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The Taliban "mullah" government is much more competent than Pakistan's government. How?

They're building streets, not roads. There's a difference. There are no real development projects in Afghanistan.

The fact that they don't have funding is more proof that Afghanistan is getting worse. This isn't a symptom of new government, it's a symptom of incompetence, considering the world literally gave them a way to get more funding.

They don't have governing skills, they have discipline, and even that's questionable at best.
A way to get more funding which was a form of blackmail that they refused to accept.

Look I despise Afghanistan, it's a country that has continuously supported terrorism and a bunch of fanatical genocidal racists.

But the facts are they are doing the best with what they have - trying to build connections, initiate projects - all without letting go of their values and beliefs.

If they were in Pakistan's position they'd definitely handle this country much much better. It's a harsh truth. Pakistan is a clown show.
Pakistan's PM is Shehbaz Sharif
Pakistan's finance minister is Ishaq Dar
Pakistan's foreign minister is Bilawal
Pakistan's defense minister is Khwaja Asif
Pakistan's health minister is Abdul Qadir Patel
Pakistan's minister for power and electricity is Khurram Dastagir

Do I need to say more? This has mediocrity written all over it. It is a joke. Even monkeys are better than these guys let alone Afghans
A way to get more funding which was a form of blackmail that they refused to accept.

Look I despise Afghanistan, it's a country that has continuously supported terrorism and a bunch of fanatical genocidal racists.

But the facts are they are doing the best with what they have - trying to build connections, initiate projects - all without letting go of their values and beliefs.

If they were in Pakistan's position they'd definitely handle this country much much better. It's a harsh truth. Pakistan is a clown show.
The only demand for the money was that they respect women's right to education and work. Something they had initially agreed to do, and now refuse.

The fact that they're unwilling to let go of their pride and continue to put their country and citizens in danger is horrific.

If this is their best, then Afghanistan is definitely screwed.

As for Pakistan, the first thing the taliban would do is start a nuclear war, because they don't understand what consequences are.
How is the government which the world, including liberals from Pakistan, insults as fanatical extremist mullahs so much more competent and intelligent than the Pakistani national government itself?

Watch some of these interviews and their released statements. These "mullahs" have more wisdom and intelligence than the so-called Pakistani government.

He is speaking better and more coherent English than any Pakistani politican I've seen. Even more than our army chiefs and air chiefs. And he is making strong arguments and concise points.

Can liberal mullah haters please explain how these "mullah extremist" terrorists are thousand times more competent and well spoken than our national government??

@PanzerKiel @Signalian @Mirzali Khan @villageidiot @epebble @Maula Jatt @_NOBODY_ @CLUMSY @KaiserX @Goenitz @ThunderCat @Rusty2 @Foinikas

I think we can confidently say, Afghanistan's state institutions are clearly much more stronger than even Pakistan's, they are competent and well managed by the right people. Intelligent people are running them.

Why is Pakistan not like this?

Because desi uncle ego mentality has destroyed any system of accountability against nepotism, corruption and there is no real policy of meritocracy.

If dynastic politics and propping up random inexperienced idiots does not stop, even Afghanistan is going to leap forward ahead of us!

We have circuses 🎪, other countries have proper institutions. We require introspection and strict reforms.
Lol one Taliban speaks English and ppl become nervous..lol wtf.
Why would one get so intimidated
Brothers, a lot of you were celebrating Taliban's victory in Afghanistan. Calling it Pakistan's master plan.

Insha'Allah, as things are going right now, we will share one state soon enough. Pakistan and Afghanistan united under a Taliban government. (The beginning of the end for India)
It's all relative, Indians and Iranians, two of our neighbors can make a similar argument about Pakistanis...

As for Afghans in top positions, the dearth is of similar ratio as Pakistanis. How many fortune 500 CEO's do you know that are from Pakistan? Even Bangladeshis have eclipsed us.
lol ... Pakistani doing excellent in the US and in every field, especially in the field of medicine. In every hospital in US, you will find Pakistani or Indian doctors after local whites.

Lol one Taliban speaks English and ppl become nervous..lol wtf.
Why would one get so intimidated
agree on this ... loll ... imagine if the Taliban only speak English.
How is the government which the world, including liberals from Pakistan, insults as fanatical extremist mullahs so much more competent and intelligent than the Pakistani national government itself?

