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Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

In other words, you agree with me that multiculturalism is a failed ideology. It just doesn't work, no matter what the majority-minority composition is. It's unfortunate, because that means the problem will not be solved.

I'd pay to read a reply to yor post made by some hardcore leftie wing activist woman who has no clue about anything. But is just filled with #whiteguilt, because no white man filled her up!

We'll see what Developeon comes up with. It's gonna be funny too, but leftie chick would be a bomb. Your post to their way of thinking is like, crosses and garlic for vampires.
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We all would love to see the results of this experiment being conducted by Japan.
Well thats because everyone is facing problems they have to solve and If you really know what boko haram is??
It literally wasn't a terrorist organization infact the imperialists language and teachings were denied by nigerian muslims movement called boko haram. Their intruders used this tiny dispute to make the muslims and christians of nigeria as eachothers enemies ..
And first the govt used to kill the boko harams indifferently. What boko haram is doing is a reaction. Its like USA bombs a community by drone and desires for them not to hate them for killing their families!

And muslim world isn't silent its looking for ways to solve its problems. AGAIN muslims doing wrong doesn't bring islam to trial..what a person does is his personal doing no religion forces him.When a hindu or christian or jew kills someone his rreligion isn't mentioned but when a muslim commits crime Islam is brought to court?

Do you know why people become pirates?? Because of hunger and deprivation not because of Islam.
What kind of an analyst are you, only seeing the things from one perspective?

The terrorism in this entire world is not guided by religion its guided by personal motives. And whats else is the islamic world supposed to do for its problems when all its efforts and protests are overruled by five light rulers of this globe.
The entire Islamiyat world is crying for saving all the Palestinians.. what happens is that despite all.muslims being killed no one supports muslim stand and lets them be oppressed?

We are crying for 5 years to stop drone attacks but at that time all.of you join opinions with the vulgar droners?

Where were and where are all.of you when Muslims are being oppressed no one raises voice for them?
What is the fault of Kashmiri muslims, the muslims of nigeria, those of iraq, or palestine ,of india??

You let them be killed brutally ! These so called liberals like you never raise voices for all those and then call them terrorists when they take matters im their hands and repel!


Before you blame and raise objections on the muslim world why dont you see the injustice the non-muslim world is doing to them. The double standards of the powers are the reason why it happens.
You tell me! Has the entire Pakistani nation not been protesting for Aafiya Siddiqui? ? Did they let her go.
She didn't even kill anyone.
But do you remember Raymond Davis, he killed three people open in day light and was saved by his country?
Is this the USA biggest holder of human rights? Let off free a man who murders three people and sentences life time imprisonment and torture to a woman who only injured some guy??
And you tell them to support such munafiqs!

What do you expect?

Kill muslims by drones! Bake them with bullets in nigeria, rape the muslim women , take over their countries and resources, drink their oil for free, but don't expect them to bomb you in return for revenge!! Thats absurd

Whats happening is more of the fruit of what these powers sowed.
Who jumped in Afghanistan ? Russia than USA.
And even if they are killing the Pakistanis and I hate em for this..they also have a point We helped their enemies in the name of ending terror they just aggravated it.
What are you hoping to use guns at first and receive chocolates?
So what a terrorist group room down twin towers ..Go kill them.
USA pulled two whole countries to this chaos. It was al qaeda who's payment is being received from entire Afghanistan? And they expect the Afghanistan people to love them in return.
What if I throw a bomb at your house out of the blue claiming I had news that terrorists live here
I kill your family
Whay would you do
Hug me??? Nope you'll certainly want to kill me.
I don't deny that the muslims need to reunite and solve their problems above the geographic bounds and over throw this long on western kingship but it doesnt mean that all the muslims ie 25% population of the world is responsible for a few organizations.
And Islam certainly isn't a part of this..it has been dragged in this for no apparent reason. Islam and Jihad are sacred concept far beyond how you non-muslims perceive them and far beyond what these silly terrorists have supposed out of them
Thats what i say. Look at us christians and Hindus / Buddhists and so on. We sometimes dont like you guys and vice versa. We have our conflicts, but we dont denie others the right to live. We may laigh about each other, but dont start genocidal "cut off heads" events
I say right In India particularly hindu - muslim clash are like insane ! its everyday business census report dont even say
Indian muslims are okay in the end ! but the hindu nationalist government main cause i could only say you only personally cause in public forum it will hurt some other people !

Well thats because everyone is facing problems they have to solve and If you really know what boko haram is??
It literally wasn't a terrorist organization infact the imperialists language and teachings were denied by nigerian muslims movement called boko haram. Their intruders used this tiny dispute to make the muslims and christians of nigeria as eachothers enemies ..
And first the govt used to kill the boko harams indifferently. What boko haram is doing is a reaction. Its like USA bombs a community by drone and desires for them not to hate them for killing their families!

