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The word 'Bharati'

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It was called Aaryavart.

Then you should call your country Aaryavart. India is the word the British came up with for their empire. Why keep the name the invaders left for you?

We threw away the name the British gave us and chose our own name for our land and our people :pakistan:
PTV News:

Pakistani faziyaa ne aj Bharti tayare ko maar geraya. :D

Its always been a music to my ears.
Yeah I think if you youtube it, you'll find news anchors using the word Bhaarti jungi tayyaray ne Pakistan ki fizayihood ki khilaaf varzi ki. Jawabi karwai kartay huay, Pakistani jungi tayaaron ne bhaarti tayyaray ko maar giraya.

So its the actual word in Urdu.
Then you should call your country Aaryavart. India is the word the British came up with for their empire. Why keep the name the invaders left for you?

We threw away the name the British gave us and chose our own name for our land and our people :pakistan:

Well u know - we started changing name of - cities , lol it sound so hypocritical to me , wtf, We waited for 60 yrs to change name ? why?
So if brisit came back they change the name back to bombaby or what ever - so we cofired if they comign or not finel call ???
alright so keep it Mumbai !!!

sir wit hall due respect there is not much in a name - I would prefer a proper Bombay than a extrimist mumbai .
here the reason for change of name is driven by the regionalistic will , which is wrong and evil, this land is no more arya varth this is -INDIA now and we accepted it , to be a land of Hindu Aryan or Muslim or Christian or Buddhist or Sikh.
The one who didnt can keep banging on their old drums . and change what ever they like -I WILL CALL IT INDIA.:cheers:
I think most people here have a wrong "take" on it.The way or tone in which the word "bharati" is used.The word Pak! ,yes it is offensive and is being used with an intention to insult.Since it is Pakistan..so the citizen would more appropriately be called a Pakistani...see...PA-KIS-TANI !
However..since it is Bharat..so naturally anyone would call a citizen "bharati" in the first place.But it has a different connotation than we usually undersrtand.Bharati is female.Its a female name in India(besides it may have the same meaning as PeacefullIndian explains).You can't call everyone after a girl.Bharatiya would be more appropriate.
So the problem is with the tone.

1) Bhaarti is not a made up slang word, nowhere does it mean an individual of any lesser humanity.
2) Saying You <negative adjective> Indian, and You <negative adjective> Bhaarti would be pretty much equally offensive.
So the problem is with the tone.

1) Bhaarti is not a made up slang word, nowhere does it mean an individual of any lesser humanity.
2) Saying You <negative adjective> Indian, and You <negative adjective> Bhaarti would be pretty much equally offensive.

Asim sir, and f16 you are absolutely right - its more to do with intention. which makes all the difference -
When a local call you - bastard its offensive but when an aussie calls you - you such a bastard mate!!! its more of pun intended and you take it as it easy.
What did you call your land before the British conquered the subcontinent?

The same as what you were calling 'your land'. And BTW it wasn't british who gave us our name! its the name by which we've been known form most part of the known history.

Beside, the point is why change the name we have? Bharat is thousands of years old.

From wiki - abt India

The name India is derived from Indus, which is derived from the Old Persian word Hindu, from Sanskrit Sindhu, the historic local appellation for the Indus River.The ancient Greeks referred to the Indians as Indoi, the people of the Indus.The Constitution of India and common usage in various Indian languages also recognise Bharat as an official name of equal status.Hindustan which is the Persian word for “Land of the Hindus” and historically referred to northern India, is also occasionally used as a synonym for all of India.
Asim sir, and f16 you are absolutely right - its more to do with intention. which makes all the difference -
When a local call you - bastard its offensive but when an aussie calls you - you such a bastard mate!!! its more of pun intended and you take it as it easy.

Sir, that applies to all slurs.

hardly anyone calls tata a bharati company etc, its only when there's a fcuk up the word will be used to taunt indians. similarly when an indian uses the word pak(i), its NOT a racial slur is it? in india we don't even know the racial slur attached to the word, but that word is banned here.
Fateh brother- who said bharti is derogatory term in india? i know a girl named bharti , even sunil mittal's firm is bharti , its not derogatory term in india.
PeacefulIndian, Sir!

It is very kind of you to try to educate the forum members here who use "Bharati". However, they are using this phrase because they think it is insulting; like Pak(i). So, don't spoil their fun.

Huh? Come again?
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Well, this was an interesting discussion. I think Rubyjackass has the right take on it. Go ahead Pak(i)s, it's YOUR forum. Use Bharati if you like, we don't want to spoil your fun. ...

You think rja's explanation is correct? Are you always given to whimsically think, and not decide based on facts?

OK now let me clear this up from a linguistic point of view.

Sanskrit, Prakrit and their modern derivatives like Hindi are closely related to Romance languages. So they have the same, sort of grinding, sound at the trailing end of a word.