Watch some of these interviews and their released statements. These "mullahs" have more wisdom and intelligence than the so-called Pakistani government.

He is speaking better and more coherent English than any Pakistani politican I've seen. Even more than our army chiefs and air chiefs. And he is making strong arguments and concise points.

Can liberal mullah haters please explain how these "mullah extremist" terrorists are thousand times more competent and well spoken than our national government??

@PanzerKiel @Signalian @Mirzali Khan @villageidiot @epebble @Maula Jatt @_NOBODY_ @CLUMSY @KaiserX @Goenitz @ThunderCat @Rusty2 @Foinikas

I think we can confidently say, Afghanistan's state institutions are clearly much more stronger than even Pakistan's, they are competent and well managed by the right people. Intelligent people are running them.

Why is Pakistan not like this?

Because desi uncle ego mentality has destroyed any system of accountability against nepotism, corruption and there is no real policy of meritocracy.

If dynastic politics and propping up random inexperienced idiots does not stop, even Afghanistan is going to leap forward ahead of us!

We have circuses 🎪, other countries have proper institutions. We require introspection and strict reforms.

I haven't read comments beyond the first 3-4 before responding. So I don't know if anyone else here is said what I am about to say:
You are comparing apples to oranges here by comparing the govt of Afghanistan with the govt of Pakistan!! As many flaws the govt of Pakistan has--and there are many AND they are shared with the govts of other many/most 3rd world countries--the Pakistani 'State' is a functional State which is 'pragmatic' enough to 'engage' with the world at large and has, over the last 70+ decades, developed enough industrial, agrarian, cultural and other foundations to be a 'modern' State.

What the Afghan Taliban govt spokespersons like Sohail Shaheen or the (American educated) guy in your video say could be said by tens of thousands of Pakistani govt officials if they were to 'report' about a nascent govt in Pakistan. But ultimately, despite all the problems, Pakistanis are looking to look for solutions in and through the modern world while the current Afghan govt is living in some Medieval Era.
I haven't read comments beyond the first 3-4 before responding. So I don't know if anyone else here is said what I am about to say:
You are comparing apples to oranges here by comparing the govt of Afghanistan with the govt of Pakistan!! As many flaws the govt of Pakistan has--and there are many AND they are shared with the govts of other many/most 3rd world countries--the Pakistani 'State' is a functional State which is 'pragmatic' enough to 'engage' with the world at large and has, over the last 70+ decades, developed enough industrial, agrarian, cultural and other foundations to be a 'modern' State.

What the Afghan Taliban govt spokespersons like Sohail Shaheen or the (American educated) guy in your video say could be said by tens of thousands of Pakistani govt officials if they were to 'report' about a nascent govt in Pakistan. But ultimately, despite all the problems, Pakistanis are looking to look for solutions in and through the modern world while the current Afghan govt is living in some Medieval Era.
Agree, we have systems to build functional institutions and officers. I think NATO rule Afghanistan since 2010, they had a good opportunity to build some good democratic or educational institutions. Anything they present to the world with pride. Otherwise, success has many fathers and failure is orphen.
I haven't read comments beyond the first 3-4 before responding. So I don't know if anyone else here is said what I am about to say:
You are comparing apples to oranges here by comparing the govt of Afghanistan with the govt of Pakistan!! As many flaws the govt of Pakistan has--and there are many AND they are shared with the govts of other many/most 3rd world countries--the Pakistani 'State' is a functional State which is 'pragmatic' enough to 'engage' with the world at large and has, over the last 70+ decades, developed enough industrial, agrarian, cultural and other foundations to be a 'modern' State.

What the Afghan Taliban govt spokespersons like Sohail Shaheen or the (American educated) guy in your video say could be said by tens of thousands of Pakistani govt officials if they were to 'report' about a nascent govt in Pakistan. But ultimately, despite all the problems, Pakistanis are looking to look for solutions in and through the modern world while the current Afghan govt is living in some Medieval Era.
Afghanistan is actually attempting to engage with the world at large and has made that clear countless times.

It's just that they aren't formally recognised by many countries which makes it difficult for them.

Time is going to prove their competency and pragmatism is far ahead of any careless selfish and corrupt Pakistani government.
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Lol one Taliban speaks English and ppl become nervous..lol wtf.
Why would one get so intimidated
It's not about intimidation.

