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Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

OT: This is not necessarily true. While there are some evangelical christian churches that spew 'fire and brimstone' messages to non-believers, the more established and historically founded churches such as Roman Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Methodist Church, Presbyterian Churches condone a culture of acceptance and Love. There are thousands of denominations of Christianity, and it is unfair to judge the quality and character of Christian churches and adherents that number almost 2 billion.

Peace and Blessings!

Peace and Blessings after thousands of years of Crusade! I call that hypocrisy. Hindus in Goa were skinned and boiled alive during Inquisition under the directions of the Church not in too distant past. Christianity and Islam both demonize other religions, they invented terms like devil worshippers, pagans, kafirs for a reason. Please don't tell me that these words aren't used any longer, or these words aren't hate words. As far as class system is concerned we have read a lot about the bloody conflicts going on between Christian and Islamic sects, that is why I said these days I don't even bother to respond.
Yes it did.

Mainly because of increased immigration....

Saudis studying in Japan to get scholarships

Crown Prince Salman, deputy premier and minister of defense, has instructed authorities to include all Saudis who are pursuing their higher studies in Japan at their own expense to be brought under the King Abdullah Foreign Scholarship Program if they fulfill necessary conditions.

Disclosing this, Essam Amanullah Bukhari, cultural attaché at the Saudi Embassy in Japan, said a number of Saudi students studying in Japanese universities will benefit from the crown prince’s directive and will specialize in subjects approved under the scholarship scheme.

Saudi Ambassador to Japan, Abdul Aziz Turkistani, thanked Prince Salman on behalf of Saudi students for his gesture and emphasized that Saudi students in Japanese universities and institutes work hard to rise up to the expectations of their country’s leadership.

Prince Salman was in Japan on an official visit as part of his four-nation Asian tour and met with Saudi students. Watching an invention by Saudi student Muqrin Al-Atawi, he asked him about Shalyouh Al-Atawi, a well-known poet from his tribe by reciting a few couplets from his poem.
The crown prince urged students to uphold Saudi Arabia’s reputation of being the cradle of Islam and the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques.

Saudis studying in Japan to get scholarships | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

Peace and Blessings after thousands of years of Crusade! I call that hypocrisy. Hindus in Goa were skinned and boiled alive during Inquisition under the directions of the Church not in too distant past. Christianity and Islam both demonize other religions, they invented terms like devil worshippers, pagans, kafirs for a reason. Please don't tell me that these words aren't used any longer, or these words aren't hate words. As far as class system is concerned we have read a lot about the bloody conflicts going on between Christian and Islamic sects, that is why I said these days I don't even bother to respond.

Like any fanatical sect in any religion , there will be those who use religion for political gain. While there were many injuries committed by Muslims and Christians to each other and to other peoples who practiced a different faith, the true nature of Christianity and Islam is peace, in my personal learned point of view. While i don't consider myself a scholar of Islam, I did study it in college as well as participated in inter-faith dialogue with Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and Christians. This experience allows me to understand that there are large segments of practitioners of different faith modalities who do have genuine love, understanding for people who do not belong to their faith community.

PS. It is incorrect also to blame others for some of the mistakes of their ancestors. The injuries may be great, but it is unfair to blame and pass on the blame through the generations.

@amitkriit , if I am not mistaken, one of the six cardinal virtues in Hinduism is Forgiveness, which is reiterated in the works of Lakshmi and Vishnu.

To quote a verse from the Mahabharata,
"Righteousness is the one highest good, forgiveness is the one supreme peace, knowledge is one supreme contentment, and benevolence, one sole happiness."
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Like any fanatical sect in any religion , there will be those who use religion for political gain. While there were many injuries committed by Muslims and Christians to each other and to other peoples who practiced a different faith, the true nature of Christianity and Islam is peace, in my personal learned point of view. While i don't consider myself a scholar of Islam, I did study it in college as well as participated in inter-faith dialogue with Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and Christians. This experience allows me to understand that there are large segments of practitioners of different faith modalities who do have genuine love, understanding for people who do not belong to their faith community.

Conservative People usually talk in politically correct language when they indulge in face-to-face interaction with outsiders. These dialogues have no meaning what-so-ever when the reality paints an entirely different picture, you just have to switch your TV on.

Muslims aren't even 1% of Japan's population, hence non-Muslim countries which have large Muslim population (say 10-25%) don't have to learn anything from Japan. Mayhem starts when the realization about their politically significant number sets in, 1% is not politically significant.
Conservative People usually talk in politically correct language when they indulge in face-to-face interaction with outsiders. These dialogues have no meaning what-so-ever when the reality paints an entirely different picture, you just have to switch your TV on.

Muslims aren't even 1% of Japan's population, hence non-Muslim countries which have large Muslim population (say 10-25%) don't have to learn anything from Japan. Mayhem starts when the realization about their politically significant number sets in, 1% is not politically significant.

