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Trump: Pakistan is a safe haven for terrorists

All I know if USA attacks Pakistan, 2 countries would be nuked for sure 1st India then Israel :P;) if you can't hit a taller guy on face there is always an option to hit him in balls :laugh:
Yawn. We have chartered an independent foreign policy. The Americans have been your masters - coming and going as they please. Ordering strikes. Even when one of their citizens kills your citizens in broad day light - you just let him go.

I am merely giving you a statistic based on fact, not rhetoric. Your country doesn't even have electric supply - and I had read the largest slum in the world in is Pakistan.

Get your facts straight. Go check
India has more than 5 slums.
Pakistan has only Slum area.
India Mumbai Slum rated 3rd, Pakistan Karachi Orang slum rated 5th

We have ample supply of Electricity. Distribution is and will always remain a problem for developing country which we are trying to improve upon and by 2018, it will be a much better situation. Kindly look upon yourself and then criticize others.

Cant Russia and US are world apart.
India has to give up any one. Can't keep both. Not India's choice.
So the GDP of Bombay is about $360 billion on PPP and of Pakistan is about $1 trillion on PPP. That's the economy of a city of 20 million vs a country of 200 million. Still doesn't augur too well.

Another childish comment without any mental faculties used. All the duties collected at Mumbai ports, large tax units, finance and commerce, Mumbai being the industrial capital goes into it. Mumbai being the richest city in India.

Take other Indian states example, like UP in India, UP India has a population of 22 crore and its GDP is 160 billion USD nominal about half that of Pakistan nominal GDP at 313 billion USD nominal, Pakistan population about 200 million plus now.

Tokyo city GDP at 2.00 trillion is slightly less than the 2.4 trillion USD of India with a population of 1.35 billion, Tokyo population is about 25 million...figure that.

BTW where is the link about your claim that Mumbai GDP nominal or PPP is equal to Pakistan GDP...waiting for any link or facts....

Karachi Orang slum rated 5th

Orangi Karachi is not a slum, it is called a non regularized Abadi, Orangi has hospitals, roads, sewerage, eletricity and doesn't even looks like a slum by the Indian standards...it is a low income area. One article in Telegraph London doesn't makes it a slum.

Orangi Town Karachi, Pakistan...not a slum by any standards.



Had proper schools and hospitals...
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Nothing is going to change on the ground. The above is all talk. What happened to the wall and kicking out all the Mexicans?......lol.....:lol:.This is a tacit admission by trump that the americans have failed and lost in Afghanistan. Nothing more........lol.......:lol:
Posting again....

...and this is what James Matisse, US military chief has said time and again, only few weeks ago US Mil. chief has said no victory in Afghanistan without Pakistan support. It is the Pentagon word which matters...Trump can play to the gallery as much as he likes..

No victory in Afghanistan without Pakistan’s support: US military chief


U.S. Can’t Win Afghan War Without Pakistan’s Support: Dunford

You wish!:D

That's what indians said after Pakistan tested it's nukes in 1998. Nothing changed. In fact Pakistan has become more powerful and advanced. The americans can't do anything to North Korea. So they definitely can't against us.

I can see some strict action against Pakistan by USA

Like the indians said the americans were going to do to after Pakistan tested it's nukes in 1998............:lol:

This time it's said by Trump. We should be concerned.

Bush and Obama said the same. Nothing happened. Neither will it now. All talk. No action.
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That's what indians said after Pakistan tested it's nukes in 1998. Nothing changed. In fact Pakistan has become more powerful and advanced. The americans can't do anything to North Korea. So they definitely can't against us.

Really? Alright...:lol:

Still your diplomacy sucks man. A president calls your country a terror safe heaven means somethings seriously off.

While most of the Kashmiri militant rats and their bosses are in terror list, I think it's the best time to resolve the issue once and for all:azn:.
I don't think sanctions will come openly... Warning of do more, plus the exports and remittance would be targeted. Pakistan these days having less than 90 days of foreign reserves. It would be really tough debt servings and funding imports in coming few months.
i suppose north korea to hard of nut to crack and iran has all assets in place.
So lets evaluate some facts:

Afghanistan and US blame Pakistan for sheltering terrorists.
Pakistan blames Afghanistan for the same and more.
Pakistan is fencing its borders, conducting large scale anti militancy operations while Afghanistan and US are doing next to nothing except for blaming Pakistan.
Pakistan is improving by every passing day while Afghanistan is getting further in the hole.

Now even a 50+ IQ guy can guess which country is actually working hard to get rid of this menace.
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