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Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

1) I gave you VIDEOs. If you don't believe in what was shown in those, then it's a waste. A brain that has maximum Alpha wave suppression, requires electrical shocks to bump up the electrical circuitry of the brain. I think I'll leave it at that.

2) Homicide and Terrorism are two different things. Burning people and villages with people in their homes....is clear terrorism. This isn't violence, its genocide. Similar to what you guys have been committing in Kashmir for decades.....and so is the case in other Indian states against minorities

3) And I'll leave the personal, desperate (I can't factually argue no more) insults out of my response. And yes, I do have Indian employees. Nothing you can change there and they are pretty damn happy with me. Like I said, I don't have any problems with India or Indians, only when you guys on these forums cry wolf and try to put others down just to show that India or Indians are much superior beings than others, or more peaceful, or technologically "advanced", or the fact that the smallest living organism, the bacteria was first found in India and after the Big Bang, the universe that was born, was called India first. It was the Americans, Brits or the dam*n Pakistanis and the Chinese who took away the universe form you and put other countries on the map. That type of mentality is where you'll see me responding and exposing the truth. You respect others, you'll get respect back. Everyone's shi*t stink. Indrani's no different. Don't believe me, next time smell it when you hit the John!

1) I asked for new source/links for Sati in today's India as you claimed, i.e, in 2014. Not the only isolated Sati incidence that happened in last century in 1987. Posting blogs and irrelevant videos do not cut it you know.

2) Likewise giving videos of Godhra riots and trying to pass it off as RSS burning villages also does not work. You can shout from your rooftops as much as you want that it was genocide. But fact remains they were riots were both Hindu and Muslim community got killed.

3) I cannot help that it burns you up that India was one of the oldest civilizations. Or that image of India as a peaceful progressive nation gives you dyspepsia. No, not all are equal. Not all cultures are equal. You earn respect, it won't be freely given. Truth and you are as distant from each other as the antipodes of Earth. As for you fetish with smelling shit, I will leave you alone to enjoy it. Have a good day.
1) I asked for new source/links for Sati in today's India as you claimed, i.e, in 2014. Not the only isolated Sati incidence that happened in last century in 1987. Posting blogs and irrelevant videos do not cut it you know.

2) Likewise giving videos of Godhra riots and trying to pass it off as RSS burning villages also does not work. You can shout from your rooftops as much as you want that it was genocide. But fact remains they were riots were both Hindu and Muslim community got killed.

3) I cannot help that it burns you up that India was one of the oldest civilizations. Or that image of India as a peaceful progressive nation gives you dyspepsia. No, not all are equal. Not all cultures are equal. You earn respect, it won't be freely given. Truth and you are as distant from each other as the antipodes of Earth. As for you fetish with smelling shit, I will leave you alone to enjoy it. Have a good day.

Damn straight that not all cultures are equal

One of the oldest civilizations was stopped by the Brits from killing the widowed females. However, the Hindus are now killing their female infants and aborting the female fetuses by the millions. What kind of parent squeeze the life out of an infant ?

You Indians of all the people shouldn't talk about these with baby blood in your hands.

You people make me sick.
Damn straight that not all cultures are equal

One of the oldest civilizations was stopped by the Brits from killing the widowed females. However, the Hindus are now killing their female infants and aborting the female fetuses by the millions. What kind of parent squeeze the life out of an infant ?

You Indians of all the people shouldn't talk about these with baby blood in your hands.

You people make me sick.

The widow killings were stopped by both the British and the Hindu reformers themselves. Mostly by the effort of the Hindus of their own. Not all Hindus were killing their widows either. It was confined mostly to some sections in Bengal and Orissa. In the entire history there are not more than 300+ such cases recorded, so it had nothing to do with culture or scriptures either. It was a region specific practice.

Infanticide is a crime in India and those indulging in it are punished.

Now where abortions (foeticide) are concerned, it is a universal practice including in Bangladesh. Or does non-gender specific killing babies is halal according to you?

There are many things about your own people that should be making you sick. Your selective sickness is rather amusing.
Sinan i want you to read first 20 Pages, It will reveal you how INDIAN thought about Islam & Muslims, I c you trumpeting Ugher muslims all day long, they are Just Only 10 Million as compared to 600 Million Whooping numbers residing in Sub-continent

@Sinan .......Its Your Post.........
I simply, reporting an actual news about Chinese stance over her Muslims. If you can't bear to hear the truth and bury your head in the sand... please do it.