I can understand the Indian point of view of weariness , considering the history of India with outsiders and ethnic and religious tension. Even in 2002, the riots in Gujarat that was rather unfortunate for both Muslims and Hindus. Thanks for expressing your concern as well as for the concern of the Indian posters who contributed to this thread. This said, let us try to remain a bit optimistic , whilst at the same time walk the path of realism.
Yes the Non Muslims are treated equality in all Muslim countries while Muslims in Indian are treated like crap by the Hindus.

I deleted the rest of your post as its of no value but a shout in the air like a little kid.
Worlds richest muslim is from India.World's highest number of mosques are in India.Muslims get huge subsidy for hajj only in India.They are getting reservations on just religious basis in jobs:wacko:.Oh how badly they are treated.:tsk:
Are we to hold the American Civil war responsible for the prevalence of institutionalised racism across the United States until the Civil Rights Movements? Are we to hold the Declaration of Independence responsible for the prevalence of institutionalised slavery until the Civil war? Are we to hold Christianity responsible for intra-Christian wars, Church tyrannies and failures to deny Colonialism, State sponsored racism, two world wars, and the rise of Communism from within Christendom? Are we going to hold Hinduism to account for centuries of servitude, facilitated by the prevalence of internal racism that held men of lighter shades of skin to higher esteem?

Thank you for your elaborate reply. While I appreciate your attempt at arriving at a solution and your admission of Muslims sins of the past, I am afraid you have fallen into the same trap of other reformers of Islam, exonerating Islam itself while heaping blame on Muslims regardless of the fact that much of the inspiration for Muslim behavior is derived from their adherence to Sunnah.

No you cannot hold American Civil War responsible for the prevalence of institutionalized racism across US because it was never fought on that premise. No you cannot hold Declaration of Independence responsible for prevalence of institutionalized slavery for it was founded on the principle of individual freedom.

Yes, you can hold Christianity responsible for intra-Christian wars, Chruch tyrannies and failures to deny colonialism, state sponsored racism, two world wars, and the rise of communism from within Christendom. The absoluteness of the Christian belief in the moral superiority of Christians versus the heathens and one true god and the sense of entitlement this bred set the ball rolling for the intolerance and the oppression of anyone who did not adhere to its precepts and the following church tyrannies, colonialism, racism, wars, and finally communism in opposition to the church.

No you cannot hold Hinduism responsible for centuries of servitude. It did not willing of its own volition get its adherents into servitude. This was externally imposed. This was also resisted against throughout those centuries.

Color of skin never mattered before the advent of Islam in India. All our heroes and gods are of dark shade and our standard of beauty indifferent to the skin tones as evident by the enormous corpus of ancient fresco's throughout the landscape where Hinduism prevailed. There is no racism in India based on skin tones.

But the lack of any formal schools of thought among Muslims that understand and embrace the Enlightenment is because it is premised on submission and fear.

Because mankind on the whole are fallible, illogical, and devoid of consistency in the employment of sound reasoning. It would be stupid to claim otherwise, when the United States itself is not a Democracy, but a Constitutional Republic. Had this not been the case and Democratic polls and the tyranny of Majority rule were the order of the day, then there wouldn’t be anything in place to control the favourite idiot of the day being voted into office, as had happened in Ancient Greece, Mussolini’s Italy and Hitler’s Germany.

If this is your starting premise and belief of mankind, then any attempted correction of their behavior is bound to fail based on its own logic. Whose reasoning and logic are you appealing to assist you in your fight against traditional Islam when you have already declared mankind as this abject failure?

US became a Constitutional Republic of its own volition based on the view of its own people (the majority). Make no mistake, it was not forced on it by its minorities. Any concession given was due to the sense of fair play on part of its majority.

Any reasonable student of history would inform you that nations, ideas, and religious beliefs are never the same from one generation to another, as they’re all subject to evolutionary reviews and reinterpretation, mostly necessitated by collective NEEDS. Right now, the state of national failures across the Muslim world has fostered the realization for the NEED to review our dilemmas and reflect upon our scriptures to understand where we’ve went wrong. Your disingenuous mockery of Muslims for our inability to “decipher the correct Islam…over the last 1400 years”, is an anti-intellectual rebuttal that neglects any honest intent at arriving to a solution. We know that “power corrupts and absolute power, absolutely corrupts”, so given that the fall of Muslim power from any international relevance has only been two centuries in the making, the NEED for a review and change has simply not availed itself as it has in recent years. It’s a sad reflection of humanity – rather than Islam - that when the going’s good and others have to suffer our own sins, then the motivation isn’t really there to cleanse ourselves from those sins. This is why most Pakistanis herein are far less inclined to criticise their state policies towards Afghanistan, while most of them still remain sheltered from the same savagery that inflicted my nation. Afghans on the other hand are far more exposed to ideas towards our salvation, for we’ve been to hell and back.

