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Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

That is not true.
Muslim calls for Shariah court typically rely on precedents set by other groups, including Canon law or Jewish law court.

As for Muslim populations in Europe, I already alluded to the complexity of the problem. As you noted, the Muslims in the US are not radicalized.

The fact is that most immigrants to any country like to keep a low profile and focus on economic development. The US has a welcoming culture, for the most part. Europe, by contrast, has a history of racial genocide and a very closed culture. Heck, even Eastern Europeans face discrimination and stereotypes in some Western European countries.

There is a lot of resentment against immigrants in many European countries -- getting worse with worsening economic conditions. Due to political correctness, that resentment gets bottled up except for one case: the media has made it politically acceptable to be bigoted against Muslims. So all the bottled up anger against immigrants in general, and government incompetence, gets channeled to the appointed scapegoat: Muslims.

This has a corresponding effect in the Muslim community, where radicals and hardliners find favor as defenders of the community. This has parallels in other communities around the world: when ethnic communities get ghettoized, gangsters and criminals rule the roost as territorial defenders from rival ethnic groups.

This cycle of intolerance and bigotry on both sides escalates which is what's happening in some parts of Europe. So, yes, there is a 'Muslim problem' in some European countries, but the fault lies on both sides.

I wish this topic had been introduced more broadly as the problem of multiculturalism, because the focus on Muslims is a distraction. There is also a growing xenophobia in Singapore, for example, and it has nothing to do with unemployment rates. Nevertheless, I think the European problem is intractable, and will not be solved until either the Muslims become essentially atheist, like their non-Muslim compatriots, or at least bring religion back into the private sphere and out of the public eye (i.e. assimilate). This kind of solution isn't available in, for example, Egypt, where the Muslim majority persecutes the Copt minority, or Sudan, where the Muslim majority persecutes the Christian minority.
Never say never.

It is theoretically possible with the current growth rates in
about 50 years. Too far away to make any accurate predictions now though.

Anyway, we cannot assume that the current gdp/capita gap between the
West and countries like Turkey is solely due to productivity factors as no real way
to accurately work out what will happen if the Western countries are no longer
dominant power on this planet.

I think you are overestimating the Turks and underestimating the Germans. Do not correlate the success of China with Turkey or any other countries.
I will bet on German over Turkey, even 50 years from now.
Give me the sources for the last woman burnt on pyre of her dead husband in India or shut up. Likewise for your other rants about minorities being killed in broad daylight. If anything the story goes other way round, with Muslims burning Hindu villages and killing Hindus in broad daylight.

Even for case of rapes, murders, prostitution, India ranks very very low on per capita basis.

Now I do not have to talk sh*t about Muslims, they themselves do a good job of it. Last I saw, no one is worried on how Hindus are terrorizing the world. So no issues there to fix really.

So..... Hindu nationalists murderes can kill innocent civilians in silence and rape as many muslim and christian women as they want to.....because of your lobby, you pay media to shut up so therefore no issues exist??? I have no words to further argue with utter lack of humanity and total show of stupidity as you are supporting terrorism. If a muslim guy did something, you'd be all over the world talking about terrorism. Shame on you for supporting terrorism and favoring the terrorists you like.

Next, you asked when was the last violence? Here:
The Plight of Religious Minorities in India | Human Rights Watch
Sati - burning of the Hindu widow
Sati - The burning of the widow

Indian Terrorism against sikh minority - Punjab Land of Khalsa - YouTube
So..... Hindu nationalists murderes can kill innocent civilians in silence and rape as many muslim and christian women as they want to.....because of your lobby, you pay media to shut up so therefore no issues exist??? I have no words to further argue with utter lack of humanity and total show of stupidity as you are supporting terrorism. If a muslim guy did something, you'd be all over the world talking about terrorism. Shame on you for supporting terrorism and favoring the terrorists you like.

Next, you asked when was the last violence? Here:
The Plight of Religious Minorities in India | Human Rights Watch
Sati - burning of the Hindu widow
Sati - The burning of the widow

Indian Terrorism against sikh minority - Punjab Land of Khalsa - YouTube

I asked you to provide me with real news of the last woman who burnt on the pyre of her husband in today's India as you claimed, not some worthless blogspots or stories of ancient Indian History.

Our lobby and our paid media infact does the opposite of what you claim and suppresses violence committed by the Muslim groups and exaggerates any by the Hindus. This last few months your darling Muslim community has murdered more than 17 Hindu leaders none of which were featured in any news outlets. So take your BS and stuff it where the sun does not shine.

