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Trump Moves to Deport Vietnam War Refugees

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All Viet boat refugees, this is the only chance you can prove your life matters to white Trump Land!
@jhungary @Viet @gambit
Fight against racist and obese whites!
Prove you are not just some boat people in the lowest level of the white society!
@Oscar @Slav Defence @waz @The Eagle

How long exactly would you guys allow this troll thread to continue?

I mean I got notified every 2 hours by one of these yahoo troller, which did nothing but trolling. There are 5 troll post in just last 2 pages, and nothing is done?

I love being troll, but that is too much? I have other serious post I have made and waiting for some answer, and notification came and instead it was these troll post.

Shut them down now please, or I am going to have some fun with these people.
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