This is again a self-serving argument. While nations, ideas, and religious belief do evolve from generation to generation, any change from its basic underlying principle makes it an entirely new entity. You cannot reinterpret an orange to mean a pomegranate. All attempts to reinterpret Islam and its scriptures in keeping with spirit of its founding principles resulted in so many sects and variations, yet every single one of them is in trouble. That should tell you something.

Your belief that power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts is not an universal truth. Your argument premises that no magnanimity, no generosity of spirit, no fair mindedness, no self-reflection is possible at all for humanity when at the height of power. Yet as shown in this past century by America and Europe by their selfless sharing of the fruits of their labor in science and technology, by the Marshall plan they implemented in defeated Germany, by protection of Japan, and numerous other acts your premise does not hold. This has been the experience of all nations not ruled by Abrahamic religions too. Desperately poor overwhelmingly Hindu majority India gave equal rights and universal franchise to all adults irrespective of their religious or caste affiliation the moment it gained freedom. It did not require a revolt on the part of the lower castes, women, or the other minorities to be accorded equal rights.

How is it possible that time and again variables after variables that come together to form the narrative of Islam (and Christianity) always set it in opposition with the rest of humanity while other people and religions have been working in consonance with the law of nature barring occasional hiccups? Pakistanis' silence on the attempt of their state to keep Afghanistan in a perpetual state of war speaks of their moral bankruptcy. It is no reflection on humanity as a whole.

Any logical student of the Quran would tell you that our predicament has been earned and that calling oneself a “Muslim” does not protect us from the wrath of God’s natural order. I recall reading a devout Hindu once lamenting years ago that we Afghans have earned what’s coming to us, correctly predicting that our state of affairs would get much worse. The “Karma” he was alluding to however, is very much a shared scriptural warning inherent in both our religions. All mankind who spread wars and mischief across the world will earn what’s coming to them. Given this, we’re all best advised to help rather than to hinder other people’s intentions to fight the good fight. It’s up to you and the American I’ve addressed here to make the right choice. I’ve already made up my mind and know in my heart that come tomorrow or a hundred years from now, what I propose will absolutely succeed. When it does so, we’ll liberate ourselves completely from anyone else’s perceived interests. When we do, our children will look back and remember those who helped and those who hindered….guaranteed. Islam will not go away, but it will transform, either with you or without you.

I want good for you and your country. I wish for there to be peace, prosperity, freedom, and joy in Afghanistan. But given the faulty and uncharitable view of humanity itself that your thoughts are premised on, I do not know how much reformation and reinterpretation you can bring to Islam. Your own premises militates against your liberty.

Islam on the other hand eliminates the class difference as ALL are equal. As long as someone follows the true religion that doesn't have hate for others.

So Islam eliminates class differences by dividing people into believers and nonbelievers? This is its definition of ALL? Islamic logic at work.
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Worlds richest muslim is from India.World's highest number of mosques are in India.Muslims get huge subsidy for hajj only in India.They are getting reservations on just religious basis in jobs:wacko:.Oh how badly they are treated.:tsk:

SIMI and Indian Mujaheedin aren't reactionary groups, those are Islamist groups trying to bring the good old "Islamic Rule and Sharia Laws" back in India because according to them Hindus must be conquered and enslaved. This is the situation in a country where only around 15% of the population practices Islam.

I want to know about one country where Muslims are either sizable minority or Majority and the country is not already in turmoil over issues like "special status", "sharia law", "blasphemy" etc.
SIMI and Indian Mujaheedin aren't reactionary groups, those are Islamist groups trying to bring the good old "Islamic Rule and Sharia Laws" back in India because according to them Hindus must be conquered and enslaved. This is the situation in a country where only around 15% of the population practices Islam.

I want to know about one country where Muslims are either sizable minority or Majority and the country is not already in turmoil over issues like "special status", "sharia law", "blasphemy" etc.
Are you sure about 15%?That was in 2001 it must be more like 20% by now.
To quote a verse from the Mahabharata,
"Righteousness is the one highest good, forgiveness is the one supreme peace, knowledge is one supreme contentment, and benevolence, one sole happiness."

Yes righteousness is the highest good. Forgiveness is for those who repent. There has been no repentance on the part of Muslims ever for their deeds. Knowledge is wasted unless applied. Benevolence cannot be practiced in face of unrelenting hostility and avarice.
They are around 15%. 20% was overblown by the greens for psychological effect but it backfired on them, see the results on 16th of May.
For those results,majority of hindu voters voted...unlike previous times when most hindus did not care...this was the highest voter turnout ever
For those results,majority of hindu voters voted...unlike previous times when most hindus did not care...this was the highest voter turnout ever

Exactly, Hindu polarization across caste, language, clan boundaries gave us the kind of result we witnessed on 16th of May. Hindus have woken up to the danger.
Exactly, Hindu polarization across caste, language, clan boundaries gave us the kind of result we witnessed on 16th of May. Hindus have woken up to the danger.
Are we late?