And muslim world isn't silent its looking for ways to solve its problems. AGAIN muslims doing wrong doesn't bring islam to trial..what a person does is his personal doing no religion forces him.When a hindu or christian or jew kills someone his rreligion isn't mentioned but when a muslim commits crime Islam is brought to court?

Do you know why people become pirates?? Because of hunger and deprivation not because of Islam.
What kind of an analyst are you, only seeing the things from one perspective?

The terrorism in this entire world is not guided by religion its guided by personal motives. And whats else is the islamic world supposed to do for its problems when all its efforts and protests are overruled by five light rulers of this globe.
The entire Islamiyat world is crying for saving all the Palestinians.. what happens is that despite all.muslims being killed no one supports muslim stand and lets them be oppressed?

We are crying for 5 years to stop drone attacks but at that time all.of you join opinions with the vulgar droners?

Where were and where are all.of you when Muslims are being oppressed no one raises voice for them?
What is the fault of Kashmiri muslims, the muslims of nigeria, those of iraq, or palestine ,of india??

You let them be killed brutally ! These so called liberals like you never raise voices for all those and then call them terrorists when they take matters im their hands and repel!


Before you blame and raise objections on the muslim world why dont you see the injustice the non-muslim world is doing to them. The double standards of the powers are the reason why it happens.
You tell me! Has the entire Pakistani nation not been protesting for Aafiya Siddiqui? ? Did they let her go.
She didn't even kill anyone.
But do you remember Raymond Davis, he killed three people open in day light and was saved by his country?
Is this the USA biggest holder of human rights? Let off free a man who murders three people and sentences life time imprisonment and torture to a woman who only injured some guy??
And you tell them to support such munafiqs!

What do you expect?

Kill muslims by drones! Bake them with bullets in nigeria, rape the muslim women , take over their countries and resources, drink their oil for free, but don't expect them to bomb you in return for revenge!! Thats absurd

Whats happening is more of the fruit of what these powers sowed.
Who jumped in Afghanistan ? Russia than USA.
And even if they are killing the Pakistanis and I hate em for this..they also have a point We helped their enemies in the name of ending terror they just aggravated it.
What are you hoping to use guns at first and receive chocolates?
So what a terrorist group room down twin towers ..Go kill them.
USA pulled two whole countries to this chaos. It was al qaeda who's payment is being received from entire Afghanistan? And they expect the Afghanistan people to love them in return.
What if I throw a bomb at your house out of the blue claiming I had news that terrorists live here
I kill your family
Whay would you do
Hug me??? Nope you'll certainly want to kill me.
I don't deny that the muslims need to reunite and solve their problems above the geographic bounds and over throw this long on western kingship but it doesnt mean that all the muslims ie 25% population of the world is responsible for a few organizations.
And Islam certainly isn't a part of this..it has been dragged in this for no apparent reason. Islam and Jihad are sacred concept far beyond how you non-muslims perceive them and far beyond what these silly terrorists have supposed out of them
am really sorry but how should I repay as Indian ?
I say right In India particularly hindu - muslim clash are like insane ! its everyday business census report dont even say
Indian muslims are okay in the end ! but the hindu nationalist government main cause i could only say you only personally cause in public forum it will hurt some other people !

am really sorry but how should I repay as Indian ?

Dude who's telling you to repay?

Or as an indian I am not going down to nationality level.I just said the oppressers should repay
Though still I think forgiving is better those who forgive arr the superior lot. And all the mighty peace claimers proved opposite. I ain't justifying terrorism I'm just putting to light its root and reason.
And again I don't care if you call someone a terrorist. I would not even bother someone bragging about my country being a terrorist , that would be useless cuz everyone knows their reality. But I will certainly not accept someone disgracing islam for what people do
Construction workers barely survive on the meager income they get in the Gulf states now. Other than putting food on their plates and clothes on their back, it provides for nothing else. Know of so many cases of construction workers who just died there in the afternoon sun and their body was buried there because people back home could not afford to pay to bring the body back home. There is no compensation for such people, no life insurance. Mansions in South Asia for construction workers in Gulf, in your parallel universe.
Construction workers and plumbers working in Arab countries just earn enough to live a middle class life in India. Engineers working in India may earn good money.
Dont know about Kerala but AFAIK very poor people in my state look gulf as an option.\
And for the rights many south asians are exploited in gulf. Many are cheated by both the agents in India and employees in Arab. Abduction of Muslim girls and workers cheated is a common news in news papers.
It depends on the Gulf country's exchange rate. The Kuwaiti currency is the highest valued currency in the world, 1 KD is worth a lot in India. South Asian migrants working as plumbers, welders, truck drivers, electricians, etc. they come to Kuwait with nothing. After 15 years, they leave kuwait with enough money to buy villas, cars and best education in South Asia
It depends on the Gulf country's exchange rate. The Kuwaiti currency is the highest valued currency in the world, 1 KD is worth a lot in India. South Asian migrants working as plumbers, welders, truck drivers, electricians, etc. they come to Kuwait with nothing. After 15 years, they leave kuwait with enough money to buy villas, cars and best education in South Asia

