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Trump: Pakistan is a safe haven for terrorists

Question is when India gonna send their troops in Afghanistan to fight against terrorism. Waiting for that day :D and why USA is not asking India as India is the close friend of Afghanistan as per India and Usa Claims.
US knows who the cheap mercenaries are, who are the ones (generals and politicians) who will sell the lives of fellow country men for cash, look at last 15 years of Pak and WoT
Really? Alright...:lol:

Still your diplomacy sucks man. A president calls your country a terror safe heaven means somethings seriously off.

While most of the Kashmiri militant rats and their bosses are in terror list, I think it's the best time to resolve the issue once and for all:azn:.

He can say what he likes or thinks. Makes no difference to us. We don't seek he's approval or acknowledgement. These guys are simply angry because they can't do to Pakistan what they did to Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya etc as outlined by the neo-con manifesto in "The plans for a new american century". The failure in Afghanistan is a HUGE embarrassment to the americans. They're just looking for someone to blame.

This is just a way to deflect and destract the american public attention from the Charlottesville riot and the rise of the BLM, Alt-right and antifa melee.
Still your diplomacy sucks man. A president calls your country a terror safe heaven means somethings seriously off.

if you read the complete speech, Trump also said this....

In the past, Pakistan has been a valued partner. Our militaries have worked together against common enemies. The Pakistani people have suffered greatly from terrorism and extremism. We recognize those contributions and those sacrifices...

Also I find just two sentences uttered about safe havens in Pakistan....of a very long speech.
If our General and Politicians are rotten. Then sorry to say yours don't even deserve to be mentioned. Your every deal is full of corruption.
I see a regime change in USA soon!
Jokers days are all. He signed all the documents for what he was made "the president". USA will always remember the price of a joker president.
India is definitely a heaven for rapists coz every indian guy is rapist,India should not be called Republic of India but Republic of raping of India=The Raping Superpower!!!!!!!!!!!!!:usflag::usflag::usflag:
Also I find just two sentences uttered about safe havens in Pakistan....of a very long speech.
He wasn't doing a casual joke right?

It's an official statement, so every word spoken is important.

He can say what he likes or thinks. Makes no difference to us. We don't seek he's approval or acknowledgement. These guys are simply angry because they can't do to Pakistan what they did to Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya etc as outlined by the neo-con manifesto in "The plans for a new american century". The failure in Afghanistan is a HUGE embarrassment to the americans. They're just looking for someone to blame.

This is just a way to deflect and destract the american public attention from the Charlottesville riot and the rise of the BLM, Alt-right and antifa melee.

Well, for the sake of argument you can say it's for the American public. But do you really think American public really cares about what happens to Pakistan or Afghanistan.

The US has special interest in the region. That is to keep mil in Afghanistan. Be it Republicans or Democrats. Whatever their aims are.
So, I thought I'd look up to see if and what Pakistani politicians are saying about this - I can't read Urdu, so if any have reacted in Urdu...it's beyond me.

However, Imran Khan has responded...Pretty standard response tbh

It's an official statement, so every word spoken is important.

He said this in one of his of the record election speeches... or just a passing remark...the policy statement comes from Pentagon about Afghanistan....

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