That’s five minutes of my time I’ll never get back. Are you quite done with your whining already?
The last thing I wanted on this site was to have an open spat with an Indian before applauding Pakistanis, against whom we’re apparently involved in a strategic alliance. However, since you’ve asked for it by way of your adolescent attempts at a rebuke, I’ll be happy to respond in kind:
Correction, a true Muslim adheres to the Quran and the non-abrogated sections of the previous scriptures, including the old and new Testaments that you are most welcome to quote from to support your argument. Furthermore, there’s truly no need for you to thank me for it, as I was never seeking your approval in the first place. In fact, I don’t care what you think, as I’m more concerned about the Muslim need to acknowledge past wrongs in order to rediscover our moral compass.
I would rather that you spare me from your patronising language and place your words where you mouth is and quote me on those sections of the Quran that support your tantrums. It should be pretty easy for you, as there are plenty of anti-Muslim polemics that abound in literature, be they in books or across the internet
Really? Defend your tantrum with quotations from the New Testament.
I hold the opinion that all men are responsible for their own actions. All facilitators of tyranny, by way of cowardice or deep seated envy towards a tyrant, deserve everything that's coming. As I am not a hypocrite, I equally accept that Afghanistan's descent into the abyss was earned by my people, as some of us embraced the tyranny of others by way of national betrayal and engaged in the mass-slaughter of our people, who in turn have earned our own victory against those murderers. Silly tantrums and pretensions to victimhood strike neither sympathy nor empathy from me.
Oh poor little Indian, I am so sorry for having forced your honourable people into adopting racism towards one another. Those vicious scoundrel Muslims had evidently nothing better to do than to force you into rewriting your own religion by imposing the Hindu Varna System (inappropriately mislabelled as the Portuguese “Caste System”). I also apologise for your brave countrymen who were dragged by their hair into imposing this system upon their own countrymen under the whip of Muslim prosecution. I’m especially sorry for my coreligionists having invented teleportation through time (now a forgotten ingenuity of ours), to manipulate your sacred texts by entering the following evil texts:
On the dark skinned Sudroids having been viewed as animals:
" Having killed a cat, an ichneumon, a blue jay, a frog, a dog, an iguana, an owl, or a corw, he shall perform the penance for the murder of a Sudra."
-- [ Manu IX.132 ]
" Elephants, horses, Sudras and contemptiable Mlecchas, lions, tigers, and boars form the middle dark condition"
-- [ Manu i.43 ] [ Muir I.41 ]
" Elephants, horses, Sudras and contemptiable Mlecchas, lions, tigers, and boars form the middle dark condition"
-- [ Manu i.43 ] [ Muir I.41 ]
" The murder of a Sudra by a Brahman is equal only to killing a cat or a frog or a cow "
[ Stat ] [ Wilk.248 ].
" A Sudra has no right even to listen to the Veda. Recitation of or listening to this sacred book is exclusively a privilege of the Aryan Hindus. There is provision of severe punishment for a Sudra, in case he dares to enjoy this privilege. If he "overheard a recitation of the Vedas, molten lac or tin was to be poured into his mouth; if he repeated recitation of the Vedas, his tongue should be cut; and if he remembered Vedic hymns, his body was to be torn into pieces."
-- [ Tirth ]; cited in [ Stat ]
I am so sorry for all the above. The Muslim Al Beruni should have known better than to feign ignorance of his own co-religionists having planted their sinister plot against the noble Hindus by way of time teleportation:
" The Vaisya and the Sudra are not allowed to hear it [ the Veda ], much less to pronounce and recite it. If such a thing can be proved against one of them, the Brahmans drag him before the magistrate, and he is punished by having his tongue cut off ."
-- [ al-B.i.125 Ch.XII ]
On a serious note, let me be clear here…my call for the transformation of Islam demands a critical review of, followed by adherence to the Quran itself, while your religious revisionism is based on self-deception. Unlike you, I’m prepared to qualify my stance with reasonable references, pending an adult-like response from you (still waiting).
Really? Is that how Islam entered the populous island of Indonesia? How about converts to Islam within Liberal Democracies? In Afghanistan and Pakistan, the Ummayad Caliphate did bring Islam by the sword, even if it was in direct rebellion against the Quran. As deserved, they were fought against and defeated in Zabulistan, Kabulistan and in the Hindkush. Just like in Alexander’s time as per his letters to his mommy, our region experienced ongoing rebellions against the Arabs. This went on until the rise of an Afghan General – Abu Muslim Khorasani – taking the war into Syria to defeat the Umayyad Caliph therein. But alas, he could have renounced Islam as with that of other Afghans, but they all chose to retain it (even after Abu Muslim was assassinated by the envious Abbassids).
In case you’ve missed it, my appeal was never directed at you.
…so errr.....what’s your point?
This explains why your countrymen embrace servitude at every turn, be it to outsiders or that of your own kind.
Would somebody please give this kid a dummy? Bwaaa Haaaaa Haaaa Haaaa Haaaaa…
…sure…and the Brahmin Arians who descended from Afghanistan and imposed their Hindu Varna System to protect their light skins from contamination from the Aboriginals therein never took place!
Correction, you “gave” jack shit to your people. Rather - and as a credit to your leaders - you MAINTAINED a system you had inherited from your colonial masters. India is what it is today, because it’s a relatively Anglicised state that lives off borrowed institutions. No amount of pretensions to the contrary – such as changing the name of Bombay to Mumbai – will change anything. Even Ghandi - whom I respect for his stance against the British - selectively chose one language to appease the Westerners, and another to maintain the Hindu Varna System:
Gandhi was a typical upper caste Hindu racist (detested black Africans and staunchly supported caste) | Sanjeev Sabhlok's revolutionary blog
....I'm sure there lurked a Muslim holding a gun to his head.
I KNOW you don’t give a shit about Afghanistan and nor do I care for your good opinions or pretentious good will. We’ve already seen the noble intentions of Indians, when you sided with the wholesale Soviet slaughter of the Afghan population. Clearly, you were not motivated by what was good, but rather with what you viewed to be in your national interest. Our current partnership is based purely on mutual interest against a common enemy and nothing more. In fact, your people can hardly hide their joy at the site of seeing Muslims killing Muslims across the internet….but that’s perfectly ok, for we'll not let that come in the way of a noble fight for Afghanistan's sovereignty.
Hindus by nature are known to be an uncharitable people, unless they do so to serve a purpose. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, for to Hindus the only people entitled to receive charity are the Brahmins:
No charity in Hinduism | Understanding Ramayana
But that too isn’t your fault, for evil Muslims by virtue of teleportation through time made sure that your noble scriptures couldn’t even define what evil truly is. After all, we had decided that if one cannot understand the nature of evil, then how are they ever supposed to appreciate all that is good in life? Here’s a piece from our charitable Christian cousins, whose assertions you are more than welcome to rebuke here:
Faith Defenders | Hinduism Exposed
Does any school of thought not exercise differentiation between itself and those who’ve yet to acquire its teachings? I also deeply apologise for my people having forced Indians to differentiate themselves from the rest of mankind, when wearing their University qualifications even in their wedding invitations!