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Pakistan needs to focus & spend more on its education sector which is lagging behind.

Hoodbhoy as PM is just as like as Haqqani as the President. Haven't you seen the responses on articles written by Hoodbhoy here on PDF? :D

We are happier raising chickens while not ghabraing at all.

I know, I was there through it all. Up close and personal.

All the parties should run their best financial experts as their candidates, and have national debates on the economy.

For example, the PML-N should run Miftah Ismail (if he still wants to work for them), the way India’s Congress party ran Manmohan Singh. Everything now comes down to setting the economy right, with a common goal that the nation needs at least a sustained 8% growth year on year for the next 20 years, to solve the backlog of problems.

To quote Bill Clinton’s campaign for the ‘92 election “It’s the Economy Stupid”. It feels Pakistan is slowly inching towards an election on the economy, like most countries that have serious elections.

All the parties should run their best financial experts as their candidates, and have national debates on the economy.

Only if such experts are circumcised, with no tattoos, and belong to one of the approved sects of Islam. And the national debates must be conducted before a panel of approved mullahs. To ensure that all financial policies are according to Islam. Of course. That is a Constitutional requirement.
If they had other options do you think any parent would want their children doing this? If the educational system was better they could do something else.

You know what the French farmers did to royalty and church elites during the Renaissance period? They looked at their soft hands and took the agressors away for a permanent software update. In Pakistan the father's, mother's and their children will continue to form bricks for an eternity if they don't decide that enough is enough. Don't tell me these people are so dumb that they don't realise being exploited generation upon generation.
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Only if such experts are circumcised, with no tattoos, and belong to one of the approved sects of Islam. And the national debates must be conducted before a panel of approved mullahs. To ensure that all financial policies are according to Islam. Of course. That is a Constitutional requirement.
That’s only an issue if “they” want it to be an issue. Besides I don’t see them empower that lot they way they use to. The step back from that kind of politics will be slower then it needs to be, but if they want to prioritize growing the economy, it will have to be done. This constitutional requirement will have to be amended.

You know what the French farmers did to royalty and church elites during the Renaissance period? They looked at their soft hands and took the agressors away for a permanent software update. In Pakistan the father's, mother's and their children will continue to form bricks for an eternity if they don't decide that enough is enough. Don't tell me these people are that dumb that they don't realise that they are being exploited generation upon generation.
I’m not saying they are dumb, but the competition for the jobs, that do exist, have barriers (some educational some social) they may not have the tools to overcome.
That’s only an issue if “they” want it to be an issue. Besides I don’t see them empower that lot they way they use to. The step back from that kind of politics will be slower then it needs to be, but if they want to prioritize growing the economy, it will have to be done. This constitutional requirement will have to be amended.

And just who would amend that? Them? Not a chance. It is too useful a tool to fool the nation.
That’s only an issue if “they” want it to be an issue. Besides I don’t see them empower that lot they way they use to. The step back from that kind of politics will be slower then it needs to be, but if they want to prioritize growing the economy, it will have to be done. This constitutional requirement will have to be amended.

I’m not saying they are dumb, but the competition for the jobs, that do exist, have barriers (some educational some social) they may not have the tools to overcome.

These people are being exploited. Almost every Pakistani is getting exploited by their elites. In other nations people come on streets to demand their rights. If you allow fuedals and elites to exploit you endlessly your children will be exploited endlessly.

I have given up on Pakistan. Not because of the elites. It is because of the useless and brainless people. A retarted victim that doesn't speak up is in my opinion much worse than a tyrant oppresser.
And just who would amend that? Them? Not a chance. It is too useful a tool to fool the nation.
Not as useful anymore when the economy is imploding. When they rule directly and the economy is humming along, most of the people went along for that primary reason.

Also, seeing what has happened to our east and to our west has shown what continuing down that patch can lead to, while going down the economy first path can lead to.

I don’t think people can be fooled as easily before for a number of reasons.
Pak education is a total disaster. No point hiding from it. Main one will always be lack of funding, , then dilapidated schools and poor-infrastructure , shortage of good qualified teachers . And how do we end this Pakistanis children short school life span drop out from further education of family poverty , like previous poster pics show they work to feed family, ( omg this is do depressing) let’s not forget most of the drop outs sadly will be the most vulnerable our girls who needed it the most in this backward chauvinistic society in some areas of our country , No one I think ! So far has mentioned the difference between urban and rural schooling im sure the quality between the 2 is huge how do we narrows this gap between the two? I don’t think putting plasters on it anymore will work it needs to be ripped apart and started from scratch again,
Pak education is a total disaster. No point hiding from it. Main one will always be lack of funding, , then dilapidated schools and poor-infrastructure , shortage of good qualified teachers . And how do we end this Pakistanis children short school life span drop out from further education of family poverty , like previous poster pics show they work to feed family, ( omg this is do depressing) let’s not forget most of the drop outs sadly will be the most vulnerable our girls who needed it the most in this backward chauvinistic society in some areas of our country , No one I think ! So far has mentioned the difference between urban and rural schooling im sure the quality between the 2 is huge how do we narrows this gap between the two? I don’t think putting plasters on it anymore will work it needs to be ripped apart and started from scratch again,

