Blackwater, and terrorism like the 2008s again ... pakistanis are going to get bombed and our politicians are going to run off to the bank with bags full of money..

Pakistan can in theory block the trade route to Afghanistan but it never will and never had... because it's corrupt politicians will never make that call.

This is more of a failure of pakistan foreign policy than a victory for India.

Trump can nuke Islamabad off the map... pakistan will still grant Americans whatever they want...

That is why he is moving against pakistan... because we are spineless nation when it comes to the USA. Look at Iran... Trump is scared pissing himself when thinking about Iran.
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Forget other things ,just cut the US and EU exports and see the numbers .
Don't even count the other aspects of the sanctions

You may not realize but we actually have been there and we have done that......yet we did not back down, we did become a Nuclear Power despite Pressler Amendment and subsequent sanctions on Pakistan. We remain a Nuclear power despite all kinds of sanctions on Pakistan after our Nuclear tests in 1998 and it was the US that finally blinked for help in Afghanistan.

I would say that the period under sanction was the golden period for Pakistan, we started to learn self reliance, we renewed friendship with other countries and we we on the path of true independence, away from US dictation.......we almost made it. This time, we must, break the chain altogether. It would be rather amusing to see which side loses more once Pakistan actually denies passage to US troops and shipments and starts shooting down any intruding aircraft. I further wonder what would happen to the US troops in Afghanistan if the freedom fighters suddenly start finding anti-armor and anti-air weapons to fight against Tanks and Gunships.
Terrorists who slaughter innocent people will find no glory in this life or the next. They are nothing but thugs and criminals and predators, and, that’s right, losers.

I wonder if this includes this guy as well .......

"Robert Bales (born June 30, 1973) is a former United States Army soldier who murdered 16 Afghan civilians in Panjwayi, Kandahar, Afghanistan, on March 11, 2012 – an event known as the Kandahar massacre."

If US would wage a war or not would depends on how Pakistan responds...

Trump has given a signal.. He praised Pakistan for its past services like COAS wanted but has given almost an ultimatum. The ball is now in Pakistan's count to cooperate or not. If you don't then war is surely an option.

If Saudis want their borders secure and safe and if US wants a face saving exit from Afghanistan ......... both of them will respect Pakistan and its genuine concerns. It will be hard for you to figure this one out ....... but finally we have locked the interests of major players .............. by the way the days of planting a dictator in Pakistan to achieve someone's own goals have also long gone and faded ........... difficult now.

Rhetoric is one thing, churning out same demands "do more", oh safe heavens and some new additional blah blah added with new administration in place ......... but the ground realities are something that have been there for last 17 years. Fencing, additional posts and stricter visa documentation requirements won't leave any excuse for incompetent bastards. I foresee the plan of blaming Pakistan for every ill failing fast and quick.
But most of the terrorists are from within ...

The wall will keep anyone from going out or coming in from the Afghan side.

The US/Afghanistan can then sort out the issues on the Afghanistan side and our law enforcement agencies will sort out the security situations on Pakistan side [ which they already have upto 90% ]

It will put to rest the blame game.
Like i said. Western companies do more business in Pakistan that the combined total of Exports and Remittances.
Just how many Mc Donalds branches are there in Pakistan and how much they earn?
And yes Pakistanis can make burgers after Mc Donalds get kicked out.
The GDP of Pakistan is less than that of Miami. No one really cares.
So his new policy is repeat of old Bush plan?
Half of Afghanistan is under taliban we see no change if we see a troop surge infact it actually helps taliban recruit more militants we will seal the border and be done with it but US will be left in this quicksand for next decade
Question is when India gonna send their troops in Afghanistan to fight against terrorism. Waiting for that day :D and why USA is not asking India as India is the close friend of Afghanistan as per India and Usa Claims.
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