I want to know about one country where Muslims are either sizable minority or Majority and the country is not already in turmoil over issues like "special status", "sharia law", "blasphemy" etc.
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I can understand the Indian point of view of weariness , considering the history of India with outsiders and ethnic and religious tension. Even in 2002, the riots in Gujarat that was rather unfortunate for both Muslims and Hindus. Thanks for expressing your concern as well as for the concern of the Indian posters who contributed to this thread. This said, let us try to remain a bit optimistic , whilst at the same time walk the path of realism.

How Hindutva nationalists created their own make believe version of history of Muslim rule in South Asia to fit their political agenda of marginalizing Muslims:
iViews.com - Safronisation of Indian History Elicits Deafening Silence
NCERT controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
User:Dbachmann/Wikipedia and nationalism/Hindutva and pseudoscience - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And for a realist history of South Asia and Bengal and how an unbiased historian judged the Muslim rule of South Asia as mostly benevolent, please read this e-book, when you have free time:
The Rise of Islam and the Bengal Frontier, 1204–1760
While I appreciate your attempt at arriving at a solution and your admission of Muslims sins of the past, I am afraid you have fallen into the same trap of other reformers of Islam, exonerating Islam itself while heaping blame on Muslims regardless of the fact that much of the inspiration for Muslim behavior is derived from their adherence to Sunnah.

Yes, you can hold Christianity responsible for intra-Christian wars, Chruch tyrannies and failures to deny colonialism, state sponsored racism, two world wars, and the rise of communism from within Christendom. The absoluteness of the Christian belief in the moral superiority of Christians versus the heathens and one true god and the sense of entitlement this bred set the ball rolling for the intolerance and the oppression of anyone who did not adhere to its precepts and the following church tyrannies, colonialism, racism, wars, and finally communism in opposition to the church.

No you cannot hold Hinduism responsible for centuries of servitude. It did not willing of its own volition get its adherents into servitude. This was externally imposed. This was also resisted against throughout those centuries.

What are you? Official speaker for Shiv Sena? Sins for Muslims? Coming out of a Hindu women's post where women, as of TODAY in many parts of India have to be burnt / die when their husband's pass away. This is Minus 20 century stuff. A country where minorities are killed in broad day light and at night sleeping in their homes, thousands are burned in entire villages by the Hindu terrorists from Shiv Sena, BJP, RSS and the likes????? The WORSE human rights treatment anywhere in the world along with some African countries, happens in India. Women are raped and killed, for a US Quarter ( 25 cents) you can find someone to sell their body.......and here you guys are acting all holly and telling the world how their sh*it stinks and yours smells like Christian Dior.....???? Your religion is the ONLY religion that divides its own followers into 3 or 4 categories, each of the higher category has the "God Given" right to act Godly......and that's allowed? I have a friend here from India, who's a surgeon. He, till date still calls out others in front of me by their cast name and a cuss... (mind you that his kids in college now turning 23 years old) .....so there you have it, bright and shinny, the practices of your great religion where you are allowed to discriminate between your own. Let alone Christians and Muslims, etc, etc.
Forget about hundreds of thousands of Men, Children killed in Kashmir because your mighty Indian army thought ONE day they'll become a threat to them???? Literally, hundreds of thousands women and girls raped for the sheer fact that they belonged to Muslim majority in Kashmir and your army's men were trying to show them Hindu manhood by raping innocent girls, young women and elderly women alike?????
I am not pointing fingers or bashing your religion, everyone should believe in what they want to. The issue is, smell your own shi*t before you tell others about how bad theirs smell. In fact, if yours smells ten times worse, you might want to get your issues fixed before pointing to anyone else.
I can go ON and ON and write a book.

Let me bust your mental bubble. Except Judaism all other Abrahamic religions demonize other religions to spread their own. .
You spared Judiaism because you are getting all the tech from them and friendly warm relations? Just so you know, Judaism, Islam and Christianity all have a LOT in common. So I don't think it would be a fair analysis to leave one of the three out. But that's what the Indian community has mastered here, only speak on the topics you like. For everything else where you will be called out, you ignore it or bash others. Look around your society and see the real bubble. Does a women has to die with her husband dead? Do you have to be looked down upon and someone else be derogatory to you because they are a higher cast? Or does a Pandit in a place of worship gets to pick out who he wants to have se*x with and call that girl a gift to Gods??? Or do your minorities have to be burnt to death when they are sleeping in their homes at night and the entire village is burnt by Terrorists from Shiv Sena, RSS and the likes........RIGHT, Instead of addressing these serious issues, you think "I" live in a bubble.
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