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Trump: Pakistan is a safe haven for terrorists

lol we will see what happens. Don't shit in your pants yet out of happiness ;).

We will indeed see what happens.
I'm not. In a way it is dissapointing to see Trump escalating it but it does serve India's interests.

We will indeed, and who knows, they might be able to stabilize it, we'll have to wait and see.
So he's following the footsteps of Obama? Didn't he say the same before the election to take American soldiers outta this mess but never actually did anything. Then Trump used the same card to target the specific community to gain vote. Just like Obama in this matter, ditched his voters with spending more in Afghanistan.

Ps: American establishment praises Pakistan's effort fighting against terrorism.

Pss: Trump also fueling the fire in this region.
If we go down believe it or not few people are coming with us.... including one super and one shupa power

The Super Power does nor care about what you do to the Shupa power.

And no you cannot even touch the Super power. That is the hard reality.
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If Any country says, Pakistan supports terrorists and terrorists find safe heaven in Pakistan but as per our friends, they (India, Afghanistan, US, etc) are wrong.

US is saying due to nawaaz foreign policy failure.
Iran - no, Iran supports terrorism in Pakistan.
India- every problems start with India.

Reality - Pakistan is only correct and others are saying lie.

kulbhushan jadhav is still in Pakistan for the charges of various attacks Pakistan. Oh that's a made story by Pakistan? Right?
So he's following the footsteps of Obama? Didn't he say the same before the election to take American soldiers outta this mess but never actually did anything. Then Trump used the same card to target the specific community to gain vote. Just like Obama in this matter, ditched his voters with spending more in Afghanistan.

Ps: American establishment praises Pakistan's effort fighting against terrorism.

Pss: Trump also fueling the fire in this region.

In fact Trump is doing the opposite.

Before the polls, Trump wanted to pull US out of Afghanistan (Steve Bannon's line) but now has decided based on the advice from the generals on his team to stay put in Afghanistan as long as it is needed. No more dates for US to pull out from Afghanistan.
kulbhushan jadhav is still in Pakistan for the charges of various attacks Pakistan. Oh that's a made story by Pakistan? Right?
But world is not ready to buy your fake story. Except china, north Korea...

You can go to any other country and then you will get the know reputation of India and Pakistan.

Pakistan is important due to Afghanistan and terrorism.
but give any other country name who can says India in involve in terrorism. And India is important due to market and economy.
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The Super Power does nor care about what you do to the Shupa power.

And no you cannot even touch the Super power. That is the hard reality.

Our missiles can have a global reach in a blink.... if super power wants to exchange New York and Washington for Pakistan it's up to them... but I would cautions against it... we are not enemies ...... Don't make us one
Are economics sanctions on the way ?
we have been blamed openly, all AID has stopped any way, no military weapons since 2009 any way, how bad it can get, i doubt it can get anything worse from this

economical sanctions is not as simple, it has to have greater political sense which doesnt exist

real questions is what will Pakistan do about the current scenario, will we do anything to mend our relations ships with USA, or will just keep sleeping, will we let USA take right decisions in Afghanistan for own sake or will let them keep making mistakes and letting opium, no representative, non inclusive govt keeping wasting billion of dollars
US shud b care full whats it wishing for..... I mean seriously
This nauseating nonsense from the US President needs to be answered in the language that he understands, our leaders may need to learn a lesson or 2 from North Korean leader on how to shut this mad dog.

Silence on this matter by the Military top brass and the Government should be considered criminal negligence and treason. Our Government, our relevant ministries and the Military should take this matter up in all forums, at the highest level and in an extremely tough, non negotiable stance.

And we seriously need to review our own US-Afghanistan policy. When will enough be enough?
With the tailwind of Russia/China axis who needs Pak at the first place???? If Pak expels 3m Afghans it'll dramatically surge Taliban enrolment!!!!

Never underestimate the stupidity of Pakistani civil-military leadership. They will continue on their pathetic journey of appeasing afghanis who are interested in nothing but the destruction of Pakistan as we know it.
They know the implications of Sanctions as well, there is a reason even after OBL episode no diplomatic ties were cut, no funds were stopped.
No sanctions are going to work in favor of US of A, the only way will be an all out war. So an all out war is on table or not?
Sanctions by US & EU would be more than enough..

The top export destinations of Pakistan are
the United States ($3.93B),
China ($2.44B),
Afghanistan ($1.95B),
Germany ($1.62B)
the United Kingdom ($1.48B)

First of all, what makes you think the EU will follow suit?

Trump has worsened relations with Germany, and even threatened to leave NATO. There is no legal obligation between these states to follow sanctions and I dont see why they would.

Secondly Pakistan is far from an export driven economy, in fact exports have dropped from 21 billion to around 18 billion and nothing has happened. The US are not stupid enough to add sanctions, and even if they did thee would be little effect.
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