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Bombings At Shi’ite Mosque In Baghdad Kill At Least 33

Do you have the count of how many Iraqis have died this year due to bombings. The number is in thousands. Many Sunnis, many Shias, then why highlight this incident only. Sad think indeed. The point is that shia terrorists are as active in killing the Sunnins, and now at times with the backing of the GOI, as much as the Sunni extremists are doing to the shias. So please, lets condemn the incident for it being a sad one, but also keep in mind that both parties here are at fault. So lets not start calling one side all kinds of names, accusing them of all kinds of ills, when the other community is not leaving any stones unturned either.

TBH ? muslims countries are deep in mess and muslims are the only to be blamed
islamrules :rofl: man what a funny name you have islam rules to whom death ?

Fanatically motivated ppl make me LoL.

For us it is savage behavior, experiencing bombs and terror everyday changes people.

Well, these are my standards, I respect your opinion though, but to me they are a bunch of Savages, just like the scumbags we exterminated here.
Well, these are my standards, I respect your opinion though, but to me they are a bunch of Savages, just like the scumbags we exterminated here.

It is savage behavior, no one denies that.
Like what is seen in Syia, people change in wars something I cant talk about since I didn't experience it.
TBH ? muslims countries are deep in mess and muslims are the only to be blamed

Yes khan saab, and the biggest reason for that is that we never understood our own religion. WE happily follow any fellow with a foot long beard, and who can speak a bit of arabic. Where we dont realize that most of them are sellouts. There are very good Ulema in Pakistan, and most of them will agree to the fact that we need to learn about our religion, and also get the knowledge of Science, and world. Because that was the way of the Prophet PBUH. Look at the early Muslims, they got the knowledge of Deen and Dunia. And look at us now, we are involved in every kind of biddat, and shirk in the name of Islam. So why do we complain when we are in such deep chit.
they are living on mars dear

Did they manage to get their via the JF-17 or something else? :lol:

It is savage behavior, no one denies that.
Like what is seen in Syia, people change in wars something I cant talk about since I didn't experience it.

Iraq's war days are over, while the Assad's ongoing slaughter is continuing.
A bunch of savages burning another savage terrorist alive.
You wanted to shoot Hasj smugglers (soft drugs), but you don't agree with burning a terrorist who could kill 30 people at once? I know it's really hard punishment, but somehow I don't feel sad about it.
Did they manage to get their via the JF-17 or something else? :lol:

Iraq's war days are over, while the Assad's ongoing slaughter is continuing.

What does JF has to do with it. Confused
Do you have the count of how many Iraqis have died this year due to bombings. The number is in thousands. Many Sunnis, many Shias, then why highlight this incident only. Sad think indeed. The point is that shia terrorists are as active in killing the Sunnins,

Here I stopped with reading
Did he say let's blow up everyone we don't agree with. No, so why putting words in someone's else mouth.!!!!

Judging by his posts i think it's clear for all of us that he would gladly light the fuse of a bomb which targets "non believers".He's a class 1 douche bag .
Why truth hurts right, have the guts to admit the facts. But its not ur fault, u are just as ignorant as the ones I mentioned in my post.

if we talk about facts, I would like to know how many of the suicide attacks and carbombings were done by Shia and how many by takfiris in the last 2 years in Iraq.
Do you have the count of how many Iraqis have died this year due to bombings. The number is in thousands. Many Sunnis, many Shias, then why highlight this incident only. Sad think indeed. The point is that shia terrorists are as active in killing the Sunnins, and now at times with the backing of the GOI, as much as the Sunni extremists are doing to the shias. So please, lets condemn the incident for it being a sad one, but also keep in mind that both parties here are at fault. So lets not start calling one side all kinds of names, accusing them of all kinds of ills, when the other community is not leaving any stones unturned either.

While every bombing is a hideous act of backward bearded primitives, but let's not forget that almost all the suicide bombings in Iraq specifically target Shias. Many innocent Sunni Muslims have also been killed in the violence. But who says Sunnis are killing Shias or every killing of a Sunni is the work of a Shia? That's exactly what they want us to see.
Those bastards are neither Shia or Sunni, Al-Qaeda is just a backward ideology that has harmed ME more than anyone else and it is responsible for almost all of killings in Iraq these years. They target both Sunnis and Shias and anyone who stands against their sick ideology and it's in their best interests to see Shias and Sunnis accuse each other for these bombings and start killing each other. But since they hate Shias more than Sunnis, Shias are the prime targets of their backward mentality.
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