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The Shameful state of the Indian Navy

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Then why did you bother to resist in 1947 ? :rofl:

Just because some Indians couldn't hide their inferiority complex and came up with 1971 war argument
Thread derailed ! Mission Fulfilled :D

Taking into consideration that all those Persian , Arab , Turks and Afghans were muslims and their rule lasted for 1000 years ... I would say yeah you suffer from inferiority complex ... Thats why someone brought up war argument

yeah and lets not forget everyone from the Indian subcontinent has a Hindu ancestor the Indus valley civilization and Gandhara civilization did not have Muslims in them just so you know ouch..... way to embarrass yourself :lol:
Failed state, at least we do not starve and have plenty of food to eat, and get justice for your people first - it's been over 25 years since the pogroms in Delhi, THAT IS A REAL FAILED STATE sonny/

Please first give her justice:

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^ we won every war not just 1971 ask yourself this since 1947 India has kept J&K But Pakistan lost half of its nation

1948 we gained 2/3 of Kashmir

1965 successfully thwarted Pakistani efforts to start insurgency in Kashmir captured 2,000 square km of Pakistani soil in the western front but settled for ceasefire because of mistakes made by leadership

1971 victory

1999 Pakistani infiltrators retreat from Kargil heights India recaptures all of the lost territory

and if anyone has a source to say so otherwise please share

You don't have 2/3rd of Kashmir, Pakistan won 40% of Kashmir from India.

Considering the fact that your Army size was 5 times that of Pakistan, it was Pakistan that won.

1947, gaining independence from present day India was a victory.

1965 was a stalement

1971 was a loss

1999 was a stalemate, as India recaptured its lost territory only through the persuasion of the US against Pakistan.
Haha I see a lot of people getting banned.

Also this forum is banned in China! Didn't expect that:confused:
Another recipient of prized pakistani justice:

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yeah and lets not forget everyone from the Indian subcontinent has a Hindu ancestor the Indus valley civilization and Gandhara civilization did not have Muslims in them just so you know ouch..... way to embarrass yourself :lol:

We are a totally separate civilization, and our Punjab is the real Punjab - ie the land and the basin of the "five rivers" you just got the left over trash.
And i dont know if their govt has told them about the chunk of Kashmir they lost in 1971 or not..but ill enlighten my friends and Indian bros dont make fun and understand their pain..;)

here is the pak govt version of how much kashmir was stripped from then in 1971

Supplement - Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
Another recipient of prized pakistani justice:

Another indian with a complex, you need help my friend, get it before you hurt yourself. Run along. :)
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And i dont know if their govt has told them about the chunk of Kashmir they lost in 1971 or not..but ill enlighten my friends and Indian bros dont make fun and understand their pain..
Really ? How come we never heard that ? Is this from the manufactured history at BR? :rofl:
We are a totally separate civilization, and our Punjab is the real Punjab - ie the land and the basin of the "five rivers" you just got the left over trash.

lol a resident of leftover Pakistan talking of 'loftover' landmasses.

Ask Bangladeshis what leftover was left for whom! :lol:
The Simla Agreement [1972]

After the 1971 war, India held prisoner around 93,000 Pakistani troops and civilians. In Pakistan there was a growing demand to get these prisoners released with the result that a Summit Conference between Pakistani President, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and the Indian leader, Mrs. Gandhi, was held at Simla from June 28 to July 2, 1972. The two countries reached an agreement on July 2. The agreement contained the elements of an earlier Indian draft, but the wording was considerably modified. In particular the clause referring to the ceasefire line in Kashmir was rephrased as to make it acceptable to Pakistan.

The broad features of this pact included that the principle and purpose of the charter of United Nations would govern the relations between the two countries. The two coun tries resolved to settle their differences by peaceful means through bilateral negotiations. The foremost conditions for understanding, good neighborly relations, and stable and lasting peace were laid that no country would interfere with the other country's internal matters on the basis of mutual respect for peace, security, territorial sovereignty, mutual friendship and equality.

It was reiterated again in the agreement that efforts would be made to put an end, as far as possible, to all such disputes and differences that have been the cause of dissension between the two countries for the last 25 years. Both governments also agreed to take all steps within their power to prevent hostile propaganda directed against each other In order to progressively restore and normalize relations between the two countries, it was agreed that steps would be taken to resume communications, postal service, and promote and facilitate travel by sea, land and air. Trade and cooperation in economic and other agreed fields would also be resumed Leaders of both the countries agreed at Simla to meet again at a mutually agreed time so that representatives of both the countries could discuss more arrangements for durable peace, including matters relating to prisoners of war, local prisoners, final settlement of Jammu and Kashmir dispute and diplomatic relations. As a consequence of the clauses pertaining to the withdrawal of forces, Indian troops withdrew from the 5,139 sq. miles of Pakistani territory in Punjab and Sindh it had occupied during the war. Similarly, Pakistani troops withdrew from 69 sq. miles of territory in Punjab and Rajasthan. In Kashmir, India retained 480 sq. miles and Pakistan 52 sq. miles. Pakistan ratified the Simla Agreement on July 15 and India on August 3, after which the agreement came into effect on August 4, 1972.

Supplement - Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
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