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Thoughts on going back to your homelands (for non-European diaspora in the West)?

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Sep 22, 2020
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
A question I have for the non-Europeans living in the West, if there was a government programme in which you could surrender your passport and resettle in a country of your choosing (most likely your ancestral homeland), in exchange for £50,000, would you take it?

In general, what are your thoughts about moving back to your homelands, will you guys ever do it or do you intend to stay for the duration of your life here in the West? What are your thoughts on the changing demographics in the West and the instabilities and conflicts these changes will bring (such as the Christchurch and El Paso gun attacks)?
My thoughts are that more Middle Easterners and Afghans need to taken in by Western countries. When you engage in war you have the responsibility to take care of the local populace.

One more thing, more white women need to continue to breed with black and colored men. The children are beautiful.
My thoughts are that more Middle Easterners and Afghans need to taken in by Western countries. When you engage in war you have the responsibility to take care of the local populace.

Those wars were mainly orchestrated by Jews, so Israel should be taking them in if we are going to play that game. But what are your thoughts on returning to your homeland?
Those wars were mainly orchestrated by Jews, so Israel should be taking them in if we are going to play that game. But what are your thoughts on returning to your homeland?

Why do Western countries continue to support Israel?

My home country is The Netherlands. I was born here. This is my soil.
A question I have for the non-Europeans living in the West, if there was a government programme in which you could surrender your passport and resettle in a country of your choosing (most likely your ancestral homeland), in exchange for £50,000, would you take it?

In general, what are your thoughts about moving back to your homelands, will you guys ever do it or do you intend to stay for the duration of your life here in the West? What are your thoughts on the changing demographics in the West and the instabilities and conflicts these changes will bring (such as the Christchurch and El Paso gun attacks)?
If there was a good standard of living in Pakistan then yes I would. I am a 3rd gen immigrant.
If there was a good standard of living in Pakistan then yes I would. I am a 3rd gen immigrant.

What do you find bad about Pakistan in terms of living standards? I would assume most Western Pakistanis are rich enough to buy nice houses in Pakistan by now.
Why do Western countries continue to support Israel?

My home country is The Netherlands. I was born here. This is my soil.

Netherlands does no reflect your people's history though, and anyway, a baby born in a stable does not become a horse, and Rudyard Kipling was most definitely not an Indian just because he was born in Bombay, nor was Albert Camus Algerian.
What do you find bad about Pakistan in terms of living standards? I would assume most Western Pakistanis are rich enough to buy nice houses in Pakistan by now.

Netherlands does no reflect your people's history though, and anyway, a baby born in a stable does not become a horse, and Rudyard Kipling was most definitely not an Indian just because he was born in Bombay, nor was Albert Camus Algerian.

Sorry man. I am staying. This is my country and it will also belong to my children. 😁

You said that Israel is responsible for wars. Why do Western governments pay billions in aid to Israel? Is that your taxpayers money ending up each year in Israel?
My thoughts are that more Middle Easterners and Afghans need to taken in by Western countries. When you engage in war you have the responsibility to take care of the local populace.

One more thing, more white women need to continue to breed with black and colored men. The children are beautiful.

Similar to the Vietnamese that fled after the fall of South Vietnam, and now they live in Orange County, California.
Similar to the Vietnamese that fled after the fall of South Vietnam, and now they live in Orange County, California.

Absolutely. There is no going back now. There is no denying that the Western world has developed a system that benefits not only their natives, but also immigrants. I understand certain white folks have become greedy and don't want to share prosperity, but this is not how the world works. Prosperity is not an intellectual property of one race or civilisation.
Absolutely. There is no going back now. There is no denying that the Western world has developed a system that benefits not only their natives, but also immigrants. I understand certain white folks have become greedy and don't want to share prosperity, but this is not how the world works. Prosperity is not an intellectual property of one race or civilisation.

when The economy is good and workers are needed, immigrants are welcome. When the economy slows down its a nativist attitude that comes to the fore. The politicians play the native population against immigrants or children of immigrants. This was the story generation after generation here in the US. The Irish weren’t welcome by the descendants of the English, but after a few generations they were welcome, then it was the Italians, and then the Eastern Europeans and the Japanese, then a generation later the Chinese and South Asians and Middle Easterners. This time it’s the Africans, Somalis for example, but also the West Africans here in New York, especially the observant Muslims.