The IEA is more competent and dedicated than Pakistan's government. They have a clear road map and planning. They know what they want and are loyal to their country.

Our institutions are worse compared to theirs.
Are you guys serious about comparing Afghanistan and Pakistan?

Afghanistan as we know it is totally hollow from inside. There is nothing going on for them. They have been pulverized for a good 50 years with constant wars and infighting.

The Afghan intellectuals have done a runner to the West and have become a productive segment of their society. The middle class became refugees overnight, some fled to Pakistan, became good citizens there. Some fled to Iran and still reeling as refugees. Some smuggled themselves to the West and rebuilt their lives. The ones in Pakistan, some of them rose to prominence and became Taliban.

While the ones who’re in Afghanistan are just too busy fighting. When the Americans came, a few of them got rich overnight. Of course the money was siphoned off to Dubai (mobile phone traders) and property markets.

The Afghans keep talking about how proud they are of defeating the empires, not understanding that they themselves haven’t been victorious either with their country becoming a wasteland.

There is nothing there. Go towards Panjshir and you’d have ex NA and now Taliban scrambling for emerald mines and sell off their goods into Pakistan.

The Taliban, too obsessed with jahalat are stuck to wielding sticks and beating women. The space for women continuously being restricted. Not surprisingly we have many apologetics for this cult here in our forum. Few years and I won’t be surprised there won’t be any female gynaecologists to help deliver babies. While the country deteriorates there will come a time when we reach an inflection point and God forbid a powerful country would have to be involved putting Pakistan in a difficult position again.

Pakistan just couldn’t have hoped for worse neighbours.
2000 Afghans cross into Pakistan on daily basis, if things were so rosy in Afghanistan it would have been opposite.

Afghanistan has been a mess since last 200 years and honestly it says a lot about their rulers.

I am bound not to share some sensitive information here otherwise i would have shared how much Pakistan is doing to keep Afghanistan running at expense of our own interests.
Are you guys serious about comparing Afghanistan and Pakistan?

Afghanistan as we know it is totally hollow from inside. There is nothing going on for them. They have been pulverized for a good 50 years with constant wars and infighting.

The Afghan intellectuals have done a runner to the West and have become a productive segment of their society. The middle class became refugees overnight, some fled to Pakistan, became good citizens there. Some fled to Iran and still reeling as refugees. Some smuggled themselves to the West and rebuilt their lives. The ones in Pakistan, some of them rose to prominence and became Taliban.

While the ones who’re in Afghanistan are just too busy fighting. When the Americans came, a few of them got rich overnight. Of course the money was siphoned off to Dubai (mobile phone traders) and property markets.

The Afghans keep talking about how proud they are of defeating the empires, not understanding that they themselves haven’t been victorious either with their country becoming a wasteland.

There is nothing there. Go towards Panjshir and you’d have ex NA and now Taliban scrambling for emerald mines and sell off their goods into Pakistan.

The Taliban, too obsessed with jahalat are stuck to wielding sticks and beating women. The space for women continuously being restricted. Not surprisingly we have many apologetics for this cult here in our forum. Few years and I won’t be surprised there won’t be any female gynaecologists to help deliver babies. While the country deteriorates there will come a time when we reach an inflection point and God forbid a powerful country would have to be involved putting Pakistan in a difficult position again.

Pakistan just couldn’t have hoped for worse neighbours.
Look at the positives which you can learn from, I can point out thousands of worse things in Pakistan but no point.

Only thing we should care for is Pakistan, for Afghanistan to be better than you in ANY capacity is truly a shame, and when it comes to their government and trying to change their situation, they are leagues ahead of us.

You keep bringing up the side effect of wars, but that's a given, but they are much more dedicated to rebuild and grow.

2000 Afghans cross into Pakistan on daily basis, if things were so rosy in Afghanistan it would have been opposite.

Afghanistan has been a mess since last 200 years and honestly it says a lot about their rulers.

I am bound not to share some sensitive information here otherwise i would have shared how much Pakistan is doing to keep Afghanistan running at expense of our own interests.
1. A side effect of war and a poor nation with not many opportunities. I'm talking about their current government being much more dedicated in trying to switch the situation around.

2. That is not something to be proud of, we shouldn't be doing anything at our own expense.
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