@@Hazzy997 @@Arabian Legend @@al-Hasani @@MOHSENAM @@Serpentine , i never see you guys in the threads that's related to issues of Muslims who lives in the Eastern side of the planet.
Sinan i want you to read first 20 Pages, It will reveal you how INDIAN thought about Islam & Muslims, I c you trumpeting Ugher muslims all day long, they are Just Only 10 Million as compared to 600 Million Whooping numbers residing in Sub-continent

There is only one Indian comment in the first page and that is "Indirectly, many world countries particularly West are at war with Islam."...

If you wan't me to read 20 pages = 300 posts, that would take.. 1-2 hours to read all of them. And i simply don't have that time.

And I don't care how Indians sees Muslims, Name of Islam and Muslims deteriorating day by day but it has nothing to do with Turks.

Also yeap, i care about Uyghurs and raising my voice for them.... not because only they are muslims but they are my kin. Other then that why are you comparing Uyghurs with yourselves ??? You can freely fast while they can't. You live an Islamic State, and enjoy every right.... do you think they are in the same position as yourselves ?
There is only one Indian comment in the first page and that is "Indirectly, many world countries particularly West are at war with Islam."...
If you wan't me to read 20 pages = 300 posts, that would take.. 1-2 hours the read all of them. And i simply don't have that time.
And I don't care how Indians sees Muslims, Name of Islam and Muslims deteriorating day by day but it has nothing to do with Turks.
Also yeap, i care about Uyghurs and raising my voice for them.... not because only they are muslims but they are my kin. Other then that why are you comparing Uyghurs with yourselves ??? You can freely fast while they can't. You live an Islamic State, and enjoy every right.... do you think they are in the same position as yourselves ?
Good Friend, you've little obsession with China, like living in TURKEY you people dont like some countries of Europe bocz some hate turkey, some fear, some say better to avoid turks etc etc....
CHINA is on the other hand 5 times size of Europe & vice versa in Population, why you wont apply same analogy here, Millions of muslims are living peacefully in China, except UGHER Area, and their problem need mature POLITICAL DECISION by taking everyone in confidence.
From what I experienced living in a Muslim country and European country, both were bad.

Save your culture and homogenity. Otherwise, clashes happen. Anything goes, street fights, trade wars, paralel societies. Japan was a good example for ethnically and religiously homogenous society. But what about future of it?
Good Friend, you've little obsession with China, like living in TURKEY you people dont like some countries of Europe bocz some hate turkey, some fear, some say better to avoid turks etc etc....
CHINA is on the other hand 5 times size of Europe & vice versa in Population, why you wont apply same analogy here, Millions of muslims are living peacefully in China, except UGHER Area, and their problem need mature POLITICAL DECISION by taking everyone in confidence.

Mate, let's clear this. I have no obsession with China. Find any of my post in other Chinese related threads.... you can't because i don't care about China, i only care about my Uyghur brothers nothing more.

And i don't care how big is China, i want justice for my brothers and keep being their voice. :)
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From what I experienced living in a Muslim country and European country, both were bad.
Save your culture and homogenity. Otherwise, clashes happen. Anything goes, street fights, trade wars, paralel societies. Japan was a good example for ethnically and religiously homogenous society. But what about future of it?
In 21st Century World become Global Village & its true, nobody can hide from todays world & its IMPACT :smitten:
Sinan i want you to read first 20 Pages, It will reveal you how INDIAN thought about Islam & Muslims, I c you trumpeting Ugher muslims all day long, they are Just Only 10 Million as compared to 600 Million Whooping numbers residing in Sub-continent

@Sinan .......Its Your Post.........
I simply, reporting an actual news about Chinese stance over her Muslims. If you can't bear to hear the truth and bury your head in the sand... please do it.

@Hazzy997, @Arabian Legend, @al-Hasani, @MOHSENAM, @Serpentine , i never see you guys in the threads that's related to issues of Muslims who lives in the Eastern side of the planet.

Calling @Hazzy997, @Arabian Legend, @al-Hasani, @MOHSENAM, @Serpentine . Your input , my friends.

From what I experienced living in a Muslim country and European country, both were bad.

Save your culture and homogenity. Otherwise, clashes happen. Anything goes, street fights, trade wars, paralel societies. Japan was a good example for ethnically and religiously homogenous society. But what about future of it?

Interesting point, thanks!
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