It’s a Cycle. For the US, it’s this immigrantion that keep the population’s average age younger then China’s and will continue to do so into the future. It’s a competitive advantage.

Im not sure how it is in Europe. I’ve heard it’s worse for immigrants, especially as the economy is stagnating, but let’s see what happens after this pandemic.

P.S. Immigration usually brings the best and brightest of a country to the US, and enriches the whole society, just look at the talent Among the best of Silicon Valley; like Elon Musk and the guys at Google. Also without immigration, we wouldn’t have had Obama, and while you may disagree with him on polices he is good for America’s soft power and global influence.
when The economy is good and workers are needed, immigrants are welcome. When the economy slows down its a nativist attitude that comes to the fore. The politicians play the native population against immigrants or children of immigrants. This was the story generation after generation here in the US. The Irish weren’t welcome by the descendants of the English, but after a few generations they were welcome, then it was the Italians, and then the Eastern Europeans and the Japanese, then a generation later the Chinese and South Asians and Middle Easterners. This time it’s the Africans, Somalis for example, but also the West Africans here in New York, especially the observant Muslims.

It’s a Cycle. For the US, it’s this immigrantion that keep the population’s average age younger then China’s and will continue to do so into the future. It’s a competitive advantage.

Im not sure how it is in Europe. I’ve heard it’s worse for immigrants, especially as the economy is stagnating, but let’s see what happens after this pandemic.

In Europe it depends on your social status. The first generation of immigrants weren't highly skilled. They were hired after WWII to rebuild Western nations. They did the hard work. Times have changed now. The children of these immigrants are more successful, highly educated and holding good positions in various sectors. Here in Europe many immigrants are doing fine.
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What do you find bad about Pakistan in terms of living standards? I would assume most Western Pakistanis are rich enough to buy nice houses in Pakistan by now.

Netherlands does no reflect your people's history though, and anyway, a baby born in a stable does not become a horse, and Rudyard Kipling was most definitely not an Indian just because he was born in Bombay, nor was Albert Camus Algerian.

If a family has health problems, it doesn't worry me in a country with strong social support. On the other hand I would have to take care of their living/health costs in Pakistan. Another thing is would my family move with me? Finally, if there are lots of people leaving the country I would not get the current market price for any assets I may hold.
If nya family member has health problems, it doesn't worry me in a country with strong social support. On the other hand I would have to take care of their living/health costs in Pakistan. Another thing is would my family move with me? Finally, if there are lots of people leaving the country I would not get the current market price for any assets I may hold.
In Europe it depends on your social status. The first generation of immigrants weren't highly skilled. They were hired after WWII to rebuild Western nations. They did the hardwork. Times have changed now. The children of these immigrants are more successful, highly educated and holding good positions in various sectors. Here in Europe immigrants are doing fine.

Perhaps native populations don’t want to or feel like they should have to compete with children of immigrants. An attitude reminiscent of the Anti-semitism against Jewish professional workers in the last century and centuries before that. I hope Europe remembers where that kind of hate got them and doesn’t repeat it, as I fear reading the OP’s second post.
Perhaps native populations don’t want to or feel like this should have to compete with children of immigrants. An attitude reminiscent of the Anti-semitism against Jewish professional workers in the last century and centuries before that. I hope Europe remembers where that kind of hate got them and doesn’t repeat it, as I fear reading the OP’s second post.

To be honest, the OP doesn't represent the majority in Europe. Europeans are as divided as any world community at this moment. Although you are absolutely correct that such sentiments are usually developed when the economy is suffering.

For instance, here in The Netherlands we now have a housing crisis since a few years. Suddenly everyone wants to buy a house since the interest rates are very low. There is an extreme shortage of houses. The demand is very high, but supply side low. People are paying more. Most of the times there are hundreds of people bidding on just one house. It took years before a house was sold. Nowadays a house is sold within hours or days. Talk about competition. Is there frustration and anger among young people or others that don't have the means to buy a house? Yes, they feel cheated by the system. Renting a house is also very expensive btw. Just one tiny example of competition among the masses.
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