We all know what the solution is. Hard work, discipline and honesty. Aren't these the same motto's of our founding fathers?

Unfortunately our people lack all of them and so much more.
Pak education is a total disaster. No point hiding from it. Main one will always be lack of funding, , then dilapidated schools and poor-infrastructure , shortage of good qualified teachers . And how do we end this Pakistanis children short school life span drop out from further education of family poverty , like previous poster pics show they work to feed family, ( omg this is do depressing) let’s not forget most of the drop outs sadly will be the most vulnerable our girls who needed it the most in this backward chauvinistic society in some areas of our country , No one I think ! So far has mentioned the difference between urban and rural schooling im sure the quality between the 2 is huge how do we narrows this gap between the two? I don’t think putting plasters on it anymore will work it needs to be ripped apart and started from scratch again,
It is one of our biggest problems but I think some serious reforms in this sector, with increased funding and focus. We will see massive positive change. Currently apart from a very few handful of places like example NUST, we have an incredibly low quality standard of education.

@FuturePAF Sir your opinions

We all know what the solution is. Hard work, discipline and honesty. Aren't these the same motto's of our founding fathers?

Unfortunately our people lack all of them and so much more.
Bro our people meet this criteria at times, few decades back it felt as if we were a completely different nation and different people. Even just under IK you could feel more positive changes at the ground level, i dont want to say its solely due to politics, but trust in political leadership plays a big factor in the morale of the country. A lot of people are drained.
These people are being exploited. Almost every Pakistani is getting exploited by their elites. In other nations people come on streets to demand their rights. If you allow fuedals and elites to exploit you endlessly your children will be exploited endlessly.

I have given up on Pakistan. Not because of the elites. It is because of the useless and brainless people. A retarted victim that doesn't speak up is in my opinion much worse than a tyrant oppresser.
That’s easy for us to say, living outside the country, but for those that are living there know that if change is to happen peacefully they need a segment of the elite to side with them.

In the region look at the Iranian protests fizzle out or the 2011 Egyptian protests and new government that only lived for a year or two.

It’s the same for us living in the west. Look at January 6 in the US. Or even the million French on the streets to stop pension reform. What did that lead to.

A successful peaceful change needs a good segment of the elite to side with the people demanding change.

We all know what the solution is. Hard work, discipline and honesty. Aren't these the same motto's of our founding fathers?

Unfortunately our people lack all of them and so much more.
Faith Unity Discipline
Pak education is a total disaster. No point hiding from it. Main one will always be lack of funding, , then dilapidated schools and poor-infrastructure , shortage of good qualified teachers . And how do we end this Pakistanis children short school life span drop out from further education of family poverty , like previous poster pics show they work to feed family, ( omg this is do depressing) let’s not forget most of the drop outs sadly will be the most vulnerable our girls who needed it the most in this backward chauvinistic society in some areas of our country , No one I think ! So far has mentioned the difference between urban and rural schooling im sure the quality between the 2 is huge how do we narrows this gap between the two? I don’t think putting plasters on it anymore will work it needs to be ripped apart and started from scratch again,
This is exactly why we need to increase GDP expenditure in education sector by at least 2% more. And we need serious reforms and focus. They should seek external help if they must, but quality of STEM must be raised.

Polish and Germans in post 1947 Pakistan?? WTH??!
The Urdu Speakers and the Parsis, along with very FEW Sindhsi/Punjabis were the educated lot which developed Pakistan after 1947. If the Hindu minority in Sindh had stayed on after 1947 they too would have contributed a lot. But the biggest contributors were the Urdu Speakers as they mostly came from urban, educated background from the now-India in large numbers to a feudal society and the Urdu Speakers were/are extremely patriotic. It is a bitter pill to swallow for 'the sons of soil' that they were/are feudal to a large extent. Except for a few pockets of urban Punjab and the tiny region of Gilgit-Baltistan, the Urdu Speakers remain the engine of Pakistan's progress and salvation. And that's not unlike more educated people in urban America even before 1776 who propelled America; it is not a question of ethnicity!