The same can be said of Bangladeshi and Pakistani immigrants in Japan. They come as students or skilled laborers, they find jobs in IT sector, tourism consultancy, financial consultancy, even hit big time in business entrepreneurship (Pakistanis in Japan are very big in the used auto market), and literally become quite wealthy even in Japanese standards. Many of them retain their permanent resident status in Japan, whilst going back to their home countries to build villas, mansions, send money back to their families to help fund their education, job opportunities. It's intereseting because from the points of view of British and other Westerners who claim Pakistanis, Indians or Bangladeshis in their country as being unemployed or lazy, it's the opposite in Japan. The South Asians that work and live in Japan are verily industry-oriented, productive, and are considered middle class or upper middle class. Alot of South Asian men also marry Japanese women and unlike typical / ordinary Japanese couples , they have 4 or more children. Which is , in my opinion, very healthy for the population. They are able to support a large family, whilst at the same time, are vital members of our work force. In effect, are contributory to the Japanese economic machine, and , in all essence, the Japanese populatory demographic.
It depends on the Gulf country's exchange rate. The Kuwaiti currency is the highest valued currency in the world, 1 KD is worth a lot in India. South Asian migrants working as plumbers, welders, truck drivers, electricians, etc. they come to Kuwait with nothing. After 15 years, they leave kuwait with enough money to buy villas, cars and best education in South Asia
As I said before never heard of any one buying villas, cars by doing plumbing jobs in any part of gulf. From my part of state many people go to gulf due to less rain fall and lack of water for farming and I see they send enough money to their families to live a typical middle class life in India. Engineers, Doctors.. yes. But not drivers and plumbers.
As I said before never heard of any one buying villas, cars by doing plumbing jobs in any part of gulf. From my part of state many people go to gulf due to less rain fall and lack of water for farming and I see they send enough money to their families to live a typical middle class life in India. Engineers, Doctors.. yes. But not drivers and plumbers.

Don't forget also seamen. I notice a lot of south and south east asians who go into the international merchant marine fleet also make considerable earnings, and can support their families back in the home countries. We have a lot of Indonesians and Filipinos who work in Japanese merchant marine ships; they make very good earnings.
Don't forget also seamen. I notice a lot of south and south east asians who go into the international merchant marine fleet also make considerable earnings, and can support their families back in the home countries. We have a lot of Indonesians and Filipinos who work in Japanese merchant marine ships; they make very good earnings.
Good for everyone. I think Indians have not set their eyes yet on Japan. LOL.

I saw lot Japanese talking about Bangladeshis and Pakistanis as laborers but not Indians.
Good for everyone. I think Indians have not set their eyes yet on Japan. LOL.

I saw lot Japanese talking about Bangladeshis and Pakistanis as laborers but not Indians.

It's growing. Indians , like Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, are imbedded in our IT field(s). A lot of them also contribute to academia and research. There's around some 22,000 Zainichi Indojin in my country. This number doesn't reflect children born to Japanese and Indian couples; as the children are considered Japanese.

Indians in Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Muslims dont either and those who do aren't muslims. People are misusing the name of islam for their personal benefits and a huge problem is lack of education
All these terrorists you might see claiming Jihad would not be able to tell you its definition and have not even read Quran. Their lack of knowledge and poverty is whats being taken advantage of by some crazy minds who want to keep asian peace from restoration.

Spot on dude....I completely agree with you .....but the problem is that your political people use the bad element of your political Islam for your own benifits when it suits theme...and when it does not suit them...they do not go aginst them either....So if you feel that some one is using your religion in a bad way...then it is the responsibility of your religion people to fight agpainst them and defeat them...If you will not do it ...then others will start defeating them....And then you guys are compaining that we are against Islam.....

So the bottom line if every religion fights against its bad people without being silent then situatuin would have been different...Think about a situation where SA and other rich muslim nation fight and abandon Al queda and Pakistan disdain the millitant outfit that use Jihad agaisnt India.....So the world would have been different....But in reality it is not happening...So ...people are complaining about Jihadist...
1) I don't thin your thick mind is getting it, just like it didn't get the concept that Hindus killing others is just as terrorism as anyone else killing innocents.