Think cologne, montagne, bologne, champagne, macabre and gentille. Look how native French and Italians pronounce them.

Its the same story with MaharashTre (<-palatal t as in English), samundre, Anande...Bhaaratie.

When the British came to Hindustaan, their language being Germanic and not Romance, they couldn't say these words, and proceeded to append an a to them: MaharashTra, (doesn't exist), Ananda, (doesn't exist).

Similarly, our (we who you like to call by a derogatory term as in the post quoted above) languages link up to Iran and the Caucasus. We too can't say Hindi words without mispronouncing them.

We usually omit the trailing e. And since that sometimes leaves two consonents together at the end, in that case we insert one a between them. E.g. MahaarashTar, samundar, Anand and Bhaarati for the 4 words above.

<-Notice the last 2 words don't have 2 consonants together and thus don't suffer from a-addition. Also notice the disambiguation between long and short vowels unlike in Hindi.

Our problem with saying these words incorrectly has at least as much to do with lack of instruction as our inability. If I hadn't come across this thread I'd never have known the word was bhaaratie and not bhaarati. The same would've been true for the other words a while ago. The people who we first hear these words from (media personnel e.g. news anchors) say them wrong, and we all learn the wrong pronunciation. Judging from how they massacre Urdu words, they'll probably never learn to say foreign (e.g. Hindi) words right.

Even Hindustani media projects the word Bharati, which we therefore take to mean Indian. And AFAIK there is no single Indian language, which you could call Bharati.

So my Indian colleagues, my explanation must've given your inferiority-complex-afflicted minds (ooh the Paks must be making fun of us!) some solace. We are indeed not making fun of you when we call you Bharati.

And TruthSeeker, I'd be ashamed if I had your nick.
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Fateh brother- who said bharti is derogatory term in india? i know a girl named bharti , even sunil mittal's firm is bharti , its not derogatory term in india.


Did not say Bharati is a derogatory term. Yes its a common name, i also have a relative of the name.
Well, this was an interesting discussion. I think Rubyjackass has the right take on it. Go ahead Pak(i)s, it's YOUR forum. Use Bharati if you like, we don't want to spoil your fun. By the way, I don't mind "Yank" or "Yankee" or "Gringo" or redneck or kuffar or even "stupid American". We are taught, from age 2 years old when the other kids call us names, "Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can never hurt you."
Don't be cross over a simple exchange of ideas, no one is advocating calling Indians, Bhaarti, just offering an opinion of why it might have been used, and those reasons are of a non-derogatory nature. This is an international forum and the forum's view would always remain the correct term is "Indian", as English is the official language of the board.

VcQe8xyQhVs[/media] - Rawalpindi Indian RAW Trained Terrorists arrested

watch this at 1:25. I'm pretty sure ARY News is not using racial slurs and derogatory terms on air.
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Don't be cross over a simple exchange of ideas, no one is advocating calling Indians, Bhaarti, just offering an opinion of why it might have been used, and those reasons are of a non-derogatory nature. This is an international forum and the forum's view would always remain the correct term is "Indian", as English is the official language of the board.

VcQe8xyQhVs[/media] - Rawalpindi Indian RAW Trained Terrorists arrested

watch this at 1:25. I'm pretty sure ARY News is not using racial slurs and derogatory terms on air.

In this one, the first sentence has the use of the word Bhaarti.
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^^ Just because they use the word "Bharti" doesnt mean it is right.
Bharati and Bharatiya mean two different things in Hindi. Thats why Indian members are asking all of you to use "Bharatiya" and not Bharti.

Bharti- Means wife of Hindu God- Brahma. And you would generally find an Indian girl named "Bharti". Now that doesnt mean she calls herself India. And since all of you hate Hindus so much maybe it'll be better if you refrain from this word.

Bharatiya- Means a person who is a citizen of Bharat(India).
^^ Just because they use the word "Bharti" doesnt mean it is right.
Bharati and Bharatiya mean two different things in Hindi. Thats why Indian members are asking all of you to use "Bharatiya" and not Bharti.

Bharti- Means wife of Hindu God- Brahma. And you would generally find an Indian girl named "Bharti". Now that doesnt mean she calls herself India. And since all of you hate Hindus so much maybe it'll be better if you refrain from this word.

Bharatiya- Means a person who is a citizen of Bharat(India).
I understand what it is in Hindi, but just pointing out that its officially Bhaarti in Urdu.

Its like Americans claiming a racial slur on the usage of Amreeki for American and Amreeka for America, Or how about Roosi for Russian, or Angrez for English, or heck, Cheeni for Chinese. Pakistanis are abusing everyone?

I bet if you look up the Urdu dictionaries you'd either find Hindustani or Bhaarti, but not Bharatiya.
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