As I see it, the issues affecting Pakistan have their roots in the unwinnable rivalry against India over Kashmir and a deep social dichotomy where a bulk of the country is too feudal versus some progressive forces. Heck, even in this forum people curse President Pervez Musharraf for his 'Enlightened Moderation' approach!!!
A Polish man was the key behind the structure and legacy you see of the Pakistan Air Force today, it is much because of him.

He was also the main key behind Pakistan's space program and missiles program, at the time it was one of the best in Asia and competing worldwide.
Mohajirs were/are conservatives but never the fanatics. Never. Jamaat e Islami is a bastion of liberalism compared with what else is out there: The Mumtaz Qadris Barelvis, the TTP terrorists, the Maulana Diesel Deobandis, the Sipah e Sahaba Pakistan and many many more.
Liberalism never destroyed Pakistan. It was the Proto-Taliban Zia ul Haq who did!! Single handedly. People like Ayub and Musharraf build infrastructures or institutions which benefited Pakistan then and will continue to do so. Zia ul Haq or if his protege Nawaz Sharif had a chance they would make Pakistan a moderate version of Mullah Omar's Taliban.
Pakistan was and perhaps still is a Sufi Oriented Muslim society. The society needs to dial back the religiosity to pre 1977 and I hope Imran Khan, when he comes back to power, realizes that important requirement. It doesn't affect me personally anymore but I don't want the youth of Pakistan to be suffocated like I and my generation was due to Zia.
What choice did Zia have? he did what he did to unite the country.

He thought Islam would bring Pakistan together at a time when when ethno nationalism had just broken the country into two.

Who is to say he was not right?
It is one of our biggest problems but I think some serious reforms in this sector, with increased funding and focus. We will see massive positive change. Currently apart from a very few handful of places like example NUST, we have an incredibly low quality standard of education.

@FuturePAF Sir your opinions

Bro our people meet this criteria at times, few decades back it felt as if we were a completely different nation and different people. Even just under IK you could feel more positive changes at the ground level, i dont want to say its solely due to politics, but trust in political leadership plays a big factor in the morale of the country. A lot of people are drained.
considering the de-industrialization and need for people to be able to support themselves, we should start with the assumption that the majority of our citizens live in a pre-industrial society and need structured education to be competitive in industrialized societies in anticipation of more industrial agriculture and factory work as well as small entrepreneurial enterprises around service jobs.

We need a mass literacy program (open to children as well as adults) including mass computer literacy because of how ubiquitous its use is in all global enterprises.

Considering Russia’s experience and how China learned from them and furthered it along, we should have model schools to test out new strategies and implement those that worked best in public education.

Don’t subsidize private education. Fix public education. Require mandatory compulsory education for all children and fund it adequately once you have a curriculum that has been proven to work.

If we look at Russians today considering their primarily agricultural peasantry background a 100 years ago. The way their educational reforms were done can show how with the right structure, in a generation they change will be dramatic. Every level of education also taught practical skills.

I give the following Russian example, for the diversity of its population, as compared to the more recent Chinese example where the culture was more homogeneous. It also shows that too much ideology was a contributing factor to a decrease in the productivity of the Russian education system. Good to see the positives and the failures.

When I went to high school, I had classmates from the former Soviet Union that were taking Calculus with me, that had already studied Calculus in middle school.

The goal was an equalitarian educational system, teaching to high standards.

The following is about the state of Russian education in 1958. They were so ahead in many areas and the fact that the Russians launched the first satellite that it caused the US to totally revamp the educational system.
34:34-46:27, then 48:50 onwards
for the specific part on the Russian educational system

Then the US outcompeted the Russians in all domains, in aggregate.
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considering the de-industrialization and need for people to be able to support themselves, we should start with the assumption that the majority of our citizens live in a pre-industrial society and need structured education to be competitive in industrialized societies in anticipation of more industrial agriculture and factory work as well as small entrepreneurial enterprises around service jobs.

We need a mass literacy program (open to children as well as adults) including mass computer literacy because of how ubiquitous its use is in all global enterprises.

Considering Russia’s experience and how China learned from them and furthered it along, we should have model schools to test out new strategies and implement those that worked best in public education.

Don’t subsidize private education. Fix public education.

If we look at Russians today considering their primarily agricultural peasantry background a 100 years ago. The way their educational reforms were done can show how with the right structure, in a generation they change will be dramatic.

I give the following Russian example, for the diversity of its population, as compared to the more recent Chinese example where the culture was more homogeneous.

Don’t subsidize private education. Fix public education.

100% agree with this especially. Public education must be fixed and the quality and availability raised.
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