That you are an out of job Pakistani American who lost his job due to better qualified Hindus taking your place is no reason to go around spreading falsehood about India on the internet. It would be better to get some psychiatric help.
Our lobby and our paid media infact does the opposite of what you claim and suppresses violence committed by the Muslim groups and exaggerates any by the Hindus. This last few months your darling Muslim community has murdered more than 17 Hindu leaders none of which were featured in any news outlets. So take your BS and stuff it where the sun does not shine.

That you are an out of job Pakistani American who lost his job due to better qualified Hindus taking your place is no reason to go around spreading falsehood about India on the internet. It would be better to get some psychiatric help.

1) I don't thin your thick mind is getting it, just like it didn't get the concept that Hindus killing others is just as terrorism as anyone else killing innocents.

2) I did provide you with a bunch of links and videos. See below for more details. You easily ignored all facts and are still sticking to your opinion about how "peaceful" you guys are. When reality is otherwise. Like I said, I've researched religions and I don't mean to offend anyone, but out of all, Hinduism is THE ONLY religion that forces its OWN followers to treat each other better or worse based on the cast system. Its also the only religion that tells women to be burnt when their husbands die and I can go on and on in giving you practices. Its the only religion where a pundits can hand pick a girl or a woman to have se*x with her and name it on Gods!!!

3) Before you go and tell me that your muslim community is my "darling" community, you probably haven't seen my posts that criticize Muslims just as mush as I'm criticizing in this case. Muslims or Christians or Jews, actually have religions that were based on no discrimination and peace. Unlike Hinduism that openly divides people in different casts and tell you how a Brahman can rape a Shudar's girl and not be responsible.

Additionally, you told me to "shut up" because no one talks about Hindu terrorism so there is "no problem"....??? But unlike you, I am openly condemning the killings of all civilians, whether be it Hindus by Muslims or anyone else. Terrorism is terrorism and you can't be beyond the rule and support it when your people do it. When others do it, you scream like hell. That makes you a part of the terrorist mentality and people with such mentality are dangerous for any society (like what you guys are doing to your countrymen that are Christians and Muslims).

Last but not least, TRUST ME, I don't have an issue with any smart Indian person. You guys aren't smarter than then everyone. There are MANY Americans, Pakistanis, Russians, Chinese, Israeli, etc, etc that are just as smart as the Indians are or are smarter in many cases.
I have Employees that are from India :) (ouch). Unlike you, they are educated and open enough to call bad, bad. And don't support Hindu terrorists the way you are supporting. They think the situation in India should get better and people should have more tolerance for others. In fact, majority of these guys were surprised when your Prime Minister got elected. Only in India, people will elect a Prime Minister who's responsible for allowing his Hindu nationalists to kill minorities many times during his years of previous state level office.
I wish this topic had been introduced more broadly as the problem of multiculturalism, because the focus on Muslims is a distraction. There is also a growing xenophobia in Singapore, for example, and it has nothing to do with unemployment rates. Nevertheless, I think the European problem is intractable, and will not be solved until either the Muslims become essentially atheist, like their non-Muslim compatriots, or at least bring religion back into the private sphere and out of the public eye (i.e. assimilate). This kind of solution isn't available in, for example, Egypt, where the Muslim majority persecutes the Copt minority, or Sudan, where the Muslim majority persecutes the Christian minority.

The issue has nothing to do with atheism. Atheists can be just as bigoted as anyone else.

For every example you give of Muslims persecuting Copts in Egypt or Christians in Sudan, I can give counter examples of Muslims being persecuted by Buddhists in Burma and Thailand, or Christians in Philippines, etc.

Selective sampling can be used to promote any propaganda.
The issue has nothing to do with atheism. Atheists can be just as bigoted as anyone else.

For every example you give of Muslims persecuting Copts in Egypt or Christians in Sudan, I can give counter examples of Muslims being persecuted by Buddhists in Burma and Thailand, or Christians in Philippines, etc.

Selective sampling can be used to promote any propaganda.

In other words, you agree with me that multiculturalism is a failed ideology. It just doesn't work, no matter what the majority-minority composition is. It's unfortunate, because that means the problem will not be solved.
I have an impression that when culture dominates religion..then it is a peaceful nation or society..but when religion dominates a local culture...then it is a deadly combination to explode....Now it is the cultural heritage of people from Japan and other East Asian nations where they really accept religion within their scope and perspective of their culture rather then other way around...So they will be peaceful always....I believe challenge will come if Muslim people of Japan bring Arabian culture to their way of living of being a Muslim people...This is where the the challenging part comes into the pic...If people of Japan can accept it then of course Japan is a model nation to be respected and watched for...But it has happened in very few places..as of now..