2) I did provide you with a bunch of links and videos. See below for more details. You easily ignored all facts and are still sticking to your opinion about how "peaceful" you guys are. When reality is otherwise. Like I said, I've researched religions and I don't mean to offend anyone, but out of all, Hinduism is THE ONLY religion that forces its OWN followers to treat each other better or worse based on the cast system. Its also the only religion that tells women to be burnt when their husbands die and I can go on and on in giving you practices. Its the only religion where a pundits can hand pick a girl or a woman to have se*x with her and name it on Gods!!!

3) Before you go and tell me that your muslim community is my "darling" community, you probably haven't seen my posts that criticize Muslims just as mush as I'm criticizing in this case. Muslims or Christians or Jews, actually have religions that were based on no discrimination and peace. Unlike Hinduism that openly divides people in different casts and tell you how a Brahman can rape a Shudar's girl and not be responsible.

Additionally, you told me to "shut up" because no one talks about Hindu terrorism so there is "no problem"....??? But unlike you, I am openly condemning the killings of all civilians, whether be it Hindus by Muslims or anyone else. Terrorism is terrorism and you can't be beyond the rule and support it when your people do it. When others do it, you scream like hell. That makes you a part of the terrorist mentality and people with such mentality are dangerous for any society (like what you guys are doing to your countrymen that are Christians and Muslims).

Last but not least, TRUST ME, I don't have an issue with any smart Indian person. You guys aren't smarter than then everyone. There are MANY Americans, Pakistanis, Russians, Chinese, Israeli, etc, etc that are just as smart as the Indians are or are smarter in many cases.
I have Employees that are from India :) (ouch). Unlike you, they are educated and open enough to call bad, bad. And don't support Hindu terrorists the way you are supporting. They think the situation in India should get better and people should have more tolerance for others. In fact, majority of these guys were surprised when your Prime Minister got elected. Only in India, people will elect a Prime Minister who's responsible for allowing his Hindu nationalists to kill minorities many times during his years of previous state level office.

So you could not find a single news source for the latest Sati in India, huh? No links for minority house burning and killing in broad daylight by RSS either? :(:(:(

No every violent death is not due to terrorism. There is a difference between homicide, manslaughter, murder, terrorism. In India terrorism happens only from one side and that is not Hindus.

Given your "research" ability, intellectual honesty, and exceptional reasoning skill I am sure you qualify to be the best janitor in USA.

Employing Indians?:lol::lol::lol::lol: Got to give it to you. You do dream big.
I'd pay to read a reply to yor post made by some hardcore leftie wing activist woman who has no clue about anything. But is just filled with #whiteguilt, because no white man filled her up!

We'll see what Developeon comes up with. It's gonna be funny too, but leftie chick would be a bomb. Your post to their way of thinking is like, crosses and garlic for vampires.

I was fortunate to grow up before PC ruined the English language, so I have little time for the contortions required today. Thanks for the sentiment.
So you could not find a single news source for the latest Sati in India, huh? No links for minority house burning and killing in broad daylight by RSS either? :(:(:(
No every violent death is not due to terrorism. There is a difference between homicide, manslaughter, murder, terrorism. In India terrorism happens only from one side and that is not Hindus.
Given your "research" ability, intellectual honesty, and exceptional reasoning skill I am sure you qualify to be the best janitor in USA.
Employing Indians?:lol::lol::lol::lol: Got to give it to you. You do dream big.

1) I gave you VIDEOs. If you don't believe in what was shown in those, then it's a waste. A brain that has maximum Alpha wave suppression, requires electrical shocks to bump up the electrical circuitry of the brain. I think I'll leave it at that.

2) Homicide and Terrorism are two different things. Burning people and villages with people in their homes....is clear terrorism. This isn't violence, its genocide. Similar to what you guys have been committing in Kashmir for decades.....and so is the case in other Indian states against minorities

3) And I'll leave the personal, desperate (I can't factually argue no more) insults out of my response. And yes, I do have Indian employees. Nothing you can change there and they are pretty damn happy with me. Like I said, I don't have any problems with India or Indians, only when you guys on these forums cry wolf and try to put others down just to show that India or Indians are much superior beings than others, or more peaceful, or technologically "advanced", or the fact that the smallest living organism, the bacteria was first found in India and after the Big Bang, the universe that was born, was called India first. It was the Americans, Brits or the dam*n Pakistanis and the Chinese who took away the universe form you and put other countries on the map. That type of mentality is where you'll see me responding and exposing the truth. You respect others, you'll get respect back. Everyone's shi*t stink. Indrani's no different. Don't believe me, next time smell it when you hit the John!
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