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The truth about 'suicide' bombings

You are seriously replying to him... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

This forum has become hub of CIA. Hopefully mind controlled mods of this forum will lock this thread.

I was the first person who replied him.....and I knew its fake thats y in my first post I asked:

"Do you have any other knowledge about it?"

and I was not replying to him I just shared knowledge to other people of this forum as its title is very attractive and I know people will come to see this thread.
Iranian official blames deadly bombing on 'U.S. actions' - CNN.com
TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) -- A man carrying explosives blew himself up as participants headed to a conference between Shiite and Sunni groups in southeastern Iran on Sunday, killing at least 29 people.

Iranian parliament Speaker Ali Larijani calls a suicide bombing "the result of the U.S. actions."

The blast in Sarbaz in the province of Sistan-Baluchistan wounded 28 others, the semiofficial Fars news agency said.

While no one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, Iran pointed the finger at the United States without disclosing its reasons.

"We consider this recent terrorist act to be the result of the U.S. actions and this is a sign of their enmity," said parliament Speaker Ali Larijani.
Woot...:usflag: We got the mind control gun to work over one thousand miles away. Breaking out the champagne tonight. :cheers:
Google "mind reading technology" and read the many mainstream media reports about the the technology they admit to.

There are many articles about mind reading technology - The implantation of thoughts into the conscious and subconscious that they are able to do is just the flipside of this same coin - They won't admit their technology readily, as they won't admit their genocide readily - why do you think that is ?
Do you have any other knowledge about it?

Yes, I have in depth knowledge about mind-control technology and what they have done with it. Their first major genocidal action was called ‘Operation Crimson Mist’ where they caused the murder of 1 million Rwandans. I am happy to answer any questions on the subject of mind-control technology
The CIA was creating suicide bombers with 'mind control' technology to bomb AMERICAN soldiers in Iraq

No, the CIA created suicide bombers to cause sectarian murder in Iraq. Before the British and Americans turned up in Iraq there had never been any history of Sectarian violence in Iraq. Yes, they also murdered their own US soldiers in this way to justify their occupation of Iraq. What are the death tolls ? ~5000 US , 1.4 million Iraqis

By the way, which brother do you want to pass the information to.

I want to pass this information on to all of my brothers (and sisters) who are all of humanity. Specifically it is directed at Pakistanis as the western agencies have recently started their next genocidal campaign of mind-controlled suicide bombings in Pakistan

For example, have you, yourself been a victim of the CIA's mind control technology? Please elaborate in your introduction thread:

Yes, I have been a victim of mind-control technology. The only defence against it is KNOWLEDGE that it exists. If you don’t want to believe they are doing such things then that is your choice. If you do some research you will find that this is not only possible, but they openly admit that this has been their goal going back over fifty years with now declassified documents regarding to the MKUltra projects.

Even you are going to wish such outlandish story, why do you think Cuban dictator still going strong? Cuba is very close to US. Iraq is quite some miles away.

Firstly, distance from the US has no bearing on the issue. The technology is beamed from satellites but more principally using cell phone masts which utilise microwave technology. Within a short space of time the Americans after they had invaded Iraq installed a Microwave Cell phone and Military Microwave network of towers. This is the mechanism they use to transmit the signals.

On the issue of Cuba, the USA have had the ability to remotely kill (or mind control) Castro or anyone they want for many years. The reason they don’t do it to all of their supposed enemies is that America needs enemies to justify its militarism.

are u really from IRAQ . ???

Yes, I really am from Iraq
I wonder why arihant and TruthSeeker thanked him. :D


When stupidity surpasses its known limits---we do need to acknowledge the effort.

The gentleman missed the original off the shelf mind controL medication found abundantly in our regions----HASHISH---OPIUM---.
My hyperlinks won't work on this forum - to view those articles above google the titles in the last post
@ Topic

Fake, lol

But besides, CIA can kill their man/serviceman, isn't something new. We've example of Zia's jet crashing. Also, the Kennedy's assassination. CIA is still holding important documents which they hide from US Federal Courts too. CIA isn't answerable to the Constitution of US, by and large. Not even President can control it because it's yet another self-perpetuating entity unto them self, just like any other prominent agency.
I don't know 'bout the mind control technology but i heard of kidnapping and then temporary memory loss through injections.:angel:
My hyperlinks won't work on this forum - to view those articles above google the titles in the last post


I won't deny that mind control does not work---they will make you run through the streets naked and make you claim whatsoever they want to---but these suicide bombers is a stretch.

Their mind control at times is more of hashish, opium, payments to family, agrieved relatives, generally mad at the u s a and the locla govt etc etc etc.
but these suicide bombers is a stretch.

Yes, it does seem unbelieveable, which makes it almost the perfect weapon for them.
Times have changed, it is almost impossible for the US to do what it did in Vietnam and kill millions of people with carpet bombing, napalm etc. They would find it impossible to justify this to their people at home.

Their bloodlust, however, is just the same these days. Their method now is divide, murder and conquer, by getting their enemies to literally self-destruct and kill their own people. They are pure evil and think they are untouchable by using this technology, but it will backfire on them one day.

In Iraq, they created false sectarian division to 'justify' why these bombings were taking place (which they in fact were making happen by mind-controlling the bombers). In Pakistan there are no sectarian divisions for them to exploit, so the US first starts dropping bombs on the 'Taliban' Pakistanis. Then the Pakistanis start blowing up their own people. Then they get the Pakistan military to fight the Pakistani 'Taliban', and hey presto we essentially have a civil war. If they repeat what they did in Iraq, within five years you will have a million dead Pakistanis, mostly killed by US mind-controlled suicide bombers.

The only way of stopping their genocidal plans is knowledge of what they are doing with their mind-control technology.

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