It was the muslim world that started to attack the west. Until the west united and beat the islamic world into what it is today. Muslims, jews and christians existed in no time at peace with each other.

And why should we change our "interventionalist" policies? We are thinking beings. We influence what we want to influence.
same goes for hindus and muslims ! who should deny the fact !
Japanese culture is highly evolved. They can assimilate muslims and over time muslims will get educated there !
same goes for hindus and muslims ! who should deny the fact !

Thats what i say. Look at us christians and Hindus / Buddhists and so on. We sometimes dont like you guys and vice versa. We have our conflicts, but we dont denie others the right to live. We may laigh about each other, but dont start genocidal "cut off heads" events
Thats what i say. Look at us christians and Hindus / Buddhists and so on. We sometimes dont like you guys and vice versa. We have our conflicts, but we dont denie others the right to live. We may laigh about each other, but dont start genocidal "cut off heads" events

Muslims dont either and those who do aren't muslims. People are misusing the name of islam for their personal benefits and a huge problem is lack of education
All these terrorists you might see claiming Jihad would not be able to tell you its definition and have not even read Quran. Their lack of knowledge and poverty is whats being taken advantage of by some crazy minds who want to keep asian peace from restoration.
Muslims dont either and those who do aren't muslims. People are misusing the name of islam for their personal benefits and a huge problem is lack of education
All these terrorists you might see claiming Jihad would not be able to tell you its definition and have not even read Quran. Their lack of knowledge and poverty is whats being taken advantage of by some crazy minds who want to keep asian peace from restoration.

We made different experiences in europe. Muslim terror, pirates, attacks and so on. Then we did strike back.

I dont see muslims fight against it. I see silence. Where are muslim troops fighting Boko Haram and rescueing school girls? I see no mass demonstrations in islamic world against terrorism, but against laughable caricatures. What i see in the islamic world is support by silence.
1) I don't thin your thick mind is getting it, just like it didn't get the concept that Hindus killing others is just as terrorism as anyone else killing innocents.

2) I did provide you with a bunch of links and videos. See below for more details. You easily ignored all facts and are still sticking to your opinion about how "peaceful" you guys are. When reality is otherwise. Like I said, I've researched religions and I don't mean to offend anyone, but out of all, Hinduism is THE ONLY religion that forces its OWN followers to treat each other better or worse based on the cast system. Its also the only religion that tells women to be burnt when their husbands die and I can go on and on in giving you practices. Its the only religion where a pundits can hand pick a girl or a woman to have se*x with her and name it on Gods!!!

3) Before you go and tell me that your muslim community is my "darling" community, you probably haven't seen my posts that criticize Muslims just as mush as I'm criticizing in this case. Muslims or Christians or Jews, actually have religions that were based on no discrimination and peace. Unlike Hinduism that openly divides people in different casts and tell you how a Brahman can rape a Shudar's girl and not be responsible.

Additionally, you told me to "shut up" because no one talks about Hindu terrorism so there is "no problem"....??? But unlike you, I am openly condemning the killings of all civilians, whether be it Hindus by Muslims or anyone else. Terrorism is terrorism and you can't be beyond the rule and support it when your people do it. When others do it, you scream like hell. That makes you a part of the terrorist mentality and people with such mentality are dangerous for any society (like what you guys are doing to your countrymen that are Christians and Muslims).

Last but not least, TRUST ME, I don't have an issue with any smart Indian person. You guys aren't smarter than then everyone. There are MANY Americans, Pakistanis, Russians, Chinese, Israeli, etc, etc that are just as smart as the Indians are or are smarter in many cases.
I have Employees that are from India :) (ouch). Unlike you, they are educated and open enough to call bad, bad. And don't support Hindu terrorists the way you are supporting. They think the situation in India should get better and people should have more tolerance for others. In fact, majority of these guys were surprised when your Prime Minister got elected. Only in India, people will elect a Prime Minister who's responsible for allowing his Hindu nationalists to kill minorities many times during his years of previous state level office.

Useless it is man... Don't you see she considers her proof as proof but your proofs is denied by the same old excuse.
Nach na janay angan terha wali misaal hai in sahiba
You waster your time energy and intellect on her
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